H: Options:
H: -l Add files lazily. If a file already exists in the database, skip this file.
-H: This operation is really cheap. Use it when adding large directories if only a
-H: few files where added.
+H: This operation is really cheap. Use it when adding large directories if only a
+H: few files where added.
H:-f Force adding/updating. Recompute the audio format handler data
-H: even if a file with the same path and the same hash value exists.
+H: even if a file with the same path and the same hash value exists.
H: -v Verbose mode. Print what is being done.
N: afs_ls
+D: List audio files.
+U: ls [-l[s|l|v|m]] -p -a -r -s{p|s|l|n|f|c|i|y|b|d|a} [pattern ...]
+H: Print a list of all audio files matching pattern.
+H: Options:
+H: -l Change listing mode. Defaults to short listing if not given.
+H: -ls: short listing mode
+H: -ll: long listing mode (equivalent to -l)
+H: -lv: verbose listing mode
+H: -lm: mbox listing mode
+H: -p List full path of audio file. If not specified, only the basename
+H: of each file is printed.
+H: -a List only file that are admissible with respect to the current mood or
+H: playlist.
+H: -r Reverse sort order.
+H: -s Change sort order. Defaults to alphabetical path sort if not given.
+H: -sp: sort by path.
+H: -sl: sort by last played time.
+H: -ss: sort by score (implies -a).
+H: -sn: sort by number of times the file was played.
+H: -sf: sort by frequency.
+H: -sc: sort by number of channels.
+H: -si: sort by image id.
+H: -sy: sort by lyrics id.
+H: -sb: sort by bitrate.
+H: -sd: sort by duration.
+H: -sa: sort by audio format.
N: setatt