N: add@member@
O: int com_add@member@(int fd, int argc, char * const * const argv);
-D: Read data from stdin and add it as a blob to an osl table.
+D: Read data from stdin and add it as a blob to the @member@ table.
U: add@member@ @member@_name
H: Read arbitrary binary data from stdin and send that data to
H: the audio file selector process which creates a new blob for
N: cat@member@
O: int com_cat@member@(int fd, int argc, char * const * const argv);
-D: Dump the contents of a blob to stdout.
+D: Dump the contents of a blob of type @member@ to stdout.
U: cat@member@ @member@_name
H: This command may be used to retrieve the blob identified by
H: the given name from the corresponding osl table to which
N: ls@member@
O: int com_ls@member@(int fd, int argc, char * const * const argv);
-D: List blobs of an osl table matching a pattern.
+D: List blobs of type @member@ matching a pattern.
U: ls@member@ [-i] [-l] [-r] [pattern]
H: Print a list of the names of all blobs in the corresponding
H: osl table which match the given pattern. If no pattern is
N: rm@member@
O: int com_rm@member@(int fd, int argc, char * const * const argv);
-D: Remove blob(s) from an osl table.
+D: Remove blob(s) of type @member@ from the @member@ table.
U: rm@member@ pattern...
H: Remove all blobs from the corresponding table which match
H: any given pattern.
N: mv@member@
O: int com_mv@member@(int fd, int argc, char * const * const argv);
-D: Rename a blob.
+D: Rename a blob of type @member@.
U: mv@member@ old_@member@_name new_@member@_name
H: Rename the blob identified by the first name as the second name.