E_GSU_BAD_BOOL bad value for boolian option
E_GSU_BAD_OPTION_TYPE invalid option type
E_GSU_BAD_ARG_COUNT invalid number of arguments
+E_GSU_EDITOR failed to execute editor
E_NO_DEFAULT missing default value
export gsu_prefs_txt="
Print the current preferences.
-Usage: prefs
+Usage: prefs [-e]
-Print out a list of all cmt config variables, together with their current value
-and the default value."
+If -e is given, the config file is opened with the default editor. Without
+options, the command prints out a list of all cmt config variables, together
+with their current value and the default value."
- local i
+ local i conf="${gsu_config_file:=$HOME/.$gsu_name.rc}"
+ if [[ "$1" = "-e" ]]; then
+ ret=-$E_GSU_EDITOR
+ result="${EDITOR:-vi}"
+ "$result" "$conf"
+ return
+ fi
for ((i=0; i < ${#gsu_options[@]}; i++)); do
local name= option_type= default_value= required=