+# Get the word number on which the cursor is, not counting options.
+# This is useful for completing commands whose possible completions depend
+# on the word number, for example mount.
+# $1: Getopt option string.
+# $2: The current word number.
+# $3..: All words of the current command line.
+# return: If the current word is an option, or a parameter to an option,
+# this function sets $result to -1. Otherwise, the number of the non-option
+# is returned in $result.
+ local opts="$1" cword="$2" prev cur
+ local -i i n=0
+ local -a words
+ shift 2
+ words=("$@")
+ cur="${words[$cword]}"
+ prev="${words[$(($cword - 1))]}"
+ result=-1
+ [[ "$cur" == -* ]] && return
+ [[ "$prev" == -* ]] && [[ "$opts" == *${prev#-}:* ]] && return
+ for ((i=1; i <= $cword; i++)); do
+ prev="${words[$(($i - 1))]}"
+ cur="${words[$i]}"
+ [[ "$cur" == -* ]] && continue
+ if [[ "$prev" == -* ]]; then
+ opt=${prev#-}
+ [[ "$opts" != *$opt:* ]] && let n++
+ continue
+ fi
+ let n++
+ done
+ result="$(($n - 1))"
local i