N: add
-D: Add new audio files to the database.
-U: add [-l] [-f] [-v] path...
-H: Each given path may be either the full path to an audio
-H: file, or the full path of a directory. In case of a
-H: directory, all audio files in that directory are added
-H: recursively. Only absolute paths are accepted.
+D: Add or update audio files.
+U: add [-a] [-l] [-f] [-v] path...
+H: Each path must be absolute and refer to either an audio file, or a
+H: directory. In case of a directory, all audio files in that directory
+H: are added recursively. Only absolute paths are accepted.
H: Options:
H: known suffix for a supported audio format.
H: -l Add files lazily. If the path already exists in the
-H: database, skip this file. This operation is really cheap.
-H: Use it when adding large directories if only a few files
-H: where added.
+H: database, skip this file. This operation is really cheap. Useful
+H: to update large directories after some files have been added or
+H: deleted.
H: -f Force adding/updating. Recompute the audio format handler data
H: even if a file with the same path and the same hash value exists.
H: -lm: mbox listing mode
H: -lc: chunk-table listing mode
-H: -p List full path of audio file. If not specified, only the basename
+H: -p List full paths. If this option is not specified, only the basename
H: of each file is printed.
H: -a List only files that are admissible with respect to the current mood or
D: List attributes.
U: lsatt [-i] [-l] [-r] [pattern]
-H: Print the list of all defined attributes which match the
-H: given pattern. If no pattern is given, the full list is
-H: printed.
+H: Print the list of all defined attributes which match the given
+H: pattern. If no pattern is given, the full list is printed.
H: Options:
H: Set ('+') or unset ('-') the given attributes for all audio files matching
H: pattern. Example:
-H: setatt rock+ punk+ classic- '*foo.mp3'
+H: setatt rock+ punk+ pop- '*foo.mp3'
-H: sets the 'rock' and the 'punk' attribute but unsets the 'classic'
+H: sets the 'rock' and the 'punk' attribute and unsets the 'pop'
H: attribute of all files ending with 'foo.mp3'.
N: addatt
D: Remove entries from the audio file table.
U: rm [-v] [-f] [-p] pattern...
-H: Delete all entries in the audio file table that match any given pattern.
-H: Note that affects the table entries only; paraslash won't touch your
-H: audio files in any way.
+H: Delete all entries in the audio file table that match any given pattern. Note
+H: that this affects the table entries only; the command won't touch your audio
+H: files on disk.
H: Options:
H: -v Verbose mode. Explain what is being done.
N: touch
-D: Manipulate the afs data for all audio files matching a pattern.
+D: Manipulate the afs entry of audio files.
U: touch [-n=numplayed] [-l=lastplayed] [-y=lyrics_id] [-i=image_id] [-a=amp] [-v] [-p] pattern
-H: If no option is given, lastplayed is set to the current time
-H: and numplayed is increased by one. Otherwise, only the given
-H: options are taken into account.
+H: If no option is given, the lastplayed field is set to the current time
+H: and the value of the numplayed field is increased by one. Otherwise,
+H: only the given options are taken into account.
H: Options:
-H: -n Set numplayed count. The number of times afs has selected this
-H: audio file for streaming.
+H: -n Set the numplayed count, i.e. the number of times this audio
+H: file was selected for streaming so far.
-H: -l Set lastplayed time. The last time this audio file was selected.
-H: Must be given as the number of seconds since the epoch. Example:
+H: -l Set the lastplayed time, i.e. the last time this audio file was
+H: selected for streaming. The argument must be a number of seconds
+H: since the epoch. Example:
H: touch -l=$(date +%s) file
H: sets the lastplayed time of 'file' to the current time.
-H: -y Set the lyrics id. Specify the lyrics data file associated with
-H: this audio file.
+H: -y Set the lyrics ID which specifies the lyrics data file associated
+H: with the audio file.
-H: -i Set the image id. Same as -y, but sets the image.
+H: -i Like -y, but sets the image ID.
H: -a Set the amplification value (0-255). This determines a scaling
H: factor by which the amplitude should be multiplied in order to
D: Copy audio file selector info.
U: cpsi [-a] [-y] [-i] [-l] [-n] [-v] source pattern...
-H: If no option, or only the -v option is given, all fields of
-H: the audio file selector info are copied to all files
-H: matching pattern. Otherwise, only the given options are
-H: taken into account.
+H: If no option, or only the -v option is given, all fields of the
+H: audio file selector info are copied to all files matching pattern.
+H: Otherwise, only the given options are taken into account.
H: Options:
N: add@member@
O: int com_add@member@(struct command_context *cc);
-D: Read data from stdin and add it as a blob to the @member@ table.
+D: Add stdin as a blob to the @member@ table.
U: add@member@ @member@_name
-H: Read arbitrary binary data from stdin and send that data to
-H: the audio file selector process which creates a new blob for
-H: the data in the corresponding osl table.
-H: The names of the blobs of a table are unique. If an entry with the
-H: given name already exists, its contents are replaced by the new data.
+H: Read from stdin and ask the audio file selector to create a blob in the
+H: corresponding osl table. If the named blob already exists, it gets replaced
+H: with the new data.
T: cat
N: cat@member@
D: Dump the contents of a blob of type @member@ to stdout.
U: cat@member@ @member@_name
-H: This command may be used to retrieve the blob identified by
-H: the given name from the corresponding osl table to which
-H: they were previously added.
+H: Retrieve the named blob and write it to stdout.
T: ls
N: ls@member@
D: List blobs of type @member@ matching a pattern.
U: ls@member@ [-i] [-l] [-r] [pattern]
-H: Print a list of the names of all blobs in the corresponding
-H: osl table which match the given pattern. If no pattern is
-H: given, the full list is printed.
+H: Print the list of all blobs which match the given pattern. If no
+H: pattern is given, the full list is printed.
H: Options:
D: Remove blob(s) of type @member@ from the @member@ table.
U: rm@member@ pattern...
-H: Remove all blobs from the corresponding table which match
-H: any given pattern.
+H: Remove all blobs whose name matches any of the given patterns.
T: mv
N: mv@member@
D: Rename a blob of type @member@.
U: mv@member@ old_@member@_name new_@member@_name
-H: Rename the blob identified by the first name as the second name.
+H: Rename the blob identified by old_@member@_name to new_@member@_name.
+H: This command fails if new_@member@_name already exists.
N: ff
-D: Jump amount of time forwards or backwards in current audio file.
+D: Jump N seconds forward or backward.
U: ff n[-]
-H: Set the 'R' (reposition request) bit of the vss status flags
-H: and enqueue a request to jump n seconds forwards or backwards
-H: in the current audio file.
+H: This sets the 'R' (reposition request) bit of the vss status flags
+H: which enqueues a request to jump n seconds forwards or backwards.
+H: Example:
-H: ff 30-
+H: para_client ff 30-
H: jumps 30 seconds backwards.
D: Print online help.
U: help [command]
H: Without any arguments, help prints a list of available commands. When
-H: issued with a command name as first argument, print out a description
-H: for that command.
+H: called with a command name as first argument, it prints the description
+H: of that command.
N: hup
-D: Force reload of config file, log file and user list.
+D: Reload config file, log file and user list.
U: hup
H: Reread the config file and the user list file, close and reopen the log
-H: file, and tell all children to do the same.
+H: file, and ask the afs process to do the same. Sending the HUP signal to
+H: the server process has the same effect.
N: jmp
-D: Jump to given position in current audio file.
-U: jmp [n]
-H: Set the 'R' (reposition request) bit of the vss status flags
-H: and enqueue a request to jump to n% of the current audio file,
-H: where 0 <= n <= 100.
+D: Jump to the given position.
+U: jmp n
+H: Set the 'R' (reposition request) bit of the vss status flags and enqueue a
+H: request to jump to n% of the current audio file, where 0 <= n <= 100.
N: next
-D: Skip rest of the current audio file.
+D: Close the current audio file.
U: next
-H: Set the 'N' (next audio file) bit of the vss status flags. When
-H: playing, change audio file immediately. Equivalent to stop
-H: if paused, NOP if stopped.
+H: Set the 'N' (next audio file) bit of the vss status flags which instructs the
+H: server to close its current audio file if necessary. If the 'P' bit (playing)
+H: is on, playing continues with the next audio file. This command is equivalent
+H: to stop if paused, and has no effect if stopped.
N: nomore
D: Stop playing after current audio file.
U: nomore
-H: Set the 'O' (no more) bit of the vss status flags. This instructs
-H: para_server to clear the 'P' (playing) bit as soon as it encounters
-H: the 'N' (next audio file) bit being set.
-H: Use this command instead of stop if you don't like
-H: sudden endings.
+H: Set the 'O' (no more) bit of the vss status flags which asks para_server to
+H: clear the 'P' (playing) bit after the 'N' (next audio file) bit transitions
+H: from off to on (because the end of the current audio file is reached). Use this
+H: command instead of stop if you don't like sudden endings.
N: pause
N: play
-D: Start playing or resume playing when paused.
+D: Start or resume playing.
U: play
-H: Set the 'P' (playing) bit of the vss status flags. This
-H: results in starting/continuing to stream.
+H: Set the 'P' (playing) bit of the vss status flags.
N: sender
-D: Control paraslash internal senders.
+D: Control paraslash senders.
U: sender [s cmd [arguments]]
-H: send command cmd to sender s. cmd may be one of the following:
-H: help, on, off, add, delete, allow, or deny. Note that not all senders
-H: support each command. Try e.g. 'para_client sender http help' for
-H: more information about the http sender. If no argument is given,
-H: print out a list of all senders that are compiled in.
+H: Send a command to a specific sender. The following commands are available, but
+H: not all senders support every command.
+H: help, on, off, add, delete, allow, deny.
+H: The help command prints the help text of the given sender. If no command is
+H: given the list of compiled in senders is shown.
+H: Example:
+H: para_client sender http help
N: si
P: 0
D: Print server info.
U: si
-H: Print server uptime and other information.
+H: Show server and afs PID, number of connections, uptime and more.
N: stat
-D: Print status info for the current audio file.
+D: Print information about the current audio file.
U: stat [-n=num] [-p]
-H: If -n is given, the command exits after having displayed the status n
-H: times. Otherwise, the command runs in an endless loop.
+H: If -n is given, exit after the status information has been shown n times.
+H: Otherwise, the command runs in an endless loop.
H: The -p option activates parser-friendly output: Each status item is
-H: prefixed with its size in bytes and the status items identifiers are
+H: prefixed with its size in bytes and the status item identifiers are
H: printed as numerical values.
N: stop
-D: Stop streaming.
+D: Stop playing.
U: stop
-H: Clear the 'P' (play) bit and set the 'N' bit of the vss status
-H: flags.
+H: Clear the 'P' (playing) bit and set the 'N' (next audio file) bit of the vss
+H: status flags, effectively stopping playback.
N: term
-D: Terminate para_server.
+D: Ask the server to terminate.
U: term
-H: Shuts down the server. Instead of this command, you can also send
-H: SIGINT or SIGTERM. It should never be necessary to send SIGKILL.
+H: Shut down the server. Instead of this command, you can also send SIGINT or
+H: SIGTERM to the para_server process. It should never be necessary to send
N: version
P: 0
-D: Print server's version.
+D: Print the git version string of para_server.
U: version
-H: Show version and other info
+H: Show version and other info.