section "general options"
-option "start_time" t "start playback at given time which must be in a:b format where a denotes seconds and b denotes microseconds since the epoch" string typestr="timeval" optional
-option "device" d "set PCM device" string typestr="device" default="plughw:0,0" optional
-option "channels" c "number of channels (only neccessary for raw audio)" int typestr="num" default="2" optional
-option "sample_rate" s "force given sample rate (only neccessary for raw audio)" int typestr="num" default="44100" optional
-option "bufsize" b "input buffer size" int typestr="kilobytes" default="64" optional
-option "prebuffer" p "delay playback until buffer is filled" int typestr="percent" default="100" optional
+option "list_writers" L
+"print available writers and exit"
+ flag off
+ optional
option "loglevel" l
"set loglevel (0-6)"
int typestr="level"
+option "bufsize" b
+"input buffer size"
+ int typestr="kilobytes"
+ default="64"
+ optional
+option "prebuffer" p
+"delay playback until buffer is filled"
+ int typestr="percent"
+ default="100"
+ optional
option "writer" w
-"select stream writer"
+"select stream writer
+may be give multiple times. The same writer
+may be specified more than once"
string typestr="name"
default="alsa (file if alsa is unsupported)"
-option "list_writers" L
-"print available writers and exit"
+option "start_time" t
+"start playback at given time which must be
+in a:b format where a denotes seconds and b
+denotes microseconds since the epoch"
- flag off
+ string typestr="timeval"
+ optional
+section "alsa options"
+option "device" d
+"set PCM device"
+ string typestr="device"
+ default="plughw:0,0"
+option "channels" c
+"number of channels (only neccessary for raw
+ int typestr="num"
+ default="2"
+ optional
+option "sample_rate" s
+"force given sample rate (only neccessary for
+raw audio)"
+ int typestr="num"
+ default="44100"
+ optional