- key=~/.paraslash/$user
+ key=~/.paraslash/$user
mkdir -p ~/.paraslash
echo "user $user $key $perms" >> $target
Next, change to the "bar" account on client_host and generate the
key pair with the commands
- key=~/.paraslash/key.$LOGNAME
- mkdir -p ~/.paraslash
- (umask 077 && openssl genrsa -out $key 2048)
+ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048
+ # hit enter twice to create a key with no passphrase
-para_server only needs to know the public key of the key pair just
-created. It can be extracted with
+This generates the two files id_rsa and in ~/.ssh. Note
+that paraslash can also read keys generated by the "openssl genrsa"
+command. However, since keys created with ssh-keygen can also be used
+for ssh, this method is recommended.
- pubkey=~/.paraslash/$LOGNAME
- openssl rsa -in $key -pubout -out $pubkey
+Note that para_server refuses to use a key if it is shorter than 2048
+bits. In particular, the RSA keys of paraslash 0.3.x will not work
+with version 0.4.x. Moreover, para_client refuses to use a (private)
+key which is world-readable.
-Copy the public key just created to server_host (you may skip this step
-for a single-user setup, i.e. if foo=bar and server_host=client_host):
+para_server only needs to know the public key of the key pair just
+created. Copy this public key to server_host:
- scp $pubkey foo@server_host:.paraslash/
+ src=~/.ssh/
+ dest=.paraslash/$LOGNAME
+ scp $src foo@server_host:$dest
Finally, tell para_client to connect to server_host:
contains in the third column the permissions needed to execute the
-A new RSA key can be created with
- openssl genrsa -out <private_key> 2048
-and the public part may be extracted with
- openssl rsa -in <private_key> -pubout -out <public_key>
-Note that para_server refuses to use a key if it is shorter than 2048
-bits. In particular, the RSA keys of paraslash 0.3.x will not work
-with version 0.4.x. Moreover, para_client refuses to use a (private)
-key which is world-readable.
It is possible to make para_server reread the user_list file by
executing the paraslash "hup" command or by sending SIGHUP to the
PID of para_server.