It contains the following programs:
-para_server (obligatory)
para_server streams binary audio data (mp3/oggvorbis/m4a files)
over local and/or remote networks. It listens on a tcp port and
mp3/ogg/aac support, http/dccp/ortp support) is about 150K on i386
under Linux. para_audiod (see below) is even smaller.
-para_client (obligatory)
The client program to connect to para_server. paraslash commands
are sent to para_server and the response is dumped to stdout. This
key pair for authentication. The (authenticated) connection is encrypted
with a symmetric rc4 session key.
-para_recv (optional)
A command line http/dccp/rtp stream grabber. The http mode of this tool
can be used to receive date from any http streaming source.
-para_filter (optional)
A filter program that converts from stdin and writes to stdout. It
is completely independent from the rest of paraslash, so it might be
are 'piped' together in-memory, i.e. without calling any of the
read(2)/write(2)/select(2) etc. functions.
-para_write (obligatory)
A modular audio stream writer. It supports a simple file writer
output plug-in and optional wav/raw players for alsa (linux-only,
Debian package: libasound2-dev) and Mac OS. para_write can also be
used as a stand-alone wav or raw audio player.
-para_audiod (optional, but recommended)
The local daemon that collects information from para_server.
Moreover, it listens on a local socket and sends status information about
para_server and para_audiod to local clients on request.
-para_audioc (optional, but recommended)
The client program which talks with para_audiod. Used to control
para_audiod, to receive status info, or to grab the stream at any
para_audioc (hence para_audiod) is needed by para_gui, para_sdl_gui
and para_krell, see below.
-para_gui (optional)
Themable ncurses-based gui. It calls para_audioc and presents
the obtained information in an ncurses window. para_gui provides
key-bindings for the most common commands and new key-bindings can
be added easily.
-para_fade (optional)
A (Linux-only) alarm clock and volume-fader.
-bash_completion (optional)
A small bash script for inclusion in ~/.bashrc. It gives you command
line completion for some paraslash commands.