-# Copyright (C) 2007 Andre Noll <maan@systemlinux.org>
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Andre Noll <maan@systemlinux.org>
# Licensed under the GPL v2. For licencing details see COPYING.
-PC="para_client -l error -- "
- local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
- if [ $# -gt 2 ]; then
- cur="$3"
- fi
- COMPREPLY=($(compgen -P "$2" -W "$1" -- "$cur"))
- local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
- local sed_cmd="-e s|^\($cur[^/]\+/\).*|\1|1"
- $PC ls -p -sp "${cur}*" | sed $sed_cmd | uniq
- if test -z "$__para_command_list"; then
- __para_command_list="$($PC help | cut -f 1)"
- fi
- echo "$__para_command_list"
- if test -z "$__para_table_list"; then
- __para_table_list="$(ls $HOME/.paraslash/afs_database-0.4/)"
- fi
- echo "$__para_table_list"
- if test -z "$__para_sender_list"; then
- __para_sender_list="$($PC si | grep '^.* sender:$' | sed -e 's/ sender://')"
- fi
- echo "$__para_sender_list"
- if test -z "$__para_attributes_list"; then
- __para_attributes_list="$($PC lsatt)"
- fi
- echo "$__para_attributes_list"
- if test -z "$__para_playlist_list"; then
- __para_playlist_list="$($PC lspl)"
- fi
- echo "$__para_playlist_list"
- if test -z "$__para_mood_list"; then
- __para_mood_list="$($PC lsmood)"
- fi
- echo "$__para_mood_list"
- if test -z "$__para_image_list"; then
- __para_image_list="$($PC lsimg)"
+ local prg="$1" # the program to execute
+ local cur=${COMP_WORDS[$COMP_CWORD]}
+ local line="$COMP_LINE" OLD_IFS="$IFS"
+ local opts n
+ if [[ "$COMP_WORDBREAKS" != ' ' ]]; then
+ return 124 # try again with proper value
- echo "$__para_imagelist"
- if test -z "$__para_lyrics_list"; then
- __para_lyrics_list="$($PC lslyr)"
+ # This extracts short and long options from the help output
+ local script='{
+ if ($1 ~ "-[a-zA-Z]," && $2 ~ "--[a-zA-Z]") {
+ print substr($1, 0, 2);
+ gsub("=.*", "", $2)
+ print $2
+ } else if ($1 ~ "--[a-zA-Z]") {
+ gsub("=.*", "", $1)
+ print $1
+ }
+ }'
+ if [[ "$cur" == -* ]]; then # option
+ # Depending on whether '--' is one of the previous words we
+ # complete either on local options, i.e. those of the program
+ # to execute, or call the program to print possible completions
+ # (to a subcommand).
+ local_opts=true
+ for ((i=0; i < $COMP_CWORD; i++)); do
+ [[ "${COMP_WORDS[$i]}" != '--' ]] && continue
+ local_opts=false
+ break
+ done
+ if [[ "$local_opts" == "true" ]]; then
+ result="-- $($prg --help | awk "$script")"
+ COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$result" -- $cur))
+ return
+ fi
- echo "$__para_lyrics_list"
- local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
- case "$cur" in
- *)
- __paracomp "$($PC lspl "${cur}*" | sed -e 's|^|p/|1') $($PC lsmood | sed -e 's|^|m/|1')"
- ;;
- esac
- local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
- if [ $COMP_CWORD -lt 3 ]; then
- __paracomp "$(__para_complete_attribute)"
+ # We need to call the program with --complete to get the possible
+ # completions. Before that, all local options must be discarded.
+ IFS=' '
+ n=0
+ for word in $line; do
+ ((n > 0)) && ! [[ "$word" == -* ]] && break
+ line="${line##*( )}" # remove leading whitespace
+ line="${line##+([^ ])}"
+ line="${line##*( )}"
+ let n++
+ [[ "$word" == '--' ]] && break
+ done
+ s=$((${#COMP_LINE} - ${#line})) # how many characters have been cut
+ if (($COMP_POINT > $s)); then
- if test -z "$cur" -o "$cur" = "${cur#/}"; then
- __paracomp "$(__para_complete_attribute)"
- else
- __paracomp "$(__para_complete_file)"
- fi
+ COMP_LINE="$line"
+ #echo "line: $COMP_LINE, point: $COMP_POINT"
+ result=($($prg --complete))
+ # the last line of the output contains the options for compopt,
+ # prefixed with '-o='.
+ n=${#result[@]}
+ (($n == 0)) && return # oops, $prg did not write any output
+ let n--
+ opts="${result[$n]}"
+ result[$n]=
+ opts="${opts#-o=}"
+ IFS=','
+ compopt +o nospace
+ for opt in $opts; do
+ #echo "opt: $opt"
+ case "$opt" in
+ filenames) compopt -o filenames;;
+ nospace) compopt -o nospace;;
+ esac
+ done
+ COMPREPLY=(${result[@]})
- if test $COMP_CWORD -eq 2; then
- __paracomp "$(__para_complete_sender)"
- elif test $COMP_CWORD -eq 3; then
- __paracomp "on off add delete allow deny help"
- else
- fi
+ _para_complete ~maan/para/para_audioc
+complete -F _para_audioc para_audioc
- local i c=1 command
- while [ $c -lt $COMP_CWORD ]; do
- i="${COMP_WORDS[c]}"
- case "$i" in
- --*) ;;
- *) command="$i"; break ;;
- esac
- c=$((++c))
- done
- if [ $c -eq $COMP_CWORD ]; then
- case "${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}" in
- --*=*) COMPREPLY=();;
- *) __paracomp "$(__para_complete_command)";;
- esac
- return
- fi
- case "$command" in
- stop|play|term|hup|pause|nomore|si|version) COMPREPLY=();;
- setatt) __para_setatt;;
- select) __para_select;;
- touch|ls|rm|cpsi) __paracomp "$(__para_complete_file)";;
- mvatt|lsatt|rmatt) __paracomp "$(__para_complete_attribute)";;
- help) __paracomp "$(__para_complete_command)";;
- sender) __para_sender;;
- init) __paracomp __paracomp "$(__para_complete_table)";;
- mvmood|lsmood|rmmood) __paracomp "$(__para_complete_mood)";;
- mvlyr|lslyr|rmlyr) __paracomp "$(__para_complete_lyrics)";;
- mvimg|lsimg|rmimg) __paracomp "$(__para_complete_image)";;
- mvpl|lspl|rmpl) __paracomp "$(__para_complete_playlist)";;
- esac
+ _para_complete ~maan/para/para_client
complete -o default -o nospace -F _para_client para_client
complete -o default -o nospace -F _para_client para