A restriction of the current gui module is that the text shown in the
menu items must also be a valid identifier for the corresponding bash
function. In particular no whitespace is allowed there.
To overcome this restriction we introduce the concept of a menu item
identifier and an optional menu item description. If the description
is absent, the identifier is used as the description, providing
backward compatibility.
tree could look like this:
tree could look like this:
- load_average
- processes
- hardware/
- cpu
- scsi
- storage/
- df
- mdstat
- log/
- syslog
- dmesg
+ load_average System load
+ processes Running processes of a user
+ hardware/ Hardware related information
+ cpu Show prozessor type and features
+ scsi Show SCSI devices
+ storage/ Filesystems and software raid
+ df List of mounted filesystems
+ mdstat Status of software raid arrays
+ log/ System and kernel logs
+ syslog System log
+ dmesg Kernel log
-In this tree, `hardware/`, `storage/` and `log/` are the only
-internal nodes. Note that these are written with a trailing slash
-character while the leaf nodes have no slash at the end. All entries
-of the menu tree must be indented by tab characters.
+Each line of the menu tree consists of an identifier, suffixed with an
+optional slash, and a description. The identifier becomes part of the
+name of a bash function and should only contain alphabetic characters
+and underscores. The description becomes the text shown as the menu
+item. Identifiers suffixed with a slash are regarded as internal nodes
+which represent submenus. In the above tree, `hardware/`, `storage/`
+and `log/` are internal nodes. All entries of the menu tree must be
+properly indented by tab characters.
The function name `lsi_df` is derived from the name of the script
The function name `lsi_df` is derived from the name of the script
-(`lsi`) and the name of the leaf node (`df`). The function simply
+(`lsi`) and the identifier of the leaf node (`df`). The function simply
passes the output of the `df(1)` command as the first argument to the
public gsu function `gsu_msgbox()` which runs dialog(1) to display
a message box that shows the given text.
passes the output of the `df(1)` command as the first argument to the
public gsu function `gsu_msgbox()` which runs dialog(1) to display
a message box that shows the given text.
- load_average
- processes
- hardware/
- cpu
- scsi
- storage/
- df
- mdstat
- log/
- syslog
- dmesg
+ load_average System load
+ processes Running processes of a user
+ hardware/ Hardware related information
+ cpu Show prozessor type and features
+ scsi Show SCSI devices
+ storage/ Filesystems and software raid
+ df List of mounted filesystems
+ mdstat Status of software raid arrays
+ log/ System and kernel logs
+ syslog System log
+ dmesg Kernel log
- local header=${1:-root} dflt_item=$2 items=$3
+ local header=$1 dflt_item=$2
result="$(dialog --no-lines --no-items \
--default-item "$dflt_item" \
result="$(dialog --no-lines --no-items \
--default-item "$dflt_item" \
- --menu "$gsu_banner_txt ($header)" \
- $geom 16 $items 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-)"
+ --menu "$gsu_banner_txt"$'\n'"Current location: $header" \
+ $geom 16 "$@" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-)"
- local header=$1 tree=$2
- local -a subtree=($3)
- local old_header dflt_item=${subtree[0]}
+ local root_item=$1 tree=$2 subtree=$3
+ local -a items arr
+ local -A ids
+ local old_root dflt_item
+ local item id OIFS
+ local -i i=0
+ while read -a arr; do
+ ((${#arr[@]} == 0)) && continue
+ id=${arr[0]}
+ if ((${#arr[@]} > 1)); then
+ unset arr[0];
+ item=${arr[*]}
+ if [[ "${id:$((${#id} - 1)):1}" == '/' ]]; then
+ item+=/
+ else
+ item="• $item"
+ fi
+ else
+ item=$id
+ fi
+ items[$i]=$item
+ ids["$item"]=$id
+ let i++
+ done <<< "$subtree"
+ dflt_item=${items[0]}
- _gsu_menu "$header" "$dflt_item" "${subtree[*]}"
+ _gsu_menu "$root_item" "$dflt_item" "${items[@]}"
[[ -z "$result" ]] && return # menu was cancelled
[[ -z "$result" ]] && return # menu was cancelled
- if [[ "${result%/}" != "$result" ]]; then
- old_header="$header"
- header="$result"
- _get_subtree "$tree" "$header"
+ dflt_item=$result
+ id=${ids["$result"]}
+ if [[ "${id:$((${#id} - 1)):1}" == '/' ]]; then
+ _get_subtree "$tree" "$id"
- _browse "$header" "$tree" "$result"
+ _browse "${dflt_item%/}" "$tree" "$result"
- eval ${gsu_name}_$result
_get_root_nodes "$tree"
_get_root_nodes "$tree"
- _browse "main menu" "$tree" "$subtree"
+ _browse 'Main menu' "$tree" "$subtree"