+M4 := @M4@
[gengetopt is required to build this package])
+AC_PATH_PROG([M4], [m4])
+test -z "$M4" && AC_MSG_ERROR(
+ [The m4 macro processor is required to build this package])
AC_PATH_PROG([HELP2MAN], [help2man])
test -z "$HELP2MAN" && AC_MSG_ERROR(
[help2man is required to build this package])
$(m4depdir)/%.m4d: $(m4_ggo_dir)/%.m4 | $(m4depdir)
@[ -z "$(Q)" ] || echo 'M4D $<'
- $(Q) m4 -I $(m4_ggo_dir) -s $< \
+ $(Q) $(M4) -I $(m4_ggo_dir) -s $< \
| awk '{if ($$1 ~ /#line/) {gsub(/"/, "", $$3); if ($$3 != "$<") \
print "$(ggo_dir)/$(*F).ggo: " $$3}}' | sort | uniq > $@
$(ggo_dir)/%.ggo: $(m4_ggo_dir)/%.m4 $(m4_ggo_dir)/header.m4 | $(ggo_dir)
@[ -z "$(Q)" ] || echo 'M4 $<'
- $(Q) m4 -I $(m4_ggo_dir) $< > $@
+ $(Q) $(M4) -I $(m4_ggo_dir) $< > $@
git clone git://
cd osl && make && sudo make install && sudo ldconfig
- sudo apt-get install autoconf libssl-dev help2man gengetopt \
+ sudo apt-get install autoconf libssl-dev help2man gengetopt m4 \
libmad0-dev libid3tag0-dev libasound2-dev libvorbis-dev \
libfaad-dev libspeex-dev libFLAC-dev libsamplerate-dev realpath \
libasound2-dev libao-dev libreadline-dev libncurses-dev \
- [help2man]( is used to create
the man pages.
+- [m4]( Some source files are generated
+from templates by the m4 macro processor.
- [openssl]( or
paraslash development. It is necessary for cloning the git repository
and for getting updates.
-- [m4]( Some input files for gengetopt
-are generated from templates by the m4 macro processor.
- [autoconf]( GNU autoconf creates
the configure file which is shipped in the tarballs but has to be
generated when compiling from git.