scripts which run during compilation require the EMPH(Bourne
again shell). It is most likely already installed.
- - XREFERENCE(, openssl) or
- XREFERENCE(, libgcrypt).
- At least one of these two libraries is needed as the backend
- for cryptographic routines on both the server and the client
- side. Both openssl and libgcrypt are usually shipped with the
- distro, but you might have to install the development package
- (libssl-dev or libgcrypt-dev on debian systems) as well.
- XREFERENCE(, gengetopt)
is needed to generate the C code for the command line parsers
of all paraslash executables.
+ - XREFERENCE(, openssl) or
+ XREFERENCE(, libgcrypt).
+ At least one of these two libraries is needed as the backend
+ for cryptographic routines on both the server and the client
+ side. Both openssl and libgcrypt are usually shipped with the
+ distro, but you might have to install the development package
+ (libssl-dev or libgcrypt-dev on debian systems) as well.
- XREFERENCE(, libmad).
To compile in MP3 support for paraslash, the development
package must be installed. It is called libmad0-dev on