The numbers at the right of each item are of little value. This patch
gets rid of them, which also simplifies the code a bit.
local header="${1:-root}"
local items="$2"
- local i opts num=0
+ local geom
- opts="$result 16"
- for i in $items; do
- let num++
- opts+=" $i $num"
- done
- result="$(dialog --menu "$gsu_banner_txt ($header)" $opts 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-)"
+ geom=$result
+ result="$(dialog --no-lines --no-items --menu \
+ "$gsu_banner_txt ($header)" \
+ $geom 16 $items 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-)"
_set_dialog_ret $?