+# Wrapper for the bash getopts builtin.
+# Aborts on programming errors such as missing or invalid option string. On
+# success $result contains shell code that can be eval'ed. For each defined
+# option x, the local variable o_x will be created when calling eval "$result".
+# o_x contains true/false for options without argument and either the empty
+# string or the given argument for options that take an argument.
+# Example:
+# gsu_getopts abc:x:y
+# eval "$result"
+# (($ret < 0)) && return
+# [[ "$o_a" = 'true' ]] && echo 'The -a flag was given'
+# [[ -n "$o_c" ]] && echo "The -c option was given with arg $o_c"
+ local i c tab=' ' cr='
+ gsu_check_arg_count $# 1 1
+ if (($ret < 0)); then
+ gsu_err_msg
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ result="invalid optstring $1"
+ if [[ -z "$1" ]] || grep -q '::' <<< "$1" ; then
+ gsu_err_msg
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ for ((i=0; i < ${#1}; i++)); do
+ c=${1:$i:1}
+ case "$c" in
+ [a-zA-Z:]);;
+ *)
+ result="invalid character $c in optstring"
+ gsu_err_msg
+ exit 1
+ esac
+ done
+ result="local _gsu_getopts_opt"
+ for ((i=0; i < ${#1}; i++)); do
+ c1=${1:$i:1}
+ c2=${1:$(($i + 1)):1}
+ result+=" o_$c1="
+ if [[ "$c2" = ":" ]]; then
+ let i++
+ else
+ result+="false"
+ fi
+ done
+ result+="
+ while getopts $1 _gsu_getopts_opt \"\$@\"; do
+ case \"\$_gsu_getopts_opt\" in
+ for ((i=0; i < ${#1}; i++)); do
+ c1=${1:$i:1}
+ c2=${1:$(($i + 1)):1}
+ result+="$tab$tab$c1) o_$c1="
+ if [[ "$c2" = ":" ]]; then
+ result+="\"\$OPTARG\""
+ let i++
+ else
+ result+="true"
+ fi
+ result+=";;$cr"
+ done
+ result+="
+ *)
+ ret=-\$E_GSU_GETOPTS
+ result=\"invalid option given\"
+ return
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ shift \$((\$OPTIND - 1))
local cmd cmds
echo "$result"
-# Wrapper for the bash getopts builtin.
-# Aborts on programming errors such as missing or invalid option string. On
-# success $result contains shell code that can be eval'ed. For each defined
-# option x, the local variable o_x will be created when calling eval "$result".
-# o_x contains true/false for options without argument and either the empty
-# string or the given argument for options that take an argument.
-# Example:
-# gsu_getopts abc:x:y
-# eval "$result"
-# (($ret < 0)) && return
-# [[ "$o_a" = 'true' ]] && echo 'The -a flag was given'
-# [[ -n "$o_c" ]] && echo "The -c option was given with arg $o_c"
- local i c tab=' ' cr='
- gsu_check_arg_count $# 1 1
- if (($ret < 0)); then
- gsu_err_msg
- exit 1
- fi
- result="invalid optstring $1"
- if [[ -z "$1" ]] || grep -q '::' <<< "$1" ; then
- gsu_err_msg
- exit 1
- fi
- for ((i=0; i < ${#1}; i++)); do
- c=${1:$i:1}
- case "$c" in
- [a-zA-Z:]);;
- *)
- result="invalid character $c in optstring"
- gsu_err_msg
- exit 1
- esac
- done
- result="local _gsu_getopts_opt"
- for ((i=0; i < ${#1}; i++)); do
- c1=${1:$i:1}
- c2=${1:$(($i + 1)):1}
- result+=" o_$c1="
- if [[ "$c2" = ":" ]]; then
- let i++
- else
- result+="false"
- fi
- done
- result+="
- while getopts $1 _gsu_getopts_opt \"\$@\"; do
- case \"\$_gsu_getopts_opt\" in
- for ((i=0; i < ${#1}; i++)); do
- c1=${1:$i:1}
- c2=${1:$(($i + 1)):1}
- result+="$tab$tab$c1) o_$c1="
- if [[ "$c2" = ":" ]]; then
- result+="\"\$OPTARG\""
- let i++
- else
- result+="true"
- fi
- result+=";;$cr"
- done
- result+="
- *)
- ret=-\$E_GSU_GETOPTS
- result=\"invalid option given\"
- return
- ;;
- esac
- done
- shift \$((\$OPTIND - 1))
local cmd n cword