* of \a fn suitably. The open function is assumed to succeed.
void (*open)(struct filter_node *fn);
- /**
- * Convert (filter) the given data.
- *
- * Pointer to the converting function of the filter. It should convert the
- * given input buffer \a inbuf which is of length \a len to the previously
- * reserved output buffer of \a fn. On success, it must return the number of
- * bytes it consumed from \a inbuf. On errors, a negative number indicating the
- * kind of the error must be returned.
- *
- * A zero return value just means that nothing was converted (probably because
- * the input buffer was too small). This is not interpreted as an error.
- */
- ssize_t (*convert)(char *inbuf, size_t len, struct filter_node *fn);
* Close one instance of this filter.