install_sh := @install_sh@
cmdline_dir := @cmdline_dir@
+executables := @executables@
build_date := $(shell date)
uname_s := $(shell uname -s 2>/dev/null || echo "UNKNOWN_OS")
ggo_dir := ggo
object_dir := objects
man_dir := man/man1
+test_dir := t
m4_ggos := afh audioc audiod client filter gui recv server write
all_ggos := $(m4_ggos) dccp_recv alsa_write oss_write fade http_recv \
-ifeq ($(BUILD_VERBOSE),1)
- Q =
+ifeq ($(BUILD_VERBOSE),0)
Q = @
+ Q =
.PHONY: all clean distclean maintainer-clean install man tarball\
$(Q) rm -rf man $(object_dir)
$(Q) rm -f *_command_list.*
-distclean: clean2
+distclean: clean2 test-clean
@[ -z "$(Q)" ] || echo 'DISTCLEAN'
$(Q) rm -f Makefile autoscan.log config.status config.log
$(Q) rm -rf autom4te.cache aclocal.m4
ps2pdf - - < $< > $@
+include $(test_dir)/makefile.test
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+test_description='Measure time to decode ogg/vorbis files.
+Executes para_filter -f oggdec on the test files provided by the
+test suite and fails if it takes much longer than the reference
+. ${0%/*}/
+test_require_objects "oggdec_filter"
+get_audio_file_paths ogg
+test_require_executables "oggdec"
+for ogg in $oggs; do
+ if [[ -n "$missing_objects" ]]; then
+ test_skip "${ogg##*/}" "missing object(s): $missing_objects"
+ continue
+ fi
+ if [[ -n "$missing_executables" ]]; then
+ test_skip "${ogg##*/}" \
+ "missing executables(s): $missing_executables"
+ continue
+ fi
+ test_expect_success "${ogg##*/}" '
+ test_duration oggdec --quiet --raw --output - - < $ogg &&
+ t1=$result &&
+ test_duration $PARA_FILTER -f oggdec < $ogg &&
+ t2=$result &&
+ echo "oggdec: $t1, para_filter: $t2"
+ (($t2 <= $t1 * 3 / 2 + 100))
+ '
--- /dev/null
+# paraslash test suite helper functions
+# Licensed under the GPL v2. For licencing details see COPYING.
+# uses ideas and code from git's, Copyright (c) 2005 Junio C Hamano
+ local suffix="$1"
+ if (($# == 0)); then
+ result=$(find "$test_audio_file_dir" -type f)
+ else
+ result=$(find "$test_audio_file_dir" -type f -name "*.$suffix")
+ fi
+ if [[ "$o_nocolor" != "true" && -n "$1" ]]; then
+ case "$1" in
+ error) tput bold; tput setaf 1;;
+ skip) tput setaf 5;;
+ ok)
+ (($o_verbose == 0)) && return
+ tput setaf 2;;
+ pass) tput bold; tput setaf 2;;
+ info) tput setaf 3;;
+ run)
+ (($o_verbose == 0)) && return
+ tput setaf 6;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ shift
+ printf "%s\n" "$*"
+ if [[ "$o_nocolor" != "true" && -n "$1" ]]; then
+ tput sgr0
+ export TERM=dumb
+ fi
+ local code=$?
+ [[ "$exit_ok" == "true" ]] && exit $code
+ say_color error "FATAL: Unexpected exit with code $code"
+ exit 1
+ say_color error "error: $*"
+ exit_ok="true"
+ exit 1
+ say_color info "$*"
+ local f
+ let test_count++
+ eval >&3 2>&4 "$2"
+ if (($? == 0)); then
+ let test_success++
+ say_color ok "ok $test_count - $1"
+ return
+ fi
+ let test_failure++
+ say_color error "not ok - $test_count $1"
+ f="$o_results_dir/${0##*/}-$$.out"
+ if [[ -s "$f" ]]; then
+ sed -e 's/^/# /' < "$f"
+ else
+ sed -e 's/^/# /' <<< "$2"
+ fi
+ [[ "$o_immediate" != "true" ]] && return
+ exit_ok="true"
+ exit 1
+ (($# != 2)) && error "bug: not 2 parameters to test_skip()"
+ let test_count++
+ let test_skipped++
+ say_color skip >&3 "skipping test $this_test.$test_count ($1): $2"
+ say_color skip "ok $test_count - $1 # skipped ($2)"
+ local o1 o2 found
+ result=
+ # if no objects were given, we assume this test is run manually
+ # rather than via "make test". We won't check anything in this case
+ [[ -z "$o_objects" ]] && return
+ for o1 in $1; do
+ found=
+ for o2 in $o_objects; do
+ [[ "$o1" != "$o2" ]] && continue
+ found="true"
+ break
+ done
+ [[ "$found" == "true" ]] && continue
+ [[ -n "$result" ]] && result+=" "
+ result+="$o1"
+ done
+ [[ -z "$result" ]]
+ local i
+ result=
+ for i in "$@"; do
+ [[ -n "$(builtin type -t "$i")" ]] && continue
+ [[ -n "$result" ]] && result+=" "
+ result+="$i"
+ done
+ [[ -z "$result" ]]
+ local t=$(exec 2>&1 1>/dev/null; time -p "$@")
+ result=$(awk '{print $2 * 1000}' <<< $t)
+ (($# != 2)) && error "bug: not 2 parameters to test_expect_success()"
+ say >&3 "expecting success: $2"
+ _test_run "$1" "$2"
+ echo >&3 ""
+ test_results_path="$o_results_dir/${0##*/}-$$.counts"
+ {
+ echo "total $test_count"
+ echo "success $test_success"
+ echo "failed $test_failure"
+ echo "skipped $test_skipped"
+ echo
+ } > $test_results_path
+ exit_ok="true"
+ msg="$test_count test(s) ($test_skipped test(s) skipped)"
+ if (($test_failure == 0)); then
+ say_color pass "# ${0##*/}: passed all $msg"
+ exit 0
+ else
+ say_color error "# ${0##*/}: failed $test_failure among $msg"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ export LANG=C
+ export LC_ALL=C
+ export PAGER=cat
+ export TZ=UTC
+ export TERM=dumb
+ export EDITOR=:
+ export HOME=$(pwd)
+ unset VISUAL
+ unset EMAIL
+ unset CDPATH
+ result="false"
+ [[ "$TERM" == "dumb" ]] && return
+ [[ -t 1 ]] || return
+ tput bold >/dev/null 2>&1 || return
+ tput setaf 1 >/dev/null 2>&1 || return
+ tput sgr0 >/dev/null 2>&1 || return
+ result="true"
+ while (($# > 0)); do
+ case "$1" in
+ -i|--immediate) o_immediate="true"; shift;;
+ -l|--long) export o_long="true"; shift;;
+ -h|--help) o_help="true"; shift;;
+ -v=0|--verbose=0) o_verbose="0"; shift;;
+ -v=1|--verbose=1) o_verbose="1"; shift;;
+ -v|--verbose|-v=2|--verbose=2) o_verbose="2"; shift;;
+ --no-color) o_nocolor="true"; shift;;
+ --results-dir) o_results_dir="$2"; shift; shift;;
+ --trash-dir) o_trash_dir="$2"; shift; shift;;
+ --executables-dir) export o_executables_dir="$2"; shift; shift;;
+ --executables) export o_executables="$2"; shift; shift;;
+ --objects) export o_objects="$2"; shift; shift;;
+ *) echo "error: unknown test option '$1'" >&2; exit 1;;
+ esac
+ done
+ [[ -z "$o_verbose" ]] && o_verbose=1
+ local trash="$o_trash_dir/trash-dir.${0##*/}"
+ rm -rf "$trash" || error "could not remove trash dir"
+ mkdir -p "$trash" || error "could not make trash dir"
+ cd "$trash" || error "could not change to trash dir"
+ local wd=$(pwd)
+ test_dir="$wd/${0%/*}"
+ test_audio_file_dir="$test_dir/audio_files"
+ [[ -z "$o_results_dir" ]] && o_results_dir="$test_dir/test-results"
+ [[ -z "$o_executables_dir" ]] && o_executables_dir="$test_dir/.."
+ [[ -z "$o_trash_dir" ]] && o_trash_dir="$test_dir/trashes"
+ # we want alsolute paths because relative paths become invalid
+ # after changing to the trash dir
+ [[ -n "${o_results_dir##/*}" ]] && o_results_dir="$wd/$o_results_dir"
+ [[ -n "${o_executables_dir##/*}" ]] && o_executables_dir="$wd/$o_results_dir"
+ [[ -n "${o_trash_dir##/*}" ]] && o_trash_dir="$wd/$o_trash_dir"
+ mkdir -p "$o_results_dir"
+parse_options "$@"
+if [[ "$o_nocolor" != "true" ]]; then
+ can_use_colors
+ [[ "$result" != "true" ]] && o_nocolor="true"
+# Each test must set test_description
+[[ -z "${test_description}" ]] && error "${0##*/} did not set test_description"
+if [[ "$o_help" == "true" ]]; then
+ printf "${0##*/}: "
+ sed -e '1!d' <<< "$test_description"
+ if (($o_verbose >= 2)); then
+ echo
+ sed -e '1,2d' -e 's/^/ /g' <<<"$test_description"
+ echo
+ fi
+ exit 0
+[[ -z "$o_executables" ]] && o_executables="para_afh para_audioc para_audiod
+ para_client para_fade para_filter para_gui para_recv para_server
+ para_write"
+for exe in $o_executables; do
+ export $(tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' <<< $exe)="$o_executables_dir/$exe"
+if (($o_verbose >= 2)); then
+ exec 4>&2 3>&1
+ exec 4>$o_results_dir/${0##*/}-$$.out 3>&4
+trap 'die' EXIT
+say_color run "# running ${0##*/}"