-<p> Download the latest version from the
+<p> Clone the git repository by executing </p>
-<a href="versions/">download directory</a>
+<p> <b> git clone git://paraslash.systemlinux.org/git paraslash </b> </p>
-or grab a
-<a href="versions/paraslash-git.tar.bz2">tarball</a>
-of the current master branch. This version is expected to be more
-stable than any of the released versions.
-All regular releases are <a href="PUBLIC_KEY">cryptographically signed</a>.
-Anonymous (read-only)
-<a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/">git</a>
-access is also available. Check out a copy with </p>
-git clone git://paraslash.systemlinux.org/git paraslash
+<p> Or grab the <a href="versions/paraslash-git.tar.bz2">tarball</a>
+of the current master branch, or download the latest version from the
+<a href="versions/">download directory</a>. All regular releases are
+<a href="PUBLIC_KEY">cryptographically signed</a>. Since development
+takes place in separate topic branches the master branch is expected
+to be more stable than any of the released versions. </p>