--- /dev/null
+liblopsub (1.0.4-1.1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Non-maintainer upload.
+ * Rename libraries for 64-bit time_t transition. Closes: #1062407
+ -- Steve Langasek <vorlon@debian.org> Fri, 01 Mar 2024 05:37:06 +0000
+liblopsub (1.0.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Make the build reproducible (Chris Lamb, Vagrant Cascadian). Closes:
+ #1039617, #1039618
+ * Avoid crash due to a NULL pointer dereference in certain cases
+ * Minor cleanups and fixes, see NEWS for details.
+ -- Andre Noll <maan@tuebingen.mpg.de> Sun, 02 Jul 2023 14:12:13 +0200
+liblopsub (1.0.3-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Make the output of lopsubgen reproducible.
+ * Don't embed compile-time timestamps into generated files.
+ -- Andre Noll <maan@tuebingen.mpg.de> Fri, 12 Jul 2019 20:55:26 +0200
+liblopsub (1.0.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * The only change relative to 1.0.2-1 is the update of the standards
+ version field in debian/control. See NEWS for the changes between
+ 1.0.2 and 1.0.3.
+ -- Andre Noll <maan@tuebingen.mpg.de> Sun, 19 May 2019 16:58:44 +0100
+liblopsub (1.0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Initial Release. Closes: #925911
+ -- Andre Noll <maan@tuebingen.mpg.de> Sun, 3 Mar 2019 00:37:31 +0100
--- /dev/null
+Source: liblopsub
+Section: libdevel
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Andre Noll <maan@tuebingen.mpg.de>
+Build-Depends: dpkg-dev (>= 1.22.5), m4, flex, debhelper (>= 10.0)
+Standards-Version: 4.6.2
+Homepage: https://people.tuebingen.mpg.de/maan/lopsub
+Vcs-Browser: https://git.tuebingen.mpg.de/lopsub.git
+Vcs-Git: https://git.tuebingen.mpg.de/lopsub.git
+Package: liblopsub1t64
+Section: libs
+Provides: ${t64:Provides}
+Replaces: liblopsub1
+Breaks: liblopsub1 (<< ${source:Version})
+Architecture: any
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
+Description: Long Option Parser for Subcommands
+ Lopsub is an open source library written in C which aims to ease
+ the task of creating, documenting and parsing the options of Unix
+ command line utilities. It is suitable for simple commands as well
+ as complex command line utilities with many subcommands where each
+ subcommand has its own set of options. Options and documentation are
+ kept together in a single file which can be translated to C code (to
+ be included in the application), or to a manual page. The library
+ supports single-character short options and GNU-style long options.
+ The public API is well documented and stable.
+Package: liblopsub-dev
+Architecture: any
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, liblopsub1t64 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
+Description: Long Option Parser for Subcommand - headers
+ Lopsub is an open source library written in C which aims to ease
+ the task of creating, documenting and parsing the options of Unix
+ command line utilities. It is suitable for simple commands as well
+ as complex command line utilities with many subcommands where each
+ subcommand has its own set of options. Options and documentation are
+ kept together in a single file which can be translated to C code (to
+ be included in the application), or to a manual page. The library
+ supports single-character short options and GNU-style long options.
+ The public API is well documented and stable.
+ This package contains the development environment for the lopsub library.
--- /dev/null
+Copyright 2016-2023 Andre Noll <maan@tuebingen.mpg.de>
+This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3
+(lopsubgen), or the GNU Library General Public License, version 3
+On Debian GNU systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public
+License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3'. The
+complete text of the GNU Library General Public License can be found in
+The examples and all code generated by the utilities are in the
+public domain. You are free to do anything you like with the generated
+code, including incorporating it into or linking it with proprietary
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+liblopsub1t64: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames liblopsub1
--- /dev/null
+liblopsub.so.1 liblopsub1t64 #MINVER#
+* Build-Depends-Package: liblopsub-dev
+ lls_abi_version2@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_check_arg_count@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_cmd@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_command_name@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_convert_config@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_deserialize_parse_result@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_dump_parse_result@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_enum_string_val@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_free_argv@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_free_parse_result@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_input@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_int32_val@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_int64_val@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_long_help@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_lookup_subcmd@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_merge@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_num_inputs@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_opt@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_opt_given@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_opt_result@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_parse@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_purpose@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_serialize_parse_result@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_short_help@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_strerror@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_string_val@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_uint32_val@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_uint64_val@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_user_data@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_version@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yy_create_buffer@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yy_delete_buffer@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yy_flush_buffer@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yy_scan_buffer@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yy_scan_bytes@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yy_scan_string@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yy_switch_to_buffer@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yyalloc@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yyfree@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yyget_column@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yyget_debug@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yyget_extra@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yyget_in@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yyget_leng@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yyget_lineno@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yyget_out@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yyget_text@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yylex@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yylex_destroy@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yylex_init@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yylex_init_extra@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yypop_buffer_state@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yypush_buffer_state@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yyrealloc@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yyrestart@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yyset_column@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yyset_debug@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yyset_extra@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yyset_in@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yyset_lineno@Base 1.0.4
+ lls_yyset_out@Base 1.0.4
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+# Invoke each target with `./debian/rules <target>'. All targets should be
+# invoked with the package root as the current directory.
+package := liblopsub1t64
+devpackage := liblopsub-dev
+define checkdir
+ @test -f debian/rules -a -f lopsub.c || \
+ (echo Not in correct source directory; exit 1)
+SRCTOP := $(shell pwd)
+TMPDIR := $(SRCTOP)/debian/tmp
+DESTDIR := $(SRCTOP)/debian/$(package)
+DEVDIR := $(SRCTOP)/debian/$(devpackage)
+DOCS_DIR := $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/doc/$(package)
+DEVDOCS_DIR := $(DEVDIR)/usr/share/doc/$(devpackage)
+TRIPLET := $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)
+# activate the dh sequencer
+ dh "$@"
+ $(checkdir)
+ $(MAKE) $(shell DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS=hardening=+all \
+ dpkg-buildflags --export=cmdline)
+build: build-indep build-arch
+ $(checkdir)
+ -rm -f debian/substvars
+ $(MAKE) distclean
+ dh_clean
+INST_OWN = -o root -g root
+MAKE_DIR = install -p -d $(INST_OWN) -m 755
+INST_FILE = install -c $(INST_OWN) -m 644
+binary: build
+ $(checkdir)
+ $(MAKE) PREFIX=/usr install DESTDIR=$(TMPDIR)
+ mv $(TMPDIR)/usr/lib $(TMPDIR)/usr/lib-$(TRIPLET)
+ $(MAKE_DIR) $(TMPDIR)/usr/lib
+ mv $(TMPDIR)/usr/lib-$(TRIPLET) $(TMPDIR)/usr/lib/$(TRIPLET)
+ dh_install -p $(package)
+ dh_install -p $(devpackage)
+ dh_lintian
+ echo 'activate-noawait ldconfig' > $(DESTDIR)/DEBIAN/triggers
+ $(INST_FILE) debian/copyright $(DOCS_DIR)/copyright
+ $(INST_FILE) debian/copyright $(DEVDOCS_DIR)/copyright
+ $(INST_FILE) debian/changelog $(DOCS_DIR)/changelog.Debian
+ $(INST_FILE) debian/changelog $(DEVDOCS_DIR)/changelog.Debian
+ gzip -fn9 $(DOCS_DIR)/changelog.Debian
+ gzip -fn9 $(DEVDOCS_DIR)/changelog.Debian
+ dh_makeshlibs
+ dh_shlibdeps
+ dh_strip
+ dh_shlibdeps
+ dh_gencontrol
+ dh_md5sums
+ dh_builddeb
+binary-indep binary-arch: binary
+.PHONY: clean build binary-arch binary-indep binary
--- /dev/null
+3.0 (quilt)
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+opts="mode=git, gitmode=full, pgpmode=gittag" \
+ https://git.tuebingen.mpg.de/lopsub/ \
+ refs/tags/v@ANY_VERSION@