stop_threshold) < 0)
if (snd_pcm_sw_params(pad->handle, swparams) < 0)
- return -E_SW_PARAMS;
+ PARA_WARNING_LOG("unable to install sw params\n");
pad->bytes_per_frame = snd_pcm_format_physical_width(FORMAT)
* pad->channels / 8;
PARA_INFO_LOG("bytes per frame: %zu\n", pad->bytes_per_frame);
PARA_ERROR(SAMPLE_FORMAT, "sample format not available"), \
PARA_ERROR(CHANNEL_COUNT, "channels count not available"), \
PARA_ERROR(HW_PARAMS, "unable to install hw params"), \
- PARA_ERROR(SW_PARAMS, "unable to install sw params"), \
PARA_ERROR(BAD_PERIOD, "can not use period equal to buffer size"), \
PARA_ERROR(ALSA_WRITE, "alsa write error"), \
PARA_ERROR(PCM_OPEN, "unable to open pcm"), \