ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048
# hit enter twice to create a key with no passphrase
-This generates the two files id_rsa and in ~/.ssh. Note
-that paraslash can also read keys generated by the "openssl genrsa"
-command. However, since keys created with ssh-keygen can also be used
-for ssh, this method is recommended.
-Note that para_server refuses to use a key if it is shorter than 2048
-bits. In particular, the RSA keys of paraslash 0.3.x will not work
-with version 0.4.x. Moreover, para_client refuses to use a (private)
-key which is world-readable.
+This generates the two files id_rsa and in ~/.ssh.
+Note that para_server refuses to use a key if it is shorter than
+2048 bits. Moreover, para_client refuses to use a private key which
+is world-readable.
para_server only needs to know the public key of the key pair just
created. Copy this public key to server_host: