--- /dev/null
+ Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs
+ to work together. Write programs to handle text streams,
+ because that is a universal interface. -- Doug MacIlroy
+», __file__)
+SECTION(«CMD(«sh») versus CMD(«bash»)»)
+- Bash scripts begin with a sha-bang: CMD(«#!/bin/bash»)
+- sh is the POSIX defined shell specification.
+- Bash is one implementation of the sh specification.
+- /bin/sh links to the default shell of your system.
+- This can be different from your user shell!
+- Each shell has its idiosyncracies.
+- Using a sha-bang pointing to bash is safer CMD(«#!/bin/bash»)
+- < 10.3, the default Mac OS X shell is tcsh (bad!)
+- Scripts need to be executable (chmod u+x script).
+- Your current shell is stored the CMD($SHELL) environment variable.
+Use echo to find out what it is.
+- Similarly, find out your CMD($BASH_VERSION).
+- Use readlink to find out what CMD(/bin/sh) points to in your system.
+Explain why bash does not exit when you type CMD(«Ctrl+C») on the
+command line.
+- Variables are defined using CMD(«=») (no spaces!).
+- Variables are read using CMD(«$»).
+- Spaces are the enemy of variables. Spaces break variables.
+- Double quotes CMD(«"») a the defense against spaces.
+- braces (curly brackets) CMD(«{}») can also protect variables from
+ambiguity. eg: CMD(«${foo}»)bar. They also group commands.
+- Single quotes CMD(«'») are like double quotes, but are literal.
+- Bash scripts have special variables:
+ - CMD(«$0»): script full path and name.
+ - CMD(«$1»): first command line argument.
+ - CMD(«$2»): second argument ... etc.
+ - CMD(«$#»): number of command line arguments.
+ - CMD(«$*»): list of arguments as a single string.
+ - CMD(«$@»): list of arguments as a delimited list.
+- Parentheses CMD(«()») execute a command in a sub-shell.
+- Double parentheses return the result of arithmetic expansion
+(positive integer only).
+- Write a simple script in which you define a variable with the string
+"Hello World!". echo this variable without quotes, with single and
+double quotes, and with braces (again with and without different
+quotes). Become comfortable with the results.
+- How do you return the results of a sub-shell ()?
+- Write a simple script to add two positive integers.
+- Write a simple script to add two positive integers supplied as
+arguments to the script.
+Write a script using your favorite editor. The script should display
+the path to your home directory and the terminal type that you
+are using.
+- CMD(«[...]») is the POSIX sh test function.
+- CMD(«[[...]]») is the Bash test function (more powerful).
+- These tests are logical: they return TRUE or FALSE.
+- Tests use logical operators.
+- Spaces are a must!
+- There are three types of operators: File, String and Integer.
+- A few single file operators eg: CMD(«[[ -e somefile ]]»)
+ - CMD(«-e»): file exists
+ - CMD(«-s»): file not zero size
+ - CMD(«-d»): file is a directory
+ - CMD(«-r»): you have read permission
+ - CMD(«-O»): you are the owner of the file
+- A few multiple file operators eg: CMD(«[[ file1 -nt file2 ]]»)
+ - CMD(«-nt»): first file newer than second
+ - CMD(«-ot»): first file older than second
+- A few integer operators:
+ - CMD(«-eq»): equal to
+ - CMD(«-ne»): not equal to
+ - CMD(«-gt»): greater than
+ - CMD(«-ge»): greater than or equal to
+ - CMD(«-lt»): less than
+ - CMD(«-le»): less than or equal to
+- A few string operators:
+ - CMD(«==»): equal to
+ - CMD(«!=»): not equal to
+ - CMD(«=~»): regex match (Bash specific)
+ - CMD(«-z»): string is null (zero length)
+ - CMD(«-n»): string is not null (zero length)
+- When you understand how these operators work, you will have a good
+idea of the kinds of things you can do in Bash.
+- Tests can be combined with CMD(«&&»): "and" and CMD(«||») "or".
+Write a script that checks whether or not you own a file, and reports
+back if you do not. (This is useful if you are working on multiple
+user systems and need your script to remove many files.
+- The most commonly used Bash conditional structure is: CMD(«if»)
+... CMD(«then») ... CMD(«fi»)
+- A shorter version uses logic in place of if..then..fi. eg: CMD(«[[
+test ]] && { execute if TRUE; also execute }»)
+- Modify your calculator script to check for valid inputs:
+ - There must be two.
+ - They should not have letters
+- Write a script to check for a directory, and create it if it
+doesn't exist.
+- Write a script to remove a file specfied as an argument, but only
+if you are its owner.
+Write a script that takes exactly one argument, a directory name. If
+the number of arguments is more or less than one, print a usage
+message. If the argument is not a directory, print another message. For
+the given directory, print the five biggest files and the five files
+that were most recently modified.
+- The most commonly used Bash loop structure is: CMD(for ... do
+... done)
+- The CMD(for) statement behaves a lot like a variable assignment.
+- File globbing works: CMD(«for file in *.txt; do; done»)
+- Sequences are also useful:
+ - CMD(«for num in {1..5}; do; echo $num; done 1 2 3 4 5»)
+ - CMD(«for num in {1..10..2}; do; echo $num; done 1 3 5 7 9»)
+- Write a script that stores the results of a arithmetic in files
+named by the inputs.
+Come up with a for loop which prints the first 10 squares (1, 4,
+9, ...).
+SECTION(«Pipes and Here Strings»)
+- Here strings are an alternative to conventional piping.
+- Because they do not spawn a sub-shell, they retain variables in
+the shell the script is running in. eg: instead of CMD(head file1 |
+cut -f 1) write CMD(head | cut -f 1 <<< file1)
+- They can be easier or more difficult to read, depending on your
+Write a script that uses pipes, change it to use a Here string.
+Tie all the above together with the following task:
+Let's say that you want to perform an analysis by population
+(k-means) cluster of some accessions (ecotypes). You want to
+generate a separate bed file with the SNPs of the members of
+each cluster (which you have previously calculated).
+The relevant plink argument is: CMD(«--keep “$keeplist”») where
+keeplist is a two column file specifying family and ecotype
+(made for human data). We will just duplicate the ecotype
+in the two columns. e.g.:
+ > cat keeplist
+ 88 88
+ 107 107
+ etc.
+I have provided a comma-separated file of which cluster each ecotype
+belongs to: CMD(«/tmp/cluster_course/admix_pop.csv») Take a look at
+this file. You will see that it is a comma separated file with
+ecotype ID numbers in the first column and the cluster assignment
+in the second.
+Use the 1001_cluster_course files as your test dataset.
+You suspect that your clusters might change, (in assignment
+and number ), so you want to write a Bash script to generate
+separate bed files for a given clustering.
+- Your script will be called something like this:
+ sep_clust.sh all_snps_bedfile_root cluster_assignment.csv
+- You will have a loop.
+- You will generate a list of cluster numbers from the
+CMD(«cluster_assignment.csv») file.
+- The cluster file has a header! CMD(«tail -n+2») will skip to the
+second line.
+- CMD(«grep “something$”») matches CMD(«something») at the
+end of a line.
+- You will generate a “keep” list for each cluster and supply
+that to plink.
+- CMD(«cut») expects tab-delimited input, but ours is
+comma-delimited. Use CMD(«-d ","»).
+- The keep list needs the ecotypes printed twice per line. The easiest
+thing to use in this case is CMD(«awk»):
+ awk -v OFS='\t' '{print $1, $1}'
+- Here, CMD(«-v») changes an internal value (CMD(«OFS»), the
+“Output Field Separator”), CMD(«\t») specifies the delimiter
+(a tab), CMD(«{...}») is the command, and CMD(«print $1, $1»)
+is the command to print column 1, column 1.
+- Remember:
+ - CMD(«uniq») requires sorted input.
+ - CMD(«sort -n») specifies a numerical sort.
+ - Generate as few temporary files as possible.
+If important data have been copied from one system to another,
+one might want to check that both copies are identical. This is
+fairly easy if they both live on the same system, but can be quite
+tricky if they don't. For example, imagine files copied from an
+NFS-mounted directory to the local hard drive.
+ <li> Write a bash script which checks that all files have been
+ copied and that all copies have the same size as the original. Hint:
+ You might want to check out <code>find</code>. Generate two almost
+ identical folders with <code> mkdir a b && touch {a,b}/{1..10} &&
+ rm b/4 && echo foo > a/7 </code> to try out the script. </li>
+ <li> Run <code>echo bar > b/7</code>. Will the script detect that
+ <code>a/7</code> and <code>b/7</code> are different? </li>
+ <li> Come up with a different script which runs <code>cmp</code>
+ to detect content changes. Analyze and compare the running time of
+ both scripts. </li>
+ <li> Now suppose the two directories are stored on different
+ systems. Assume further that they are so large (or the network
+ so slow) that transferring the file contents over the network
+ would take too long. Argue how a cryptographic hash function can
+ be employed to detect content changes. Write a script which runs
+ <code>sha1sum</code> to implement this idea and analyze its running
+ time. </li>
+», «
+ <li> Script which prints file names and sizes of all regular files
+ in the given two directories and compares the result.
+ <pre>
+ #!/bin/bash
+ list_files() { (cd "$1" && find -type f -printf '%h/%f\t%s\n' | sort); }
+ (($# != 2)) && exit 1
+ { list_files "$1" && list_files "$2"; } | sort | uniq -u
+ </pre>
+ </li>
+ <li> The above script will not look at file contents. Since
+ <code>a/7</code> and <code>b/7</code> have the same size and the same
+ base name, the script won't notice they are different. </li>
+ <li> Script which compares the contents of all regular files
+ in directory <code>$1</code> against the files in directory
+ <code>$2</code>:
+ <pre>
+ (($# != 2)) && exit 1
+ { cd "$1" && find -type f; } | while read -r file; do
+ cmp "$1/$file" "$2/$file"
+ done
+ </pre>
+ <li> The running time of the find command in first script is proportional
+ to the number of files, <code>n</code>. The sort command runs in time
+ proportional to <code>n * log(n</code>). Since the two commands run
+ in parallel, the total running time is the maximum of the two. In
+ practice, since the <code>find</code> command needs at least one
+ system call per file (<code>stat(2)</code>) to get the metadata, and the
+ kernel must load this information from disk, the running time of the
+ pipeline is dominated by the running time of <code>find</code>. Note
+ that it is independent of the file sizes. The running time of the
+ second script is proportional to the number of files, plus the sum of
+ all file sizes, since in the worst case <code>cmp</code> must read
+ all files completely to perform its task. In the common situation
+ where files are much bigger than a few hundred bytes, the sum of all
+ file sizes dominates the running time. The second script might easily
+ run orders of magnitute slower than the first. </li>
+ <li> Script which computes the sha1 hash of all regular files in
+ directory <code>$1</code> and checks the hashes against the files in
+ directory <code>$2</code> on host <code>$3</code>:
+ <pre>
+ #!/bin/bash
+ (($# != 3)) && exit 1
+ cd "$1" && find -type f -print0 \
+ | xargs -0 sha1sum \
+ | ssh "$3" "cd $2 && sha1sum -c"
+ </pre>
+ The <code>sha1sum</code> command reads the full contents of each file,
+ so the running time is the same as for the script that executed
+ <code>cmp</code>. However, only the hashes but no contents are
+ transferred over the network, and the hashes are computated locally on
+ each system. Therefore, this approach performs best in practice. </li>
+SECTION(«Substitution and Expansion»)
+- expansion is performed on the command line after it has been split
+into words
+- several kinds of expansion: tilde, brace, arithmetic, pathname,
+parameter and variable, history
+- command substitution
+- Give an example for each type of expansion.
+- Which expansions can change the number of words?
+- Create a list of "words" with CMD(«apg -c 42 -n 10000 >
+foo»). Transform each word to upper case, using the case-modification
+operator CMD(«^^») as follows: CMD(«while read a; do echo ${a^^};
+done < foo > bar»). Compare the running time of this command with (a)
+CMD(«tr [a-z] [A-Z] < foo > bar») and (b) CMD(«while read a; do tr
+[a-z] [A-Z] <<< "$a"; done < foo > bar»). Try to beat the fastest
+implementation using your favorite tool (CMD(«sed»), CMD(«perl»),
+CMD(«python»), ...).
+- The command CMD(«find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d») lists
+all directories in the CWD. Describe an CMD(«ls») command which
+does the same.
+- Scripts often contain code like CMD(«find . | while read f; do
+something with "$f"; done»). While this code works for file names
+which contain spaces or tab characters, it is not bullet-proof because
+file names may also contain the newline character. The only character
+that can not be part of a file name is the null character. This is
+why CMD(«find(1)») has the CMD(«--print0») option to separate the
+file names in its output by null characters rather than the newline
+character. Find a way to make the CMD(«while») loop work when it
+is fed a file list produced with CMD(«find --print0»). Check the
+correctness of your command by using CMD(«printf 'file\n1\0file 2'»)
+as the left hand side of the pipe.
+- Write a shell script CMD(«varstate») which takes the name of a
+variable as CMD(«$1») and determines whether the named variable
+is (1) set to a non-empty string, (2) set to the empty string, or
+(3) unset. Verify the correctness of your script with the following
+ - CMD(«foo=bar ./varstate foo # case (1)»)
+ - CMD(«foo= ./varstate foo # case (2)»)
+ - CMD(«unset foo; ./varstate foo # case (3)»)
+- code block that implements a set of operations
+- for tasks which repeat with only slight variations
+- syntax: CMD(«f() {commands; }»)
+- positional parameters (CMD(«$1»), CMD(«$2»), ...)
+- special parameters: CMD(«$*»), CMD(«$@»), CMD(«$#»)
+- Understand your smiley of the day (and run it if you are brave):
+CMD(«:() { :& :& };:»)
+- Write a function which checks whether the passed string is a
+decimal number.
+- Consider this simple function which returns its first argument:
+CMD(«foo() { return $1; }»). Find the largest positive integer this
+function can return.
+- Write a function which returns the sum of the first and the 10th
+SECTION(«Arrays and Hashes»)
+- bash-2: arrays, bash-4: hashes (associative arrays)
+- zero-based, one-dimensional only
+- three ways of assigning values
+- negative parameters in arrays and string-extraction (bash-4.2)
+- The following three array assignments are equivalent:
+CMD(arr=(one two three)), CMD(«arr=([0]=one [1]=two [2]=three)»),
+CMD(«arr[0]=one; arr[1]=two; arr[2]=three»). Discuss the pros and
+cons of each version.
+- Define an array with CMD(«arr=(one two three)»).
+ - Learn how to determine the number of elements that have been assigned
+ (three in this example).
+ - Convert all entries to upper case without iterating.
+ - Print all entries which do not contain an CMD(«"o"») character,
+ again without iterating (result: CMD(«three»)).
+- Use arrays to write a bash script that lists itself, including
+line numbers, and does not call any external command (CMD(«sed,
+awk, perl, python, ...»)). Try to get rid of the loop in this
+REFERENCE(«self-list.bash», «solution»),
+- CMD(«rot13») is a simple "encryption" algorithm which shifts each
+letter in the alphabet a-z by 13 characters and leaves non-letter
+characters unchanged. That is, CMD(«a») maps to CMD(«n»),
+CMD(«b») maps to CMD(«o»), ..., CMD(«m») maps to CMD(«z»),
+CMD(«n») maps to CMD(«a»), and so on. Implement CMD(«rot13»)
+using an associative array. Compare your solution with this
+REFERENCE(«rot13.bash», «implementation») which reads from
+stdin and writes to stdout. Verify that "encrypting" twice with
+CMD(«rot13») is a no-op.
+- Examine the CMD(BASH_VERSINFO) array variable to check whether the
+running bash instance supports negative array indices.
+- Write a bash script which reads from stdin and prints the last word
+of the input.
+Bash-4.2 added support for negative array indices and string
+extraction (count backward from the last element). Apply this feature
+to print all but the first and last character of the last word of
+each input line.
+», «
+The script below implements a loop which reads lines from stdin into
+an array. In each interation of the loop we use CMD(«${arr[-1]}»)
+to get the last word of the line. Substring expansion with -1 as the
+offset value refers to the last character within the word.
+ #!/bin/bash
+ # The -a option assigns the words of each line to an array variable.
+ while read -a arr; do
+ #
+ # If the input line contains only whitespace, there is
+ # nothing to do.
+ ((${#arr[@]} == 0)) && continue
+ #
+ # Negative array indices count back from the end of the
+ # array. In particular the index -1 references the last
+ # element. Hence ${arr[-1]} is the last word.
+ #
+ # To print the first and the last character of the last
+ # word, we use substring expansion:
+ # ${parameter:offset:length} expands to up to length
+ # characters of the value of parameter starting at the
+ # character specified by offset. As for array indices,
+ # negative offsets are allowed and instruct bash to use
+ # the value as an offset from the *end* of the value,
+ # with -1 being the last character.
+ #
+ # A negative offset must be separated from the colon by
+ # a space to avoid confusion with the :- expansion (use
+ # default values). For example, ${var:-1:1} expands to
+ # the string "1:1" if a is unset (and the value of var
+ # otherwise).
+ echo "${arr[-1]: 0: 1} ${arr[-1]: -1: 1}"
+ done
+- trap
+- exit code 128 + n
+- Run CMD(«sleep 10»), interrupt the command with CMD(«CTRL+C») and
+examine CMD(«$?»). Hint: CMD(«trap -l») prints all signal numbers.
+- The REFERENCE(«stale_tmpfile.bash», «script») below is flawed
+in that it leaves a stale temporary file when interrupted with
+CMD(«CTRL+C»). Fix this flaw by trapping CMD(«SIGINT»).
+SECTION(«Shell Options»)
+- Confusing:
+ - _many_ options, some really weird ones
+ - two ways to set options: CMD(«set»), CMD(«shopt»)
+ - CMD(«set +option») _disables_ CMD(«option»)
+- aim: Introduce examples for the most useful options
+- CMD(«-x»): debugging
+- CMD(«-u»): parameter expansion is treated as error for unset variables
+- CMD(«-e»): exit on first error
+- pipefail: Get _all_ exit codes of a pipeline
+- nullglob: avoid common pitfalls with pathname expansion
+- extglob: activate extended pattern matching features
+- Find at least two bugs in the REFERENCE(«catch_the_bug.bash»,
+«script») below. Run the script twice, once with
+CMD(«bash catch_the_bug.bash») and once with CMD(«bash -x
+catch_the_bug.bash»). Compare the output.
+- There is a subtle bug in the the
+REFERENCE(«HungarianCamelSquare.bash», «HungarianCamelSquare.bash»)
+script below. Run the script with and without bash's CMD(«-u») option
+and compare the error messages. Discuss whether it is reasonable to
+add CMD(«set -u») to existing scripts.
+- What's the exit code of the pipeline CMD(«/notthere | wc -l»)?
+Run CMD(«set -o pipefail»), then repeat the command. Search the bash
+man page for CMD(«pipefail») and learn about the CMD(«PIPESTATUS»)
+array variable. Repeat the above command and examine the contents
+- Assume that CMD(«/etc») contains only "reasonable" file
+names (without space or other "funny" characters). Yet the
+REFERENCE(«count_config_files.bash», «count_config_files.bash»)
+script is buggy. Point out the flaw _before_ you try it out, then run
+it to confirm. Insert CMD(«shopt -s nullglob») before the loop and
+run the script again. Search the bash manual page for CMD(«nullglob»)
+for an explanation.
+The REFERENCE(«rm_tmp.bash», «rm_tmp.bash») script is seriously
+flawed and would sooner or later create major grief if the CMD(«rm»)
+command was not commented out. Find at least three bugs in it. Run
+CMD(«bash rm_tmp.bash /notthere») and CMD(«bash -e rm_tmp.bash
+/notthere») to see the CMD(«-e») option in action.
+», «
+- If the CMD(«cd») command fails, the CMD(«rm») command will be
+executed in the current directory. This can happen for several reasons:
+ - CMD(«$1») does not exist,
+ - CMD(«$1») is not a directory,
+ - The executing user has no permissions to change into CMD(«$1»),
+ - CMD(«$1») contains whitespace characters,
+ - CMD(«$1») is a directory on a network share which is currently
+ unavailable. This does not happen with NFS, but may happen with CIFS
+ (Microsoft's Common Internet File System).
+- If no argument is given, the CMD(«rm») command will be executed
+in the home directory.
+- The CMD(«rm») command does not remove all files: filenames starting
+with a dot will be omitted.
+- If the directory contains more files than the maximal number of
+arguments in a command line, the CMD(«rm») command fails. The limit
+depends on the system, but is often as low as 32768.
+- If the directory contains a file named CMD(«-r»), the directory
+will be removed recursively.
+- If CMD(«$1») is an empty directory, the command fails because
+there is no file named CMD(«"*"»). See the CMD(«nullglob») shell
+option if you don't know why.
+- The command fails if CMD(«$1») contains subdirectories.
+- Even the CMD(«echo») command is buggy: If there is a file
+CMD(«-n»), it will be treated as an option to CMD(«echo»).
+- Suppose you'd like to remove all leading occurences of the character
+CMD(«"a"») from each input line. The script should read input lines
+from CMD(«stdin») and write its output to CMD(«stdout»). For
+example, the input line CMD(«aabba») should be transformed into
+ - Write a bash script that runs a suitable external command of
+ your choice (e.g., CMD(«sed»), CMD(«awk»), CMD(«perl») or
+ CMD(«python»)) for each input line.
+ - Come up with an alternative script that does not run any commands.
+ - Implement yet another version that uses extended globbing.
+- Create a suitable input file with 100000 lines by running
+CMD(«base64 < /dev/urandom | head -n 100000 > foo»). Test the
+performance of the three implementations of the above script by
+executing CMD(«time script < foo») and discuss the result.
+», «
+- Bash script with external command:
+ #!/bin/bash
+ while read line; do
+ sed -e 's/^a\+//' <<< "$line"
+ done
+- Bash script without external command (note that CMD(«printf»)
+ is a shell builtin):
+ #!/bin/bash
+ while read line; do
+ n=0
+ while [[ "${line:$n:1}" == 'a' ]]; do
+ let n++
+ done
+ printf '%s\n' "${line:$n}"
+ done
+- Bash script with extended globbing:
+ #!/bin/bash
+ shopt -s extglob
+ while read line; do
+ printf '%s\n' "${line/*(a)}"
+ done
+- Running times:
+ - external command: 289s
+ - without external command, without extglob: 4s
+ - extglob: 8s
+- Discussion: External commands hurt plenty. Try to avoid them
+ inside of loops which execute many times. The extglob feature is
+ handy but is still twice as expensive than the open-coded version
+ which avoids pattern matching alltogether. Note that the simple
+ CMD(«sed -e 's/^a\+//' foo») also does the job, and is even two
+ orders of magnitude faster than the fastest bash version. However,
+ this approach is not very flexible, hence unsuitable for real world
+ applications which do more than just write the transformed string
+ to stdout.
+- IFS
+- read -ie
+- ** (globbing)
+- prompt
+- Indirect variable referencing (eval, ${!x}, nameref)
+- Write a bash script which prints the username and login shell of
+each user defined in CMD(«/etc/passwd»). Hint: Set CMD(«IFS»)
+and employ the bash CMD(«read») builtin with suitable options to
+read each line of CMD(«/etc/passwd») into an array. Compare your
+solution with this REFERENCE(«print_login_shells.bash», «script»).
+- Run CMD(«read -p "> " -ei "kill -9 -1" t; echo "you entered:
+$t"») and note how it provides nice readline-based editing. Check
+CMD(«bash») man page for other options to the CMD(«read») builtin,
+like CMD(«-s») and CMD(«-t»).
+- Run CMD(«ls ~/**/*.pdf»). Search the bash manual page for
+CMD(«**») and CMD(«globstar») to understand the meaning of the
+CMD(«**») pattern in pathname expansion. Next, run CMD(«shopt -s
+globstar && ls ~/**/*.pdf») and marvel.
+- Is there a way in bash to distinguish between undefined variables
+and variables which have been set to the emtpy string? Hint: examine
+the difference between CMD(«${x-42}») and CMD(«${x:-42}»).
+- Setting the environment variable CMD(«PROMPT_COMMAND»)
+to a function instructs bash to call this function prior to
+issuing the prompt. Run CMD(«prompt_command() { PS1="$PWD > ";
+}; PROMPT_COMMAND=prompt_command») to change your prompt. Modify
+the function to replace the middle part of the path by '...' if
+CMD(«$PWD») exceeds 10 characters.
+- During parameter expansion, if the first character of a parameter
+is an exclamation point (!), bash uses the value of the variable
+formed from the rest of parameter as the name of the variable rather
+than the value of the parameter itself. This is known as _indirect
+expansion_. Run CMD(«a=42; x=a; echo ${!x}») to see the effect.
+- Examine and run the REFERENCE(«minmax.bash», «minmax script»)
+whose CMD(«minmax()») function is given the _name_ CMD(«X») of a
+variable, and a sequence of positive integers. The function computes
+the minimum and the maximum given value and sets the variables
+CMD(«X_min») and CMD(«X_max») accordingly.
+Get rid of the CMD(«eval») statement in the
+REFERENCE(«minmax.bash», «minmax script») by passing
+variables declared with CMD(«-n») to assign the CMD(«namref»)
+attribute. Hint: search for (nameref) in the bash manual.
+Read the CMD(«bashbug») manual page and discuss
+under which circumstances one should file a bug report.
+Download the source code of latest version of bash from
+XREFERENCE(«ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/bash», «gnu ftp server»),
+apply all patches found in the CMD(«bash-4.3-patches») subdirectory
+and compile the package. Run the compiled executable and execute
+CMD(«echo ${BASH_VERSINFO[@]}»).
+SECTION(«Job Control»)
+- suspend/resume selected processes
+- POSIX.1 (1988)
+- aim: understand foreground/background jobs, Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+C,
+CMD(«fg»), CMD(«bg»)
+- job <=> process group <=> pipeline (+descendants) <=> PGID
+- (interactive) session := collection of process groups
+- setsid() syscall creates new session, PGID := PID of calling process
+- session leader: process which called setsid(), SID: PID of session
+- terminal's current process group (TPGID)
+- TPGID determines foreground PG = CMD(«{P: PGID(P) == TPGID}»)
+- Examine all fields in the output of CMD(«ps j»).
+- Assume a typical scenario with one background process and another
+process running in the foreground. How many sessions are there? Which
+of the three processes are session leaders? Determine all process
+groups. Verify your result by running CMD(«sleep 100 & ps j»).
+- What happens if a background process tries to read from
+CMD(«stdin»)? Verify your answer by executing CMD(«cat &»).
+- What happens if the session leader terminates while there are
+still processes running in a background process group? To find out,
+open a terminal, run CMD(«sleep 100&») and kill the session leader
+(the shell) with CMD(«kill -9 $$»). Open another terminal and
+execute CMD(«ps -aj») and examine the row that corresponds to the
+CMD(«sleep») process.
+- Look at how bash handles a pipeline by executing CMD(«ps xj |
+- Verify that in the output of CMD(«ps j») the TPGID and the PID
+columns coincide while the two columns differ if the command is run
+in the background (CMD(«ps j &»)). Determine the foreground process
+group in both cases.
+- Read the section on job control in the bash manual and make yourself
+familiar with the various ways to refer to a job in bash (CMD(«%»),
+CMD(«%n»), CMD(«%-,»), CMD(«%+»)).
+ #!/bin/bash
+ f=$(mktemp) || exit 1
+ echo "starting analysis, temporary file: $f"
+ sleep 100
+ echo "done, removing $f"
+ rm -f "$f"
+ #!/bin/bash
+ IFS='
+ '
+ a=($(cat $0))
+ for ((i = 0; i < ${#a[@]}; i++)); do
+ echo "$((i + 1)): ${a[$i]}"
+ done
+ #!/bin/bash
+ declare -A h=(
+ [a]=n [b]=o [c]=p [d]=q [e]=r [f]=s [g]=t [h]=u [i]=v [j]=w [k]=x
+ [l]=y [m]=z [n]=a [o]=b [p]=c [q]=d [r]=e [s]=f [t]=g [u]=h [v]=i
+ [w]=j [x]=k [y]=l [z]=m
+ )
+ while read -r line; do
+ for ((i =0; i < ${#line}; i++)); do
+ c="${line:$i:1}"
+ echo -n ${h[$c]:-$c}
+ done
+ echo
+ done
+ #!/bin/bash
+ if (($# == 0)); then
+ # no argument given, choose a random number instead
+ x=$(($RANDOM / 3276 + 1)) # between 1 an 10
+ else
+ x=$1
+ fi
+ echo "1/$x is approximately $((100 / $x))%"
+ #!/bin/bash
+ declare -i ThisVariableIsATemporaryCounter
+ for ((ThisVariableIsATemporaryCounter=0; ThisVariableIsATemporaryCounter < 10; ThisVariableIsATemporaryCounter++)); do
+ echo "$ThisVariableIsATemporaryCounter * $ThisVariableIsATemporaryCounter is $(($ThisVariableIsATenporaryCounter * $ThisVariableIsATemporaryCounter))"
+ done
+ #!/bin/bash
+ echo "removing all temporary files in $1"
+ cd $1
+ echo removing *
+ # rm *
+ #!/bin/bash
+ for c in {a..z}; do
+ files=(/etc/$c*.conf)
+ echo "There are ${#files[@]} config files in /etc that start with $c: ${files[@]}"
+ done
+ #!/bin/bash
+ while IFS=: read -ra a; do
+ echo "${a[0]} ${a[6]}"
+ done < /etc/passwd
+ minmax()
+ {
+ local var min max
+ var="$1"
+ shift
+ min=$1
+ max=$1
+ shift
+ while (($#)); do
+ (($1 < $min)) && min=$1
+ (($1 > $max)) && max=$1
+ shift
+ done
+ eval ${var}_min=$min
+ eval ${var}_max=$max
+ }
+ print_minmax()
+ {
+ local var="$1"
+ local min="${var}_min" max="${var}_max"
+ echo "min: ${!min}, max: ${!max}"
+ }
+ minmax a 3 4 2 9 4
+ print_minmax a
--- /dev/null
+ Free yourself from all the confusion «...» Forget about desktop
+ decor, senseless glitter, and animations «....» Say goodbye «...» to
+ the rodent and welcome the ultimate interface to your computer. --
+ Ratpoison propaganda
+», __file__)
+SECTION(«Essential Command Line Tools»)
+- man, apropos
+- cd, pwd, ls, stat
+- rm, cp, mv, ln
+- echo, printf, cat
+- less
+- tar
+- file
+- find, xargs
+- cut, sort, uniq, wc
+- mkdir, rmdir
+- df, du
+- nice, ionice
+- ps, kill, top, htop, jobs
+- ping, wget
+SECTION(«CMD(«gzip»), CMD(«bzip2») and CMD(«xz»)»)
+- create the file CMD(reads.fq) from the supplement using CMD(cat
+> reads.fq). Discuss the usage of CMD(Ctrl-d) versus CMD(Ctrl-c)
+to end the CMD(cat) process.
+- run CMD(file) on CMD(reads.fq). Read it using CMD(less). Compress
+the file using CMD(gzip). Run CMD(file) again. Try reading it.
+Reading from the special file CMD(«/dev/urandom») returns random
+data. Explain what the command CMD(«head -c 10000000 /dev/urandom |
+base64 > foo») does. Execute CMD(«cp foo bar») and CMD(«cp foo
+baz») to create two copies of CMD(«foo»). Use the CMD(«gzip»),
+CMD(«bzip2») and CMD(«xz») commands to compress the three files
+using three different compression algorithms. Hand in the running
+time of each command, the sizes of the compressed files and your
+conclusion about which algorithm/program should be preferred.
+», «
+The CMD(«head | base64») command reads 10M of random data and encodes
+these with the base64 algorithm, which sequentially encodes three
+input bytes into four output bytes, representing the six significant
+bits of each output byte as a character in the set CMD(«{a-z, A-Z,
+0-9, +, /}»). The result is written to the file named CMD(«foo»).
+The commands CMD(«gzip foo»), CMD(«bzip2 bar») and CMD(«xz baz»)
+each compress one of the files. Running times were 0.9s, 3.1s, 8.9s
+respectively. It's surprising to see how big the differences of the
+three running times are, although it is kind of expected that the most
+"modern" program, CMD(«xz»), has the highest running time. At first
+sight it might also be surprising that the sizes of the compressed
+files are almost identical (all three were almost exactly 10M, the
+size of the unencoded data). But when taking into account that we
+are dealing with random data, it is clear that one can only expect
+a compression factor of 3/4 due to the base64 encoding, no matter
+which algorithm is used. For non-random data the file sizes would have
+differed much more, and it depends on the use case which algorithm is
+the best. For example, if the compressed file will be downloaded many
+times from an FTP server, it might be worth to spend extra CPU time
+during compression to make the file as small as possible in order to
+save bandwith.
+SECTION(«CMD(«sed»), CMD(«grep»), CMD(«tr»)»)
+- Create a file with three lines (CMD(printf "one\ntwo\nthree\n" >
+foo)). Use CMD(sed) or CMD(tr) to replace all newline characters with
+spaces. Discuss cases where it is not an option to open the file in
+an editor.
+- Unpack (or recreate) the file CMD(reads.fq) from the previous
+- Extract only read2 from CMD(reads.fq) using CMD(grep). To do that,
+check CMD(man grep) for the CMD(-A) and CMD(-B) options.
+- Use CMD(sed) to extract only the lines containing the ID. What are
+the dangers of doing it the intuitive way using grep?
+- A little more advanced: use sed to write a very short, highly
+efficient FastQ to FastA converter.
+Find a command which prints the usage of all file systems which are
+NFS-mounted from a specific server (e.g., neckar, or arc).
+», «
+This exercise shows that things can be trickier than they look like at
+first glance. The complications are (a) the string "CMD(«arc»)" may
+well be part of an unrealated mount point, and (b) the server name can
+be specified as either CMD(«arc») or CMD(«arc.eb.local»). Hence,
+the simple CMD(«df -t nfs | grep arc») is not robust enough, at
+least for scripts for which subtle future breakage (when another file
+system is mounted) should be avoided. A better variant is
+ df -t nfs | grep '^arc\(\.eb\.local\)*:'
+SECTION(«CMD(«chmod»), CMD(«chgrp»)»)
+- Change permissions or group.
+- Discuss the implications of project directories with mode 777.
+- Use the -group option to CMD(find) to locate files and directories
+whose GID is ebio. Discuss whether changing the GID to e.g. abt6 with
+CMD(chgrp -R) would trigger a backup of these files. For the CMD(chgrp)
+command, which flags besides -R would you specify in order to handle
+symbolic links correctly?
+- Discuss why CMD(chown) is root-only.
+Come up with a CMD(find | xargs chmod) command that turns on the
+group-executable bit for all files which are executable for its owner,
+but leaves non-executable files unchanged. Does your command work
+with filenames containing spaces. Does it work if a filename contains
+a newline character?
+», «
+CMD(«find ~ -perm /u+x -not -perm /g+x -print0 | xargs -0 chmod
+g+x»). The CMD(«-not -perm /g+x») part is not strictly necessary
+but it may speed up the command, and it preserves the ctime of those
+files which are already group-executable. The CMD(«-print0»)
+option is the only way to make this type of command safe because any
+other character can be part of a path. So it is strongly recommend
+to always use it whenever possible. Unfortuntately this feature is
+not part of the POSIX standard. It is supported on Linux and FreeBSD
+(hence MacOS) though.
+SECTION(«The LDAP user database»)
+- LDAP: campus-wide user database
+- stores your personal information: name, password, phone number,...
+- read-only access w/o auth
+- write access through web app
+- ldapsearch, id, finger, last, w
+- Run the commands CMD(finger $LOGNAME) and discuss the meaning of
+ all output fields.
+- Run the command CMD(id). What's the meaning of the terms CMD(uid)
+ and CMD(gid) shown in the output?
+- Show your own LDAP entry: CMD(ldapsearch -x uid=$LOGNAME). Use a
+ similar command to show the entry of somebody who left the
+ institute. How can one tell whether an account is active?
+- List all abt6 users: CMD(ldapsearch -x cn=abt6)
+- use CMD(ldapsearch -x) to find other people at our institute with
+ the same surname ("sn") as you.
+- use CMD(id) to figure out what groups you are in.
+Find all former members of your department or group.
+», «
+Example for department 1:
+ ldapsearch -x homeDirectory | grep -A 1 vault | grep '^homeDirectory: /ebio/abt1'
+- file-copying tool by Andrew Tridgell (1996)
+- remote copying via ssh
+- synchronization
+- performant, sends only differences
+- aim: know the most common options
+- Preparation: Create a scratch directory in /tmp and store 10 10M
+text files there: CMD(«for i in $(seq 10); do (head -c 7500000
+/dev/urandom | base64 > $RANDOM &) ; done»).
+- Create a copy (also in CMD(«/tmp»)) with CMD(«rsync») and measure
+the running time: CMD(«time rsync -ax $src $dest»). Check the rsync
+manual for the meaning of these two options.
+- Modify and remove some files in source directory, run rsync again,
+this time with the CMD(«-ax --delete») options to propagate your
+changes to the destination.
+- Suppose files which contain a "1" in its file name are generated
+any you don't want to synchronize these. Find the correct argument
+for rsync's CMD(«--exclude») option. Use the CMD(«--dry-run -v»)
+options to check.
+- Find a way to use rsync for a non-local copy where the remote ssh
+server listens on a port different than 22. To try this, forward
+the port 24865 + $UID to port 22 with CMD(«ssh -NfL $((24865 +
+$UID)):localhost:22 localhost») so you can ssh into localhost through
+this port.
+- Look at the XREFERENCE(http://people.tuebingen.mpg.de/maan/dss/,
+dyadic snapshot scheduler).
+- Suppose source and destination directories are on different hosts and
+contain slightly different versions of a single huge file. For example,
+somewhere near the beginning a small part of the file was deleted,
+and another small part was appended to the end of the file. Suppose
+further that the file is so large (or the network so slow) that
+copying all of it would take days. Think about an algorithm that
+finds the above differences without transferring the whole file.
+The XREFERENCE(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD4, Wikipedia page) on
+the CMD(«MD4») message-digest algorithm states that the security of
+CMD(«MD4») has been severely compromised. The CMD(«MD5») algorithm
+is also known to be broken for years. Yet these two algorithms are
+an essential part of rsync. Is this a problem for the correctness
+of CMD(«rsync»)?
+», «
+The fact that one can find hash collisions for CMD(«MD4»)
+and CMD(«MD5») is usually not a problem for the integrity of
+CMD(«rsync»). First, the weak hash algorithms are not used for
+any type of authentication, since CMD(«rsync») relies on SSH
+for this. Second, why would a malicious CMD(«rsync») user want
+to modify the files on the source or destination to create a hash
+collision if he already has access to these files? On the other hand,
+for non-manipulated files, the probability of a hash collision is so
+small that other types of failures are much more likely. Finally, the
+CMD(«MD4») and CMD(«MD5») algorithms are used in combination with
+other checksums, so modifying a file while keeping its CMD(«MD5»)
+hash the same is not enough to fool CMD(«rsync»).
+Describe the idea of rolling checksums and how they are used in
+SECTION(«The Cron service»)
+- cron daemon (CMD(«crond»)) executes scheduled commands
+- CMD(«crontab») (file): table used to drive crond
+- CMD(«crontab») (program): command to install, update, or list tables
+- Preparation: Set the CMD(«EDITOR») variable to your favorite editor.
+- Run CMD(«crontab -l») to see your current crontab.
+- Set up a cron job which runs every minute and appends the current
+ date to a file.
+- Note that there are two CMD(«crontab») manual pages. The command
+ CMD(«man crontab») gives the manual for the crontab program. Run
+ CMD(«man 8 crontab») to see the manual page for the configuration
+ file. Look at the examples at the end.
+- Write a script which checks if a device is mounted and if yes
+ execute some operations.
+Discuss the difference between a cron job and a script which does
+something like CMD(«while :; do run_experiment; sleep $TIMEOUT;
+done»). Describe what happens when
+- the user logs out or closes the terminal,
+- the server gets rebooted,
+- CMD(«run_experiment») runs for more than CMD(«$TIMEOUT») seconds.
+», «
+There are many differences:
+- A cron job is started by the cron daemon and is executed in different
+environment where some variables like CMD(«PATH») might have a
+different value.
+- The cron deamon is started automatically during boot, so a cron
+script will still be run after a reboot while the command loop will
+not be restarted automatically in this case.
+- If the user logs out or closes the terminal, the command loop might
+be killed. This depends on whether it was started in the background
+and whether CMD(«stdin»), CMD(«stdout») and CMD(«stderr»)
+were redirected.
+- The cron job might be started twice if the previous invocation is
+still running. This can happen if a file system is slow or the job
+is running for longer than the scheduling period.
+- The timing of the command loop will drift over time because the
+running time of the script is not taken into account. The cron script,
+on the other hand, will always run at the specified times.
+SECTION(«Regular Expressions»)
+- regex: sequence of characters that forms a search pattern
+- Kleene (1956)
+- compilation: RE -> finite automaton
+- Chomsky hierarchy
+- basic, extended, perl
+- Understand the difference between basic, extended and perl regular
+expressions. Discuss which ones should be preferred in various cases.
+- In a web service, is it safe to match a user-specified
+expression against a known input? Does it help if both
+regex and input are bounded by, say, 1000 characters? Read the
+XREFERENCE(«https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReDoS», «ReDos») wikipedia
+page for the answer.
+- Match the "evil" extended regex CMD(«(a|aa)+») against a long
+string which contains only "CMD(«a»)" characters. Try various
+regex implementations (CMD(«sed»), CMD(«grep»), CMD(«awk»),
+CMD(«perl»), CMD(«python»)).
+- Discuss the consequences of the fact that perl regular expressions
+do EMPH(«not») necessarily correspond to regular languages in the
+Chomsky hierarchy.
+- Is it possible to construct a regular expression that matches a
+line of text if and only if the line is a syntactically correct perl
+or C program?
+Find a regular expression which matches any number of "CMD(«a»)"
+characters, followed by the EMPH(same) number of "CMD(«b»)"
+characters. Alternatively, prove that no such regular expression
+», «
+If there was a regular expression that matched any number of
+"CMD(«a»)'s" followed by the same number of "CMD(«b»)'s" there would
+exist a finite automaton that describes the characters that have been
+matched so far. But apparently such an automaton would necessarily
+have infinitely many states. Hence no regular expression exists that
+matches all such strings. Another way to prove this is to apply the
+so-called EMPH(«pumping lemma»).
+The take-away of this exercise is (a) to get a feeling about what
+can be described by regular expressions, and (b) that understanding
+the underlying theory can help you to avoid wasting a lot of effort
+on trying to do provably impossible things.
+- general purpose text utility
+- Aho, Weinberger, Kernighan (1977)
+- search files for certain patterns, perform actions on matching lines
+- specified in POSIX, here: gawk (GNU awk)
+- What does the following awk program do? CMD(«ls -l | awk '{x +=
+$5} END {print x}'»)
+- Check the awk uses in the
+«cluster management tool»).
+- Write an CMD(«awk») program which prints the length of the longest
+input line.
+- Write an awk program which uses an associative array to print how
+often different words appear in the input.
+- Check the
+«gawk manual») to get an idea of CMD(«awk») features and its
+- Sometimes it is useful to initialize an awk variable from a shell
+environment variable. Learn to use the CMD(«--assign») option to
+achieve this.
+- Discuss what the CMD(«--traditional») option to CMD(«awk»)
+does and when it should be used.
+On any system, determine the average file system size and the average
+percentage of used space.
+», «
+The command CMD(«df -P») prints both the size and the percentage
+of used space for each file system as the second and fifth column.
+The following pipeline prints the desired average percentages:
+ df -P | awk '{s2 += $2; s5 += $5} END {print s2 / NR, s5 / NR}'
+- terminal multiplexer
+- Laumann, Bormann (1987), GNU
+- sessions, detach, attach
+- multiuser sessions
+- Start screen, run CMD(«ls»), detach the session, log out, log in,
+re-attach the session.
+- In a screen session with multiple windows, type CMD(«CTRL+a "»)
+to see the window list.
+- The key to move the cursor to the beginning of the command
+line is mapped to the same character as the screen escape key,
+CMD(«CTRL+a»). Learn how to workaround this ambiguity.
+- Type CMD(«CTRL+a :title») to set the window title.
+- Put the following line to your .screenrc: CMD(«caption always
+"%{cb} «%{wb}Act: %-w%{cb}%>%n(%t)%{-}%+w%<%{cb}»%{-}"») and see
+what it does.
+- Learn to copy and paste from the screen scrollback buffer
+(CMD(«CTRL+a ESCAPE»)). Increase the size of the scrollback buffer
+in your .screenrc file.
+- Learn how to use CMD(«split») and CMD(«split -v»).
+- To allow your colleage CMD(«nubi») to attach your screen session
+in read-only mode, create a suitable REFERENCE(«.screenrc.multi»,
+«multiuser screenrc») file and start a session with this config file:
+CMD(«screen -C ~/.screenrc.multi -S multi»). Ask CMD(«nubi»)
+to run CMD(«screen -x $OWNER/multi»), where CMD(«OWNER») is your
+username. Read the section on the CMD(«aclchg») command in the
+screen manual for how to allow write access. Discuss the security
+- advanced disk usage
+- creates database, only slow "once"
+- produces summary or list of largest directories
+- Create an adu database from your project directory: CMD(«adu
+-C -d $DB -b $BASE»), where CMD(«$DB») is the (non-existing)
+directory to create for the database, and CMD(«$BASE») is a existing
+(sub-)directory of your storage project.
+- List the 10 largest directories: CMD(«adu -S -d $DB -s "-m
+global_list -l 10"»), then the top-10 directories with respect to
+file count: CMD(«adu -S -d $DB -s "-m global_list -l 10 -s f"»).
+- Print the 10 largest directories, but consider only those which
+contain the letter "CMD(«a»)".
+- Read the adu manual page to learn how to customize the output with
+format strings.
+- most often used to build software, useful also in other situations
+- Stuart Feldman (1976), POSIX, GNU
+- regenerates dependent files with minimal effort
+- keeps generated files up-to-date without running your entire workflow
+- Makefile abstracts out dependency tracking
+- rule, recipe, target, prerequisites
+- Look at this
+«simple Makefile») which creates the bareos configuration files
+from a (public) template file and a (secret) file that contains
+passwords. Identify targets, recipes, rules, prerequisites. -
+Create a couple of text files with CMD(«head -c 100 /dev/urandom |
+base64 -w $(($RANDOM / 1000 + 1)) > $RANDOM.txt»). Write a Makefile
+which creates for each CMD(«.txt») file in the current directory a
+corresponding CMD(«.wc») file which contains the number of lines
+in the text file. Extend the Makefile by a rule which reads the
+CMD(«.wc») files to create an additional file CMD(«sum»), which
+contains the sum of the line counts (CMD(«cat *.wc | awk "{s += $1}
+END {print s}"»)). Draw the dependency graph which is described in
+your Makefile. Modify some files (CMD(«echo hello >> $NUMBER.txt»))
+and run CMD(«make») again. Discuss the time to compute the new
+sum. Add a CMD(«clean») target which lets you remove all derived
+files (CMD(«.wc»), CMD(«sum»)) with CMD(«make clean»).
+- There are two flavors of CMD(«make») variables. Read the
+«make documentation») to understand the difference.
+- Look at the list of automatic CMD(«make»)
+variables in section on implicit rules of the
+«make manual»).
+Explain the difference between simply and recursively expanded make
+variables. Discuss under which circumstances either of the two should
+be used in a Makefile.
+- creates shell scripts that configure software packages
+- makes life easier for the EMPH(users) of your software
+- Mackenzie (1991), GNU, written in perl, uses m4
+- idea: test for features, not for versions
+- Preparation: Assume for simplicity that your software package
+consists only of a single script REFERENCE(«s1l», «s1l») which
+prints the sha1sum of each file in the given directory. Create this
+script in a scratch directory and add the REFERENCE(«configure.ac»,
+«configure.ac») and REFERENCE(«Makefile.in», «Makefile.in»)
+files as well.
+- Run CMD(«autoconf») to create the configure script, then
+run CMD(«./configure -h») to see the automatically generated
+options. Run CMD(«configure --prefix $HOME»), CMD(«make») and
+CMD(«make install») to install the "package". Notice how the value
+specified to the CMD(«--prefix») option propagates from the command
+line to CMD(«Makefile»).
+- Draw a graph which illustrates how the generated files
+depend on each other. Compare your graph with diagram on the
+XREFERENCE(«https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autoconf», «autoconf
+wikipedia page»). In this larger diagram, identify those parts of
+the graph which are present in the minimal CMD(«s1l») example.
+- Suppose you spent a lot of hard work to improve your program to
+use the much more secure sha2 checksum instead of sha1 (CMD(«sed
+-i s/sha1/sha2/g *; mv s1l s2l»)). To give your customers the best
+possible experience, you'd like the configuration step to fail
+on systems where the CMD(«sha2sum») program is not installed
+(notice the mantra: check for features, not versions). Add this
+REFERENCE(«AC_PATH_PROG», «test») to CMD(«configure.ac»)
+and run CMD(«autoconf») and CMD(«./configure») again to see it
+failing gracefully at configure time (rather than at runtime).
+- Discuss the pros and cons of configure-time checks vs. run-time
+- Change CMD(«configure.ac») to not fail any more but to create
+a Makefile which installs either s1l or s2l, depending on whether
+CMD(«sha2sum») is installed.
+- Read the "Making configure Scripts"
+and "Writing configure.ac" sections of the
+«autoconf manual»).
+- Notice that CMD(«configure.ac») is in
+fact written in the m4 macro language. Look at the
+XREFERENCE(«http://www.gnu.org/software/m4/manual/m4.html», «m4
+manual») to get an overview.
+ @read1
+ +
+ @read2
+ +
+ multiuser on
+ umask ?-wx
+ acladd nubi
+ AC_INIT(«MPI sha1 list», «0.0.0», «me@s1l.org», «s1l», «http://s1l.mpg.de/»)
+ AC_CONFIG_FILES(«Makefile»)
+ all:
+ @echo "run make install to install s1l in @prefix@"
+ install:
+ install -m 755 s1l @prefix@/bin/
+ #!/bin/sh
+ find "$1" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sha1sum
+ AC_PATH_PROG(«SHA2SUM», «sha2sum»)
+ test -z "$SHA2SUM" && AC_MSG_ERROR(sha2sum required)
--- /dev/null
+ All software sucks, be it open-source of proprietary. The only
+ question is what can be done with particular instance of suckage,
+ and that's where having the source matters. -- Al Viro (2004)
+», __file__)
+<p> It's safe to bet that every non-trivial program contains bugs.
+Bugs in the operating system kernel are often fatal in that they
+lead to a system crash which requires a reboot. However, thanks to
+the concept of virtual memory, bugs in applications usually affect
+neither the operating system nor independent processes which happen
+to run at the same time. This makes user space programs easier to
+debug than kernel code because the debugging tools will usually run
+as a separate process. </p>
+<p> We then look at <code>valgrind</code> and <code>gdb</code>, two popular tools
+which help to locate bugs in application software. <code>valgrind</code>
+is easy to use but is also limited because it does not alter the
+target process. On the other hand, <code>gdb</code> is much more powerful
+but also infamous for being hard to learn. The exercises aim to get
+the reader started with both tools. </p>
+<p> A couple of exercises on <code>gcc</code>, the GNU C compiler, ask the
+reader to incorporate debugging information into an executable and
+to see the effect of various diagnostic messages which show up when
+valid but dubious code is being encountered. Warning messages can
+be classified into one of two categories. First, there are
+warnings which are based on static code analysis. These so-called
+<em>compile-time</em> warnings are printed by the compiler when the
+executable is being created from its source code. The second approach,
+called <em>code instrumentation</em>, instructs the compiler to
+add sanity checks to the executable, along with additional code that
+prints a warning when one of these checks fails. In contrast to the
+compile-time warnings, the messages of the second category show up at
+<em>run-time</em>, and are generated by the compiled program rather
+than by the compiler. </p>
+ <li> The <a href="#deref.c",<code>deref.c</code></a> program is
+ flawed because <code>argv[1]</code> will be <code>NULL</code> if
+ the program is invoked with no arguments. What is going to happen
+ in this case? Compile the program (<code>cc deref.c -o deref</code>)
+ and run it (<code>./deref</code>) to confirm. </li>
+ <li> Run the <code>deref</code> program under strace (<code>strace
+ deref</code>) and discuss the meaning of <code>si_addr</code> at the
+ end of the output. </li>
+ <li> Assume the buggy <code>deref</code> program is executed from the
+ wrapper script <a href="#deref.sh"><code>deref.sh</code></a>. Explain
+ why <code>strace deref.sh</code> does not show very useful
+ information. Run <code>strace -f deref.sh</code> compare the output
+ to the output of the first <code>strace</code> command where you ran
+ the binary without the wrapper script. Discuss the implications of
+ your findings with respect to debugging. </li>
+ <li> "Prove" that the <a href="#strerror.c"><code>strerror.c</code></a>
+ program works by compiling and running it, passing <code>1</code>
+ as the only argument. Discuss in how far it is possible to prove
+ correctness of a program by running it. </li>
+ <li> Unfortunately, <code>strerror.c</code> has more flaws than
+ lines. Point out as many as you can. </li>
+ <li> Note that despite <code>strerror.c</code> code is full of bugs,
+ the code compiles cleany. Discuss the reasons and the implications
+ of this fact. </li>
+ <li> Run <code>pinfo gcc</code> and read <code>Invoking GCC->Warning
+ Options</code> to get an idea about the possible options to activate
+ diagnostic messages. </li>
+ <li> Recompile <code>strerror.c</code> with <code>-Wall</code> and
+ explain all warnings shown. </li>
+ <li> Run <code>valgrind strerror 1</code> and explain the message
+ about the "conditional jump". </li>
+ <li> Run <code>valgrind strerror</code> with no arguments and explain
+ the part about the "invalid read". Why is it clear that this part
+ refers to a <code>NULL</code> pointer dereference? </li>
+ <li> Why is it a big difference if you run <code>strerror 2</code>
+ instead of <code>strerror 1</code>? Run <code>valgrind strerror
+ 1</code> and <code>valgrind strerror 2</code> to confirm your
+ answer. </li>
+ <li> The <a href="#print_arg1.c"><code>print_arg1.c</code></a> program
+ crashes due to <code>NULL</code> pointer dereference when it is called
+ with no arguments. Compile the program and run it to confirm. </li>
+ <li> Run <code>gdb print_arg1</code>. At the <code>(gdb</code>)
+ prompt, execute the following commands and explain the output: </li>
+ <ul>
+ <li> <code>run</code></li>
+ <li> <code>bt</code> </li>
+ </ul>
+ <li> Run <code>ls -l print_arg1; size print_arg1</code> and
+ discuss the meaning of the <code>text</code>, <code>data</code>
+ and <code>bss</code> columns in the output of the <code>size</code>
+ command. Compile the program again, this time with <code>-g</code>
+ to add debugging information to the executable. Run <code>ls -l
+ print_arg1; size print_arg1</code> again and discuss the difference,
+ in particular the impact on performance due to the presence of the
+ debugging information. </li>
+ <li> Rerun the above <code>gdb</code> commands and note how the
+ debugging information that has been stored in the executable makes
+ the <code>bt</code> output much more useful. Discuss how debugging
+ could be activated for third-party software for which the source code
+ is available. </li>
+ <li> Compile the program another two times with <code>-O0</code>
+ and with <code>-O3</code> to optimize at different levels (where
+ <code>-O0</code> means "don't optimize at all"). Rerun the above
+ <code>gdb</code> commands on either excutable and note the difference
+ regarding <code>print_it(</code>). </li>
+ <li> Compile <a href="#ubsan.c"><code>ubsan.c</code></a> and run the
+ program as follows: <code>./ubsan 123456 123456</code>. Explain why
+ the the result is not the square of <code>123456</code>. Recompile
+ it with <code>-fsanitize=undefined</code>. Then run the program again
+ with the same options. </li>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ {
+ printf("arg has %zu chars\n", strlen(argv[1]));
+ }
+ #!/bin/sh
+ ./deref
+ #include "stdio.h"
+ #include "stdlib.h"
+ #include "string.h"
+ #include "assert.h"
+ /* print "system error: ", and the error string of a system call number */
+ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ {
+ unsigned errno, i;
+ char *result = malloc(25); /* 5 * 5 */
+ /* fail early on errors or if no option is given */
+ if (errno && argc == 0)
+ exit(0);
+ errno = atoi(argv[1]);
+ sprintf(result, strerror(errno));
+ printf("system error %d: %s\n", errno, result, argc);
+ }
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ static int print_it(char *arg)
+ {
+ return printf("arg is %d\n", atoi(arg));
+ }
+ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ {
+ return print_it(argv[1]);
+ }
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ {
+ int factor1 = atoi(argv[1]), factor2 = atoi(argv[2]),
+ product = factor1 * factor2;
+ return printf("%d * %d = %d\n", factor1, factor2, product);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ Happy filesystems are all alike, but every corrupted filesystem is
+ unhappy in its own way. -- Jonathan Corbet (2011)
+», __file__)
+ The first part of this chapter covers general concepts related to
+ filesystems. This part is largely independent of the underlying
+ operating system. The later sections look at some aspects of two
+ popular local local filesystems for Linux: ext4 and xfs. The last
+ section contains selected topics related to the network filesystem,
+ nfs.
+<p> Every Unix system has at least one filesystem which contains
+the root of the tree of files. This filesystem, the <em>root file
+system</em>, is normally stored on a local block device, for example on
+an SSD. On top of that, several additional filesystems of different
+types are mounted usually. For example, most Linux distributions
+mount the proc and sys pseudo filesystems and several instances of
+tmpfs. Other filesystems may be mounted as needed. </p>
+<p> The Linux kernel supports several dozens of different filesystems
+and new ones are added frequently. Some filesystems are only employed
+for special purpose computers while others are in use on almost all
+systems. The <code>/proc/filesystems</code> pseudo file contains the
+list of supported filesystems. We don't aim to provide a full listing
+but classify filesystems as belonging to exactly one of the following
+categories. </p>
+ <dt> local </dt>
+ <dd> The filesystem is stored on a local block device, and only the
+ local computer can access it. Examples: ext4, xfs, fat. </dd>
+ <dt> pseudo </dt>
+ <dd> These filesystems are characterized by the absence of
+ backing storage. That is, there is no block device which stores the
+ contents. Instead, contents exist only in memory, or are provided on
+ demand (i.e., when the files are accessed). When the filesystem is
+ unmounted, all data is lost. Examples: tmpfs, sysfs, proc. </dd>
+ <dt> network </dt>
+ <dd> This type of filesystem makes files which are physically stored
+ on a different computer visible on the local computer. Examples: nfs,
+ cifs. </dd>
+ <dt> fuse (filesystem in user space) </dt>
+ <dd> Contents are provided by a user space application. Examples:
+ sshfs. </dd>
+ <dt> distributed </dt>
+ <dd> The contents are stored on more than one computer. Examples:
+ glusterfs, lustre, nfs-4.1. </dd>
+SUBSECTION(«POSIX Filesystems»)
+<p> Regardless of the category, most native Unix filesystems support
+the semantics prescribed by the POSIX.1-2008 standard. These include
+<code>open(2), read(2), write(2), stat(2)</code> system calls and
+many more. In particular, a POSIX filesystem must store in each
+file's metadata the user and group ID of the owner and the usual
+three timestamps. For compatibility reasons this is not possible for
+"foreign" filesystems like Microsoft's FAT which was designed for
+the single-user DOS operating system and thus has no concept of file
+ownership. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«User, Group, Directory and Project Quotas»)
+<p> Early Unix systems already supported user and group quotas while
+directory and project quotas are comparatively new concepts. User and
+group quotas impose an upper bound on the files owned by a specific
+user or Unix group, respectively. Directory quotas restrict the size
+of an accounted directory. Project quotas are similar to directory
+quotas but are not restricted to single directories. They are realized
+as an aggregation of unrelated inodes with a specific identifier,
+the <em>project ID</em>, which is stored in each accounted inode.
+It is possible for arbitrary files to have the same project ID and
+hence be accounted to the same project. The project ID is independent
+from the UID and the GID, hence project accounting is independent of
+user and group accounting. </p>
+<p> For each quota type there are two configurable limits: the
+<em>inode limit</em> which imposes a bound on the number of files
+and directories owned by a specific user/group/project ID, and the
+<em>block limit</em> which bounds the space that the same set of files
+is permitted to occupy. Each limit is in fact a pair of limits: the
+<em>soft limit</em> and the <em>hard limit</em>. When utilization
+reaches the soft limit, a message is sent but no further action is
+taken. Only if the hard limit is reached, subsequent attempts to
+request more resources fail with the <code>EDQUOT</code> (<code>Disk
+quota exceeded</code>) error. </p>
+SECTION(«Filesystem Design»)
+In this section we take a closer look at the data structures of local
+filesystems, their on-disk layout, and some of the techniques that
+make filesystems fast and robust.
+<p> The <em>superblock</em> describes the <em>geometry</em> of the
+file system. Only one superblock is needed for normal operation but
+most local filesystems store backup copies of the superblock. These
+extra superblocks are only accessed during recovery from filesystem
+corruption, for example if the main superblock was overwritten by
+accident. Although the details vary between filesystem types, the
+following information is typically stored in the superblock: </p>
+ <li> The <em>magic number</em>, or <em>signature</em> which identifies
+ the block device as containing a filesystem of a certain type. For
+ example, the magic number for ext2 is 0xef534. Newer filesystems use
+ larger signatures. </li>
+ <li> The size of the filesystem. </li>
+ <li> The last mount time.
+ <li> A universally unique identifier (UUID) which is created randomly
+ at filesystem creation time. </li>
+ <li> Utilization counts like the number of free blocks. </li>
+<p> The blkid library, libblkid, contains a database of filesystems and
+of other software which stores its metadata in a specific superblock
+of a block device. This includes filesystems, swap devices, physical
+volumes for software raid or the logical volume manager. The library
+enables applications to identify the contents of on a block device
+and to extract additional information like the UUID. There are a
+number of tools which are linked against this library to examine
+or modify the superblocks: <code>lsblk(8)</code> to list block
+devices, <code>blkid(8)</code> to print block device properties, and
+<code>wipefs(8)</code> to overwrite (or merely print) all superblocks
+of a given block device. Also the <code>mount(8)</code> executable is
+usually linked against libblkid to support mounting by UUID instead
+of device name because device names like <code>/dev/sda</code> might
+change across reboots. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«B-trees and Variants»)
+<p> Most filesystems, including the ext4 and xfs filesystems described
+in dedicated sections, employ some B-tree variant to manage their
+data blocks. This is reason enough to take a closer look at the key
+features of this ubiquitous data structure. We won't go into detail,
+though. </p>
+<p> B-trees were invented in the 1970s by Rudolf Bayer and Ed McCreight
+as a data structure for an algorithm that can quickly access a random
+block in a particular file stored on on a rotating disk. The parameters
+can be tuned to minimize the number of disk operations performed,
+i.e., the height of the tree. </p>
+<p> It is unclear what the "B" in "B-tree" actually means. It certainly
+does not mean "binary", because B-trees typically have a high fanout,
+so nodes have way more than two children (which, by definition,
+is the maximal number of child nodes for a binary tree). The typical
+fanout values for filesystems range from 100 to 1000. </p>
+<p> B-trees impose a fixed lower bound on the number of child nodes, and
+an upper bound that is twice as large as the lower bound. The upper
+bound is called the <em>order</em> of the tree. These bounds imply
+an upper bound for the maximal height of the tree, given the number
+of leaf nodes. Hence a B-tree is always well balanced, lookup times
+are always optimal (i.e., logarithmic), and storage utilization is
+at least 50%. Unlike a hash table approach there is no decrease in
+performance when utilization approaches 100%. </p>
+<p> Addition and removal of nodes is performed in a way that keeps
+the tree balanced. For example, if a node is being removed and this
+results in a violation of the lower bound on the number of child nodes
+of the parent node, nodes are moved between siblings, or siblings
+are merged. </p>
+<p> A node with <em>k</em> children always has <em>k - 1</em> keys.
+For filesystems, the keys can be block numbers, hashes, directory
+entries, or the size of block ranges. In any case, the keys act as
+separators which divide the child nodes. For example, if the node
+contains 3 child nodes and the two keys 23 and 42, then the left child
+node contains keys less than 23, the middle child node contains keys
+between 23 and 42, and the right child node contains keys greater
+than 42. </p>
+<p> Many filesystems, including xfs, do not use the classic B-tree
+structure outlined above but its variant called <em>B+tree</em>. The
+main differences between a B-tree and a B+tree are (a) data records
+are stored only in leaf nodes, and (b) leaves are linked together so
+that all data records can be traversed in-order by following sibling
+pointers. This little detail has far-reaching consequences. Roughly
+speaking, the sibling pointers prohibit copy on write for metadata
+blocks. </p>
+<p> Single filesystem operations often need to update multiple
+blocks. For example, adding a new file to a directory requires three
+block updates: the data block which contains the new file's contents,
+the metadata block which contains the directory entries, and the
+on-disk structures that manage the free blocks. Regardless of the
+order in which these updates are performed, an unclean shutdown due
+to a power outage or a system crash leads to a corrupt filesystem if
+the shutdown happens after the first but before the third update was
+performed. Journaling is a capability which avoids this situation by
+making multiple block updates atomic, thereby ensuring consistency
+after an unclean shutdown. </p>
+<p> One of the first journaling filesystems was jfs, introduced 1990 by
+IBM for the AIX operating system. The first journaling filesystem for
+Linux was reiserfs version 3, which was included in the Linux kernel
+in 2001. In the same year Linux gained support for three additional
+journaling filesystems: jfs and xfs were ported to Linux from AIX
+and IRIX, respectively, and the first stable version of ext3 was
+released. </p>
+<p> Journaling filesystems retain consistency after an unclean shutdown by
+keeping a <em>journal</em> (also known as <em>log</em>) of operations
+being performed. The journal is either stored on an separate device or
+in a reserved area within the filesystem. The entries of the journal,
+the <em>log records</em>, describe <em>transactions</em>, which are
+filesystem operations that must be performed atomically. At the next
+mount after an unclean shutdown, the journal is <em>replayed</em>,
+that is, the recorded transactions are reapplied. The time required
+to replay the journal depends only on the size of the journal and
+the number of log records, but not on the size of the filesystem
+or the number of files. It usually takes only a couple of seconds,
+which is considerably faster than a filesystem check/repair run, which
+can take hours. </p>
+<p> Although a journaling filesystem writes metadata twice, this can
+actually <em>increase</em> performance because metadata writes to the
+journal are sequential, and when the log entries are committed, writes
+can be combined and reordered, which is a win not only for rotating
+disks. Since data integrity is usually less important than filesystem
+integrity, only metadata (inodes, directory contents) is journaled
+by default while data blocks (file contents) are written directly. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Delayed Allocation»)
+<p> This term refers to the technique of deferring the decision of
+which blocks to allocate until the last possible moment, when blocks
+have to be written out due to memory pressure or an explicit sync
+request from user space. This technique is employed by xfs and ext4
+but not by earlier versions of the ext* family. </p>
+<p> Delayed allocation improves the performance of the filesystem because
+the allocator has better knowledge of the eventual file size, so
+files are more likely to be laid out in an optimal way: data blocks
+sequentially, and close to the metadata blocks that describe the
+file. Moreover, small temporary files can be fully buffered in memory
+and don't cause any block allocation at all if the in-memory data
+structures have already been removed when writeout triggers. Delayed
+allocation is more effective on large memory systems because with
+plenty of memory available, allocations can be deferred for longer. </p>
+ <li> On a Linux system, run <code>cat /proc/filesystems</code> to
+ see all file systems supported on this system. </li>
+ <li> Discuss to which extent snapshot-capable filesystems can replace
+ off-site backups. </li>
+ <li> Run <code>mount | awk '{print $5}' | sort | uniq</code> to
+ examine the different filesystem types which are mounted. Explain
+ the purpose of each and determine to which of the above classes the
+ filesystem belongs. </li>
+ <li> Understand the impact on performance of the atime mount
+ option. Check which file systems are mounted with atime enabled. </li>
+ <li> Discuss the contents of <code>/etc/mtab</code>, and
+ <code>/proc/filesystems</code>. Check whether <code>/etc/mtab</code>
+ is a symbolic link. Discuss whether it should be one. </li>
+ <li> Does a read-only mount of a journaling filesystem modify the
+ contents of the underlying block device? </li>
+Describe the various file locking types mandated by POSIX-2008.1.
+ <li> Summarize what POSIX <code>sync(2), fsync(2)</code> and
+ <code>fdatasync(2)</code> guarantee. </li>
+ <li> Consider the following commands: <code>touch foo; echo bar >
+ foo; sync; mv foo bar; echo baz > foo; fsync foo</code>. Assume the
+ system crashed at some point in between. Describe the possible states
+ of the two files after the journal has been replayed. </li>
+<em>Delayed logging</em> is a feature of ext3 which was later ported
+to xfs. The term refers to the concept of accumulating changes in
+memory before writing them to the journal. Discuss the pros and cons
+of delayed logging.
+Explain what <em>reflink</em> copies are and discuss when and how to
+use them.
+SECTION(«Alternatives to Journaling»)
+<p> Although our focus lies in topics related to journaling
+filesystems, we shall have a brief look at two different (but
+related) approaches which also guarantee consistency after a crash.
+Both approaches depart from the traditional way of updating data
+and metadata structures. To illustrate the difference, consider
+the situation where a line is appended to an existing text file
+on a traditional filesystem. The filesystem first updates the data
+blocks which contains the file contents. Since the file size and the
+modification time have changed, the inode of the file needs to be
+updated as well. Finally, the on-disk data structures which keep track
+of the used and unused blocks might also need to be updated if a new
+block had to be allocated for the additional line. All three updates
+are usually performed in-place by overwriting the existing blocks.
+The filesystems described in this section are different in that they
+avoid such in-place changes. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Log-structured Filesystems»)
+<p> A log-structured filesystem only writes sequential log entries which
+describe the changes that have been made, essentially treating the
+entire space as the journal. The first log-structured filesystem was
+developed in the 1990s. Popular log-structured filesystems in use
+today are logfs, ubifs (the <em>unsorted block image filesystem</em>),
+and f2fs (the <em>flash-friendly filesystem</em>). </p>
+<p> The layout of the data and metadata blocks of a log-structured
+filesystem bears advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that
+writes are always sequential, which is particularly good for rotating
+disks. However, reading a large file sequentially becomes slower
+because of data fragmentation. The purely sequential writes also reduce
+the decay of the storage media, particularly flash memory, because
+without in-place writes, all blocks are written about the same number
+of times. Other advantages of log-structured filesystem are that crash
+recovery is conceptionally easy and that snapshots are natural. </p>
+<p> The main disadvantage is the overhead incurred by <em>garbage
+collection</em>: getting rid of old log entries that have been
+superseded by later ones. This overhead is particularly large if free
+space is short. Another disadvantage is related to inode management:
+since inodes are scattered throughout the disk, and the location of an
+inode changes whenever the file is updated, some kind of <em>inode
+map</em> is required to locate inodes. Updates to the inode map
+can be written to the log sequentially, but the current location
+of the inode map must be stored in a special fixed location called
+the <em>checkpoint region</em> so that the filesystem can recover
+from a crash. Since every write to the checkpoint region causes
+a seek, log-structured filesystems update the inode map only once
+in a while, for example once per minute. This process is known as
+<em>checkpointing</em>. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Copy on Write Filesystems»)
+<p> In the context of filesystems, the term <em>copy on write</em>
+(CoW) means to not overwrite existing data or metadata blocks as
+files are modified. Instead, whenever the filesystem needs to modify
+a data or metadata block, it writes the modified block to different,
+currently unused location, leaving the contents of the original
+block intact. Next, the metadata blocks that need to be altered
+are also written to a free location without overwriting existing
+metadata blocks. For example, in the scenario outlined above where the
+<code>write(2)</code> system call extends an existing file, the three
+updates for data, inode and free space information are performed as
+writes to unused locations. Next, the filesystem switches to the new
+metadata to commit the change. CoW filesystems are always consistent
+if this last step can be performed atomically. </p>
+<p> Two well-known open source CoW filesystem are zfs and btrfs
+(the <em>B-tree filesystem</em>). The first stable release of zfs for
+the Solaris operating system appeared in 2005, after four years of
+development by Sun Microsystems. Since then zfs has been ported to
+several other operating systems including FreeBSD and Linux. However,
+the zfs code is licensed under the CDDL license, which is regarded
+as incompatible with the GPL. For this reason, zfs is not included
+in the official Linux operating system kernel but is available as
+a third-party kernel module. Btrfs is another CoW filesystem which
+was designed for Linux from the start. It was merged into the Linux
+kernel in 2009. The feature sets of zfs and btrfs are similar, but
+the implementation details vary. </p>
+<p> CoW filesystems also have disadvantages. On a system where multiple
+processes append data to different files simultaneously, the data
+blocks of each file will be fragmented, which is bad for performance.
+For the same reason, metadata blocks are fragmented as well, so
+performance suffers if the filesystem contains many files. Another
+disadvantage is related to the fact that it is difficult to tell
+how much space is going to be needed for a given CoW operation,
+which has caused an endless list of bugs that occur when disk space
+gets tight. This is why CoW filesystems should never use more than a
+certain ratio of the available space. For zfs the recommended limit
+is as low as 70%. </p>
+ <li> zfs and btrfs are not only filesystems: they include many other
+ features which are traditionally performed by the volume management
+ subsystem or by the raid driver. This includes device group handling,
+ snapshotting, mirroring to get redundancy, striping to increase
+ performance, and more.
+ <p> Search the web for "blatant layering violation" and glance over
+ the (sometimes heated) discussions on whether or not it is a good
+ idea to combine volume management, raid and filesystems. Then form
+ your own opinion about the topic. </p> </li>
+<p> The dm-crypt device mapper target, which was covered in the <a
+href="LVM.html">chapter on LVM</a>, operates at the block level.
+It encrypts and decrypts one block at a time, regardless of whether
+the block is in use. This is in contrast to <em>filesystem-level
+encryption</em>, where encryption is performed by the filesystem
+on a per inode basis so that, for example, different files can
+be encrypted with different keys. </p>
+<p> In this section we look at two filesystem-level encryption
+primitives for Linux: ecryptfs (the <em>enterprise cryptographic
+filesystem</em>) and fscrypt (<em>filesystem encryption</em>). The
+former was included into Linux in 2006 while the latter is much
+newer. It was originally part of the <em>flash-friendly filesystem</em>
+(f2fs) but has been made generic in 2015. Besides f2fs, also ext4
+and ubifs rely on fscrypt for encryption. </p>
+<p> By definition, filesystem-level encryption means to encrypt the
+contents of regular files. In addition to that, both ecryptfs and
+fscrypt also encrypt file names. However, information stored in the
+inode is left unencrypted. Therefore, without the encryption key it is
+still possible to list directories as usual, but the list will contain
+only encrypted filenames. Moreover, file size and timestamps can be
+read as for unencrypted files with the standard <code>stat(2)</code>
+system call. </p>
+<p> ecryptfs is a so-called <em>stacked</em> filesystem. That is,
+it relies on an (arbitrary) mounted filesystem as backend storage. An
+ecryptfs mount is similar to a bind mount in that it makes the files
+stored at source location (the mountpoint of the backend storage)
+visible at the target location. However, the source usually contains
+only encrypted files while files appear unencrypted at the target
+location. Each encrypted file is self-contained in the sense that
+it starts with a header which, together with the encryption key, is
+sufficient to decrypt the file (and the file name). Hence encrypted
+files can be copied between hosts, and encrypted files can be backed
+up without telling the backup software the encryption key. </p>
+<p> fscrypt takes a different approach. It provides encryption
+through a general library that can, in principle, be used by any
+filesystem. With fscrypt it is possible to store both encrypted and
+unencrypted files on the same filesystem. fscrypt has a lower memory
+footprint than ecryptfs since it avoids caching filesystem contents
+twice. Also, only half as many directory entries and inodes are
+needed. Another advantage of fscrypt is that the fscrypt API can be
+used by unprivileged users, with no need to mount a second filesystem.
+The major drawback of fscrypt is that <code>open(2)</code> system call
+fails without the key. Since backup software has to open regular files,
+it is not possible to backup encrypted files without the encryption
+key. </p>
+ <li> Explain why the root directory of the filesystem cannot be
+ encrypted with fscrypt. </li>
+Discuss the pros and cons of filesystem level encryption vs.
+block level encryption.
+SECTION(«The Virtual Filesystem Switch (vfs)»)
+<p> The main task of the vfs is to provide an abstraction for
+applications to access files in a uniform way, even if the files
+are stored on different filesystems. The vfs is responsible for
+parsing path names received from user space via system calls, and
+to forward the requests it can not handle itself to the specific
+filesystem implementation, thereby associating paths with instances
+of mounted filesystems. This encourages a modular filesystem design
+where filesystems are opaque entities which provide a certain set of
+methods called <em>filesystem operations</em>, for example mounting
+the filesystem or opening a file. The modular design helps to avoid
+code duplication, which is important for operating systems like Linux
+which support many different filesystems. </p>
+<p> The first vfs implementation was probably shipped in the Solaris
+Unix System in 1985. Linux got its first vfs implementation together
+with the <em>extended</em> filesystem, the predecessor of ext2,
+ext3 and ext4. All modern operating systems have some sort of vfs,
+although implementation details differ. In what follows, we shall
+only discuss the Linux vfs. </p>
+<p> Filesystems register themselves with the vfs at boot time or
+when the kernel module for the filesystem is loaded. The vfs keeps
+track of the available filesystem types and all mounts. To perform
+efficiently, the vfs maintains several data structures which describe
+the characteristics of the tree of files. We look at the most important
+data structures below but leave out the rather complicated details
+about how the various locking primitives (spinlocks, refcounts, RCU)
+are employed to deal with concurrency. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«The Dentry Cache»)
+<p> A <em>dentry</em> (short for "directory entry") is a data structure
+which represents a file or a directory. Dentries contain pointers to
+the corresponding inode and to the parent dentry. The vfs maintains
+the <em>dentry cache</em>, which is independent of the normal page
+cache that keeps copies of file contents in memory. Dentries are kept
+in hashed lists to make directory lookups fast. </p>
+<p> On a busy system the dentry cache changes frequently. For example,
+file creation, removal and rename all trigger an update of the dentry
+cache. Moreover, memory pressure can cause dentries to be evicted from
+the cache at any time. Clearly, some sort of coordination is needed to
+keep the dentry cache consistent in view of concurrent changes, like
+a file being deleted on one CPU and looked up on another. A global
+lock would scale very poorly, so a more sophisticated method called
+<em>RCU-walk</em> is employed. With RCU, lookups can be performed
+without taking locks, and read operations can proceed in parallel
+with concurrent writers. </p>
+<p> The dentry cache also contains <em>negative</em> entries
+which represent nonexistent paths which were recently looked up
+unsuccessfully. When a user space program tries to access such a path
+again, the <code>ENOENT</code> error can be returned without involving
+the filesystem. Since lookups of nonexistent files happen frequently,
+failing such lookups quickly enhances performance. Naturally, negative
+dentries do not point to any inode. </p>
+<p> Dentries are reference-counted. As long as there is a reference
+on a dentry, it can not be pruned from the dentry cache. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«File and Inode Objects»)
+<p> Positive entries in the dentry cache point to <em>inode
+objects</em>, which are in-memory copies of the on-disk inode
+structures maintained by the filesystem. Different dentry cache entries
+can map to the same inode object if the underlying filesystem supports
+hard links, but entries which refer to directories are unique. The
+<code>stat(2)</code> system call can be served without calling into
+the filesystem if the path argument of the system call corresponds
+to an entry of the dentry cache. </p>
+<p> When a file is opened, the vfs allocates a <em>file object</em>
+(also known as <em>file description</em> and <em>struct file</em>),
+and adds a reference to the file object to the calling process' table
+of open files. The index to this table is returned as the <em>file
+descriptor</em> from the <code>open(2)</code> system call. The file
+object contains a reference to the dentry and to the filesystem
+specific methods for the usual operations like <code>read(2)</code>
+and <code>write(2)</code>. Also the file offset and the file status
+flags (<code>O_NONBLOCK, O_SYNC, etc.</code>) are recorded in the
+file object. </p>
+<p> Like dentries, file objects are reference-counted. Once the
+counter hits zero, the file object is freed. System calls like
+<code>dup(2)</code> and <code>fork(2)</code> increase the reference
+count while <code>close(2)</code> and <code>exit(2)</code> decrease
+it. However, not all file object references correspond to file
+descriptors, since also the kernel itself can hold references to a
+file object. For example, the loop device driver and the ecryptfs
+stacked filesystem increase the reference counter of the file objects
+they work with. Passing a file descriptor from one process to another
+via local sockets is another situation where the reference counters
+of the affected file object need to be adjusted. </p>
+<p> When an application calls <code>dup(2)</code> to duplicate a
+file descriptor, the two copies refer to the same file object and
+therefore share the file offset and the status flags of the file
+object. An <code>open(2)</code> call, however, creates a new file
+object even if the file is already open. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«vfs Mounts and vfs Superblocks»)
+<p> Another job of the vfs is to keep track of the tree of all mounts
+and their properties. Do do so, the vfs maintains a tree of <em>mount
+structures</em>. Whenever a filesystem is mounted, one such structure
+is allocated and linked into the tree. Among other information,
+the mount structure contains various pointers, including pointers to </p>
+ <li> the mount structure of the parent mount, </li>
+ <li> the dentry that corresponds to the mountpoint (the root of the
+ mounted filesystem), </li>
+ <li> the superblock of the mounted filesystem, </li>
+ <li> the containing mount namespace. </li>
+Other information stored in the mount structure:
+ <li> the list of child mounts, </li>
+ <li> the mount propagation rules, </li>
+ <li> the mount flags (<code>MS_RDONLY, MS_NOEXEC, MS_NOATIME</code>,
+ etc.). </li>
+<p> Since a filesystem can be bind-mounted, there can be several mount
+structures whose superblock pointers point to the same superblock.
+The superblock structure contains the UUID, quota information,
+granularity of timestamps, and much more. </p>
+ <li> Run a command like <code>strace -e%file ls</code> to see the
+ (negative) dentry cache in action. </li>
+ <li> Guess which system calls the <code>df(1)</code> command
+ needs to perform to do its work. Confirm by running <code>strace
+ df</code>. </li>
+ <li> The <code>mountpoint(1)</code> command determines if a given
+ directory is the mountpoint of a filesystem. Explain how the command
+ is implemented. </li>
+ <li> Assume a process opens a file by calling <code>open(2)</code>,
+ then forks so that the child process inherits the file descriptor.
+ Assume further that the child calls <code>lseek(2)</code> to reposition
+ the file offset. Will the parent process see the modified offset? </li>
+ <li> Is it safe to run <code>fsck(8)</code> on a filesystem which has
+ been lazily unmounted (by executing <code>mount -l</code>)? </li>
+ <li> What is the purpose of the UUID of a filesystem? Why is it
+ generally a good idea to put the UUID instead of the device name as
+ the first field in <code>/etc/fstab</code>? Figure out how to print
+ the UUID of an ext4 and an xfs filesystem. </li>
+ <li> When a block device containing a filesystem is cloned with
+ <code>dd(8)</code>, the two UUIDs match. The same is true if the block
+ device was snapshotted with LVM (regardless of whether thin or regular
+ snapshots were used). Discuss the consequences of this fact. </li>
+ <li> For a network filesystem like nfs, a dentry can become invalid if
+ the corresponding file was modified on the server or by another
+ client. Discuss the implications of this fact with respect to the
+ dentry cache. </li>
+ <li> The <code>umount -a</code> command unmounts all filesystems which
+ are not busy. Describe an algorithm which walks the mount tree to
+ implement the command, taking into account that a mount is busy if
+ it has at least one child mount. </li>
+Describe the concept of a file change notification system and discuss
+possible use cases. The Linux kernel contains three different file
+change notification APIs: dnotify, inotify and fsnotify. Explain the
+difference and describe in one paragraph how applications make use
+of certain file descriptors to communicate with the kernel in order
+to track file change events.
+SECTION(«ext, ext2, ext3, ext4»)
+<p> When the first versions of Linux were released in 1991, the kernel
+relied on the <em>minix</em> filesystem whose source code could
+be used freely in education. However, this filesystem was designed
+for education rather than for real use and had severe limitations.
+For example it supported only file names up to 14 characters long,
+and a total size of 64M. </p>
+<p> In 1992 the <em>extended filesystem</em> (ext) was released as the
+first filesystem that was created specifically for Linux. It already
+made use of the VFS API that was introduced at the same time. In 1993,
+ext was superseded by ext2, and later by ext3 (2001) and ext4 (2008).
+While ext2 is a separate filesystem, the ext3 and ext4 filesystems
+share the same implementation. </p>
+<p> Over time, many new features were added to ext3 and later to ext4.
+For example, journaling was one of the main features that ext3 added
+on top of ext2 while delayed allocation and on-disk data structure
+checksumming came with ext4. In the remainder of this section we look
+at the way the ext* filesystems lay out their data and metadata blocks
+and describe some of the features of ext3 and ext4. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Block Layout»)
+<p> All ext* filesystems lay out the space of the underlying block
+device in a traditional way, inspired by the original Unix
+filesystem, ufs. The available blocks are partitioned into <em>block
+groups</em>. Each block group is typically 128M large and always
+contains its own set of tables and bitmaps that manage the blocks of
+the group. If feasible, the data blocks of each file are kept in the
+same block group as its inode and the containing directory to avoid
+unnecessary seeks. As of ext4, block groups can be combined to form
+larger, so-called <em>flexible</em> block groups to improve metadata
+locality and to have large files laid out sequentially. </p>
+<p> Inodes are referenced in the <em>inode table</em>, and a bitmap keeps
+track of allocated and unallocated inodes. A copy of the filesystem
+superblock is stored in several other block groups since the superblock
+is critical for the integrity of the filesystem. </p>
+<p> The directory entries of an ext or ext2 filesystem are laid out
+in the traditional way. That is, the directory names and associated
+information like file type and the inode number are listed in the data
+blocks that correspond to the directory. Directories can be imagined
+as a 3-column table where each line contains an inode number, a file
+type number, and the path component. Since searching a linear array
+performs poorly, ext3 implemented B-trees to speed up name lookups
+in large directories. The nodes of the tree are keyed by the hashes
+of the names of the directory entries. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Journaling Modes»)
+<p> If journaling is enabled, metadata updates are always journaled
+(i.e., a log record is written to the journal first). However, this
+is not always the case for data blocks. The <code>data</code> mount
+option for ext3 and ext4 specifies how writeout of data blocks works.
+The following three journaling modes offer different trade-offs
+between speed and data integrity. </p>
+ <dt> data=journal </dt>
+ <dd> This is the slowest, but also the safest journaling mode. In
+ this mode all data blocks are journaled just like the metadata
+ blocks. Since all data blocks are written twice, this journaling mode
+ has a substantial negative impact on performance. </dd>
+ <dt> data=ordered </dt>
+ <dd> This is the default value, which offers a good trade-off between
+ speed and data integrity. Ordered means that metadata blocks are only
+ updated after the corresponding data blocks have been written out. In
+ other words, data is written directly to the filesystem (rather than
+ the journal as with <code>data=journal</code>), but the update of the
+ corresponding metadata blocks is deferred until all data blocks have
+ been written. </dd>
+ <dt> data=writeback </dt>
+ <dd> This is the fastest mode of operation. No ordering between data
+ and metadata blocks is enforced. Filesystem integrity is guaranteed
+ because metadata is still journaled. However, after an unclean
+ shutdown and the subsequent replay of the journal, files which were
+ under writeback at the time of the crash may contain stale data. This
+ happens if the metadata blocks have been updated to report the larger
+ size but the corresponding data did not make it to the disk before
+ the crash. </dd>
+<p> The ext2 and ext3 filesystems employ the traditional indirect block
+scheme, which is basically a table of block numbers which map to the
+blocks that comprise the contents of the file. One feature of ext4
+are <em>extent trees</em>, which are a more efficient data structure
+to describe this mapping because file contents are often laid out
+sequentially on the underlying block device. In this case, if the file
+is large it saves metadata space if the block numbers are not stored
+as a long list but as <em>extents</em>, that is, ranges of successive
+blocks. Extents have to be organized in a tree to quickly map a given
+file offset to the block number that contains the file contents at this
+offset. The first few extents of the extent tree, including its root,
+are stored in the inode itself. Only files which need more extents
+require extra metadata blocks for the nodes of the extent tree. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Growing and Shrinking»)
+<p> Filesystems often need to be grown, but sometimes it is also handy
+to shrink a filesystem, for example to redistribute the storage between
+the logical volumes of a volume group of fixed size. A feature which
+distinguishes ext* from xfs is that ext2, ext3 and ext4 filesystems can
+be shrunk while xfs filesystems can only be grown. However, to shrink
+an ext* filesystem, the filesystem must be offline. That's in contrast
+to online growing, which is supported for both ext* and xfs. </p>
+<p> To shrink a filesystem which is stored on a logical volume,
+one needs to convey the new size to both the device mapper and the
+filesystem. It is usually a good idea to run <code>fsck(8)</code> after
+the filesystem has been unmounted and before <code>resize2fs</code>
+is run to shrink it. After the filesystem has been shrunk, the next
+step is to shrink also the underlying LV. Of course the new size of
+the LV must not be smaller than the size of the shrunk filesystem. To
+avoid this from happening, for example due to rounding errors,
+it's best to make the LV slightly larger than necessary and then
+enlarge the filesystem to the maximal possible size by running
+<code>resize2fs(8)</code> without specifying the new size. </p>
+ <li> Using default options, create an ext2, ext3 and ext4 filesystem.
+ Compare the three superblocks by examining the output of <code>dump2fs
+ -h <device></code>. </li>
+ <li> Examine the sysfs interface of ext4 which is available through
+ the files below <code>/sys/fs/ext4</code>.
+ <li> Consider an application which aims to replace an existing
+ file with the rewrite-and-replace method indicated by the code
+ <a href="«#»broken_rename">below</a> (error checking omitted).
+ Describe the log records which each of the four system calls generates.
+ Explain why the approach is inherently buggy and may result in an
+ empty file <code>foo</code> even if the filesystem is mounted with
+ <code>data=ordered</code> (the default journaling mode). How does
+ the <code>auto_da_alloc</code> mount option of ext4 try to mitigate
+ the chance of data loss? </li>
+ <li> Why is data journaling incompatible with encryption? Hint: Commit
+ 73b92a2a5e97 in the linux kernel repository. </li>
+ <li> Describe a scenario where ext2 is more suitable than ext3 or
+ ext4. </li>
+ <li> Provide a step-by step procedure to set up an encrypted ext4
+ filesystem. </li>
+ <li> Explain how the <em>MMP</em> feature of ext4 helps to protect
+ the filesystem from being multiply mounted. </li>
+SECTION(«The Extents Filesystem (xfs)»)
+xfs is a journaling filesystem which was implemented in 1993 for the
+IRIX operating system and was ported to Linux in 2001. While IRIX was
+discontinued in 2005, the Linux port of xfs is actively maintained
+and new features and improvements are added regularly.
+To optimize for performance, xfs departs from the traditional approach
+that is followed by the ext* family. From the beginning xfs was
+designed for running on high-end servers where plenty of resources
+are available to max out even the largest and fastest storage systems,
+and to perform well under high load when multiple threads access
+the filesystem concurrently. The implementation relies on B-trees for
+data, metadata and free space management. xfs is not a COW filesystem,
+though, and does not do any form of block device management. Tasks like
+encryption, raid or volume management are left to the corresponding
+filesystem-agnostic block layer interfaces, for example MD (Software
+Raid) and LVM (the logical volume manager).
+Unlike the rather static layout of the ext* filesystems, metadata on
+xfs is dynamically allocated. Consequently, the metadata structures
+have to be discovered at mount time by walking the filesystem
+structure. Metadata blocks are self-describing in that each metadata
+object contains a unique identifier, <em>the log sequence number</em>,
+which plays the role of a timestamp. CRC32c checksums are used to
+detect corruption: when the block is read, the CRC32c value is
+recomputed and checked to verify to integrity of the object.
+SUBSECTION(«Allocation groups»)
+Like the block groups of the ext* family, an xfs filesystem is
+divided into several "mini filesystems" called <em>Allocation
+Groups</em> (AGs). This allows xfs to handle operations in parallel,
+which improves performance if many unrelated processes access the
+filesystem simultaneously. New directories, are always placed in a
+different AG than its parent and the inodes of the files in the new
+directory are clustered around the directory if possible.
+AGs can be up to 1T large, which is much larger than the block groups
+of the ext* family, but still small enough to allow relative AG
+pointers to be 32 bits wide rather than 64. Each AG maintains its own
+superblock and its own set of B-trees for resource management. Files
+and directories are allowed to span multiple AGs, so the AG size does
+not limit the maximal file size.
+The first AG is the <em>primary</em> AG. Its superblock is special
+in that it stores the accumulated counters of all AGs. The secondary
+superblocks are only consulted by <code>xfs_repair(8)</code>.
+SUBSECTION(«Project Quota Implementation»)
+<p> Project quotas used to be an xfs feature, but the functionality has
+been made generic and is therefore available to other filesystems as
+well. Besides xfs, also ext4 supports project quotas. </p>
+<p> To limit the size of an arbitrary subtree, a special inode flag,
+<code>XFS_DIFLAG_PROJINHERIT</code>, is used. This flag indicates
+that the directory and all inodes created in the directory inherit
+the project ID of the directory. Hence the act of creating a file
+in a <code>XFS_DIFLAG_PROJINHERIT</code> marked directory associates
+the new file with s a specific project ID. New directories also get
+marked with <code>XFS_DIFLAG_PROJINHERIT</code> so the behaviour is
+propagated down the directory tree. </p>
+<p> Project quota is accounted for when moving <em>into</em> an accounted
+directory tree, but not when moving out of a directory tree into
+an unaccounted location. Moreover, one can create hard links to an
+accounted file in an uncontrolled destination (as the inode is still
+accounted). But it is not allowed to link from an accounted directory
+into a destination with a different project ID. </p>
+<p> Project IDs may be mapped to names through the
+<code>/etc/projid</code> and <code>/etc/projects</code> configuration
+files. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Speculative Preallocation»)
+<p> As files are being written, xfs allocates extra blocks beyond the
+current end of file, anticipating that further writes will arrive to
+extend the file. The preallocation size is dynamic and depends mainly
+on the size of the file. When the file is closed, the unneeded extra
+blocks are reclaimed. </p>
+<p> The speculatively preallocated post-EOF blocks help to minimize
+file fragmentation, but they can cause confusion because they are
+accounted identically to other blocks, making files appear to use
+more data blocks than expected. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Reverse Mapping»)
+<p> This feature was implemented in 2018. It adds yet another B-tree to
+the xfs on-disk data structures: the <em> reverse mapping tree</em>,
+which allows the filesystem to look up the owner of a given block
+(if any). For example, if the underlying storage device reports that
+a certain block went bad, and that block happens to contain contents
+of a regular file, the reverse mapping tree yields the corresponding
+inode and the file offset. </p>
+<p> Another use of the reverse mapping tree is <em>filesystem
+scrubbing</em>, a data integrity technique where a kernel thread
+runs in the background to check the on-disk data structures for
+consistency while the filesystem is mounted. </p>
+<p> Since reverse mapping imposes some performance overhead, the
+feature is disabled by default. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«mkfs Options»)
+Generally, the default settings are suitable for most workloads,
+so there is usually no need for manual optimization. Nevertheless,
+many xfs parameters can be tweaked at filesystem creation time. The
+following list describes some options to <code>mkfs(8)</code>.
+ <li> AG count. The optimal number of AGs for a given block device
+ depends on the underlying storage. Since a single device has
+ limited IO concurrency capability while raid devices allow for
+ much more concurrency, the number of AGs for the single device
+ should be smaller. <code>mkfs.xfs(8)</code> tries to figure out the
+ characteristics of the block device and pick a suitable number of
+ AGs. However, in some cases, for example if the filesystem is stored
+ on a hardware raid array or on a bcache device, it can not detect the
+ geometry of the underlying storage. Explicitly specifying the number
+ of AGs is probably a good idea in this case. As a rule of thumb,
+ 32 AGs should be enough for most cases.
+ <p> The number of AGs can not be changed after the filesystem has been
+ created. However, when an xfs filesystem is grown, new AGs are added,
+ and care should be taken to align the device size to a multiple of
+ the AG size. Generally, one should not increase the filesystem many
+ times in small steps. </p> </li>
+ <li> Stripe unit and stripe width. <code>mkfs.xfs(8)</code> tries
+ hard to choose reasonable defaults, but for hardware raid arrays,
+ the command has no way to tell the raid level and the number of
+ data disks in the array. Without this number it is beneficial to
+ specify the <code>sunit</code> and <code>swidth</code> options to
+ <code>mkfs.xfs(8)</code>. </li>
+ <li> Run <code>df -h $P</code> and <code>df -hi $P</code>, where
+ <code>P</code> is a path on which project quotas are enforced. </li>
+ <li> Create two directories and set up project quotas for both, using
+ different project IDs. Guess what happens if one tries to hard link
+ two files between the two directories. Verify by running a suitable
+ <code>ln</code> command. </li>
+ <li> Run <code>xfs_bmap -v file</code> for a large file on an xfs
+ filesystem to see the extents of the file. </li>
+ <li> Run <code>xfs_logprint -t</code> to dump the log records of a
+ busy xfs filesystem. </li>
+ <li> Run <code>xfs_info(8)</code> on an xfs mountpoint and examine
+ the values shown in the data section.</li>
+ <li> Which of the three journaling modes of ext4 (if any) corresponds
+ to the journaling mode of xfs? </li>
+ <li> Compile the xfsprogs and xfstests packages. Run xfstests on an
+ empty xfs filesystem. </li>
+ <li> Run <code>xfs_info(8)</code> on an existing xfs filesystem and
+ determine whether the device size is an integer multiple of the AG
+ size. Discuss the relevance of this property. </li>
+ <li> Assume you'd like to create a ~100T large xfs filesystem on
+ a logical volume so that the device size is an integer multiple
+ of the AG size. Come up with suitable <code>lvcreate</code> and
+ <code>mkfs.xfs(8)</code> commands to achieve this. </li>
+ <li> Given a path to a file on an xfs filesystem that is mounted with
+ project quotas enabled, how can one determine the project ID of the
+ file? </li>
+Summarize how the reflink feature is implemented in xfs.
+Explain how xfs metadumps work and which parts of the filesystem are
+included in the dump. Provide a formula to estimate the expected
+size of the dump, given the outputs of <code>xfs_info(8)</code>
+and <code>df(1)</code>.
+SECTION(«The Network Filesystem (nfs)»)
+The nfs service allows computers to mount a directory located on
+a remote server as if it were a local disk, allowing file sharing
+over a (typically local) network. On Linux, both the server and the
+client are part of the operating system kernel, but there are also
+nfs implementations which operate in user space. The nfs protocol
+is an open specification, available as a set of RFCs, that has been
+implemented on various operating systems including Linux, FreeBSD
+and MacOS. Server and client can run different operating systems as
+long as they both support a common nfs protocol version.
+The original nfs protocol was designed in 1984 by Sun Microsystems for
+the Sun operating system (SunOS). This version was never released and
+was only deployed inside the company. Protocol version 2 was released
+in 1989. It is long obsolete due to its severe limitations, for example
+it had a maximal file size of 2G. Its successor, protocol version 3,
+was released in 1995 and fixed most of the limitations. This version
+is still in use, although nfs protocol version 4 (called nfs4 in what
+follows) is most frequently deployed these days. It was released
+in 2000 and contains several performance, robustness and security
+improvements over the older versions. The authorative resource for
+the gory details of nfs4 is RFC 7530. The nfs protocol is still under
+active development. Protocol version 4.1 was released in 2010 and
+version 4.2 followed in 2016.
+SUBSECTION(«rpc and xdr»)
+<p> The nfs protocols are built on top of a concept called <em>remote
+procedure call</em> (rpc), which is based on an encoding format known
+as <em>external data representation</em> (xdr). The rpcs which are
+provided by the nfs server are closely related to filesystem-specific
+system calls like <code>read(2), write(2), link(2), rename(2),
+mkdir(2)</code> etc. Therefore an introduction to nfs naturally starts
+with rpc and xdr. </p>
+<p> The functionality of a network service can often be divided into
+the low-level part and the application-level part. The low-level
+part talks to the kernel to establish the connection and to send
+and receive data, using system calls like <code>socket(2), bind(2),
+listen(2), connect(2), recv(2), send(2)</code>, etc. This part is
+independent of the application layer which is only concerned with
+the network protocol of the service. For a service like nfs which
+combines more than one network protocol, it makes sense to abstract
+out the common low-level part. The rpc framework was designed in 1976
+to provide such an abstraction. It supports a variety of transports
+including tcp and udp. With rpc, a program running on one computer can
+execute a function on a different computer. The functions that can
+be called in this manner, the <em>rpc services</em>, are identified
+by a program number and the version number. Originally developed by
+Sun Microsystems in the 1980s, rpc is still in use today, sometimes
+still under the old "sunrpc" name. </p>
+<p> In general, the called procedure runs on a different system as the
+calling procedure, so the client and server processes don't share the
+same address space, and no memory references can be passed. Instead,
+data structures must be <em>serialized</em> first, i.e. converted to a
+certain transfer format that can be stored in a single memory buffer,
+the xdr buffer, which is then sent to the server. The received xdr
+buffer is <em>de-serialized</em> (decoded) by the server, possibly
+in a different way. For example, the server might store the bytes
+which describe an integer value in a different order than the client
+to meet the requirements of its CPU (little/big endian). The xdr API
+offers routines to convert many predefined data types (int, string,
+etc.) to an xdr buffer or vice versa. This unburdens the programmer
+from such details as much as possible. </p>
+<p> To activate rpc on a system, the <code>rpcbind(8)</code> daemon
+(formerly known as portmapper) must be running. This daemon manages
+the various procedures employed by nfs such as mount, lock manager,
+quota daemon, and the nfs procedure itself. It communicates with
+rpc clients by listening on a well-known port. Clients first send a
+<code>get_port</code> request to <code>rpcbind(8)</code> in order to
+find out the port number which corresponds to the procedure they are
+interested in. For example, an nfs client which intends to mount an
+nfs-exported directory requests the port number of the mount procedure
+from <code>rpcbind(8)</code>. A second request is then made to actually
+mount the filesystem. The exercises of this section ask the reader to
+run the <code>rpcinfo(8)</code> tool to show the available procedures
+and their port numbers on the specified server. </p>
+<p> The input format for rpc is the <em>rpc language</em> (rpcl),
+which is similar to C. This format fully describes the application
+protocol, including all procedures and data types. RFC 7531 contains
+the full xdr description of nfs4 in rpcl. The <code>rpcgen(1)</code>
+protocol compiler generates C code from rpcl input. The C code is
+then compiled to generate application code which implements the
+protocol described by the input. <code>rpcgen(8)</code> offers
+multiple application interfaces which provide different degrees of
+control over the rpc internals. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Stateless and Stateful Protocols»)
+<p> The nfs protocol versions 2 and 3 are <em>stateless</em>, which
+means that that by design the server does not keep track of what
+clients do. For example, the server does not remember which files
+are currently open. Instead, the client tracks open files and the
+current offset of each open file, translating application requests
+into suitable protocol messages. While statelessness simplifies crash
+recovery for both the client and the server, it also has downsides. For
+example, file locking requires the server to maintain the existing
+locks and the list of clients which are holding them. Since this
+can not be done with a stateless protocol, another rpc service,
+the <em>lock daemon</em> (lockd), was added. To recover the state of
+locks after a server reboot, yet another rpc service, the <em>status
+daemon</em> (statd), had to be introduced. This design added complexity
+for no real gain, which is why nfs4 departed from the previous versions
+by introducing state. With a stateful protocol it became possible to
+combine all related rpc services into a single service which uses a
+single TCP port. This simplifies the implementation and also allows
+for <em>compound operations</em> where the client sends more than
+one request in a singe rpc call. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Identifiers and File Handles»)
+<p> File handles describe the file or directory a particular operation
+is going to operate upon. For the nfs clients, file handles are
+opaque blobs that can only be tested for equality, but which can not
+be interpreted in any way. However, for the nfs server a file handle
+identifies the corresponding file or directory. Most protocol requests
+include a file handle. For example, the LOOKUP and MKDIR operations
+both return a file handle to the nfs client. </p>
+<p> A file handle consists of three identifiers: a filesystem ID,
+an inode number and the so-called <em>generation number</em>. The
+filesystem ID and the inode number also exist for local files. They
+are derived from the <code>statvfs</code> structure that describes
+the exported filesystem and the <code>stat</code> structure of the
+inode, respectively. The generation number, however, is only needed
+for network file systems. Roughly speaking, the generation number
+counts how many times the inode has been re-used. This is necessary to
+prevent clients from accessing a file through an existing file handle
+if the file was deleted on the server and its inode number has been
+re-used subsequently. File handles are based on <em>leases</em>:
+The client periodically talks to the server to update its leases. </p>
+<p> There is a deep interaction between file handles and the dentry
+cache of the vfs. Without nfs, a filesystems can rely on the following
+"closure" property: For any positive dentry, all its parent directories
+are also positive dentries. This is no longer true if a filesystem
+is exported. Therefore the filesystem maps any file handles sent to
+nfs clients to <em>disconnected</em> dentries. Any process whose cwd
+is on a local fs contributes to the reference counter of the dentry
+that corresponds to the directory, and thus prevents the filesystem
+from being unmounted. For nfs, this is not possible. More general:
+remote applications need a way to refer to a particular dentry,
+stable across renames, truncates, and server-reboot. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Attribute Caching»)
+<p> Several rpcs return file <em>attributes</em>, i.e., the inode
+information which is available for local filesystems through the
+<code>stat(2)</code> system call. For example, the <code>LOOKUP</code>
+rpc returns a new file handle and the attributes that are associated
+with the given path, and the <code>GETATTR</code> rpc returns the
+current attributes of the file which corresponds to an existing
+file handle. By default, nfs clients cache these metadata. However,
+since metadata can change at any time due to file operations from other
+clients, the cached information can become stale. Therefore attributes
+are cached for only a few seconds, which is thus the duration of the
+time window during which metadata modifications caused on a different
+nfs client remain undetected. Reducing this time window can result in
+flooding the server with <code>GETATTR</code> requests while extending
+it increases the chance of returning stale cached data or metadata
+to the application. With the <code>noac</code> mount option, the
+client asks the server every time it needs to assess file metadata.
+However, the option also prohibits <em>data</em> caching, just like
+the <code>sync</code> option. This severely impacts performance. </p>
+<p> Changes to directories are handled similarly. To detect when
+directory entries have been added or removed on the server, the
+client watches the directory mtime (nfsv2 and nfsv3) or <em>change
+attribute</em> (nfsv4). When the client detects a change, it drops
+all cached attributes for that directory. Since the directory's mtime
+and the change attributes are cached attributes, it may take some
+time before a client notices directory changes. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Data Caching and Cache Consistency»)
+<p> nfs clients are usually allowed to cache write operations
+because the write caches increase client performance significantly
+and reduce the load of the server at the same time, allowing it to
+support more clients. However, one side effect of write caching is
+that other clients which access the same file at the same time will
+not see the changes immediately. The <em>consistency guarantees</em>
+of a network file system describe the semantics of such concurrent
+file operations. </p>
+define(«caco_height», «300»)
+define(«caco_width», «100»)
+define(«caco_margin», «10»)
+dnl: args: y-pos, client-no, text
+define(«caco_text», «
+ <text
+ x="12"
+ y="eval($1 * eval((caco_height() - caco_margin()) / 7)
+ + 2 * caco_margin())"
+ ifelse(«$2», «1», «stroke="#228" fill="#228"»)
+ ifelse(«$2», «2», «stroke="#822" fill="#822"»)
+ ifelse(«$2», «3», «stroke="#282" fill="#282"»)
+ font-size="20"
+ >$3</text>
+ width="caco_width()"
+ height="caco_height()"
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+ xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
+ <path
+ stroke-width="3"
+ stroke="black"
+ d="
+ M 5 1
+ l 0 eval(caco_height() - caco_margin())
+ l 3 0
+ l -3 5
+ l -3 -5
+ l 3 0
+ "
+ />
+ caco_text(«0», «1», «open»)
+ caco_text(«1», «1», «write»)
+ caco_text(«2», «2», «open»)
+ caco_text(«3», «1», «close»)
+ caco_text(«4», «3», «open»)
+ caco_text(«5», «2», «read»)
+ caco_text(«6», «3», «read»)
+<p> The nfs versions 2 and 3 provide <em>weak cache consistency</em>
+which notifies clients about changes made by other clients before
+and after an rpc. This concept turned out to be problematic, so
+nfsv4 replaced weak cache consistency by <em>close-to-open cache
+consistency</em>, which means that an nfs client is only guaranteed
+to see the effects of another client's write operation if it opens
+the file <em>after</em> the client that wrote to the file has closed
+it. </p>
+<p> To illustrate close-to-open cache consistency, consider the
+scenario illustrated in the diagram on the left where three nfs clients
+(as indicated by colors) access the same file. The blue client opens
+the file and writes to it while the other two clients only perform read
+operations. With close-to-open cache consistency the green client is
+guaranteed to see the write operation of the blue client while there
+is no such guarantee for the red client. </p>
+nfs4 introduced a feature called <em>file delegation</em>. A file
+delegation allows the client to treat a file temporarily as if no
+other client is accessing it. Once a file has been delegated to a
+client, the client might cache all write operations for this file,
+and only contact the server when memory pressure forces the client
+to free memory by writing back file contents. The server notifies
+the client if another client attempts to access that file.
+SUBSECTION(«Silly Renames and Stale File Handles»)
+<p> Many applications employ the following old trick to store temporary
+data without leaving a stale temp file behind in case the process
+crashes or is killed with <code>SIGKILL</code>. They create and open
+a temporary file, then call <code>unlink(2)</code> to disassociate
+the path from the filesystem tree while retaining the file descriptor
+for subsequent I/O operations. </p>
+<p> With NFS this does not work because the file descriptor exists
+only on the client, and the server doesn't know about it. Consequently
+the normal <code>unlink(2)</code> call on the server would delete
+the file and free its data blocks. This is why the nfs client just
+<em>renames</em> the file to something like <code>.nfs12345</code>
+if an application calls <code>unlink(2)</code> to remove it while it
+is still open. Only after all the last file descriptor that refers
+to the thusly silly-renamed file is closed, the client removes the
+file by issuing an appropriate rpc. </p>
+<p> This approach is not perfect. For one, if the client crashes,
+a stale <code>.nfs12345</code> file remains on the server. Second,
+since silly renames are only known to the nfs client, bad things
+happen if a different client removes the file. </p>
+<p> The file handle which an nfs client received through some earlier
+rpc can become invalid at any time due to operations on a different
+hosts. This happens, for example, if the file was deleted on the server
+or on a different nfs client, or when the directory that contains
+the file is no longer exported by the server due to a configuration
+change. Subsequent attempts to use this file handle for rpcs then
+fail with the <code>ESTALE</code> error. </p>
+<p> The exercises below ask the reader to cause silly-renamed files, and
+stale file handles. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Performance Tuning»)
+There are plenty of mount options for nfs. See <code>nfs(5)</code>
+for details. We only cover a couple of the more interesting ones with
+respect to performance.
+ <li> <code>soft/hard</code>. hard: nfs requests are retried
+ indefinitely. Soft: requests are failed eventually. </li>
+ <li> <code>sync/async</code>. async: nfs client delays sending
+ application writes to the server. sync: writes cause data to be
+ flushed to the server before the system call returns. </li>
+ <li> Run the following commands on an nfs client and discuss the
+ output: <code>df -h</code>, <code>mount -t nfs -t nfs4</code>. </li>
+ <li> Run <code>/usr/sbin/rpcinfo -b 100003 3 | awk '{print $2}' |
+ sort | uniq</code> to list all NFS servers. </li>
+ <li> Explain the difference between the <code>sync</code> mount option
+ for nfs and the <code>sync</code> export option of nfsd. </li>
+ <li> Run the following commands on an nfs server and discuss the
+ output: <code>/sbin/showmount -e</code>, <code>rpcinfo</code>. </li>
+ <li> On an nfs server, run <code>collectl -s F -i 5</code> and discuss
+ the output. </li>
+ <li> In an nfs-mounted directory, run <code>cat > foo &</code>. Note
+ that the cat process automatically receives the STOP signal.
+ Run <code>rm foo; ls -ltra</code>. Read section D2 of the
+ <a href="http://nfs.sourceforge.net/">nfs HOWTO</a> for the
+ explanation. </li>
+ <li> In an nfs-mounted directory, run <code>{ while :; do echo; sleep
+ 1; done; } > baz &</code>. What happens if you remove the file on a
+ <em>different</em> nfs client? </li>
+ <li> Discuss the pros and cons of hard vs. soft mounts. </li>
+ <li> Read section A10 of the <a href="http://nfs.sourceforge.net/">nfs
+ HOWTO</a> to learn about common reasons for stale nfs handles. </li>
+ <li> Can every local filesystem be exported via nfs? </li>
+ <li> What's that readdirplus thing? Describe a scenario where it is
+ beneficial and another scenario where it hurts performance. </li>
+For each POSIX lock type, discuss whether file locks of this type
+work on an nfs-mounted filesystem. If they do, discuss the relevant
+mount options that are necessary to make them work.
+ <li> Use the simplest interface that rpcgen has to offer to write a
+ protocol in rpcl which allows a client to retrieve the load value of
+ the server as a string (contents of <code>/proc/loadavg</code>). </li>
+ <li> Write the same program, but this time use the expert interface
+ and and pass each value of <code>/proc/loadavg</code> as a number of
+ suitable type. </li>
+Describe the purpose of the <code>nfsd</code> and the
+<code>rpc_pipefs</code> pseudo filesystems. Hint: See
+<code>Documentation/filesystems/nfs/nfs.txt</code> of the Linux
+source code.
+Provide an overview of nfs version 4.1 (Parallel nfs).
+SUBSECTION(«Broken Rename»)
+ fd = open("foo.new", ...);
+ write(fd, "new content", ...);
+ close(fd);
+ rename("foo.new", "foo");
+SECTION(«Further Reading»)
+ <li> <code>Documentation/filesystems/vfs.txt</code> of the Linux
+ kernel source. </li>
+ <li> Dominic Giampaolo: Practical File System Design </li>
+ <li> Cormen </li>
+ <li> Darrick Wong: XFS Filesystem Disk Structures </li>
+ <li> The <a href="https://xfs.org/index.php/Main_Page">xfs FAQ</a> </li>
+ <li> Documentation/filesystems/path-lookup.rst </li>
+ <li> rfc 5531: Remote Procedure Call Protocol, Version 2 (2009) </li>
+ <li> Birell, A.D. and Nelson, B.J.: Implementing Remote Procedure Calls
+ (1984) </li>
--- /dev/null
+ The reason people have trouble wrapping their heads around git is
+ because they have been braindamaged by Github and Gitlab.
+», __file__)
+SECTION(«Version Control Systems»)
+The term <em>version control</em> (also <em>revision control</em>
+or <em>source control</em>) refers to the <em>change management</em>
+of files. For example, some sort of change management is needed if a
+team of geographically dispersed people concurrently make changes to
+the files that comprise a document, fixing mistakes and adding new
+content over time.
+A simple form of change management is "version control by email"
+where the collaborators send revised copies of the document to each
+other. While this approach can work for a small group of authors, it
+quickly gets messy as more people are involved. One problem arises
+when more than one person change the current version at the same
+time because it is unclear how these changes should be combined,
+in particular if the changes conflict with each other. For example,
+a conflict arises if one person adds a reference to a portion of text
+while a second person rewords the referenced text and moves it to a
+different chapter. One way to work around this problem is to require
+that only a single person is supposed to make changes at any given
+time. This person edits the files and sends the revised version to
+the next author. While this approach avoids conflicts, it is highly
+inefficient. <em>Version control systems</em> (VCSs) are software tools
+which help the collaborators to maintain different versions of a set of
+files and to deal with concurrent and potentially conflicting changes.
+SUBSECTION(«Centralized and Distributed Version Control Systems»)
+The idea of a VCS is to track the changes that are made to a tree of
+files over time. All revisions of all files are stored in a database
+which is called the <em>repository</em> of the project. The
+recorded changes are organized as <em>commits</em>. Besides the
+file contents, each commit carries metadata about the change, like
+date and time and the name and the email address of the person who
+made the change. Moreover, each time a commit is being created, the
+author is asked to provide a <em>commit message</em>, a text which
+is supposed to document why this particular change was made.
+Most VCSs are <em>content agnostic</em> in that they do not know or
+care about the types of the files that are stored in the repository. In
+order to visualize the difference between two versions of a file,
+they have to rely on third party tools which understand the file
+format. For plain text files, they usually employ the <em>diff</em>
+algorithm and file format. The exercises of this section invite you to
+take a look at the <code>diff(1)</code> command and its counterpart,
+<code>patch(1)</code>. A rough understanding of the diff format is
+fundamental for using any VCS.
+The basic operations offered by VCSs are to retrieve ("check out")
+old versions of the tree, to list the difference ("diff") between
+two revisions, and to create new revisions from modified versions
+of tracked files ("check in"). Most VCSs also have the concept of
+<em>branches</em>. Branching becomes necessary if there is no single
+"master" version, but two or more different versions that have to be
+maintained concurrently. For example, in a repository which contains
+the source code of some software project, there might be one "stable"
+branch where only bugs get fixed, while new features are developed
+in another "development" branch. Another feature each VCS needs to
+implement is some kind of download service which lets (authenticated)
+collaborators download a copy of the repository.
+VCSs can be classified as being either <em>centralized</em> or
+<em>distributed</em>. A centralized VCS is characterized by taking a
+client-server approach to change management. For a centralized VCS, the
+basic operations outlined above all involve the server. For example, to
+check in a change, the server is contacted to record the new revision
+in its database. With distributed VCSs, on the other hand, there is
+no central instance. Instead, all repositories are self-contained
+in that they contain the full change database. Repositories are
+synchronized in a peer-to-peer fashion, which has many advantages,
+including speed and scalability. This is why many people consider
+centralized VCSs obsolete.
+Probably the earliest VCS was the <em>Source Code Control System</em>
+(SCCS) which was originally developed at Bell Labs in 1972. Although
+it was single file based and hence did not have the concept of
+a repository, it was the dominant VCS for Unix in the 1970s and
+1980s. SCCS was also used as the "backend" for newer VCSs, notably RCS
+(1982) and CVS (1990). The latter was the dominant VCS of the 1990s,
+at least in the open source world. It was eventually superseded
+by <em>Subversion</em> (SVN), initially released in 2000, which is
+conceptually similar to CVS. In the late 1990s the distributed VCS
+emerged, and have rendered the older centralized VCSs like CVS and SVN
+obsolete. As of 2018, there are several distributed VCSs under active
+development, of which <em>git</em> (started 2005 by Linus Torvalds,
+the creator of Linux) is the most popular by far. We won't discuss
+other VCSs further.
+ <li> Read the Wikipedia Article on the <a
+ href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diff_utility">diff</a> utility,
+ in particular the section on the unified diff format. </li>
+ <li> Given this <a href="#diff_example">example</a> of a file
+ in unified diff format, determine the original text and the new
+ text. </li>
+ <li> Save the original text of the previous exercise in the
+ file <code>v1.txt</code> and the new text in <code>v2.txt</code>.
+ Then run <code>diff -u v1.txt v2.txt</code> to produce a diff. You
+ will notice that the diff output contains some additional lines.
+ Explain the meaning of these lines. </li>
+ <li> Save the diff output into a file with <code>diff -u v1.txt v2.txt
+ > v1-v2.diff</code>. Then run <code>patch v1.txt < v1-v2.diff</code>.
+ Examine <code>v1.txt</code>, then run <code>diff v1.txt v2.txt</code>
+ to confirm that the two files are identical. </li>
+Come up with use cases for the <code> diff </code> and <code> patch </code>
+utilities which are unrelated to version control.
+SECTION(«Basic Git Usage»)
+SUBSECTION(«Getting Help»)
+- CMD(«git help») shows commands.
+- CMD(«git help pull») help for pull.
+- CMD(«git pull -h») short overview of pull options.
+SUBSECTION(«clone, init»)
+- get started
+- init: get a new repository
+- clone: copy a repository
+- read CMD(«git help init») and CMD(«git help clone»)
+- create an empty repository and clone it
+SUBSECTION(«add, commit»)
+- add files
+- commit changes
+- add files to both repositories
+- commit changes, write commit summary
+- change files again
+- commit changes again
+- Initialize a new repository. Create an empty file
+ CMD(«fruits.txt»), add it to the staging area with CMD(«git
+ add») and commit it.
+- Use CMD(«printf "apple\npear\n" >fruits.txt») to add some
+ fruits to the file. Add the modified file to the staging
+ area.
+- Use CMD(«printf "orange\n" >>fruits.txt») to modify the
+ file again.
+- CMD(«git status») will show the file twice, why?
+- Which version of the file (which fruits) will be committed
+ by CMD(«git commit -m "new fruits arrived"»)?
+- How do you get the version with oranges commited?
+», «
+The second CMD(«git add») command adds the "apple and pear" version
+to the staging area. Appending CMD(«orange») does not change what
+has been staged, so the first version is listed under "Changes to be
+committed", while the just modified version is listed under "Changes
+not staged for commit". A simple CMD(«git commit») will commit the
+staged version. To commit the other version (with oranges) one must
+add the file again and then run CMD(«git commit»).
+- view commit history
+- Look at log in both repositories
+SUBSECTION(«fetch, merge, pull»)
+- get changes from others
+- pull is fetch + merge
+- use 'git pull' to get both repositories into the same state
+- try create an edit conflict: change both repositories and use pull
+- resolve the edit conflict
+SUBSECTION(«checkout, reset»)
+- reset: move HEAD
+- checkout: undo changes, get older version
+- Use checkout to look at older versions of your project
+SUBSECTION(«tags, branches»)
+- tag a release
+- branch to start a new experimental feature
+- Create a new branch, modify files
+- Use checkout to switch between master and new branch
+- remote: manage aliases for remote repositories
+- use CMD(«git remote -v») on both repositories
+SECTION(«Commit Graph»)
+The git version control system has been designed for
+EMPH(«distributed») development where more than one person
+makes changes to the source tree simultaneously and each does
+so independently of the other. The history of a source tree that
+evolves in this manner can not be described by a simple linked list
+of changes which could sequentially be applied to the original source
+tree in order to obtain the "current version" of the tree. In fact,
+there is no such thing as a "current version". Moreover, in general
+two commits are not related to each other in the sense that the second
+commit comes after the first, or vice versa. Instead, the relationship
+between commits can only be described adequately by a structure known
+in graph theory as EMPH(«directed, acyclic graph») (DAG).
+Many git commands operate on the DAG that corresponds to the commits
+of the repository at hand. It is therefore useful to have a rough
+understanding of the basic concepts of graph theory, and of DAGs in
+particular. The exercises of this section ask the reader to translate
+between the abstract, mathematical notion of a graph and its concrete
+realization as commits in a git repository. We cover the partial order
+of a DAG, and the derived concepts of reachabilty and infimum. Another
+exercise aims to get the reader fluent in git's way of specifying
+sets of commits.
+ <li> Recall the definition of a <a
+ href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directed_acyclic_graph">directed
+ and acyclic graph</a>. </li>
+ <li>
+define(«dag_node_size», «13»)
+define(«dag_margin», «dag_node_size()»)
+define(«dag_node_bgcolor», «#ccc»)
+define(«dag_arrow_width», «2»)
+define(«dag_node», «
+ <circle
+ r="dag_node_size()"
+ cx="eval($1 + dag_margin())"
+ cy="eval($2 + dag_margin())"
+ fill="dag_node_bgcolor()"
+ />
+ <text
+ x="eval($1 + dag_margin())"
+ y="eval($2 + dag_margin())"
+ stroke="black"
+ text-anchor="middle"
+ dy="0.3em"
+ >$3</text>
+define(«dag_harrow», «
+ <line
+ x1="eval($1 + dag_margin() + dag_node_size())"
+ y1="eval($2 + dag_margin())"
+ x2="eval($1 + $3 + dag_margin() - dag_node_size()
+ - 4)"
+ y2="eval($2 + dag_margin())"
+ stroke-width="dag_arrow_width()"
+ stroke="black"
+ marker-end="url(#arrow)"
+ />
+define(«dag_darrow», «
+ <line
+ x1="eval($1 + dag_margin() + dag_node_size() * 100 / 142)"
+ y1="eval($2 + dag_margin() + dag_node_size() * 100 / 142)"
+ x2="eval(dag_margin() + $1 + $3 - dag_node_size() * 100 / 142
+ - 4)"
+ y2="eval(dag_margin() + $2 + $3 - dag_node_size() * 100 / 142)"
+ stroke-width="dag_arrow_width()"
+ stroke="black"
+ marker-end="url(#arrow)"
+ />
+ width="180" height="66"
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+ xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
+ preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet"
+ <marker
+ id="arrow"
+ viewBox="0 0 10 10" refX="5" refY="5"
+ markerWidth="4" markerHeight="4"
+ orient="auto-start-reverse">
+ <path d="M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z" />
+ </marker>
+ dag_node(«0», «0», «I»)
+ dag_node(«100», «0», «1»)
+ dag_node(«40», «40», «A»)
+ dag_node(«90», «40», «2»)
+ dag_node(«140», «40», «M»)
+ dag_darrow(«0», «0», «40»)
+ dag_harrow(«0», «0», «100»)
+ dag_darrow(«100», «0», «40»)
+ dag_harrow(«40», «40», «50»)
+ dag_harrow(«90», «40», «50»)
+ Determine the partial order of the simple DAG on the left by
+ listing those pairs of vertices (X, Y) for which X is smaller or
+ equal to Y. Determine the infimum of 1 and 2. </li>
+ <li> The set of vertices <em>reachable</em> from a vertex Y consists
+ of all vertices X which are smaller or equal than Y. Determine the
+ vertices reachable from M and A. </li>
+ <li> Realize that this DAG is equivalent to the commit graph of the
+ repository created by this <a href="#merge.bash">script</a>. Determine
+ for each vertex in the DAG its counterpart of the git repository. Then
+ run <code>git log --graph</code> to verify. </li>
+ <li> In the same repository, which commits are shown by the following
+ commands? Answer <em>before</em> you run the command. </li>
+ <ul>
+ <li> <code>git show topic1..topic2</code> </li>
+ <li> <code>git show topic1...topic2</code> </li>
+ <li> <code>git log -1 topic2~2</code> </li>
+ <li> <code>git log -1 topic2^2</code> </li>
+ <li> <code>git log topic1...master</code> </li>
+ </ul>
+define(«ril_node_size», «13»)
+define(«ril_node_bgcolor», «#ccc»)
+define(«ril_arrow_width», «2»)
+define(«ril_alpha», «eval(ril_node_size() * 4 / 10)»)
+define(«ril_beta», «eval(ril_node_size() * 92 / 100)») dnl sqrt(1 - alpha^2)
+define(«ril_node», «
+ <circle
+ r="ril_node_size()"
+ cx="$1"
+ cy="$2"
+ fill="ril_node_bgcolor()"
+ />
+ <text
+ x="$1"
+ y="$2"
+ stroke="black"
+ text-anchor="middle"
+ dy="0.3em"
+ >$3</text>
+define(«ril_rarrow», «
+ <line
+ x1="eval($1 + ril_alpha())"
+ y1="eval($2 + ril_beta())"
+ x2="eval($3 - ril_alpha() - 3)"
+ y2="eval($4 - ril_beta() - 2)"
+ stroke-width="ril_arrow_width()"
+ stroke="black"
+ marker-end="url(#arrow)"
+ />
+define(«ril_larrow», «
+ <line
+ x1="eval($1 - ril_alpha())"
+ y1="eval($2 + ril_beta())"
+ x2="eval($3 + ril_alpha() + 3)"
+ y2="eval($4 - ril_beta() - 2)"
+ stroke-width="ril_arrow_width()"
+ stroke="black"
+ marker-end="url(#arrow)"
+ />
+define(«ril_varrow», «
+ <line
+ x1="$1"
+ y1="eval($2 + ril_node_size())"
+ x2="$3"
+ y2="eval($4 - ril_node_size() - 4)"
+ stroke-width="ril_arrow_width()"
+ stroke="black"
+ marker-end="url(#arrow)"
+ />
+ width="160" height="170"
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+ xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
+ preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet"
+ ril_node(«15», «15», «G»)
+ ril_node(«55», «15», «H»)
+ ril_node(«95», «15», «I»)
+ ril_node(«135», «15», «J»)
+ ril_node(«35», «60», «D»)
+ ril_node(«75», «60», «E»)
+ ril_node(«115», «60», «F»)
+ ril_node(«75», «105», «B»)
+ ril_node(«115», «105», «C»)
+ ril_node(«95», «150», «A»)
+ ril_rarrow(«15», «15», «35», «60»)
+ ril_larrow(«55», «15», «35», «60»)
+ ril_rarrow(«95», «15», «115», «60»)
+ ril_larrow(«135», «16», «115», «60»)
+ ril_rarrow(«35», «60», «75», «105»)
+ ril_varrow(«75», «60», «75», «105»)
+ ril_larrow(«115», «60», «75», «105»)
+ ril_varrow(«115», «60», «115», «105»)
+ ril_rarrow(«75», «105», «95», «150»)
+ ril_larrow(«115», «105», «95», «150»)
+For each of the following revision parameters, determine the commit
+it refers to with respect to the commit graph on the left. Parent
+commits are ordered left-to-right.
+A^0, A^, A^1, A^^^2, B^3^, A~1, A^2, A^^, A^1^1, A^^2,
+B^3^2, A^^3^2. A~2^2, A^^3^, A^^^, A^1^1^1, A~3.
+», «
+The suffix <code>^</code> to a revision parameter means the
+first parent. <code>^n</code> means the n-th parent. The suffix
+<code>~n</code> means the n-th generation ancestor, following only
+the first parents. See <code>gitrevisions(7)</code>.
+A^0 = A, A^ = A^1 = B, A^^^2 = H, B^3^ = I, A~1 = B, A^2 = C,
+A^^ = A^1^1 = D, A^^2 = E, B^3^2 = A^^3^2 = J, A~2^2 = H, A^^3^ = I,
+A^^^ = A^1^1^1 = A~3 = G
+SECTION(«Git Objects and Refs»)
+Unlike centralized version control systems like CVS and SVN, each copy
+of a git repository contains the full history of the source tree,
+rather than only a few recent revisions. This speeds up operations
+like CMD(«git log») or CMD(«git diff») because all operations
+are local. It also makes it possible to work offline as no network
+connection is needed for most operations. The git database, which
+is hidden inside the CMD(«.git») subdirectory of the repository,
+contains all revisions of all tracked files as well as meta data like
+file names, access permissions and commit messages. All contents are
+stored as EMPH(«git objects») and the database is indexed by the
+SHA1 hash value of the objects' contents. This indexing method is
+called EMPH(«content-based addressing») because the hash value of
+the contents of an object is used as the lookup key for the database.
+Depending on the size of the repository, the git database may contain
+millions of objects, but there are only four different types of
+objects: blob, tree, commit, and tag. The exercises of this section
+invite the reader to look at each object type in more detail. Another
+aim is to demystify the differences between heads, tags, refs and
+branches, which all denote a reference to a commit object.
+- Recall the properties of a
+ XREFERENCE(«https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptographic_hash_function»,
+ «cryptographic hash function»).
+- How many objects of each type exist in the repo created by this
+ REFERENCE(two_branches.bash, script)? Check with CMD(git fsck -v).
+- Clone the user-info repository with CMD(«git clone
+ git://ilm.eb.local/user-info») and explore all files in the
+ CMD(«.git/refs») directory.
+- Learn how to manually create a commit with CMD(«git hash-object»),
+ CMD(«git update-index»), CMD(«git write-tree»), and CMD(«git
+ commit-tree»).
+SECTION(«The Index»)
+Every version control system needs some kind of EMPH(«tree object»)
+which records the information about one particular state of the source
+tree. A commit then corresponds to a transition from one tree object
+to another and is described by an edge in the commit graph.
+Git exposes one tree object in a special staging area called the
+EMPH(«index»). One can think of the index as a table which contains
+one row for each tracked file, which contains the information necessary
+to generate a tree object.
+Under normal circumstances each row of the index has three columns:
+The permission bits of the file, the file name, and the hash value
+of the file's contents. When resolving merge conflicts, however,
+it is handy to have additional columns which contain the hash values
+of the two conflicting versions of the file plus the hash value of
+a common anchestor.
+Many git commands operate on the index. For example the command
+CMD(«git commit») (with no arguments) creates a commit from the
+index. It does not even look at the working tree. Another example is
+CMD(«git add foo»), which updates the hash column of CMD(«foo»)
+in the index to match the version of CMD(«foo») in the working tree.
+From the above it should be clear that the concept of an index is
+quite natural in the context of version control systems. The fact
+that git exposes the index, rather than hiding it as other version
+control systems do, gives the user a great deal of control over the
+next commit. Being able to tweak the index as needed is a good thing
+not only for conflict handling.
+The exercises of this section try to convince the reader that the index
+is by no means an advanced concept that is so hard to understand that
+it should be hidden from the user.
+- In any repository, add a modified tracked file and run CMD(«git diff»),
+and CMD(«git diff --cached»).
+- Make two unrelated changes to the same file, then run CMD(«tig»),
+CMD(«git gui») or CMD(«git add -i») to record only one of the changes to
+the index. Run CMD(«git diff --cached») to verify before you commit.
+- During a merge, the index contains references to up to three versions
+of each file. Explain to which commits these three versions correspond.
+Resetting a branch means to let the branch head point to a different
+commit. This so-called EMPH(«soft») reset operates only on the
+commit graph, but it touches neither the index nor the working tree.
+By default git performs a EMPH(«medium») reset which additionally
+resets the index to make it match the tree object of the new
+commit. Finally, a EMPH(«hard») reset additionally updates the
+working tree accordingly.
+The exercises of this section try to clarify the difference between
+the three different flavors of resetting a branch.
+- In the repo created with REFERENCE(«two_branches.bash»,
+«script»), create a new temporary branch with CMD(«git checkout
+-b tmp topic2»). Reset this branch to its parent commit with
+CMD(«git reset --hard HEAD^») Repeat using the CMD(«--soft»)
+and CMD(--medium) options. Examine the index at each step.
+- When given one or more paths, CMD(«git reset») has a different
+meaning: It copies named entries from the given revision to the
+index. In the two-branches repo, run CMD(«git reset HEAD^ h») and
+investigate the working copy and the index with CMD(«git diff»)
+and CMD(«git diff --cached»).
+<p> The command <code>git reset --hard</code> throws away any
+uncommitted changes in the working tree and the index. It returns to
+a <em>clean state</em> where index and working tree match the tree
+of the HEAD commit. Sometimes, however, one would like to return to
+a clean state without losing or committing the local changes. </p>
+<p> For example, suppose that your working tree has several modified
+files because you are in the middle of something. Then you notice
+an unrelated flaw in one of the files. Fixing this flaw has higher
+priority than your current work and should be quick and easy. But you
+don't want to lose your local changes and you don't want to commit
+them either because this work is not yet complete. </p>
+<p> In this situation <code>git stash</code> can help you out. This
+command records the current state of the working directory and the
+index. The modifications can be restored later, possibly on top of
+a different commit. </p>
+define(«str_node_size», «13»)
+define(«str_node_bgcolor», «#ccc»)
+define(«str_arrow_width», «2»)
+dnl sin(pi/3) = sqrt(3)/2 = 0.866
+define(«str_offset», «eval(str_node_size() * 87 / 100)»)
+define(«str_node», «
+ <circle
+ r="str_node_size()"
+ cx="$1"
+ cy="$2"
+ fill="str_node_bgcolor()"
+ />
+ <text
+ x="$1"
+ y="$2"
+ stroke="black"
+ text-anchor="middle"
+ dy="0.3em"
+ >$3</text>
+define(«str_arrow», «
+ <line
+ x1="$1"
+ y1="$2"
+ x2="$3"
+ y2="$4"
+ stroke-width="str_arrow_width()"
+ stroke="black"
+ marker-end="url(#arrow)"
+ />
+ width="100" height="75"
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+ xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
+ preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet"
+ str_node(«20», «65», «H»)
+ str_node(«80», «65», «I»)
+ str_node(«50», «13», «W»)
+ str_arrow(«eval(20 + str_node_size())», «65»,
+ «eval(80 - str_node_size() - 4)», «65»)
+ str_arrow(«eval(20 + str_node_size() / 2)»,
+ «eval(65 - str_offset())»,
+ «eval(50 - str_node_size() / 2 - 2)»,
+ «eval(str_node_size() + str_offset() + 2)»)
+ str_arrow(«eval(80 - str_node_size() / 2)»,
+ «eval(65 - str_offset())»,
+ «eval(50 + str_node_size() / 2 + 2)»,
+ «eval(str_node_size() + str_offset() + 2)»)
+<p> Stashes are stored in a git repository as illustrated in the graph
+to the left. H stands for the <code>HEAD</code> commit, I for a commit
+that records the state of the index. W is a commit which includes
+the changes of the working tree, relative to the <code> HEAD </code>
+commit. It is reasonable to store W as a child of I since usually
+the staged version corresponds to an earlier version of the tree. </p>
+<p> After <code>git stash</code> the index and the working tree
+are both reset to H so that <code>git status</code> reports
+a clean state. <code>git stash pop</code> and <code>git stash
+apply</code> apply the changes between H and W to the current working
+directory. Since the working directory might be completely different
+at this point, this operation can fail. Note that neither <code>git
+stash pop</code> nor <code>git stash apply</code> restore the changes
+to the index recorded in the stash. For this you need to specify
+the <code> --index</code> option. Consult <code>git-stash(1)</code>
+for details. </p>
+The exercises of this section ask the reader to practice stashing
+and unstashing in the "interrupted work flow" scenario described above.
+- Run the REFERENCE(«stash.bash», «stash example script»)
+below. It creates a single commit and leaves the working tree
+in a dirty state. Run CMD(«git diff») and CMD(«git status»)
+to see the uncommited changes. Suppose at this point you realize
+the typo in the first sentence ("pomacous" instead of "pomaceous").
+Run CMD(«git stash») to stash away your modifications, then fix the
+typo and create a commit with this typo fix only. Run CMD(«git stash
+pop») to bring back the stashed modification. This will result in
+a conflict as is verified with CMD(«git status»). Fix the conflict
+by editing the file, and resolve the conflict by re-adding the file
+with CMD(«git add»). Commit the modification and investigate all
+three commits with CMD(«git log -p»).
+- Discuss the difference and the pros and cons of stashing versus
+creating a commit in a temporary branch.
+Version control systems track every version of every file. Therefore
+they can, at least in principle, compute for each line of a tracked
+file the commit that introduced it.
+For example, this information can be used to identify the commit which
+introduced a certain bug in a source file of a software project. The
+commit meta data tells who made the problematic change and when,
+and the commit message (hopefully) explains why the change was made
+in this way, who was involved in the discussion, and who reviewed or
+approved the change. This information can be very valuable because
+it helps to avoid similar bugs in the future. It is common practice
+to mention the ID of the problematic commit in the commit message of
+the fixup commit that eliminates the bug.
+git provides a simple way to annotate any tracked text file with
+the commit information. This functionality is implemented as the
+EMPH(«blame») subcommand. In the simplest form, CMD(«git blame»)
+adds the following information to each line of the given file:
+- the (abbreviated) ID of the commit that introduced the line,
+- the name of the author of that commit,
+- the date and time of the commit,
+- the line number.
+The exercises of this section aim to make the reader aware of the
+CMD(«blame») command and to convince her that the command can be
+helpful at times, and that it is actually very easy to use.
+- Clone the user-info repo with CMD(«git clone
+git://ilm.eb.local/user-info») and run CMD(«git blame
+doc/user-guide/user-guide.txi») and discuss each column of the output.
+- Repeat the CMD(«blame») command, but this time add the
+CMD(«--line-porcelain») option and discuss what kind of statistics
+could be created from the output of this command if it was run on
+all files of a large software project.
+SECTION(«Proposing and Discussing Changes»)
+More often than not, even simple changes have to be tweaked to
+perfection in several steps. The problem is that the text or code
+always looks great to the person who just wrote it, while another
+person, or even the author herself a day later, finds serious
+flaws. Also, coming up with a good commit message is much easier
+EMPH(«without») having all the details in short term memory. The sad
+truth is that there's nothing that can be done about that, as this
+is just how the human brain works. In view of this unfixable human
+limitation, the highest quality is achieved by EMPH(«peer review»),
+which is why the policy of many software projects demands that each
+commit has to be reviewed and approved by somebody else before it
+hits the master branch of a repository.
+The CMD(«send-email») subcommand of git makes peer review as easy as
+it can get. It sends the specified range of commits to the recipients
+given at the command line or in the commit messages. The recipients
+can apply the patch series to their own local repository with CMD(«git
+am») ("am" is short for "apply mailbox"). As CMD(«git send-email»)
+sends each commit as a separate email, controverse changes can be
+discussed by simply replying to the corresponding emails. If some
+particular commit triggers a discussion, it probably needs to be
+adjusted according to the reviewer's comments, and the author should
+send a revised version later. In this case also the commit message
+should be adjusted to include a summary of the discussion. This process
+can be iterated several times if necessary. Once the reviewers have
+no more objections, the CMD(«Reviewed-by») tags can be added to
+the final version of each patch in the series and the series can be
+applied to the master branch.
+This way of discussing commits by email has several advantages. For
+one, it does not force everyone into a specific development tool or
+platform, as everybody can use his favorite email client to review
+the patches and reply to the patch emails. Second, no additional
+infrastructure is required and no accounts or access persmissions need
+to be maintained. In fact, it is the EMPH(«point») of distributed
+development to have no central infrastructure that could become the
+single point of failure. Third, additional people can be included in
+the discussion simply by adding them to the CC list.
+- Preparation: Clone the user-info repo with CMD(«git clone
+- Create and check out a branch that points as the same commit as
+the master branch: CMD(«git checkout -b user-guide origin/master»).
+- Open the CMD(«doc/user-guide/user-guide.txi») file with an
+editor and add a sentence to the first section. Create a commit
+with CMD(«git commit -av») and send this commit to yourself with
+CMD(«git send-email HEAD^..»), then check your mail.
+- In practice you would send the commit to the maintainer of the repo
+rather than to yourself. Assume you already did this and the maintainer
+replied that your change is good, but has some minor issue. Edit
+the file again and change the sentence. Run CMD(«git commit -av
+--amend») to replace your commit. Double check with CMD(«git show»)
+that everything is fine. Then run the above CMD(«git send-email»)
+command again.
+- Now suppose you are the maintainer of the project, and you received
+the patch by email from somebody else and want to apply it to your
+repository. Get rid of the commit with CMD(«git reset --hard HEAD^»),
+save the patch email into the file CMD(«improvement.patch») and
+copy the file to the machine on which your repo is stored. Then run
+CMD(«git am improvement.patch») to apply the patch. Note:
+ - there is no need to remove the email headers,
+ - the commit message and author information stays intact,
+ - the SHA1 number of the commit has changed.
+- If your repository is world-readable and the project maintainer
+can log in into the machine on which it is stored, CMD(«git
+request-pull») is an alternative to CMD(«git send-email»). Run
+CMD(«git request-pull HEAD^ $PWD») to see how your pull request
+looks like. Then run CMD(«git request-pull HEAD^ $PWD | mail -s
+"[Pull] documentation improvements" $LOGNAME») to send the pull
+request to yourself. In practice, you would of course send the pull
+request to the maintainer.
+SECTION(«Remote Repositories, Push and Fetch»)
+- CMD(«push»): update remote refs using local refs
+- input: URL of the remote repo, refs (branches or tags) to push
+- refspec, e.g., CMD(«+refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/mpi/master»)
+- forcing a push or fetch
+- deleting branches from a remote with CMD(«git push :topic»)
+- Recall the definition of a fast-forward merge in
+- In the refspec CMD(«<src>:<dst>») which kind of objects are
+allowed for CMD(«<src>») and CMD(«<dst>»)?
+- By default CMD(«git push <src>:<dst>») fails if the remote
+branch CMD(«<dst>») does not fast-forward to the commit specified by
+CMD(«<src>»). The optional leading CMD(«+») tells git to update the
+destination ref anyway. Discuss why this "forced push" is dangerous.
+- Create an REFERENCE(«empty_repo.bash», «empty repo») and a second
+repo with REFERENCE(«two_branches.bash», «two branches»). Change
+the CWD to this second repository. All operations below are to be
+executed from this location.
+- Push one of the branches from the two-branch repo to the empty
+repo by executing a suitable CMD(«git push») command. Check out
+one of the two branches and modify the commit message with CMD(«git
+commit --amend»). Then run the same CMD(«push command») again and
+understand the error message you get. Find two ways to force the push.
+- Add a suitable CMD(«URL») line to the CMD(«.git/config») file of
+the two-branch repo that lets you refer to the other repo by name. Run
+CMD(«git ls-remote <name>») to list the branches of this repository
+(where CMD(«<name>») is the name you have chosen in the CMD(«URL»)
+- Add a suitable CMD(«push») line to the configuration file of the
+two-branch repo so that simply running CMD(«git push») pushes one
+branch to the second repository.
+- Remove one branch of the formerly empty repository by running a
+suitable CMD(«git push :<branch>») command from the two-branch
+- Discuss what should happen if the branch to be removed with
+CMD(«git push :<branch>») is currently checked out in the remote
+repository. Then check if git does what you suspect.
+- purpose: polish commits for the final merge to master
+- reorder commits
+- rewriting commit messages
+- removing, splitting and joining commits
+- interactive or non-interactive
+- automated testing
+- Run the REFERENCE(«rebase_example.bash», «rebase example script»)
+to create a repository with a (stable) master branch, and a (rather
+messy) topic branch (called "bembel") and CMD(«cd») into the top
+level directory of this git repo.
+- Execute CMD(«tig master bembel») to visualize the commit graph
+and the indiviual commits.
+- Check out the topic branch and rebase it on top of master with
+CMD(«git rebase master»). Run the above CMD(«tig») command again
+to see the effect.
+- The topic branch contains one commit which is actually unrelated to
+the topic. Identify this commit and run CMD(«git rebase -i master»)
+to change the order of the commits so that the unrelated commit
+comes first.
+- Find the SHA1 of the unrelated commit with CMD(«git log») and
+merge only this commit into the master branch with CMD(«git checkout
+master»), CMD(«git merge <sha1>»). Note that this is a fast-forward
+merge, so no merge commit is created.
+- Check out the topic branch and run CMD(«git rebase -i master»)
+again to combine all commits to a single commit. This is done by
+replacing CMD(«pick») by CMD(«squash») for all but the first
+commit. Note that you are asked to combine the individual commit
+messages into a single (meaningful) one.
+- Create a test script (CMD(«grep bembel * || exit 1»)) that checks
+that the word "bembel" is never spelled in lower case. On the topic
+branch, run CMD(«git rebase -i master») and add one line between
+each commit that runs your test script. Hint: Read the comments at
+the bottom of the message.
+- Merge the topic branch into the master branch with CMD(«git checkout
+master») and CMD(«git merge bembel»). Then delete the topic branch
+with CMD(«git branch -d bembel»). Does this lose any commits?
+SECTION(«Conflict Resolution»)
+- conflicts can happen during CMD(«merge»), CMD(«pull»),
+ CMD(«stash») operations.
+- conflict markers
+- stages: 1: base, 2: ours, 3: theirs
+- rerere: replay recorded resolution
+- Run this REFERENCE(merge.bash, script) which creates a git repository
+with two branches in a subdirectory of the current directory. Try to
+merge the two branches with CMD(git merge topic1). Understand why the
+command fails. Explain the output of CMD(git status), CMD(git diff)
+and CMD(git diff --cached), CMD(git log -p --merge).
+- The terms "merge base", "ours", "theirs" are frequently used to
+denote commits during a conflicted merge. Determine these commits for
+the conflict at hand. Run CMD(git ls-files -u) and CMD(git ls-tree
+$X) for CMD(X=master, topic1, topic2) and describe the meaning of
+each column in the output.
+- Look at the two diffs from each branch: CMD(git log --merge -p) and
+at the three originals: CMD(git show :$X:h), where CMD(«X=1,2,3»).
+- Resolve the conflict with CMD(echo "hello all" > h), followed
+by CMD(git add h). Check how the output of CMD(git status) CMD(git
+ls-files -u) has changed. Run CMD(git commit -m "resolved") to record
+your conflict resolution and verify with CMD(git log --graph). Describe
+the meaning of the two SHA1 numbers shown in the CMD(git log -1)
+- Activate the EMPH(«rerere») feature by adding CMD(«enabled =
+true») to the CMD(«rerere») section of your CMD(«.git/config»)
+file. Run CMD(«git reset --hard HEAD^») to get rid of the merge
+commit and to return to the previous commit. Repeat the merge, notice:
+git records the conflict and the resolution. Reset and repeat again.
+SUBSECTION(«Diff Example»)
+<div class="diffctx"> The git version control system is a powerful </div>
+<div class="diffdel">-open source tool. Unfortunately, with more </div>
+<div class="diffdel">-than 100 subcommands and even more command </div>
+<div class="diffdel">-line options, it is way too difficult to use </div>
+<div class="diffadd">+open source tool. Fortunately, thanks to the </div>
+<div class="diffadd">+Unix course web pages it is easy to learn even </div>
+<div class="diffctx"> for mere humans. </div>
+ #!/bin/bash
+ set -e
+ GD=$(mktemp -d /tmp/ct-git-XXXXXX)
+ cd "$GD"
+ git init
+ echo cd "$GD"
+ #!/bin/bash
+ set -e
+ GD=$(mktemp -d /tmp/ct-git-XXXXXX)
+ cd "$GD"
+ git init
+ echo hello > h
+ echo 'apples, peas' > fruits
+ git add h fruits
+ git commit -m initial
+ git checkout -b topic1
+ echo world >> h
+ echo apples > fruits
+ git commit -am 'add world, peas are no fruits'
+ git checkout -b topic2 master
+ echo people >> h
+ git commit -am 'add people'
+ echo cd "$GD"
+ #!/bin/bash
+ set -e
+ GD=$(mktemp -d /tmp/ct-git-XXXXXX)
+ cd "$GD"
+ git init
+ echo hello > h
+ git add h
+ git commit -m initial
+ git checkout -b topic1
+ echo 'apples' > fruits
+ git add fruits
+ git commit -m fruits
+ echo 'pears' >> fruits
+ git commit -am 'more fruits'
+ git checkout -b topic2 master
+ echo 'peas' > vegetables
+ git add vegetables
+ git commit -m vegetables
+ git merge --no-edit topic1
+ echo Created merge example repository in:
+ echo "$PWD"
+ #!/bin/bash
+ set -e
+ GD=$(mktemp -d /tmp/ct-git-XXXXXX)
+ f='apple-definition'
+ cd "$GD"
+ git init
+ echo 'The apple tree (Malus domestica) is a deciduous tree in the rose
+ family best known for its sweet, pomacous fruit, the apple.' > "$f"
+ git add "$f"
+ git commit -m 'initial draft of apple definition'
+ echo 'The apple tree (Malus domestica) is a deciduous tree in the rose
+ family best known for its sweet, pomacous fruit, the apple. The tree
+ originated in Central Asia, where its wild ancestor, Malus sieversii,
+ is still found today.' > "$f"
+ #!/bin/bash
+ set -e
+ GD=$(mktemp -d /tmp/ct-git-XXXXXX)
+ cd "$GD"
+ git init
+ f1='apfelwein'
+ f2='culture'
+ echo 'Apfelwein or Most are German words for cider. It is also
+ regionaly known as Ebbelwoi, Äppler, Stöffsche, Apfelmost Viez,
+ and saurer Most.
+ ' > "$f1"
+ git add "$f1"
+ git commit -m 'Add initial definition of Ebbelwoi.'
+ echo '
+ In the Frankfurt area, berries from the service tree (Sorbus
+ domestica), are added to increase astringency. This specific
+ type of Apfelwein is called Speierling.
+ ' >> "$f1"
+ git commit -am 'Add section on Speierling.'
+ git checkout -b 'bembel'
+ echo '
+ Apfelwein is served in a "Geripptes", a glass with a lozenge cut that
+ refracts light and improves grip.
+ ' > "$f2"
+ git add "$f2"
+ git commit -m 'Initial draft of culture file.'
+ git checkout master
+ echo '
+ The juice or must is fermented with yeast to produce an alcoholic
+ beverage usually around 6% abv.
+ ' >> "$f1"
+ git commit -am 'Mention that Apfelwein is an alcoholic beverage.'
+ git checkout 'bembel'
+ echo '
+ Most establishments will also serve Apfelwein by the Bembel (a specific
+ Apfelwein jug), much like how beer can be purchased by the pitcher
+ in many countries.
+ ' >> "$f2"
+ git commit -am 'Add section on bembel to culture file.'
+ sed -i 's/regionaly/regionally/g' "$f1"
+ git commit -am 'Fix typo in apfelwein section.'
+ sed -i '/^Most establishments/,$d' "$f2"
+ echo '
+ Most establishments will also serve Apfelwein by the Bembel (a specific
+ Apfelwein jug). The paunchy bembel is made from salt-glazed stoneware
+ and always has a basic grey colour with blue-painted detailing.
+ ' >> "$f2"
+ git commit -am 'Rewrite section on Bembel.'
+ sed -i 's/bembel/Bembel/g' "$f2"
+ git commit -am 'Always spell Bembel in upper case.'
+ echo "cd $GD"
--- /dev/null
+ The cluster makes it possible to do, in half an hour, tasks
+ which were completely unnecessary to do before. -- Unknown
+», __file__)
+- *Cluster* (often also called *grid*): a group of machines cooperating
+to do some work
+- *Job* : what you want the cluster to do for you
+- *Nodes* (also called exec hosts): The machines that actually do
+the work
+- *Master*: machine that knows all jobs, all nodes, their capabilities
+and current load
+- *SGE* (Sun gridengine): Software that runs on all relevant machines
+- *Submit host*: takes a list of jobs to be executed and sends them
+to the master (ilm). The master then distributes them across the
+available nodes
+- *Slot*: a single computing unit (one CPU core)
+ width="300" height="150"
+ viewBox="0 0 200 100"
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+ xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
+ <!-- Upper exec host -->
+ <rect
+ fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"
+ x="6" y="8" width="45" height="40" rx="5"
+ />
+ <rect fill="white" height="10" width="34" x="12" y="13" rx="3"/>
+ <rect fill="#aaa" height="6" width="2" x="17" y="15"/>
+ <rect fill="#aaa" height="6" width="2" x="22" y="15"/>
+ <rect fill="#aaa" height="6" width="2" x="27" y="15"/>
+ <rect fill="#aaa" height="6" width="2" x="32" y="15"/>
+ <circle cx="38" cy="16" fill="#c00" r="2"/>
+ <circle cx="43" cy="16" fill="#0a5" r="2"/>
+ <!-- Users and jobs -->
+ <rect
+ fill="#ff0" stroke="black"
+ x="9" y="31" width="10" height="10" rx="10"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="lightgreen" stroke="black"
+ x="15" y="38" width="5" height="5"
+ />
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="#aa0" stroke="black"
+ x="22" y="31" width="10" height="10" rx="10"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="orange" stroke="black"
+ x="28" y="38" width="5" height="5"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="#ae3" stroke="black"
+ x="35" y="31" width="10" height="10" rx="10"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="red" stroke="black"
+ x="42" y="38" width="5" height="5"
+ />
+ <!-- Lower exec host -->
+ <rect
+ fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"
+ x="6" y="56" width="45" height="40" rx="5"
+ />
+ <rect fill="white" height="10" width="34" x="12" y="61" rx="3"/>
+ <rect fill="#aaa" height="6" width="2" x="17" y="63"/>
+ <rect fill="#aaa" height="6" width="2" x="22" y="63"/>
+ <rect fill="#aaa" height="6" width="2" x="27" y="63"/>
+ <rect fill="#aaa" height="6" width="2" x="32" y="63"/>
+ <circle cx="38" cy="64" fill="#c00" r="2"/>
+ <circle cx="43" cy="64" fill="#0a5" r="2"/>
+ <rect
+ fill="green" stroke="black"
+ x="12" y="79" width="10" height="10" rx="10"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="white" stroke="black"
+ x="19" y="86" width="5" height="5"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="cyan" stroke="black"
+ x="32" y="79" width="10" height="10" rx="10"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="black" stroke="black"
+ x="39" y="86" width="5" height="5"
+ />
+ <--! left arrow -->
+ <path
+ d="
+ M 46 52
+ l 20 0
+ m 0 0
+ l -4 -3
+ l 0 6
+ l 4 -3
+ z
+ "
+ stroke-width="2"
+ stroke="black"
+ fill="black"
+ />
+ <!-- Master -->
+ <rect
+ fill="none" stroke="black"
+ x="71" y="13" width="45" height="65" rx="5"
+ />
+ <rect fill="gold" height="10" width="34" x="76" y="17" rx="3"/>
+ <rect fill="#aaa" height="6" width="2" x="81" y="19"/>
+ <rect fill="#aaa" height="6" width="2" x="86" y="19"/>
+ <rect fill="#aaa" height="6" width="2" x="91" y="19"/>
+ <rect fill="#aaa" height="6" width="2" x="96" y="19"/>
+ <circle cx="102" cy="20" fill="#c00" r="2"/>
+ <circle cx="107" cy="20" fill="#0a5" r="2"/>
+ <rect
+ fill="lightgreen" stroke="black"
+ x="83" y="49" width="5" height="5"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="red" stroke="black"
+ x="94" y="42" width="5" height="5"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="orange" stroke="black"
+ x="93" y="62" width="5" height="5"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="white" stroke="black"
+ x="81" y="60" width="5" height="5"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="black" stroke="black"
+ x="98" y="52" width="5" height="5"
+ />
+ <path
+ d="
+ M 80,45
+ c 10,-10 20,-10 25,-5
+ c 10,15 10,15 -7,32
+ c -5,2 -10,5 -17,0
+ c -2,-2 -3,-1 -5,-10
+ c -3,-4 -3,-10 4,-17
+ z
+ "
+ stroke-width="2"
+ stroke="black"
+ fill="none"
+ />
+ <--! right arrow -->
+ <path
+ d="
+ M 121 52
+ l 20 0
+ m 0 0
+ l -4 -3
+ l 0 6
+ l 4 -3
+ z
+ "
+ stroke-width="2"
+ stroke="black"
+ fill="black"
+ />
+ <!-- exec hosts -->
+ <rect
+ fill="none" stroke="black"
+ x="146" y="10" width="45" height="25" rx="5"
+ />
+ <rect fill="grey" height="10" width="34" x="152" y="13" rx="3"/>
+ <rect fill="#aaa" height="6" width="2" x="157" y="15"/>
+ <rect fill="#aaa" height="6" width="2" x="162" y="15"/>
+ <rect fill="#aaa" height="6" width="2" x="167" y="15"/>
+ <rect fill="#aaa" height="6" width="2" x="172" y="15"/>
+ <circle cx="178" cy="16" fill="#c00" r="2"/>
+ <circle cx="183" cy="16" fill="#0a5" r="2"/>
+ <rect
+ fill="orange" stroke="black"
+ x="159" y="27" width="5" height="5"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="lightgreen" stroke="black"
+ x="176" y="27" width="5" height="5"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="none" stroke="black"
+ x="146" y="39" width="45" height="25" rx="5"
+ />
+ <rect fill="grey" height="10" width="34" x="152" y="42" rx="3"/>
+ <rect fill="#aaa" height="6" width="2" x="157" y="44"/>
+ <rect fill="#aaa" height="6" width="2" x="162" y="44"/>
+ <rect fill="#aaa" height="6" width="2" x="167" y="44"/>
+ <rect fill="#aaa" height="6" width="2" x="172" y="44"/>
+ <circle cx="178" cy="45" fill="#c00" r="2"/>
+ <circle cx="183" cy="45" fill="#0a5" r="2"/>
+ <rect
+ fill="white" stroke="black"
+ x="167" y="55" width="5" height="5"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="none" stroke="black"
+ x="146" y="68" width="45" height="25" rx="5"
+ />
+ <rect fill="grey" height="10" width="34" x="152" y="71" rx="3"/>
+ <rect fill="#aaa" height="6" width="2" x="157" y="73"/>
+ <rect fill="#aaa" height="6" width="2" x="162" y="73"/>
+ <rect fill="#aaa" height="6" width="2" x="167" y="73"/>
+ <rect fill="#aaa" height="6" width="2" x="172" y="73"/>
+ <circle cx="178" cy="74" fill="#c00" r="2"/>
+ <circle cx="183" cy="74" fill="#0a5" r="2"/>
+ <rect
+ fill="red" stroke="black"
+ x="159" y="85" width="5" height="5"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="black" stroke="black"
+ x="176" y="85" width="5" height="5"
+ />
+<p> Users (circles) submit their jobs (squares) from the submit hosts
+(white) to the master (yellow). The Master assigns for each job a
+suitable execution host (grey) on which the job is scheduled. </p>
+- Read this
+«introduction to SGE»)
+SECTION(«Cluster hardware and setup»)
+- 48/64 core AMD (Opteron and Epyc), 512G-2T RAM, 25Gbit ethernet
+- separate network (no internet, limited campus services)
+- NFS root, local /tmp, two global temp file systems
+- SGE
+- Look at XREFERENCE(«http://ilm.eb.local/ganglia/», «web
+ frontend») of the ganglia monitoring system.
+- Run the CMD(qhost), CMD(lscpu), CMD(free), CMD(w), CMD(htop)
+ commands to list nodes, print CPUs, available memory and
+ swap, and the load average.
+- Examine all columns of the CMD(«q-charge --no-joblist
+ --no-globals») output.
+- Open two terminals and ssh into two different cluster nodes
+ (note: the CMD(qhost) command prints the names of all nodes),
+ run CMD(touch ~/foo-$LOGNAME) on one of them to create a
+ file in your home directory. Check whether the file exists on
+ the other node by executing CMD(«ls -l ~/foo-$LOGNAME»). Do
+ the same with CMD(touch /tmp/foo-$LOGNAME).
+- Read the section on the accounting system of the
+ XREFERENCE(«http://ilm.eb.local/clusterdoc/The-Accounting-System.html#The-Accounting-System»,
+ «cluster documentation») to learn how charges are computed.
+Find three different ways to determine how many CPU cores
+the cluster has.
+», «
+- Log in to any cluster node and read the message of the day.
+- Run CMD(«qhost») and add up the third column.
+- Run CMD(«nproc, lscpu») or CMD(«cat /proc/cpuinfo») on each
+ node and sum up the results.
+- Run CMD(«qconf -se <nodexxx>») for each node and
+ sum up the values shown as CMD(«num_proc»).
+- Run CMD(«q-gstat -s») and add the slot counts.
+- Read the first sentence on the
+ XREFERENCE(http://ilm.eb.local/clusterdoc/, cluster documentation
+ main page).
+- Visit the XREFERENCE(«http://ilm.eb.local/ganglia/», «ganglia»)
+ page and subtract from the number shown as "CPUs Total" the CPU count
+ of the (two) servers which are not cluster nodes.
+Read the CMD(«q-charge») manual page and learn about the
+CMD(«--no-joblist») option. Write a config file for CMD(«q-charge»)
+to activate this option automatically. Hand in your config file.
+», «
+Simply create the file named CMD(«.q-chargerc») in the home directory
+which contains a single line CMD(«no-joblist»). However, with this
+file in place, there is no easy way to EMPH(«enable») the job list.
+SECTION(«Submitting and Monitoring»)
+- interactive and non-interactive (batch) jobs
+- CMD(«qsub»): submitting job scripts
+- CMD(«qstat»): monitoring job state
+- CMD(«h_vmem»), CMD(«h_rt»): Specify memory and running time
+- CMD(«qdel»): removing running or waiting jobs
+- Execute CMD(«qlogin -l h_rt=60») to get a shell on a
+random(?) cluster node.
+- Write in a file called REFERENCE(«testscript.sh»,
+«testscript.sh») with the content below.
+- Look at the CMD(«qsub») man page to tell which of the following
+options of CMD(«qsub») might be useful to set. CMD(«-l h_vmem -l
+h_rt -cwd -j -V -N -pe»).
+- Submit CMD(«testscript.sh») with CMD(«qsub -cwd testscript.sh»)
+- Quick! Type CMD(qstat). Depending on the current cluster load you
+will either see your job in the queue (waiting), running, or no longer
+there (already finished).
+- After your job has finished, find out if it was successful using
+CMD(qacct -j "jobID"). If you can't remember, look at the files that
+were created.
+- How much memory did your job use?
+- Let's see what our CMD(«testscript.sh») did. Where and what is
+the output of the three commands?
+- Submit the same job script again and remove it with CMD(«qdel»)
+while the job is running or waiting.
+Write a submit script which prints out the host it is running
+on. Submit the script and request a running time of one minute, and
+500M of memory. Hand in the script, the command you specified for
+submitting the script, and the output.
+», «
+The script only needs to contain the single line CMD(«hostname»). In
+particular, the shebang (CMD(«#!/bin/sh»)) may be omitted.
+SECTION(«Array jobs and parallel jobs»)
+- array job: a single job with many subjobs. Equivalent to a set of
+jobs which all run the same job script.
+- parallel job: jobs that use more than one slot (CPU core)
+- Run CMD(«mkdir array_job_dir») and create 20 files in that
+directory called CMD(«input-1») to CMD(«input-20») (hint: example
+from last week).
+- Create REFERENCE(«array_job.sh», «array_job.sh») and discuss
+what the script does.
+- Submit an array job to the cluster using CMD(«qsub -t 1-20
+array_job.sh»). Once all array tasks have finished, you'll find that
+all your files were renamed.
+- You might want to check if the jobs succeeded. Use CMD(qacct) to
+check the exit codes of all jobs. Think about pipes and the commands
+CMD(sort), CMD(uniq) and CMD(grep) to make it easier for you.
+- Run CMD(«echo stress -c 2 | qsub -l h_rt=100») to submit a job.
+Use CMD(«qstat») to find the node on which the job in running. Run
+CMD(«ssh -t <nodeX> htop») and check how many stress processes
+are running and the share of CPU time they get. Repeat, but this
+time submit a parallel job by adding CMD(«-pe parallel 2») to the
+options for CMD(«qsub»).
+Discuss when it makes sense to restrict the number of simultaneously
+running jobs.
+», «
+One reason is to be nice to others: if you limit the number of your
+jobs you don’t block other users by occupying the whole cluster. This
+is only important for long running jobs though, as the SGE software
+tries to balance jobs between users. Another reason is to not overload
+the file server in case your jobs do heavy I/O.
+Submit the REFERENCE(«array_job.sh», «array_job.sh») script
+again as an array job, but make sure that only at most two of the
+10 tasks are going to run simultaneously. Hand in the corresponding
+CMD(«qsub») command.
+», «
+The command CMD(«qsub -t 1-20 -tc 2 array_job.sh») will run at most
+two of the 10 tasks simultaneously.
+SECTION(«Job running time and memory consumption»)
+- Default: hard limit of 1G RAM, killed after one day
+- Q: How long will my job run? How much memory does it need? A:
+- Long job waiting times for high requests
+- Short queue
+- If a job needs much memory, the default of 1G might not be
+enough. Find out how much memory one terminated job of yours actually
+needed by running CMD(«qacct -j <jobname>»). In particular,
+look at CMD(«exit status») (not zero if something went wrong)
+and CMD(«maxvmem») (actual memory consumption of your process).
+- Submit the job script again, but this time specify CMD(«-l
+h_vmem») to request more memory. Once the job is complete, compare
+the CMD(«maxvmem») field of the CMD(«qacct») output and the value
+specified with CMD(-l h_vmem).
+- Jobs could also be much longer than the default value allows (1
+day). Use CMD(«-l h_rt») to request a longer running time. Run a
+test job with default settings or a rough estimation and see if it
+fails (CMD(«qacct»), exit status not zero). Look at start and end
+time and compare with CMD(-l h_rt) value. Adjust CMD(«-l h_rt»)
+and run the job again. Reevaluate until your job ran successfully.
+- If your job is very short, you might set CMD(«-l h_rt») below
+1h to enter the short queue, for example CMD(«-l h_rt=0:30:0»)
+for 30mins maximum run time. By setting a small value for CMD(«-l
+h_rt») you could use this resource and possibly get your job queued
+earlier than with default values. The command CMD(«qconf -sql»)
+lists the names of all queues, and CMD(«qconf -sq <queuename> | grep
+"^._rt"») shows you the soft and the hard limit of running time.
+See the section on resource limits of the CMD(«queue_conf») manual
+page to learn more about the two types of limits.
+SECTION(«Queues, Queue Instances»)
+<p> A queue is named description of the requirements a job must have to
+be started on one of the nodes, like the maximal running time or the
+number of slots. The queue descriptions are organized in plaintext
+files called <em> queue configurations </em> which are managed by the
+qmaster and which can be modified by privileged users by means of the
+<code> qconf(1)</code> command. </p>
+<!-- The viewBox scales the coordinates to the specified range -->
+ width="400" height="264"
+ viewBox="0 0 167 110"
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+ xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
+ <!-- vertical boxes -->
+ <rect
+ fill="none" stroke="black"
+ x="60" y="10" width="15" height="85" rx="5"
+ />
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+ fill="none" stroke="black"
+ x="85" y="10" width="15" height="85" rx="5"
+ />
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+ fill="none" stroke="black"
+ x="110" y="10" width="15" height="85" rx="5"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="none" stroke="black"
+ x="135" y="10" width="15" height="85" rx="5"
+ />
+ <!-- horizontal boxes -->
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+ fill="none" stroke="black"
+ x="55" y="20" width="100" height="14" rx="5"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="none" stroke="black"
+ x="80" y="45" width="75" height="14" rx="5"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="none" stroke="black"
+ x="55" y="70" width="100" height="14" rx="5"
+ />
+ <!-- circles -->
+ <rect
+ fill="yellow" stroke="black"
+ x="63" y="22" width="10" height="10" rx="10"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="yellow" stroke="black"
+ x="88" y="22" width="10" height="10" rx="10"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="yellow" stroke="black"
+ x="113" y="22" width="10" height="10" rx="10"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="yellow" stroke="black"
+ x="138" y="22" width="10" height="10" rx="10"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="cyan" stroke="black"
+ x="88" y="47" width="10" height="10" rx="10"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="cyan" stroke="black"
+ x="113" y="47" width="10" height="10" rx="10"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="cyan" stroke="black"
+ x="138" y="47" width="10" height="10" rx="10"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="orange" stroke="black"
+ x="63" y="72" width="10" height="10" rx="10"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="orange" stroke="black"
+ x="88" y="72" width="10" height="10" rx="10"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="orange" stroke="black"
+ x="113" y="72" width="10" height="10" rx="10"
+ />
+ <rect
+ fill="orange" stroke="black"
+ x="138" y="72" width="10" height="10" rx="10"
+ />
+ <text x="5" y="10" font-size="5">
+ Queue Instances
+ </text>
+ <!-- Queue instaces lines -->
+ <line
+ stroke="black"
+ x1="50" y1="4" x2="142" y2="27"
+ />
+ <line
+ stroke="black"
+ x1="50" y1="7" x2="117" y2="27"
+ />
+ <line
+ stroke="black"
+ x1="50" y1="10" x2="92" y2="27"
+ />
+ <line
+ stroke="black"
+ x1="50" y1="13" x2="67" y2="27"
+ />
+ <text x="5" y="47" font-size="5">
+ Cluster Queue:
+ </text>
+ <text x="5" y="52" font-size="5">
+ Set of Queue
+ </text>
+ <text x="5" y="57" font-size="5">
+ Instances
+ </text>
+ <!-- Cluster Queue lines -->
+ <line
+ stroke="black"
+ x1="47" y1="49" x2="57" y2="26"
+ />
+ <line
+ stroke="black"
+ x1="48" y1="52" x2="83" y2="52"
+ />
+ <line
+ stroke="black"
+ x1="47" y1="55" x2="57" y2="77"
+ />
+ <text x="5" y="100" font-size="5">
+ Hosts
+ </text>
+ <!-- Hosts lines -->
+ <line
+ stroke="black"
+ x1="25" y1="99" x2="143" y2="99"
+ />
+ <line
+ stroke="black"
+ x1="68" y1="99" x2="68" y2="92"
+ />
+ <line
+ stroke="black"
+ x1="93" y1="99" x2="93" y2="92"
+ />
+ <line
+ stroke="black"
+ x1="118" y1="99" x2="118" y2="92"
+ />
+ <line
+ stroke="black"
+ x1="143" y1="99" x2="143" y2="92"
+ />
+<p> Among other configuration parameters, a queue configuration always
+contains the list of execution hosts. On each on each node of this
+list one relalization of the queue, a <em> queue instance</em>, is
+running as part of the execution damon <code> sge_execd(8)</code>.
+The list is usually described in terms of <em> hostgroups</em>
+where each hostgroup contains execution hosts which are similar in
+one aspect or another. For example, one could define the hostgroup
+<code> @core64 </code> to contain all nodes which have 64 CPU cores.
+The diagram to the left tries to illustrate these concepts. </p>
+<p> While a running job is always associated with one queue instance,
+it is recommended to not request a specific queue at job submission
+time, but to let the qmaster pick a suitable queue for the job. </p>
+<p> An execution host can host more than one queue instance, and queues
+can be related to each other to form a <em> subordination tree</em>.
+Jobs in the superordinate queue can suspend jobs in the subordinated
+queue, but suspension always takes place at the queue instance level.
+- Run CMD(«qconf -sql») to see the list of all defined queues. Pick a
+queue and run CMD(«qconf -sq <queue_name>») to show the parameters of
+the queue. Consult the CMD(«queue_conf(5)») manual page for details.
+- Read the CMD(«prolog») section in CMD(«queue_conf(5)») manual
+page. Examine the CMD(«/usr/local/sbin/prolog») file on the nodes and
+try to understand what it actually does. See commit CMD(«0e44011d»)
+in the cluster repostitory for the answer.
+- Run CMD(«echo stress -c 2 | qsub») to submit a job which starts two
+threads. Determine the node on which the job is running, log in to
+this node and examine the CPU utilization of your job.
+- accounting file contains one record for each _finished_ job
+- plain text, one line per job, entries separated by colons
+- qacct: scans accounting file
+- summary or per-job information
+- buggy
+- easy to parse "by hand"
+- Run CMD(«qacct -o») to see the full user summary and CMD(«qacct
+-o $LOGNAME -d 90») to see the summary for your own user, including
+only the jobs of the last 3 months.
+- Check the CMD(«accounting(5)») manual page to learn more about
+the fields stored in the accounting records.
+- Submit a cluster job with CMD(«echo sleep 100 | qsub -l h_vmem=200M
+-l h_rt=10»), wait until it completes, then check the accounting
+record for your job with CMD(«qacct -j <jobid>»). In particular,
+examine the CMD(«failed») and CMD(«maxvmem») fields. Compare
+the output with CMD(«print_accounting_record.bash <jobid>»),
+where the CMD(«print_accounting_record.bash») script is shown
+REFERENCE(«print_accounting_record.bash», «below»).
+- Check out the XREFERENCE(«http://ilm.eb.local/stats/», «statistics
+page»). Tell which histograms were created from the accounting file.
+- Search for CMD(«com_stats») in the
+«cluster management tool») and examine how these statistics are
+SECTION(«Complex Attributes»)
+- used to manage limited resources
+- requested via CMD(«-l»)
+- global, or attached to a host or queue
+- predefined or user defined
+- each attribute has a type and a relational operator
+- requestable and consumable
+- Run CMD(«qconf -sc») to see the complex configuration.
+- Check the contents of
+- Run CMD(«qconf -se node444») to see the complex configuration
+attached to node444.
+- Discuss whether it would make sense to introduce additional complex
+attributes for controlling I/O per file system.
+SECTION(«Tickets and Projects»)
+- tickets: functional/share/override
+- project: (name, oticket, fshare, acl)
+- jobs can be submitted to projects (CMD(«qsub -P»))
+- Read the CMD(«sge_project») manual page to learn more about SGE
+- Examine the output of CMD(«qconf -ssconf») with respect to the three
+types of tickets and their weights.
+- Check the CMD(«sge_priority(5)») manual page to learn more about the
+three types of tickets.
+- Discuss whether the SGE projects concept is helpful with respect
+to accounting issues and grants (e.g., ERC).
+- Discuss whether introducing override or functional share tickets
+for projects is desirable.
+SECTION(«Scheduler Configuration»)
+- fair share: heavy users get reduced priority
+- share tree: assign priorities based on historical usage
+- reservation and backfilling
+- Run CMD(«qstat -s p -u "*"») to see all pending jobs. Examine
+the order and the priority of the jobs.
+- Run CMD(«qconf -ssconf») to examine the scheduler configuration. In
+particular, look at the CMD(«policy_hierarchy») entry. Consult
+the CMD(«sched_conf(5)») and CMD(«share_tree(5)») manual pages
+for details.
+- Discuss the various scheduling policies described in this
+- Discuss the pros and cons to schedule preferentially to hosts which
+are already running a job. That is, should CMD(«load_formula»)
+be CMD(«np_load_avg») (the default) or CMD(«slots»)? See
+«sge-configs») and CMD(«sched_conf(5)») for details.
+ #!/bin/sh
+ sleep 100 # wait to give us time to look at the job status
+ echo "This is my output" > ./outputfile
+ echo "Where does this go?"
+ ls ./directorythatdoesnotexisthere
+ #!/bin/sh
+ # Lines beginning with #$ tell the program to use the following as
+ # option for the command. By the way, you don't need to write this
+ # line into "testscript.sh" ;)
+ #$ -cwd
+ #$ -j y
+ #$ -l h_rt=0:1:0
+ mv input-$SGE_TASK_ID ./output-$SGE_TASK_ID
+ #!/bin/bash
+ (($# != 1)) && exit 1
+ awk -F: "{if (\$6 == $1) print \$0}" /var/lib/gridengine/default/common/accounting
--- /dev/null
+ Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me
+ and I learn. – Benjamin Franklin
+», __file__, «Advanced Problems in the Linux Environment»)
+ This practical training course covers basic and advanced Unix
+ and Linux topics. It targets scientists, programmers and system
+ administrators. Readers will find plenty of material and exercises
+ of varying difficulty. Move the pointer to the grey bar at the left
+ to open the navigation menu.
+ifelse(PUBLIC(), «true», «dnl public version of the pages
+<p> These pages were originally written to provide the necessary
+background for using the IT infrastructure of the Max Planck Institute
+for Developmental Biology and the Friedrich Miescher Laboratory in
+Tübingen, Germany. Over time they morphed into a generic document
+that was made public in December 2019. </p>
+<p> The title is of course a pun on the famous book "Advanced
+Programming in the Unix Environment" by W. Richard Stevens. While
+Stevens' book centers around C programming, we try to convey
+fundamental ideas without assuming substantial programming skills.
+An elementary knowledge of shell and C programming is certainly
+helpful, though. We also put an emphasis on Linux, which was still
+in its infancy when Stevens' book was published in 1992. </p>
+<p> All pages are served as static html files with no active
+contents. They do not require javascript, work with any browser and do
+not track the user in any way. In particular, we don't use cookies,
+there is no "like" button, and we do not employ any web analysis
+service like google analytics. Also, there are no advertisements of
+any kind. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Exercises and Homeworks»)
+<p> The exercises generally try to encourage the reader to
+think about a specific topic rather than solve meaningless
+problems mechanically. Many exercises suggest to examine further
+literature. Longer or more challenging exercises are labelled as
+homework. Solutions to homework exercises are only provided if at least
+one person hands in a draft of a solution. To do so, send plain text
+email to <a href="mailto:maan@tuebingen.mpg.de">Andre Noll</a>. </p>
+<p> These pages get updated when errors are found, contents become
+obsolete, or improvements are suggested. Feedback via the above
+mailto link is appreciated. Besides solutions of homework exercises,
+suggestions for additional topics or improvements of existing contents
+are welcome. Please also point out unclear wording, grammar mistakes
+and typos. </p>
+<p> This work is published under the
+<a href="https://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl-1.3.html">GNU Free
+Documentation License</a> (GFDL). You may copy, redistribute, and
+modify these pages but all copies and derivatives are required to be
+available under the same license. </p>
+<p> Go back to the author's <a href="..">home page</a>. </p>
+», « dnl internal version: different Introduction and Motivation
+<p> These pages aim to provide the necessary background for using the
+IT infrastructure of the MPI for developmental biology and the FML.
+They complement the
+ <a href="http://ilm.eb.local/user-guide/">User guide</a>,
+but are meant to be a practical training course rather than just a
+text document. While the contents of the user guide are relevant to
+almost every member of the institute, the primary target audience of
+the Unix course is scientists with an emphasis on IT. In particular,
+computer scientists who intent to use the compute cluster will find
+plenty of material of varying difficulty to learn basic and advanced
+topics related to Unix and Linux. </p>
+<p> We first cover the general concepts of the Unix operating system while
+later chapters focus on Linux specific topics and selected command
+line tools. The exercises aim to convey understanding by inviting the
+reader to read background information and to think about the topic
+at hand. This is in contrast to many other tutorials which provide
+quick solutions to frequently asked questions, targeting users who
+do not wish to spend the time necessary to gain insight. Longer or
+more challenging exercises are labelled as homework. </p>
+<p> Feedback is appreciated. In fact, significant changes to these
+pages are always triggered by the users asking questions. On one
+hand, this makes sure that new material stays relevant to the target
+audience. On the other hand, it also helps to fine-tune the degree
+of difficulty and the detail of the solutions. As a general rule,
+solutions to existing exercises are only provided if at least one
+person hands in a proposal. To do so, send plain text email to <a
+href="mailto:maan@tuebingen.mpg.de">Andre Noll</a>. </p>
+A quick glance at the table of contents reveals that the topics
+of this course center around command line utilities rather than
+software which comes with a <em> Graphical User Interface </em>
+(GUI). While GUIs serve a purpose, especially for graphical tasks
+(image manipulation, presentation writing, etc.), they are harmful
+for scientific analysis. The remainder of this section explains why,
+and tries to convince the reader that although <em> Command Line
+Interfaces </em> (CLIs) can be scary in the beginning, learning how
+to use them is worth the work.
+SUBSECTION(«Why GUIs are harmful»)
+ <li> GUIs give people comfort by presenting choices. </li>
+ <li> GUIs limit you by limiting choices. </li>
+ <li> Science is a unique situation. </li>
+ <li> As a scientist, you don't want to be influenced by the GUI
+ choices of the programmer. </li>
+ <li> As a scientist, you know which analyses you want to
+ perform. </li>
+ <li> In this situation, hand-holding GUIs hurt you. </li>
+ <li> GUIs make you dependent on their style of hand-holding. </li>
+ <li> GUIs change from version to version. </li>
+ <li> GUI-based software is often commercial, so your data can
+ be trapped if new versions cannot read the data files of old
+ versions. </li>
+ <li> GUIs make you less expert in your field </li>
+ <li> You will get bad habits </li>
+ <ul>
+ <li> GUIs make it easy to make bad choices (analysis,
+ plotting. etc). </li>
+ <li> GUIs make it easy to add unstructured data to your dataset
+ (e.g. spreadsheets with formatting as data). </li>
+ </ul>
+ <li> Your colleagues do not use the GUI </li>
+ <ul>
+ <li> Even if you do not program yourself, you will generate data that
+ is easy for programmers to work on. </li>
+ </ul>
+SUBSECTION(«Advantages of CLIs»)
+ <li> You can do more without a GUI </li>
+ <ul>
+ <li> As you work more with the CLI, you will see problems in a different
+ way. You will realize that you can do new things. </li>
+ <li> Automation: </li>
+ <ul>
+ <li> Reduces your manual labor. </li>
+ <li> Produces more consistent results. </li>
+ <li> Allows you to work on bigger datasets. </li>
+ </ul>
+ </ul>
+ <li> You are faster without GUI </li>
+ <ul>
+ <li> You will perform similar analyses over and over again. Using
+ GUI-based software requires many clicks. Each click is an opportunity
+ for a mistake. </li>
+ <li> If you have to perform an analysis or make a conversion again,
+ you don't have to figure it out again if you have a little script. </li>
+ <li> As you continue to work with the CLI, you will see problems
+ differently, and realize there are many ways. </li>
+ </ul>
+ <li> You will make fewer errors </li>
+ <ul>
+ <li> GUIs are easy, but there is no record of your clicks. It can be
+ difficult to detect a mis-click, so sometimes it is impossible
+ to tell what you did (for example, which options you selected for
+ an analysis). </li>
+ <li> GUI-based software such as Excel can provide comfort, because
+ you "see" the data, but it hides the calculations, connections
+ between cells, and even which cells are entered data and which are
+ calculated. This has led to huge, world changing mistakes. </li>
+ </ul>
+ <li> You need the CLI </li>
+ <ul>
+ <li> Data is too big for GUIs. </li>
+ <li> Almost all cutting-edge tools are CLI. </li>
+ <li> You will probably need to convert formats to use new tools. </li>
+ <li> You will need to do this over dozens or hundreds or thousands
+ of files to use the servers and the cluster. </li>
+ </ul>
+ <li> Using the CLI makes you a better scientist </li>
+ <ul>
+ <li> CLI brings you closer to your data. </li>
+ <li> CLI brings you closer to your analysis. </li>
+ <li> CLI lets you use the most current tools. </li>
+ <li> CLI makes your analyses more repeatable. </li>
+ <li> CLI give you more control and accountability in your analyses. </li>
+ <li> CLI makes you more expert in your field. </li>
+ <li> Do not fear the CLI. </li>
+ <li> Learning the CLI takes work and time, but you will only have less
+ time as you progress in you career. </li>
+ </ul>
--- /dev/null
+ Who the heck is General Failure, and why is he reading my disk? -- Unknown
+», __file__)
+The idea of Logical Volume Management is to decouple data and
+storage. This offers great flexibility in managing storage and reduces
+server downtimes because the storage may be replaced while file
+systems are mounted read-write and applications are actively using
+them. This chapter provides an introduction to the Linux block layer
+and LVM. Subsequent sections cover selected device mapper targets.
+SECTION(«The Linux Block Layer»)
+<p> The main task of LVM is the management of block devices, so it is
+natural to start an introduction to LVM with a section on the Linux
+block layer, which is the central component in the Linux kernel
+for the handling of persistent storage devices. The mission of the
+block layer is to provide a uniform interface to different types
+of storage devices. The obvious in-kernel users of this interface
+are the file systems and the swap subsystem. But also <em> stacking
+device drivers </em> like LVM, Bcache and MD access block devices
+through this interface to create virtual block devices from other block
+devices. Some user space programs (<code>fdisk, dd, mkfs, ...</code>)
+also need to access block devices. The block layer allows them to
+perform their task in a well-defined and uniform manner through
+block-special device files. </p>
+<p> The userspace programs and the in-kernel users interact with the block
+layer by sending read or write requests. A <em>bio</em> is the central
+data structure that carries such requests within the kernel. Bios
+may contain an arbitrary amount of data. They are given to the block
+layer to be queued for subsequent handling. Often a bio has to travel
+through a stack of block device drivers where each driver modifies
+the bio and sends it on to the next driver. Typically, only the last
+driver in the stack corresponds to a hardware device. </p>
+<p> Besides requests to read or write data blocks, there are various other
+bio requests that carry SCSI commands like FLUSH, FUA (Force Unit
+Access), TRIM and UNMAP. FLUSH and FUA ensure that certain data hits
+stable storage. FLUSH asks the the device to write out the contents of
+its volatile write cache while a FUA request carries data that should
+be written directly to the device, bypassing all caches. UNMAP/TRIM is
+a SCSI/ATA command which is only relevant to SSDs. It is a promise of
+the OS to not read the given range of blocks any more, so the device
+is free to discard the contents and return arbitrary data on the
+next read. This helps the device to level out the number of times
+the flash storage cells are overwritten (<em>wear-leveling</em>),
+which improves the durability of the device. </p>
+<p> The first task of the block layer is to split incoming bios if
+necessary to make them conform to the size limit or the alignment
+requirements of the target device, and to batch and merge bios so that
+they can be submitted as a unit for performance reasons. The thusly
+processed bios then form an I/O request which is handed to an <em>
+I/O scheduler </em> (also known as <em> elevator</em>). </p>
+<p> At this time of writing (2018-11) there exist two different sets
+of schedulers: the traditional single-queue schedulers and the
+modern multi-queue schedulers, which are expected to replace the
+single-queue schedulers soon. The three single-queue schedulers,
+noop, deadline and cfq (complete fair queueing), were designed for
+rotating disks. They reorder requests with the aim to minimize seek
+time. The newer multi-queue schedulers, mq-deadline, kyber, and bfq
+(budget fair queueing), aim to max out even the fastest devices. As
+implied by the name "multi-queue", they implement several request
+queues, the number of which depends on the hardware in use. This
+has become necessary because modern storage hardware allows multiple
+requests to be submitted in parallel from different CPUs. Moreover,
+with many CPUs the locking overhead required to put a request into
+a queue increases. Per-CPU queues allow for per-CPU locks, which
+decreases queue lock contention. </p>
+<p> We will take a look at some aspects of the Linux block layer and on
+the various I/O schedulers. An exercise on loop devices enables the
+reader to create block devices for testing. This will be handy in
+the subsequent sections on LVM specific topics. </p>
+ <li> Run <code>find /dev -type b</code> to get the list of all block
+ devices on your system. Explain which is which. </li>
+ <li> Examine the files in <code>/sys/block/sda</code>, in
+ particular <code>/sys/block/sda/stat</code>. Search the web for
+ <code>Documentation/block/stat.txt</code> for the meaning of the
+ numbers shown. Then run <code>iostat -xdh sda 1</code>. </li>
+ <li> Examine the files in <code>/sys/block/sda/queue</code>. </li>
+ <li> Find out how to determine the size of a block device. </li>
+ <li> Figure out a way to identify the name of all block devices which
+ correspond to SSDs (i.e., excluding any rotating disks). </li>
+ <li> Run <code>lsblk</code> and discuss
+ the output. Too easy? Run <code>lsblk -o
+ </li>
+ <li> What's the difference between a task scheduler and an I/O
+ scheduler? </li>
+ <li> Why are I/O schedulers also called elevators? </li>
+ <li> How can one find out which I/O schedulers are supported on a
+ system and which scheduler is active for a given block device? </li>
+ <li> Is it possible (and safe) to change the I/O scheduler for a
+ block device while it is in use? If so, how can this be done? </li>
+ <li> The loop device driver of the Linux kernel allows privileged
+ users to create a block device from a regular file stored on a file
+ system. The resulting block device is called a <em>loop</em> device.
+ Create a 1G large temporary file containing only zeroes. Run a suitable
+ <code>losetup(8)</code> command to create a loop device from the
+ file. Create an XFS file system on the loop device and mount it. </li>
+ <li> Come up with three different use cases for loop devices. </li>
+ <li> Given a block device node in <code> /dev</code>, how can one
+ tell that it is a loop device? </li>
+ <li> Describe the connection between loop devices created by
+ <code>losetup(8)</code> and the loopback device used for network
+ connections from the machine to itself. </li>
+define(«svg_disk», «
+ <g
+ fill="$5"
+ stroke="black"
+ stroke-width="1"
+ >
+ <ellipse
+ cx="eval($1 + $3 / 2)"
+ cy="eval($2 + $4)"
+ rx="eval($3 / 2)"
+ ry="eval($3 / 4)"
+ />
+ <rect
+ x="$1"
+ y="$2"
+ width="$3"
+ height="$4"
+ />
+ <rect
+ x="eval($1 + 1)"
+ y="eval($2 + $4 - 1)"
+ width="eval($3 - 2)"
+ height="2"
+ stroke="$5"
+ />
+ <ellipse
+ cx="eval($1 + $3 / 2)"
+ cy="$2"
+ rx="eval($3 / 2)"
+ ry="eval($3 / 4)"
+ />
+ </g>
+SECTION(«Physical and Logical Volumes, Volume Groups»)
+<p> Getting started with the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) requires to
+get used to a minimal set of vocabulary. This section introduces
+the words named in the title of the section, and a couple more.
+The basic concepts of LVM are then described in terms of these words. </p>
+define(lvm_width», «300»)
+define(«lvm_height», «183»)
+define(«lvm_margin», «10»)
+define(«lvm_extent_size», «10»)
+define(«lvm_extent», «
+ <rect
+ fill="$1"
+ x="$2"
+ y="$3"
+ width="lvm_extent_size()"
+ height="lvm_extent_size()"
+ stroke="black"
+ stroke-width="1"
+ />
+dnl $1: color, $2: x, $3: y, $4: number of extents
+define(«lvm_extents», «
+ ifelse(«$4», «0», «», «
+ lvm_extent(«$1», «$2», «$3»)
+ lvm_extents(«$1», eval($2 + lvm_extent_size() + lvm_margin()),
+ «$3», eval($4 - 1))
+ »)
+dnl $1: x, $2: y, $3: number of extents, $4: disk color, $5: extent color
+define(«lvm_disk», «
+ ifelse(eval(«$3» > 3), «1», «
+ pushdef(«h», «eval(7 * lvm_extent_size())»)
+ pushdef(«w», «eval(($3 + 1) * lvm_extent_size())»)
+ », «
+ pushdef(«h», «eval(3 * lvm_extent_size() + lvm_margin())»)
+ pushdef(«w», «eval($3 * lvm_extent_size() * 2)»)
+ »)
+ svg_disk(«$1», «$2», «w()», «h()», «$4»)
+ ifelse(eval(«$3» > 3), «1», «
+ pushdef(«n1», eval(«$3» / 2))
+ pushdef(«n2», eval(«$3» - n1()))
+ lvm_extents(«$5»,
+ eval(«$1» + (w() - (2 * n1() - 1) * lvm_extent_size()) / 2),
+ eval(«$2» + h() / 2 - lvm_extent_size()), «n1()»)
+ lvm_extents(«$5»,
+ eval(«$1» + (w() - (2 * n2() - 1) * lvm_extent_size()) / 2),
+ eval(«$2» + h() / 2 + 2 * lvm_extent_size()), «n2()»)
+ popdef(«n1»)
+ popdef(«n2»)
+ », «
+ lvm_extents(«$5»,
+ eval(«$1» + (w() - (2 * «$3» - 1) * lvm_extent_size()) / 2),
+ eval(«$2» + h() / 2), «$3»)
+ »)
+ popdef(«w»)
+ popdef(«h»)
+ width="lvm_width()" height="lvm_height()"
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+ xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
+ <rect
+ x=1
+ y=1
+ width="140"
+ height="180"
+ fill="green"
+ rx="10"
+ stroke-width="1"
+ stroke="black"
+ />
+ lvm_disk(«20», «20», «2», «#666», «yellow»)
+ lvm_disk(«10», «90», «4», «#666», «yellow»)
+ lvm_disk(«70», «55», «5», «#666», «yellow»)
+ <path
+ d="
+ M 155 91
+ l 20 0
+ m 0 0
+ l -4 -3
+ l 0 6
+ l 4 -3
+ z
+ "
+ stroke-width="4"
+ stroke="black"
+ fill="black"
+ />
+ lvm_disk(«190», «22», «7», «#66f», «orange»)
+ lvm_disk(«220», «130», «1», «#66f», «orange»)
+<p> A <em> Physical Volume</em> (PV, grey) is an arbitrary block device which
+contains a certain metadata header (also known as <em>superblock</em>)
+at the start. PVs can be partitions on a local hard disk or a SSD,
+a soft- or hardware raid, or a loop device. LVM does not care.
+The storage space on a physical volume is managed in units called <em>
+Physical Extents </em> (PEs, yellow). The default PE size is 4M. </p>
+<p> A <em>Volume Group</em> (VG, green) is a non-empty set of PVs with
+a name and a unique ID assigned to it. A PV can but doesn't need to
+be assigned to a VG. If it is, the ID of the associated VG is stored
+in the metadata header of the PV. </p>
+<p> A <em> Logical Volume</em> (LV, blue) is a named block device which is
+provided by LVM. LVs are always associated with a VG and are stored
+on that VG's PVs. Since LVs are normal block devices, file systems
+of any type can be created on them, they can be used as swap storage,
+etc. The chunks of a LV are managed as <em>Logical Extents</em> (LEs,
+orange). Often the LE size equals the PE size. For each LV there is
+a mapping between the LEs of the LV and the PEs of the underlying
+PVs. The PEs can spread multiple PVs. </p>
+<p> VGs can be extended by adding additional PVs to it, or reduced by
+removing unused devices, i.e., those with no PEs allocated on them. PEs
+may be moved from one PV to another while the LVs are active. LVs
+may be grown or shrunk. To grow a LV, there must be enough space
+left in the VG. Growing a LV does not magically grow the file system
+stored on it, however. To make use of the additional space, a second,
+file system specific step is needed to tell the file system that it's
+underlying block device (the LV) has grown. </p>
+<p> The exercises of this section illustrate the basic LVM concepts
+and the essential LVM commands. They ask the reader to create a VG
+whose PVs are loop devices. This VG is used as a starting point in
+subsequent chapters. </p>
+ <li> Create two 5G large loop devices <code>/dev/loop1</code>
+ and <code>/dev/loop2</code>. Make them PVs by running
+ <code>pvcreate</code>. Create a VG <code>tvg</code> (test volume group)
+ from the two loop devices and two 3G large LVs named <code>tlv1</code>
+ and <code>tlv2</code> on it. Run the <code>pvcreate, vgcreate</code>,
+ and <code>lvcreate</code> commands with <code>-v</code> to activate
+ verbose output and try to understand each output line. </li>
+ <li> Run <code>pvs, vgs, lvs, lvdisplay, pvdisplay</code> and examine
+ the output. </li>
+ <li> Run <code>lvdisplay -m</code> to examine the mapping of logical
+ extents to PVs and physical extents. </li>
+ <li> Run <code>pvs --segments -o+lv_name,seg_start_pe,segtype</code>
+ to see the map between physical extents and logical extents. </li>
+In the above scenario (two LVs in a VG consisting of two PVs), how
+can you tell whether both PVs are actually used? Remove the LVs
+with <code>lvremove</code>. Recreate them, but this time use the
+<code>--stripes 2</code> option to <code>lvcreate</code>. Explain
+what this option does and confirm with a suitable command.
+SECTION(«Device Mapper and Device Mapper Targets»)
+<p> The kernel part of the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) is called
+<em>device mapper</em> (DM), which is a generic framework to map
+one block device to another. Applications talk to the Device Mapper
+via the <em>libdevmapper</em> library, which issues requests
+to the <code>/dev/mapper/control</code> character device using the
+<code>ioctl(2)</code> system call. The device mapper is also accessible
+from scripts via the <code>dmsetup(8)</code> tool. </p>
+<p> A DM target represents one particular mapping type for ranges
+of LEs. Several DM targets exist, each of which which creates and
+maintains block devices with certain characteristics. In this section
+we take a look at the <code>dmsetup</code> tool and the relatively
+simple <em>mirror</em> target. Subsequent sections cover other targets
+in more detail. </p>
+ <li> Run <code>dmsetup targets</code> to list all targets supported
+ by the currently running kernel. Explain their purpose and typical
+ use cases. </li>
+ <li> Starting with the <code>tvg</code> VG, remove <code>tlv2</code>.
+ Convince yourself by running <code>vgs</code> that <code>tvg</code>
+ is 10G large, with 3G being in use. Run <code>pvmove
+ /dev/loop1</code> to move the used PEs of <code>/dev/loop1</code>
+ to <code>/dev/loop2</code>. After the command completes, run
+ <code>pvs</code> again to see that <code>/dev/loop1</code> has no
+ more PEs in use. </li>
+ <li> Create a third 5G loop device <code>/dev/loop3</code>, make it a
+ PV and extend the VG with <code>vgextend tvg /dev/loop3</code>. Remove
+ <code>tlv1</code>. Now the LEs of <code>tlv2</code> fit on any
+ of the three PVs. Come up with a command which moves them to
+ <code>/dev/loop3</code>. </li>
+ <li> The first two loop devices are both unused. Remove them from
+ the VG with <code>vgreduce -a</code>. Why are they still listed in
+ the <code>pvs</code> output? What can be done about that? </li>
+As advertised in the introduction, LVM allows the administrator to
+replace the underlying storage of a file system online. This is done
+by running a suitable <code>pvmove(8)</code> command to move all PEs of
+one PV to different PVs in the same VG.
+ <li> Explain the mapping type of dm-mirror. </li>
+ <li> The traditional way to mirror the contents of two or more block
+ devices is software raid 1, also known as <em>md raid1</em> ("md"
+ is short for multi-disk). Explain the difference between md raid1,
+ the dm-raid target which supports raid1 and other raid levels, and
+ the dm-mirror target. </li>
+ <li> Guess how <code>pvmove</code> is implemented on top of
+ dm-mirror. Verify your guess by reading the "NOTES" section of the
+ <code>pvmove(8)</code> man page. </li>
+SECTION(«LVM Snapshots»)
+<p> LVM snapshots are based on the CoW optimization
+strategy described earlier in the chapter on <a
+Concepts</a>. Creating a snapshot means to create a CoW table of
+the given size. Just before a LE of a snapshotted LV is about to be
+written to, its contents are copied to a free slot in the CoW
+table. This preserves an old version of the LV, the snapshot, which
+can later be reconstructed by overlaying the CoW table atop the LV.
+<p> Snapshots can be taken from a LV which contains a mounted file system,
+while applications are actively modifying files. Without coordination
+between the file system and LVM, the file system most likely has memory
+buffers scheduled for writeback. These outstanding writes did not make
+it to the snapshot, so one can not expect the snapshot to contain a
+consistent file system image. Instead, it is in a similar state as a
+regular device after an unclean shutdown. This is not a problem for
+XFS and EXT4, as both are <em>journalling</em> file systems, which
+were designed with crash recovery in mind. At the next mount after a
+crash, journalling file systems replay their journal, which results
+in a consistent state. Note that this implies that even a read-only
+mount of the snapshot device has to write to the device. </p>
+ <li> In the test VG, create a 1G large snapshot named
+ <code>snap_tlv1</code> of the <code>tlv1</code> VG by using the
+ <code>-s</code> option to <code>lvcreate(8)</code>. Predict how much
+ free space is left in the VG. Confirm with <code>vgs tvg</code>. </li>
+ <li> Create an EXT4 file system on <code>tlv1</code> by running
+ <code>mkfs.ext4 /dev/tvg/lv1</code>. Guess how much of the snapshot
+ space has been allocated by this operation. Check with <code>lvs
+ tvg1/snap_lv1</code>. </li>
+ <li> Remove the snapshot with <code>lvremove</code> and recreate
+ it. Repeat the previous step, but this time run <code>mkfs.xfs</code>
+ to create an XFS file system. Run <code>lvs tvg/snap_lv1</code>
+ again and compare the used snapshot space to the EXT4 case. Explain
+ the difference. </li>
+ <li> Remove the snapshot and recreate it so that both <code>tlv1</code>
+ and <code>snap_tlv1</code> contain a valid XFS file system. Mount
+ the file systems on <code>/mnt/1</code> and <code>/mnt/2</code>. </li>
+ <li> Run <code>dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/1/zero count=$((2 * 100 *
+ 1024))</code> to create a 100M large file on <code>tlv1</code>. Check
+ that <code>/mnt/2</code> is still empty. Estimate how much of the
+ snapshot space is used and check again. </li>
+ <li> Repeat the above <code>dd</code> command 5 times and run
+ <code>lvs</code> again. Explain why the used snapshot space did not
+ increase. </li>
+ <li> It is possible to create snapshots of snapshots. This is
+ implemented by chaining together CoW tables. Describe the impact on
+ performance. </li>
+ <li> Suppose a snapshot was created before significant modifications
+ were made to the contents of the LV, for example an upgrade of a large
+ software package. Assume that the user wishes to permanently return to
+ the old version because the upgrade did not work out. In this scenario
+ it is the snapshot which needs to be retained, rather than the original
+ LV. In view of this scenario, guess what happens on the attempt to
+ remove a LV which is being snapshotted. Unmount <code>/mnt/1</code>
+ and confirm by running <code>lvremove tvg/lv1</code>. </li>
+ <li> Come up with a suitable <code>lvconvert</code> command which
+ replaces the role of the LV and its snapshot. Explain why this solves
+ the "bad upgrade" problem outlined above. </li>
+ <li> Explain what happens if the CoW table fills up. Confirm by
+ writing a file larger than the snapshot size. </li>
+SECTION(«Thin Provisioning»)
+<p> The term "thin provisioning" is just a modern buzzword for
+over-subscription. Both terms mean to give the appearance of having
+more resources than are actually available. This is achieved by
+on-demand allocation. The thin provisioning implementation of Linux
+is implemented as a DM target called <em>dm-thin</em>. This code
+first made its appearance in 2011 and was declared as stable two
+years later. These days it should be safe for production use. </p>
+<p> The general problem with thin provisioning is of course that bad
+things happen when the resources are exhausted because the demand has
+increased before new resources were added. For dm-thin this can happen
+when users write to their allotted space, causing dm-thin to attempt
+allocating a data block from a volume which is already full. This
+usually leads to severe data corruption because file systems are
+not really prepared to handle this error case and treat it as if the
+underlying block device had failed. dm-thin does nothing to prevent
+this, but one can configure a <em>low watermark</em>. When the
+number of free data blocks drops below the watermark, a so-called
+<em>dm-event</em> will be generated to notice the administrator. </p>
+<p> One highlight of dm-thin is its efficient support for an arbitrary
+depth of recursive snapshots, called <em>dm-thin snapshots</em>
+in this document. With the traditional snapshot implementation,
+recursive snapshots quickly become a performance issue as the depth
+increases. With dm-thin one can have an arbitrary subset of all
+snapshots active at any point in time, and there is no ordering
+requirement on activating or removing them. </p>
+<p> The block devices created by dm-thin always belong to a <em>thin
+pool</em> which ties together two LVs called the <em>metadata LV</em>
+and the <em>data LV</em>. The combined LV is called the <em>thin pool
+LV</em>. Setting up a VG for thin provisioning is done in two steps:
+First the standard LVs for data and the metatdata are created. Second,
+the two LVs are combined into a thin pool LV. The second step hides
+the two underlying LVs so that only the combined thin pool LV is
+visible afterwards. Thin provisioned LVs and dm-thin snapshots can
+then be created from the thin pool LV with a single command. </p>
+<p> Another nice feature of dm-thin are <em>external snapshots</em>.
+An external snapshot is one where the origin for a thinly provisioned
+device is not a device of the pool. Arbitrary read-only block
+devices can be turned into writable devices by creating an external
+snapshot. Reads to an unprovisioned area of the snapshot will be passed
+through to the origin. Writes trigger the allocation of new blocks as
+usual with CoW. One use case for this is VM hosts which run their VMs
+on thinly-provisioned volumes but have the base image on some "master"
+device which is read-only and can hence be shared between all VMs. </p>
+<p> Starting with the <code>tvg</code> VG, create and test a thin pool LV
+by performing the following steps. The "Thin Usage" section of
+<code>lvmthin(7)</code> will be helpful.
+ <li> Remove the <code>tlv1</code> and <code>tlv2</code> LVs. </li>
+ <li> Create a 5G data LV named <code>tdlv</code> (thin data LV)
+ and a 500M LV named <code>tmdlv</code> (thin metada LV). </li>
+ <li> Combine the two LVs into a thin pool with
+ <code>lvconvert</code>. Run <code>lvs -a</code> and explain the flags
+ listed below <code>Attr</code>. </li>
+ <li> Create a 10G thin LV named <code>oslv</code> (over-subscribed
+ LV). </li>
+ <li> Create an XFS file system on <code>oslv</code> and mount it on
+ <code>/mnt</code>. </li>
+ <li> Run a loop of the form <code>for ((i = 0; i < 50; i++)): do
+ ... ; done</code> so that each iteration creates a 50M file named
+ <code>file-$i</code> and a snapshot named <code>snap_oslv-$i</code>
+ of <code>oslv</code>. </li>
+ <li> Activate an arbitrary snapshot with <code>lvchange -K</code> and
+ try to mount it. Explain what the error message means. Then read the
+ "XFS on snapshots" section of <code>lvmthin(7)</code>. </li>
+ <li> Check the available space of the data LV with <code>lvs
+ -a</code>. Mount one snapshot (specifying <code>-o nouuid</code>)
+ and run <code>lvs -a</code> again. Why did the free space decrease
+ although no new files were written? </li>
+ <li> Mount four different snapshots and check that they contain the
+ expected files. </li>
+ <li> Remove all snapshots. Guess what <code>lvs -a</code> and <code>dh
+ -h /mnt</code> report. Then run the commands to confirm. Guess
+ what happens if you try to create another 3G file? Confirm
+ your guess, then read the section on "Data space exhaustion" of
+ <code>lvmthin(7)</code>. </li>
+When a thin pool provisions a new data block for a thin LV, the new
+block is first overwritten with zeros by default. Discuss why this
+is done, its impact on performance and security, and conclude whether
+or not it is a good idea to turn off the zeroing.
+SECTION(«Bcache, dm-cache and dm-writecache»)
+<p> All three implementations named in the title of this chapter are <em>
+Linux block layer caches</em>. They combine two different block
+devices to form a hybrid block device which dynamically caches
+and migrates data between the two devices with the aim to improve
+performance. One device, the <em> backing device</em>, is expected
+to be large and slow while the other one, the <em>cache device</em>,
+is expected to be small and fast. </p>
+define(«bch_width», «300»)
+define(«bch_height», «130»)
+define(«bch_margin», «10»)
+define(«bch_rraid_width», «eval((bch_width() - 4 * bch_margin()) * 4 / 5)»)
+define(«bch_raidbox_height», «eval(bch_height() - 2 * bch_margin())»)
+define(«bch_nraid_width», «eval(bch_rraid_width() / 4)»)
+define(«bch_rdisk_width», «eval((bch_width() - 3 * bch_margin()) * 18 / 100)»)
+define(«bch_rdisk_height», «eval((bch_height() - 4 * bch_margin()) / 3)»)
+define(«bch_ndisk_width», «eval(bch_rdisk_width() / 2)»)
+define(«bch_ndisk_height», «eval(bch_raidbox_height() - 5 * bch_margin())»)
+define(«bch_rdisk», «svg_disk(«$1», «$2»,
+ «bch_rdisk_width()», «bch_rdisk_height()», «#666»)»)
+define(«bch_ndisk», «svg_disk(«$1», «$2»,
+ «bch_ndisk_width()», «bch_ndisk_height()», «#66f»)»)
+define(«bch_5rdisk», «
+ bch_rdisk(«$1», «$2»)
+ bch_rdisk(«eval($1 + bch_margin())»,
+ «eval($2 + bch_margin())»)
+ bch_rdisk(«eval($1 + 2 * bch_margin())»,
+ «eval($2 + 2 * bch_margin())»)
+ bch_rdisk(«eval($1 + 3 * bch_margin())»,
+ «eval($2 + 3 * bch_margin())»)
+ bch_rdisk(«eval($1 + 4 * bch_margin())»,
+ «eval($2 + 4 * bch_margin())»)
+define(«bch_rraid», «
+ <rect
+ fill="#3b3"
+ stroke="black"
+ x="$1"
+ y="$2"
+ width="bch_rraid_width()"
+ height="bch_raidbox_height()"
+ rx=10
+ />
+ bch_5rdisk(«eval($1 + bch_margin())»,
+ «eval($2 + 2 * bch_margin())»)
+ bch_5rdisk(«eval($1 + 2 * bch_rdisk_width() + bch_margin())»,
+ «eval($2 + 2 * bch_margin())»)
+define(«bch_nraid», «
+ <rect
+ fill="orange"
+ stroke="black"
+ x="$1"
+ y="$2"
+ width="bch_nraid_width()"
+ height="bch_raidbox_height()"
+ rx=10
+ />
+ bch_ndisk(eval($1 + bch_margin()),
+ eval($2 + 2 * bch_margin()))
+ bch_ndisk(eval($1 + 2 * bch_margin()),
+ eval($2 + 3 * bch_margin()))
+ width="bch_width()" height="bch_height()"
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+ xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
+ <rect
+ fill="#cc2"
+ stroke="black"
+ stroke-width="1"
+ x="1"
+ y="1"
+ width="eval(bch_rraid_width() + bch_nraid_width()
+ + 3 * bch_margin() - 2)"
+ height="eval(bch_raidbox_height() + 2 * bch_margin() - 2)"
+ rx="10"
+ />
+ bch_nraid(«bch_margin()», «bch_margin()»)
+ bch_rraid(«eval(2 * bch_margin() + bch_nraid_width())», «bch_margin()»)
+<p> The most simple setup consists of a single rotating disk and one SSD.
+The setup shown in the diagram at the left is realistic for a large
+server with redundant storage. In this setup the hybrid device
+(yellow) combines a raid6 array (green) consisting of many rotating
+disks (grey) with a two-disk raid1 array (orange) stored on fast
+NVMe devices (blue). In the simple setup it is always a win when
+I/O is performed from/to the SSD instead of the rotating disk. In
+the server setup, however, it depends on the workload which device
+is faster. Given enough rotating disks and a streaming I/O workload,
+the raid6 outperforms the raid1 because all disks can read or write
+at full speed. </p>
+<p> Since block layer caches hook into the Linux block API described <a
+href="«#»the_linux_block_layer">earlier</a>, the hybrid block devices
+they provide can be used like any other block device. In particular,
+the hybrid devices are <em> file system agnostic</em>, meaning that
+any file system can be created on them. In what follows we briefly
+describe the differences between the three block layer caches and
+conclude with the pros and cons of each. </p>
+<p> Bcache is a stand-alone stacking device driver which was
+included in the Linux kernel in 2013. According to the <a
+href="https://bcache.evilpiepirate.org/">bcache home page</a>, it
+is "done and stable". dm-cache and dm-writecache are device mapper
+targets included in 2013 and 2018, respectively, which are both marked
+as experimental. In contrast to dm-cache, dm-writecache only caches
+writes while reads are supposed to be cached in RAM. It has been
+designed for programs like databases which need low commit latency.
+Both bcache and dm-cache can operate in writeback or writethrough
+mode while dm-writecache always operates in writeback mode. </p>
+<p> The DM-based caches are designed to leave the decision as to what
+data to migrate (and when) to user space while bcache has this policy
+built-in. However, at this point only the <em> Stochastic Multiqueue
+</em> (smq) policy for dm-cache exists, plus a second policy which
+is only useful for decommissioning the cache device. There are no
+tunables for dm-cache while all the bells and whistles of bcache can
+be configured through sysfs files. Another difference is that bcache
+detects sequential I/O and separates it from random I/O so that large
+streaming reads and writes bypass the cache and don't push cached
+randomly accessed data out of the cache. </p>
+<p> bcache is the clear winner of this comparison because it is stable,
+configurable and performs better at least on the server setup
+described above because it separate random and sequential I/O. The
+only advantage of dm-cache is its flexibility because cache policies
+can be switched. But even this remains a theoretical advantage as
+long as only a single policy for dm-cache exists. </p>
+ <li> Recall the concepts of writeback and writethrough and explain
+ why writeback is faster and writethrough is safer. </li>
+ <li> Explain how the <em>writearound</em> mode of bcache works and
+ when it should be used. </li>
+ <li> Setup a bcache device from two loop devices. </li>
+ <li> Create a file system of a bcache device and mount it. Detach
+ the cache device while the file system is mounted. </li>
+ <li> Setup a dm-cache device from two loop devices. </li>
+ <li> Setup a thin pool where the data LV is a dm-cache device.</li>
+ <li> Explain the point of dm-cache's <em>passthrough</em> mode.</li>
+Explain why small writes to a file system which is stored on a
+parity raid result in read-modify-write (RMW) updates. Explain why
+RMW updates are particularly expensive and how raid implementations
+and block layer caches try to avoid them.
+Recall the concepts of writeback and writethrough. Describe what
+each mode means for a hardware device and for a bcache/dm-cache
+device. Explain why writeback is faster and writethrough is safer.
+TRIM and UNMAP are special commands in the ATA/SCSI command sets
+which inform an SSD that certain data blocks are no longer in use,
+allowing the SSD to re-use these blocks to increase performance and
+to reduce wear. Subsequent reads from the trimmed data blocks will
+not return any meaningful data. For example, the <code> mkfs </code>
+commands sends this command to discard all blocks of the device.
+Discuss the implications when <code> mkfs. </code> is run on a device
+provided by bcache or dm-cache.
+SECTION(«The dm-crypt Target»)
+<p> This device mapper target provides encryption of arbitrary block
+devices by employing the primitives of the crypto API of the Linux
+kernel. This API provides a uniform interface to a large number of
+cipher algorithms which have been implemented with performance and
+security in mind. </p>
+<p> The cipher algorithm of choice for the encryption of block devices
+is the <em> Advanced Encryption Standard </em> (AES), also known
+as <em> Rijndael</em>, named after the two Belgian cryptographers
+Rijmen and Daemen who proposed the algorithm in 1999. AES is a <em>
+symmetric block cipher</em>. That is, a transformation which operates
+on fixed-length blocks and which is determined by a single key for both
+encryption and decryption. The underlying algorithm is fairly simple,
+which makes AES perform well in both hardware and software. Also
+the key setup time and the memory requirements are excellent. Modern
+processors of all manufacturers include instructions to perform AES
+operations in hardware, improving speed and security. </p>
+<p> According to the Snowden documents, the NSA has been doing research
+on breaking AES for a long time without being able to come up with
+a practical attack for 256 bit keys. Successful attacks invariably
+target the key management software instead, which is often implemented
+poorly, trading security for user-friendliness, for example by
+storing passwords weakly encrypted, or by providing a "feature"
+which can decrypt the device without knowing the password. </p>
+<p> The exercises of this section ask the reader to encrypt a loop device
+with AES without relying on any third party key management software </p>.
+ <li> Discuss the message of this <a
+ href="https://xkcd.com/538/">xkcd</a> comic. </li>
+ <li> How can a hardware implementation of an algorithm like AES
+ improve security? After all, it is the same algorithm that is
+ implemented. </li>
+ <li> What's the point of the <a href="#random_stream">rstream.c</a>
+ program below which writes random data to stdout? Doesn't <code>
+ cat /dev/urandom </code> do the same? </li>
+ <li> Compile and run <a href="#random_stream">rstream.c</a> to create
+ a 10G local file and create the loop device <code> /dev/loop0 </code>
+ from the file. </li>
+ <li> A <em> table </em> for the <code> dmsetup(8) </code> command is
+ a single line of the form <code> start_sector num_sectors target_type
+ target_args</code>. Determine the correct values for the first three
+ arguments to encrypt <code> /dev/loop0</code>. </li>
+ <li> The <code> target_args </code> for the dm-crypt target are
+ of the form <code> cipher key iv_offset device offset</code>. To
+ encrypt <code> /dev/loop0 </code> with AES-256, <code> cipher </code>
+ is <code> aes</code>, device is <code> /dev/loop0 </code> and both
+ offsets are zero. Come up with an idea to create a 256 bit key from
+ a passphrase. </li>
+ <li> The <code> create </code> subcommand of <code> dmsetup(8)
+ </code> creates a device from the given table. Run a command of
+ the form <code> echo "$table" | dmsetup create cryptdev </code>
+ to create the encrypted device <code> /dev/mapper/cryptdev </code>
+ from the loop device. </li>
+ <li> Create a file system on <code> /dev/mapper/cryptdev</code>,
+ mount it and create the file <code> passphrase </code> containing
+ the string "super-secret" on this file system. </li>
+ <li> Unmount the <code> cryptdev </code> device and run <code> dmsetup
+ remove cryptdev</code>. Run <code> strings </code> on the loop device
+ and on the underlying file to see if it contains the string <code>
+ super-secret" </code> or <code> passphrase</code>. </li>
+ <li> Re-create the <code> cryptdev </code> device, but this time use
+ a different (hence invalid) key. Guess what happens and confirm. </li>
+ <li> Write a script which disables echoing (<code>stty -echo</code>),
+ reads a passphrase from stdin and combines the above steps to create
+ and mount an encrypted device. </li>
+Why is it a good idea to overwrite a block device with random data
+before it is encrypted?
+The dm-crypt target encrypts whole block devices. An alternative is
+to encrypt on the file system level. That is, each file is encrypted
+separately. Discuss the pros and cons of both approaches.
+SUBSECTION(«Random stream»)
+ <code>
+ /* Link with -lcrypto */
+ #include <openssl/rand.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ {
+ unsigned char buf[1024 * 1024];
+ for (;;) {
+ int ret = RAND_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf));
+ if (ret <= 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "RAND_bytes() error\n");
+ }
+ ret = write(STDOUT_FILENO, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ perror("write");
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ </code>
--- /dev/null
+I := include
+B := build
+MACROS := $(I)/m4/aple.m4
+ifeq ($(findstring pub, $(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
+ m4 := $(wildcard *.m4)
+ M4_ARGS += -D PUBLIC=false
+ DEST := $(B)/internal
+ m4 := Introduction.m4 Unix_Concepts.m4 Networking.m4 LVM.m4 \
+ Filesystems.m4 OS-Level_Virtualization.m4
+ M4_ARGS += -D PUBLIC=true
+ DEST := $(B)/public
+CSS := aple.css
+html := $(m4:.m4=.html)
+imgs := $(wildcard $(I)/imgs/*.svg)
+files := $(html) $(CSS) index.html $(notdir $(imgs)) aple.ico
+all: $(addprefix $(DEST)/, $(files))
+pub: all
+LN_CMD = ln -f $< $@
+ mkdir -p $@
+# m4 -> html
+MD_CMD = m4 $(M4_ARGS) $< | markdown -f tables,links > $@
+$(DEST)/Bash.html: Bash.m4 $(MACROS) | $(DEST)
+ $(MD_CMD)
+$(DEST)/Command_Line_Utilities.html: Command_Line_Utilities.m4 $(MACROS) | $(DEST)
+ $(MD_CMD)
+$(DEST)/Git.html: Git.m4 $(MACROS) | $(DEST)
+ $(MD_CMD)
+$(DEST)/Gridengine.html: Gridengine.m4 $(MACROS) | $(DEST)
+ $(MD_CMD)
+$(DEST)/%.html: %.m4 $(MACROS) | $(DEST)
+ m4 $(M4_ARGS) $< > $@
+# svg
+$(DEST)/%.svg: $(I)/imgs/%.svg | $(DEST)
+ $(LN_CMD)
+$(DEST)/%.ico: $(I)/imgs/%.svg | $(DEST)
+ convert -level 0%,100%,0.1 $< $@
+# style sheet
+$(DEST)/$(CSS): $(I)/css/$(CSS) | $(DEST)
+ $(LN_CMD)
+# index.html
+$(DEST)/index.html: $(DEST)/Introduction.html
+ $(LN_CMD)
+.PHONY: clean
+ rm -rf $(B)
+-include Makefile.local
--- /dev/null
+Network down, IP packets delivered via UPS. -- BOFH excuse #427
+», __file__)
+Networking is a complex and diverse area of computer science. This page
+can only scratch the surface of some essential networking concepts,
+aiming to convey enough background knowledge to understand more
+specific and thorough articles on the subject matter and to encourage
+the reader to explore the vast freely available literature. We cover
+the four layers of the TCP/IP interconnection model in some detail
+and look at a small subset of networking tools, including SSH. The
+chapter concludes with a short overview of the Linux-specific Netlink
+SECTION(«Network Layers»)
+define(«nl_width», «260»)
+define(«nl_height», «200»)
+define(«nl_box_width», «100»)
+define(«nl_text_offset», «110»)
+define(«nl_box_height», «eval((nl_height() - 10) / 5)»)
+define(«nl_layer_width», «eval(nl_box_width() / 4)»)
+define(«nl_font_size», «15»)
+dnl $1: layer (link/internet/transport/application)
+dnl $2: box number (0-4), $3: row-span, $4: column-span, $5: color
+define(«nl_box», «
+ <rect
+ stroke="black"
+ stroke-width="1"
+ ifelse(«$1», «link», «x="1"»)
+ ifelse(«$1», «internet», «x="eval(1 + nl_layer_width())"»)
+ ifelse(«$1», «transport», «x="eval(1 + nl_layer_width() * 2)"»)
+ ifelse(«$1», «application», «x="eval(1 + nl_layer_width() * 3)"»)
+ y="eval($2 * nl_box_height())"
+ height="eval($3 * nl_box_height())"
+ width="nl_layer_width()"
+ fill="$4"
+ />
+dnl $1: box number (see nl_box()), $2: text
+define(«nl_text», «
+ <text
+ x="nl_text_offset()"
+ y="eval($1 * nl_box_height() + nl_box_height() / 2)"
+ font-size="nl_font_size()"
+ dy="0.3em"
+ >
+ $2
+ </text>
+ width="nl_width()" height="nl_height()"
+ viewBox="0 0 260 200"
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+ xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
+ nl_box(«link», «0», «1», «#a22»)
+ nl_box(«link», «1», «3», «#7e5»)
+ nl_box(«link», «4», «1», «blue»)
+ nl_box(«internet», «1», «1», «yellow»)
+ nl_box(«internet», «2», «2», «#7e5»)
+ nl_box(«transport», «2», «1», «orange»)
+ nl_box(«transport», «3», «1», «#7e5»)
+ nl_box(«application», «3», «1», «#7e5»)
+ nl_text(«0», «Frame Header»)
+ nl_text(«1», «IP Header»)
+ nl_text(«2», «TCP/UDP Header»)
+ nl_text(«3», «Data»)
+ nl_text(«4», «Frame Footer»)
+<p> The <em> Open Systems Interconnection </em> (OSI) model describes
+network communication by subdividing the data flow into <em>
+abstraction layers</em>. This model was published as an ISO standard
+in 1984 and comprises seven independent layers. A similar model with
+only four layers, known as the <em> TCP/IP interconnection model</em>,
+was proposed in RFC 1122 (1989). The TCP/IP model does not consider
+physical specifications, so it has no counterpart to the <em> physical
+layer </em> of the OSI model. Moreover, the three top layers in the
+OSI model are not distinguished in the TCP/IP model. </p>
+<p> The four layers of the TCP/IP model (<em>link, internet,
+transport</em>, and <em> application</em>) are illustrated in the
+diagram on the left. The link layer receives the full ethernet frame
+(left column). It reads and interprets the frame header (red) and
+footer (blue), and regards the remaining part as data (green), to be
+passed uninterpreted to the next layer. The internet layer (second
+column) expects an IP packet and interprets the first part of the data
+as the IP header (yellow). It hands off the rest as a TCP/UDP packet to
+the transport layer (third column) which in turn reads and strips off
+its header (orange). The application layer only sees the green part in
+the fourth column. Each layer is discussed in a dedicated section. </p>
+ <li> RFC is short for <em> Request for Comments</em>. Make yourself
+ familiar with this concept. </li>
+ <li> Search the web for "RFC 822" to get an idea how an RFC looks
+ like. </li>
+ <li> Discuss the pros and cons of many abtraction layers. </li>
+SECTION(«Link Layer»)
+<p> The local network connection of a host is called its <em> link</em>.
+The <em> link layer </em> is responsible for transmitting packets
+between two hosts on the same link, that is, between directly connected
+nodes. The link layer includes the protocols which maintain link states
+such as the <em> Address Resolution Protocol </em> (ARP). Several
+<em> link types </em> exist, the ubiquitous <em> ethernet </em> being
+the only one to be discussed here. For ethernet links, the protocol
+is specified in terms of the <em> media access control </em> (MAC)
+addresses of ethernet frames. <p>
+SUBSECTION(«Ethernet Bridging»)
+<p> An <em> ethernet bridge </em> connects two or more networks by relaying
+ethernet frames between the participating devices. This is described
+in an official standard, the first revision of which was published in
+1990. This standard can be implemented within a dedicated hardware
+device, for example a <em> network switch</em>, or in software as
+part of the operating system. Many soft- and hardware implementations
+exist, which are compatible to each other as they all implement the
+same protocol. Since ethernet bridges operate on the link layer, they
+are transparent to higher level protocols like IP. </p>
+<p> At the core of each bridge implementation there is the <em> forwarding
+database </em> whose entries are indexed by the MAC addresses that have
+recently been seen. Each time the bridge receives an ethernet frame,
+the destination MAC address is looked up in the database to determine
+the device to which the frame should be relayed. If no entry exists,
+the frame is sent to <em> all </em> devices except the one it came
+from, with the expectation that all devices but one will ignore the
+frame. This is called <em> flooding</em>. From the source address
+of the (single) reply a new database entry is created. This prevents
+further flooding. Entries are removed from the database by aging: If
+no frames have been received from a MAC address for the duration of a
+time interval called <em> aging time</em>, the entry is removed from
+the database. </p>
+<p> The Linux ethernet bridge implementation dates back to 1999. Two
+different tools are available to create and configure bridges: <code>
+brctl(8) </code> and <code> bridge(8)</code>. The exercises of this
+section aim to get the reader started with both tools. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Virtual Ethernet Interfaces»)
+<p> A bridge can accommodate physical devices like <code> eth0 </code>
+as well as virtual devices. On Linux systems the common approach
+to equip virtual machines with network interfaces employs the <em>
+virtual ethernet </em> (veth) device driver. This driver provides
+virtual pairs of devices where each pair represents an ethernet
+tunnel. Ethernet frames received by one end appear on its pair. To
+set up the network interface for a virtual machine, one end of the
+pair is added to a bridge on the host system while the other end
+represents the ethernet device of the virtual machine. </p>
+ <li> Determine the MAC address of the first ethernet device of your
+ computer. </li>
+ <li> How many times faster has ethernet become since its first protocol
+ version that supported a transfer rate of 2.94 Mbit/s in 1973? </li>
+ <li> Explain why bridges can not be detected by tools like <code>
+ traceroute(1) </code> or <code> tracepath(8)</code>. </li>
+ <li> Hardware ethernet bridges are called switches because they
+ relay ethernet frames by using a technique called <em> packet
+ switching</em>. Define this term. </li>
+ <li> The <code> arp(8) </code> command prints the kernel's network
+ neighbour cache. Explain the purpose of this cache and the difference
+ to the forwarding database of an ethernet bridge. </li>
+ <li> Network devices can be set into <em> promiscuous
+ mode</em>. Explain what this means, why interfaces which belong
+ to an ethernet bridge need to be set into promiscuous mode,
+ and the consequences of this fact. </li>
+ <li> On your local computer, shut down the <code> eth0 </code>
+ interface, create a bridge and add <code> eth0 </code> to the bridge.
+ Then configure the bridge device in the same way the physical interface
+ was configured before. Run <code>brctl showmacs </code> to see MAC
+ addresses and the aging timer. </li>
+ <li> Create a virtual ethernet pair by running <code> ip link add v1
+ type veth peer name v2</code> and bring up the two interfaces with
+ <code> ip link set up v1 </code> and similar for <code> v2</code>. Add
+ the <code> v1 </code> end to the bridge. Configure an IP address on
+ the <code> v2 </code> end of the pair (<code>ip addr add
+ dev v2</code>). Add an entry for the IP routing table with <code>
+ ip route add dev v2</code>. Start the <code> nc(1)
+ </code> tool in listening mode and send IP traffic through the bridge
+ by starting <code> nc(1) </code> a second time to connect to <code>
+</code>. </li>
+ <li> Recall how the <em> spanning tree algorithm</em> works. Explain
+ how the spanning tree algorithm is employed in the <em> spanning
+ tree protocol </em> (STP). Name two reasons for activating STP in a
+ large network. </li>
+ <li> The <em> rapid spanning tree protocol </em> (RSTP) is the
+ successor of the traditional STP. Explain the difference between the
+ two protocols. </li>
+ <li> In each bridged network, there is one bridge which
+ plays a special role: the so-called <em> root bridge</em>.
+ Explain the purpose of the root bridge and how it is determined
+ among the bridges of the network. </li>
+ <li> Linux offers two different tools to configure ethernet bridges:
+ <code> brctl(8) </code> and <code> bridge(8)</code>. Compare the
+ feature sets of these tools. </li>
+SECTION(«Internet Layer»)
+<p> These days the term "internet" has acquired a rather broad meaning
+in that it refers to all kind of network services. However, in
+the context of the TCP/IP interconnection model, the <em> internet
+layer </em> is named aptly because its purpose is to send packets
+across different networks, thereby enabling inter-networking. More
+precisely, packets are <em> routed </em> from the source network to
+the destination network, where both networks are identified by <em>
+IP interface addresses</em>. Although both the prevalent IPv4 and the
+next-generation IPv6 variant are being deployed actively worldwide,
+we shall only discuss IPv4 here. </p>
+<p> The first part of each IP packet is the <em> IP header</em>, which is
+usually 20 byte long. Besides the source and destination addresses,
+it contains an 8 bit protocol number which refers to the data portion
+of the packet. </p>
+<p> IP only provides an <em> unreliable </em> datagram transmission
+facility, which means that packets may be lost, arrive multiple times,
+or out of order. Moreover, packets can be fragmented or defragmented. </p>
+ <li> How many different IPv4 addresses exist? </li>
+ <li> Visit <a href="https://www.meineip.de">this page</a> which
+ claims to show the IP address of your computer. Check if the result
+ was correct by running <code> ip addr show</code>. Run <code> host
+ a.b.c.d </code> for the IP addresses and discuss the result. </li>
+ <li> What is the difference between the <em> maximum transmission
+ unit </em> (MTU) and the <em> path MTU</em>? </li>
+ <li> Describe the purpose of the <em> Internet Control Message Protocol
+ </em> (ICMP) and its relationship to IP. </li>
+ <li> Byte 9 of the header of an IP packet is the so-called <em>
+ time to live </em> (TTL) field, which is initially set to 64 by
+ the sender. Explain the purpose of this field. </li>
+ <li> Explain the connection between the TTL and the <em> Internet
+ Control Message Protocol </em> (ICMP). </li>
+ <li> What is a netmask in an IPv4 network? What is the purpose of the
+ netmask? Why is the network part of an IP address also called <em>
+ routing prefix</em>? </li>
+ <li> On any host, run <code> ifconfig </code> and <code> ip addr
+ show</code>. Both commands print the netmask of each network, but
+ in different ways. Explain which part of the output of the <code>
+ ip </code> command contains the netmask. </li>
+Discuss the security implications of network services which are based
+on MAC addresses or IP addresses alone.
+», «
+Both the IP address and the MAC address are trivial to fake. So they
+should never be used to authenticate a user or a device on a network
+to which potential attackers have physical access, i.e., untrusted
+devices can be connected.
+Illustrate how <em> network address translation </em> (NAT) works
+on the basis of a web search initiated from a desktop computer in a
+local network and discuss the implications that NAT has on privacy.
+», «
+<p> The desktop is configured to route packets which are not destined
+for the local network through a dedicated machine, called the <em>
+router</em>. In particular, all internet traffic is sent to the router.
+The router has two IP addresses: one address in the local network
+and a public NAT address. As traffic passes from the desktop through
+the router to the web server in the internet, the source address of
+each IP packet (the local address of the desktop) is changed on the
+fly to the public NAT address of the router. The router tracks each
+active connection. When a reply arrives at the router, it uses the
+connection tracking data stored during the outbound phase to determine
+the address in the local network to which to forward the reply. This
+time it overwrites the destination address of the IP packet with the
+local address of the desktop. </p>
+<p> NAT can be seen as providing a kind of privacy mechanism because
+machines on the internet cannot monitor which hosts are sending and
+receiving traffic. They only see the NAT address. NAT has also
+downsides though: Pinpointing the source of a problem becomes harder,
+and encryption becomes more difficult. For example you can not encrypt
+the IP address because the router must be able to change it. </p>
+Run <code> tracepath wikipedia.org</code>. Explain how this command
+works and how it can be used to identify networking problems.
+SECTION(«Transport Layer»)
+<p> The protocols of the transport layer provide message transfer services
+which are on one hand independent of the underlying network type,
+and on the other hand independent of the application. Different
+network services on running on the same host are distinguished by
+<em> port numbers</em>, which are 16 bit identifiers. Several well
+known port numbers are are associated with specific applications.
+The two dominant transport layer protocols on top of IP, TCP and UDP,
+are discussed in the following subsections. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«The User Datagram Protocol»)
+<p> The <em> User Datagram Protocol </em> (UDP) is the simplest
+transport-layer protocol, built as a thin layer on top of IP. For this
+reason, it offers only the same best-effort service as IP itself. For
+example, there is no detection of duplicate or reordered packets,
+no protection against packet loss or network congestion. However,
+UDP generates checksums to catch transmission errors. Being a
+connectionless protocol, only minimal internal state about the
+connection is maintained. This makes UDP suitable for applications
+which need to avoid the overhead of setting up a TCP connection, or
+in situations where on-time arrival is more important than reliability. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«The Transmission Control Protocol»)
+<p> The <em> Transmission Control Protocol </em> (TCP) provides reliable,
+ordered delivery of a stream and a classic window-based congestion
+control. In contrast to UDP, TCP provides a stream which is independent
+of any packet boundaries. TCP is used extensively by many applications.
+Besides HTTP (the Hypertext Transfer Protocol), also FTP (the File
+Transfer protocol), SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), SSH (Secure
+Shell) all sit on top of TCP. </p>
+ <li> Check <code> /etc/services </code> and find the TCP port
+ numbers for http (web), ssh and smtp (email).
+ <li> Run <code> ls /proc/sys/net/ipv4/udp* </code> and <code> ls
+ /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp* </code> to see the available UDP and TCP
+ parameter settings, and to compare the complexity of UDP and TCP. </li>
+ <li> Run <code> netstat -pant </code> to see active TCP sockets. </li>
+ <li> Run <code> nmap localhost </code> to determine the listening
+ TCP sockets. </li>
+ <li> Run netcat in TCP listening mode: <code> nc -l $((19853 +
+ UID)))</code>. Invite your neighbour to chat with you by connecting
+ to your netcat process. </li>
+ <li> Read section 3.1 of RFC 793 (Transmission Control Protocol,
+ 1981) to get an idea of the format of a TCP header, particularly the
+ control bits called ACK, RST, SYN and FIN. </li>
+ <li> The name "SYN" for one of the control bits of the TCP header
+ stands for <em> synchronize</em>. What is being synchronized when
+ this bit is set? And why does it need to be synchronous in the first
+ place? </li>
+ <li> Make yourself familiar with the 3-way TCP handshake also described
+ in RFC 793. Why is it called a 3-way handshake? </li>
+ <li> Run <code> ip tcpmetrics </code> to see recent TCP peers and
+ discuss the output. </li>
+ <li> UDP is said to be <em> datagram-oriented</em> while TCP is <em>
+ stream-oriented</em>. Define both terms and explain the implications
+ for application writers. </li>
+ <li> Explain how TCP achieves its goal of controlling the transmission
+ speed. </li>
+ <li> Explain how the "SYN flooding" denial-of-service attack works and
+ how SYN cookies mitigate this attack. </li>
+ <li> Explain the idea behind TFO (TCP fast open). </li>
+ <li> In contrast to TCP, UDP is a <em> connectionless </em> protocol. In
+ particular, there is no handshake necessary to establish a
+ connection. Describe the pros and cons of this fact. </li>
+ <li> Explain, in no more than two sentences, the idea behind a port
+ scan. </li>
+ <li> What's a half-open TCP connection? What's a half-open TCP
+ port scan? Explain why half-open TCP port scans are reasonably
+ stealthy. </li>
+ <li> Express your opinion on whether performing an unsolicited TCP
+ port scan should be considered a criminal act. </li>
+SECTION(«Application Layer»)
+<p> Application layer protocols define how the server side of a network
+service communicates with clients that connect to the server by
+connecting a specific TCP or UDP port. Services are often associcated
+with port numbers which can be registred at the <em> Internet Assigned
+Numbers Authority </em> (IANA). </p>
+<p> Examples for application layer protocols which are employed on top of
+TCP are the <em> Hypertext Transfer Protocol </em> (HTTP, port 80)
+and the <em> Secure Shell Protocol </em> (SSH, port 22). On top of
+UDP sit the <em> Domain Name System </em> (DNS, port 53), the <em>
+Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol </em> (DHCP, ports 67 and 68)
+and the <em> Network Time Protocol </em> (NTP, port 123). </p>
+<p> We won't discuss any specific application layer protocols here. Instead,
+we look at some client programs. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«The Name Service Switch»)
+<p> Every Unix system needs a couple of (usually small) system databases
+for proper operation. Besides the user database, there are other
+databases for Unix group membership, the known hosts, network
+protocols, and more. Traditionally, there was only a single source for
+this information in the form of a configuration file per database, for
+example <code> /etc/hosts</code> for the hosts database. The format of
+each database file is described in the POSIX standard and in section
+5 of the user manuals. This approach works well if the databases
+and the number of hosts which need to share the same databases are
+small. Larger organizations, however, have a need to maintain this
+information centrally by means of some network service. The <em>
+Lightweight Directory Access Protocol </em> (LDAP) and the <em>
+Domain Name System </em> (DNS) are popular choices for the user
+and the host/domain databases. Often the entries of the centralized
+network database have to be merged with the entries of the local file
+in <code> /etc</code>. This calls for a flexible method which lets the
+administrator specify the sources of information and the search order.
+Sun Microsystems came up with a clean solution to this problem named
+<em> Name Service Switch </em> (NSS) for the Solaris operating system.
+This solution was ported to most other Unix operating systems. The
+implementation used on GNU/Linux systems is part of the <em> GNU
+C Library </em> (glibc). The central configuration file for NSS is
+<code> /etc/nsswitch.conf</code>. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Advanced SSH Features»)
+<p> SSH, the <em> secure shell</em>, is a popular client/server software
+package for logging into a remote machine. The name is a little
+misleading, though. For one, SSH is not a shell; it merely provides
+a method to <em> run </em> a shell. Second, it can do much more than
+just log in and start the shell. It features a secure encrypted
+communication channel between two hosts, and this channel can be
+utilized in interesting ways on both ends. In the exercises we look
+at TCP port forwarding, some useful configuration options, and public
+key authorization. </p>
+ <li> Inspect <code> /etc/resolv.conf </code> to get the IP address
+ of your nameserver(s). Then run <code> dig @$IP $DOMAIN MX </code>
+ where <code> $IP </code> is the nameserver IP address, and <code>
+ $DOMAIN </code> is the domain of your email adress, e.g. <code>
+ tuebingen,mpg.de</code>. Determine the hostname of the mail server
+ from the output and run <code> nc $MAILHOST 25 </code> to send a mail
+ to yourself. Hint: <code> HELO $MAILHOST</code>, <code> mail from:
+ <$LOGNAME@$DOMAIN></code>, <code> rcpt to: <$LOGNAME@DOMAIN></code>,
+ <code> data</code>. </li>
+ <li> Edit <code> /etc/passswd</code>, <code> /etc/shadow</code>,
+ and <code> /etc/group </code> to manually create a user account.
+ Use the <a href="«#»cryptout.c">cryptout</a> program below to
+ generate the second field of <code> /etc/shadow </code> containing
+ the encrypted password. </li>
+ <li> Understand the <code> hosts </code> line in <code>
+ /etc/nsswitch.conf</code>. </li>
+ <li> Does <code> host $HOSTNAME </code> always print the same IPv4
+ address as <code> ping $HOSTNAME</code>? </li>
+ <li> Run <code> nc localhost 22 </code> to determine the SSH server
+ version. </li>
+ <li> Forward the TCP port 12345 of your local machine to an
+ internal server using ssh's <code> -L </code> option for local port
+ forwarding. Check that you can log in with <code> ssh -p 12345
+ localhost</code>. </li>
+ <li> Search the <code>ssh_config(5)</code> man page for <code>
+ NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost </code> and ponder if it is a good
+ idea to set this to <code> yes</code>. </li>
+ <li> Add <code> Host </code> and <code> Hostname </code> entries
+ to your ssh config file so that you can log in with <code> ssh
+ hostname</code>, even though <code> hostname </code> does not resolve
+ on your local network. </li>
+ <li> Create an ssh key pair and add the public part so that you can
+ log in without specifying a password. Discuss the security implications
+ of this setup. </li>
+ <li> In an ssh session, type <code> ~C </code> to open the ssh command
+ prompt. Use a suitable <code> -L </code> command to add a local port
+ forward to the existing connection. Type <code> ~? </code> to see
+ the available escape sequences. </li>
+ <li> Add the lines <code> Host *.eb.local </code> and <code> ProxyJump
+ cgw.tuebingen.mpg.de </code> to your ssh config file. Then type <code>
+ ssh olt.eb.local</code>. Check <code> ssh(1) </code> to learn how
+ this works. </li>
+Explain the difference between local and remote port forwarding. Give
+a typical example for either type of forwarding.
+SECTION(«The Netlink Messaging System»)
+<p> The various layers and protocols discussed earlier in this chapter
+dealt with the communication between hosts which are connected by
+a network. The Linux-specific <em>Netlink Interface</em>, however,
+does not fit into this picture because it is a messaging system
+for passing network-related information between the kernel and a
+user space program, and vice-versa. Among other uses, tools like
+<code>ip(8)</code> and <code>ifconfig(8)</code> employ Netlink
+to configure network devices. Netlink is implemented on top of the
+socket infrastructure, so the communication link between a user space
+program and the kernel is estabished by means of the usual system calls
+<code>socket(2)</code>, <code>bind(2)</code>, <code>connect(2)</code>,
+and messages are transferred by calling <code>sendmsg(2)</code>
+and <code>recvmsg(2)</code>. </p>
+<p> There are several <em>netlink families</em> which select the
+kernel subsystem to communicate with. We shall only be concerned
+with the <code>NETLINK_ROUTE</code> family, which is used to
+modify network routes, IP addresses, and more. The details of
+<code>NETLINK_ROUTE</code> are described in <code>rtnetlink(7)</code>
+while <code>netlink(7)</code> covers the general interface and the
+currently assigned families. </p>
+<p> A Netlink message starts with a 16 byte header as defined by
+<code>struct nlmsghdr</code>. To report errors to userspace, Netlink
+provides a message type that encapsulates an error header defined
+by <code>struct nlmsgerr</code>. Both structures are declared in
+in <code>include/linux/netlink.h</code>. Full Netlink messsages,
+including the Netlink header are transferred. Therefore the user space
+program has to implement a parser for both regular Netlink messages
+and Netlink error messages, as well as a primitive for setting up
+properly formatted Netlink messages to be sent to the kernel. Several
+user space libraries aim to help the programmer with this repetetive
+and error-prone task, the <em>minimalistic Netlink library</em>
+(libmnl) being the most popular one. </p>
+ <code>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <crypt.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <sys/random.h>
+ static const char set[] =
+ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+ "0123456789./";
+ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ {
+ unsigned char rnd[2], salt[2], *result;
+ if (argc < 2)
+ if (getrandom(rnd, 2, 0) < 0)
+ salt[0] = set[rnd[0] & 63];
+ salt[1] = set[rnd[1] & 63];
+ result = crypt(argv[1], salt);
+ if (!result)
+ printf("%s\n", result);
+ }
+ </code>
--- /dev/null
+Fools ignore complexity. Pragmatists suffer it. Some can avoid it.
+Geniuses remove it. -- Perlis's Programming Proverb #58 (1982)
+», __file__)
+In general, virtualization refers to the abstraction of computer
+resources. This chapter is primarily concerned with <em> server
+virtualization</em>, a concept which makes it possible to run
+more than one operating system simultaneously and independently
+of each other on a single physical computer. We first describe
+the different virtualization frameworks but quickly specialize on
+Linux OS-level virtualization and their virtual machines called <em>
+containers</em>. Container platforms for Linux are built on top of
+<em>namespaces</em> and <em>control groups</em>, the low-level kernel
+features which implement abstraction and isolation of processes. We
+look at both concepts in some detail. One of the earliest container
+platforms for Linux is <em> LXC </em> (Linux containers) which is
+discussed in a dedicated section.
+SECTION(«Virtualization Frameworks»)
+The origins of server virtualization date back to the 1960s. The
+first virtual machine was created as a collaboration between IBM
+(International Business Machines) and the MIT (Massachusetts Institute
+of Technology). Since then, many different approaches have been
+designed, resulting in several <em> Virtualization Frameworks</em>. All
+frameworks promise to improve resource utilization and availability, to
+reduce costs, and to provide greater flexibility. While some of these
+benefits might be real, they do not come for free. Their costs include:
+the host becomes a single point of failure, decreased performance,
+added complexity and increased maintenance costs due to extensive
+debugging, documentation, and maintenance of the VMs. This chapter
+briefly describes the three main virtualization frameworks. We list
+the advantages and disadvantages of each and give some examples.
+SUBSECTION(«Software Virtualization (Emulation)»)
+This virtualization framework does not play a significant role in
+server virtualization, it is only included for completeness. Emulation
+means to imitate a complete hardware architecture in software,
+including peripheral devices. All CPU instructions and hardware
+interrupts are interpreted by the emulator rather than being run by
+native hardware. Since this approach has a large performance penalty,
+it is only suitable when speed is not critical. For this reason,
+emulation is typically employed for ancient hardware like arcade
+game systems and home computers such as the Commodore 64. Despite
+the performance penalty, emulation is valuable because it allows
+applications and operating systems to run on the current platform as
+they did in their original environment.
+Examples: Bochs, Mame, VICE.
+SUBSECTION(«Paravirtualization and Hardware-Assisted Virtualization»)
+These virtualization frameworks are characterized by the presence
+of a <em> hypervisor</em>, also known as <em> Virtual Machine
+Monitor</em>, which translates system calls from the VMs to native
+hardware requests. In contrast to Software Virtualization, the
+host OS does not emulate hardware resources but offers a special
+APIs to the VMs. If the presented interface is different to that
+of the underlying hardware, the term <em> paravirtualization </em>
+is used. The guest OS then has to be modified to include modified
+(paravirtualized) drivers. In 2005 AMD and Intel added hardware
+virtualization instructions to the CPUs and IOMMUs (Input/Output memory
+management units) to the chipsets. This allowed VMs to directly execute
+privileged instructions and use peripheral devices. This so-called <em>
+Hardware-Assisted Virtualization </em> allows unmodified operating
+systems to run on the VMs.
+The main advantage of Hardware-Assisted Virtualization is its
+flexibility, as the host OS does not need to match the OS running on
+the VMs. The disadvantages are hardware compatibility constraints and
+performance loss. Although these days all hardware has virtualization
+support, there are still significant differences in performance between
+the host and the VM. Moreover, peripheral devices like storage hardware
+has to be compatible with the chipset to make use of the IOMMU.
+Examples: KVM (with QEMU as hypervisor), Xen, UML
+SUBSECTION(«OS-level Virtualization (Containers)»)
+OS-level Virtualization is a technique for lightweight virtualization.
+The abstractions are built directly into the kernel and no
+hypervisor is needed. In this context the term "virtual machine" is
+inaccurate, which is why the OS-level VMs are called differently in
+this context. On Linux, they are called <em> containers</em>, other
+operating systems call them <em> jails </em> or <em> zones</em>. We
+shall exclusively use "container" from now on. All containers share
+a single kernel, so the OS running in the container has to match the
+host OS. However, each container has its own root file system, so
+containers can differ in user space. For example, different containers
+can run different Linux distributions. Since programs running in a
+container use the normal system call interface to communicate with
+the kernel, OS-level Virtualization does not require hardware support
+for efficient performance. In fact, OS-level Virtualization imposes
+no overhead at all.
+OS-level Virtualization is superior to the alternatives because of its
+simplicity and its performance. The only disadvantage is the lack of
+flexibility. It is simply not an option if some of the VMs must run
+different operating systems than the host.
+Examples: LXC, Singularity, Docker.
+ <li> On any Linux system, check if the processor supports virtualization
+ by running <code> cat /proc/cpuinfo</code>. Hint: svm and vmx. </li>
+ <li> Hypervisors come in two flavors called <em> native </em> and <em>
+ hosted</em>. Explain the difference and the pros and cons of either
+ flavor. Is QEMU a native or a hosted hypervisor? </li>
+ <li> Scan through chapter 15 (Secure Virtual Machine) of the
+ <a href="https://www.amd.com/system/files/TechDocs/24593.pdf">AMD Programmer's Manual</a>
+ to get an idea of the complexity of Hardware-Assisted
+ Virtualization. </li>
+ <li> Recall the concept of <em> direct memory access </em> (DMA)
+ and explain why DMA is a problem for virtualization. Which of the
+ three virtualization frameworks of this chapter are affected by this
+ problem? </li>
+ <li> Compare AMD's <em> Rapid Virtualization Indexing </em> to Intel's
+ <em> Extended Page Tables</em>. </li>
+ <li> Suppose a hacker gained root access to a VM and wishes to proceed
+ from there to get also full control over the host OS. Discuss the thread
+ model in the context of the three virtualization frameworks covered
+ in this section. </li>
+Namespaces partition the set of processes into disjoint subsets
+with local scope. Where the traditional Unix systems provided only
+a single system-wide resource shared by all processes, the namespace
+abstractions make it possible to give processes the illusion of living
+in their own isolated instance. Linux implements the following
+six different types of namespaces: mount (Linux-2.4.x, 2002), IPC
+(Linux-2.6.19, 2006), UTS (Linux-2.6.19, 2006), PID (Linux-2.6.24,
+2008), network (Linux-2.6.29, 2009), UID (Linux-3.8, 2013).
+For OS-level virtualization all six name space types are typically
+employed to make the containers look like independent systems.
+Before we look at each namespace type, we briefly describe how
+namespaces are created and how information related to namespaces can
+be obtained for a process.
+SUBSECTION(«Namespace API»)
+<p> Initially, there is only a single namespace of each type called the
+<em> root namespace</em>. All processes belong to this namespace. The
+<code> clone(2) </code> system call is a generalization of the classic
+<code> fork(2) </code> which allows privileged users to create new
+namespaces by passing one or more of the six <code> NEW_ </code>
+flags. The child process is made a member of the new namespace. Calling
+plain <code> fork(2) </code> or <code> clone(2) </code> with no
+<code> NEW_* </code> flag lets the newly created process inherit the
+namespaces from its parent. There are two additional system calls,
+<code> setns(2) </code> and <code> unshare(2) </code> which both
+change the namespace(s) of the calling process without creating a
+new process. For the latter, there is a user command, also called
+<code> unshare(1) </code> which makes the namespace API available to
+scripts. </p>
+<p> The <code> /proc/$PID </code> directory of each process contains a
+<code> ns </code> subdirectory which contains one file per namespace
+type. The inode number of this file is the <em> namespace ID</em>.
+Hence, by running <code> stat(1) </code> one can tell whether
+two different processes belong to the same namespace. Normally a
+namespace ceases to exist when the last process in the namespace
+terminates. However, by opening <code> /proc/$PID/ns/$TYPE </code>
+one can prevent the namespace from disappearing. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«UTS Namespaces»)
+UTS is short for <em> UNIX Time-sharing System</em>. The old fashioned
+word "Time-sharing" has been replaced by <em> multitasking</em>
+but the old name lives on in the <code> uname(2) </code> system
+call which fills out the fields of a <code> struct utsname</code>.
+On return the <code> nodename </code> field of this structure
+contains the hostname which was set by a previous call to <code>
+sethostname(2)</code>. Similarly, the <code> domainname </code> field
+contains the string that was set with <code> setdomainname(2)</code>.
+UTS namespaces provide isolation of these two system identifiers. That
+is, processes in different UTS namespaces might see different host- and
+domain names. Changing the host- or domainname affects only processes
+which belong to the same UTS namespace as the process which called
+<code> sethostname(2) </code> or <code> setdomainname(2)</code>.
+SUBSECTION(«Mount Namespaces»)
+The <em> mount namespaces </em> are the oldest Linux namespace
+type. This is kind of natural since they are supposed to overcome
+well-known limitations of the venerable <code> chroot(2) </code>
+system call which was introduced in 1979. Mount namespaces isolate
+the mount points seen by processes so that processes in different
+mount namespaces can have different views of the file system hierarchy.
+Like for other namespace types, new mount namespaces are created by
+calling <code> clone(2) </code> or <code> unshare(2)</code>. The
+new mount namespace starts out with a copy of the caller's mount
+point list. However, with more than one mount namespace the <code>
+mount(2) </code> and <code> umount(2) </code> system calls no longer
+operate on a global set of mount points. Whether or not a mount
+or unmount operation has an effect on processes in different mount
+namespaces than the caller's is determined by the configurable <em>
+mount propagation </em> rules. By default, modifications to the list
+of mount points have only affect the processes which are in the same
+mount namespace as the process which initiated the modification. This
+setting is controlled by the <em> propagation type </em> of the
+mount point. Besides the obvious private and shared types, there is
+also the <code> MS_SLAVE </code> propagation type which lets mount
+and unmount events propagate from from a "master" to its "slaves"
+but not the other way round.
+SUBSECTION(«Network Namespaces»)
+Network namespaces not only partition the set of processes, as all
+six namespace types do, but also the set of network interfaces. That
+is, each physical or virtual network interface belongs to one (and
+only one) network namespace. Initially, all interfaces are in the
+root network namespace. This can be changed with the command <code>
+ip link set iface netns PID</code>. Processes only see interfaces
+whose network namespace matches the one they belong to. This lets
+processes in different network namespaces have different ideas about
+which network devices exist. Each network namespace has its own IP
+stack, IP routing table and TCP and UDP ports. This makes it possible
+to start, for example, many <code> sshd(8) </code> processes which
+all listen on "their own" TCP port 22.
+An OS-level virtualization framework typically leaves physical
+interfaces in the root network namespace but creates a dedicated
+network namespace and a virtual interface pair for each container. One
+end of the pair is left in the root namespace while the other end is
+configured to belong to the dedicated namespace, which contains all
+processes of the container.
+SUBSECTION(«PID Namespaces»)
+This namespace type allows a process to have more than one process
+ID. Unlike network interfaces which disappear when they enter a
+different network namespace, a process is still visible in the root
+namespace after it has entered a different PID namespace. Besides its
+existing PID it gets a second PID which is only valid inside the target
+namespace. Similarly, when a new PID namespace is created by passing
+the <code> CLONE_NEWPID </code> flag to <code> clone(2)</code>, the
+child process gets some unused PID in the original PID namepspace
+but PID 1 in the new namespace.
+As as consequence, processes in different PID namespaces can have the
+same PID. In particular, there can be arbitrary many "init" processes,
+which all have PID 1. The usual rules for PID 1 apply within each PID
+namespace. That is, orphaned processes are reparented to the init
+process, and it is a fatal error if the init process terminates,
+causing all processes in the namespace to terminate as well. PID
+namespaces can be nested, but under normal circumstances they are
+not. So we won't discuss nesting.
+Since each process in a non-root PID namespace has also a PID in the
+root PID namespace, processes in the root PID namespace can "see" all
+processes but not vice versa. Hence a process in the root namespace can
+send signals to all processes while processes in the child namespace
+can only send signals to processes in their own namespace.
+Processes can be moved from the root PID namespace into a child
+PID namespace but not the other way round. Moreover, a process can
+instruct the kernel to create subsequent child processes in a different
+PID namespace.
+SUBSECTION(«User Namespaces»)
+User namespaces have been implemented rather late compared to other
+namespace types. The implementation was completed in 2013. The purpose
+of user namespaces is to isolate user and group IDs. Initially there
+is only one user namespace, the <em> initial namespace </em> to which
+all processes belong. As with all namespace types, a new user namespace
+is created with <code> unshare(2) </code> or <code> clone(2)</code>.
+The UID and GID of a process can be different in different
+namespaces. In particular, an unprivileged process may have UID
+0 inside an user namespace. When a process is created in a new
+namespace or an process joins an existing user namespace, it gains full
+privileges in this namespace. However, the process has no additional
+privileges in the parent/previous namespace. Moreover, a certain flag
+is set for the process which prevents the process from entering yet
+another namespace with elevated privileges. In particular it does not
+keep its privileges when it returns to its original namespace. User
+namespaces can be nested, but we don't discuss nesting here.
+Each user namespace has an <em> owner</em>, which is the effective user
+ID (EUID) of the process which created the namespace. Any process
+in the root user namespace whose EUID matches the owner ID has all
+capabilities in the child namespace.
+If <code> CLONE_NEWUSER </code> is specified together with other
+<code> CLONE_NEW* </code> flags in a single <code> clone(2) </code>
+or <code> unshare(2) </code> call, the user namespace is guaranteed
+to be created first, giving the child/caller privileges over the
+remaining namespaces created by the call.
+It is possible to map UIDs and GIDs between namespaces. The <code>
+/proc/$PID/uid_map </code> and <code> /proc/$PID/gid_map </code> files
+are used to get and set the mappings. We will only talk about UID
+mappings in the sequel because the mechanism for the GID mappings are
+analogous. When the <code> /proc/$PID/uid_map </code> (pseudo-)file is
+read, the contents are computed on the fly and depend on both the user
+namespace to which process <code> $PID </code> belongs and the user
+namespace of the calling process. Each line contains three numbers
+which specify the mapping for a range of UIDs. The numbers have
+to be interpreted in one of two ways, depending on whether the two
+processes belong to the same user namespace or not. All system calls
+which deal with UIDs transparently translate UIDs by consulting these
+maps. A map for a newly created namespace is established by writing
+UID-triples <em> once </em> to <em> one </em> <code> uid_map </code>
+file. Subsequent writes will fail.
+SUBSECTION(«IPC Namespaces»)
+System V inter process communication (IPC) subsumes three different
+mechanisms which enable unrelated processes to communicate with each
+other. These mechanisms, known as <em> message queues</em>, <em>
+semaphores </em> and <em> shared memory</em>, predate Linux by at
+least a decade. They are mandated by the POSIX standard, so every Unix
+system has to implement the prescribed API. The common characteristic
+of the System V IPC mechanisms is that their objects are addressed
+by system-wide IPC <em> identifiers</em> rather than by pathnames.
+IPC namespaces isolate these resources so that processes in different
+IPC namespaces have different views of the existing IPC identifiers.
+When a new IPC namespace is created, it starts out with all three
+identifier sets empty. Newly created IPC objects are only visible
+for processes which belong to the same IPC namespace as the process
+which created the object.
+ <li> Examine <code> /proc/$$/mounts</code>,
+ <code>/proc/$$/mountinfo</code>, and <code>/proc/$$/mountstats</code>.
+ </li>
+ <li> Recall the concept of a <em> bind mount</em>. Describe the
+ sequence of mount operations a container implementation would need
+ to perform in order to set up a container whose root file system
+ is mounted on, say, <code> /mnt </code> before the container is
+ started. </li>
+ <li> What should happen on the attempt to change a read-only mount
+ to be read-write from inside of a container? </li>
+ <li> Compile and run <code> <a
+ href="#uts_namespace_example">utc-ns.c</a></code>, a minimal C
+ program which illustrates how to create a new UTS namespace. Explain
+ each line of the source code. </li>
+ <li> Run <code> ls -l /proc/$$/ns </code> to see the namespaces of
+ the shell. Run <code> stat -L /proc/$$/ns/uts </code> and confirm
+ that the inode number coincides with the number shown in the target
+ of the link of the <code> ls </code> output.
+ <li> Discuss why creating a namespace is a privileged operation. </li>
+ <li> What is the parent process ID of the init process? Examine the
+ fourth field of <code> /proc/1/stat </code> to confirm. </li>
+ <li> It is possible for a process in a PID namespace to have a parent
+ which is outside of this namespace. This is certainly the case for
+ the process with PID 1. Can this also happen for a different process?
+ </li>
+ <li> Examine the <code> <a
+ href="#pid_namespace_example">pid-ns.c</a></code> program. Will the
+ two numbers printed as <code> PID </code> and <code> child PID </code>
+ be the same? What will be the PPID number? Compile and run the program
+ to see if your guess was correct.
+ <li> Create a veth socket pair. Check that both ends of the pair are
+ visible with <code> ip link show</code>. Start a second shell in a
+ different network namespace and confirm by running the same command
+ that no network interfaces exist in this namespace. In the original
+ namespace, set the namespace of one end of the pair to the process ID
+ of the second shell and confirm that the interface "moved" from one
+ namespace to the other. Configure (different) IP addresses on both ends
+ of the pair and transfer data through the ethernet tunnel between the
+ two shell processes which reside in different network namespaces. </li>
+ <li> Loopback, bridge, ppp and wireless are <em> network namespace
+ local devices</em>, meaning that the namespace of such devices can
+ not be changed. Explain why. Run <code> ethtool -k iface </code>
+ to find out which devices are network namespace local. </li>
+ <li> In a user namespace where the <code> uid_map </code> file has
+ not been written, system calls like <code> setuid(2) </code> which
+ change process UIDs fail. Why? </li>
+ <li> What should happen if a set-user-ID program is executed inside
+ of a user namespace and the on-disk UID of the program is not a mapped
+ UID? </li>
+ <li> Is it possible for a UID to map to different user names even if
+ no user namespaces are in use? </li>
+The <code> shmctl(2) </code> system call performs operations on a System V
+shared memory segment. It operates on a <code> shmid_ds </code> structure
+which contains in the <code> shm_lpid </code> field the PID of the process
+which last attached or detached the segment. Describe the implications this API
+detail has on the interaction between IPC and PID namespaces.
+SECTION(«Control Groups»)
+<em> Control groups </em> (cgroups) allow processes to be grouped
+and organized hierarchically in a tree. Each control group contains
+processes which can be monitored or controlled as a unit, for example
+by limiting the resources they can occupy. Several <em> controllers
+</em> exist (CPU, memory, I/O, etc.), some of which actually impose
+control while others only provide identification and relay control
+to separate mechanisms. Unfortunately, control groups are not easy to
+understand because the controllers are implemented in an inconsistent
+way and because of the rather chaotic relationship between them.
+In 2014 it was decided to rework the cgroup subsystem of the Linux
+kernel. To keep existing applications working, the original cgroup
+implementation, now called <em> cgroup-v1</em>, was retained and a
+second, incompatible, cgroup implementation was designed. Cgroup-v2
+aims to address the shortcomings of the first version, including its
+inefficiency, inconsistency and the lack of interoperability among
+controllers. The cgroup-v2 API was made official in 2016. Version 1
+continues to work even if both implementations are active.
+Both cgroup implementations provide a pseudo file system that
+must be mounted in order to define and configure cgroups. The two
+pseudo file systems may be mounted at the same time (on different
+mountpoints). For both cgroup versions, the standard <code> mkdir(2)
+</code> system call creates a new cgroup. To add a process to a cgroup
+one must write its PID to one of the files in the pseudo file system.
+We will cover both cgroup versions because as of 2018-11 many
+applications still rely on cgroup-v1 and cgroup-v2 still lacks some
+of the functionality of cgroup-v1. However, we will not look at
+all controllers.
+SUBSECTION(«CPU controllers»)
+These controllers regulate the distribution of CPU cycles. The <em>
+cpuset </em> controller of cgroup-v1 is the oldest cgroup controller,
+it was implemented before the cgroups-v1 subsystem existed, which is
+why it provides its own pseudo file system which is usually mounted at
+<code>/dev/cpuset</code>. This file system is only kept for backwards
+compability and is otherwise equivalent to the corresponding part of
+the cgroup pseudo file system. The cpuset controller links subsets
+of CPUs to cgroups so that the processes in a cgroup are confined to
+run only on the CPUs of "their" subset.
+The CPU controller of cgroup-v2, which is simply called "cpu", works
+differently. Instead of specifying the set of admissible CPUs for a
+cgroup, one defines the ratio of CPU cycles for the cgroup. Work to
+support CPU partitioning as the cpuset controller of cgroup-v1 is in
+progress and expected to be ready in 2019.
+The device controller of cgroup-v1 imposes mandatory access control
+for device-special files. It tracks the <code> open(2) </code> and
+<code> mknod(2) </code> system calls and enforces the restrictions
+defined in the <em> device access whitelist </em> of the cgroup the
+calling process belongs to.
+Processes in the root cgroup have full permissions. Other cgroups
+inherit the device permissions from their parent. A child cgroup
+never has more permission than its parent.
+Cgroup-v2 takes a completely different approach to device access
+control. It is implemented on top of BPF, the <em> Berkeley packet
+filter</em>. Hence this controller is not listed in the cgroup-v2
+pseudo file system.
+Both cgroup-v1 and cgroup-v2 implement a <em>freezer</em> controller,
+which provides an ability to stop ("freeze") all processes in a
+cgroup to free up resources for other tasks. The stopped processes can
+be continued ("thawed") as a unit later. This is similar to sending
+<code>SIGSTOP/SIGCONT</code> to all processes, but avoids some problems
+with corner cases. The v2 version was added in 2019-07. It is available
+from Linux-5.2 onwards.
+Cgroup-v1 offers three controllers related to memory management. First
+there is the cpusetcontroller described above which can be instructed
+to let processes allocate only memory which is close to the CPUs
+of the cpuset. This makes sense on NUMA (non-uniform memory access)
+systems where the memory access time for a given CPU depends on the
+memory location. Second, the <em> hugetlb </em> controller manages
+distribution and usage <em> of huge pages</em>. Third, there is the
+<em> memory resource </em> controller which provides a number of
+files in the cgroup pseudo file system to limit process memory usage,
+swap usage and the usage of memory by the kernel on behalf of the
+process. The most important tunable of the memory resource controller
+is <code> limit_in_bytes</code>.
+The cgroup-v2 version of the memory controller is rather more complex
+because it attempts to limit direct and indirect memory usage of
+the processes in a cgroup in a bullet-proof way. It is designed to
+restrain even malicious processes which try to slow down or crash
+the system by indirectly allocating memory. For example, a process
+could try to create many threads or file descriptors which all cause a
+(small) memory allocation in the kernel. Besides several tunables and
+statistics, the memory controller provides the <code> memory.events
+</code> file whose contents change whenever a state transition
+for the cgroup occurs, for example when processes are started to get
+throttled because the high memory boundary was exceeded. This file
+could be monitored by a <em> management agent </em> to take appropriate
+actions. The main mechanism to control the memory usage is the <code>
+memory.high </code> file.
+I/O controllers regulate the distribution of IO resources among
+cgroups. The throttling policy of cgroup-v2 can be used to enforce I/O
+rate limits on arbitrary block devices, for example on a logical volume
+provided by the logical volume manager (LVM). Read and write bandwidth
+may be throttled independently. Moreover, the number of IOPS (I/O
+operations per second) may also be throttled. The I/O controller of
+cgroup-v1 is called <em> blkio </em> while for cgroup-v2 it is simply
+called <em> io</em>. The features of the v1 and v2 I/O controllers
+are identical but the filenames of the pseudo files and the syntax
+for setting I/O limits differ. The exercises ask the reader to try
+out both versions.
+There is no cgroup-v2 controller for multi-queue schedulers so far.
+However, there is the <em> I/O Latency </em> controller for cgroup-v2
+which works for arbitrary block devices and all I/O schedulers. It
+features <em> I/O workload protection </em> for the processes in
+a cgroup. This works by throttling the processes in cgroups that
+have a lower latency target than those in the protected cgroup. The
+throttling is performed by lowering the depth of the request queue
+of the affected devices.
+ <li> Run <code> mount -t cgroup none /var/cgroup </code> and <code>
+ mount -t cgroup2 none /var/cgroup2 </code> to mount both cgroup pseudo
+ file systems and explore the files they provide. </li>
+ <li> Learn how to put the current shell into a new cgroup.
+ Hints: For v1, start with <code> echo 0 > cpuset.mems && echo 0 >
+ cpuset.cpus</code>. For v2: First activate controllers for the cgroup
+ in the parent directory. </li>
+ <li> Set up the cpuset controller so that your shell process has only
+ access to a single CPU core. Test that the limitation is enforced by
+ running <code>stress -c 2</code>. </li>
+ <li> Repeat the above for the cgroup-v2 CPU controller. Hint: <code>
+ echo 1000000 1000000 > cpu.max</code>. </li>
+ <li> In a cgroup with one bash process, start a simple loop that prints
+ some output: <code> while :; do date; sleep 1; done</code>. Freeze
+ and unfreeze the cgroup by writing the string <code> FROZEN </code>
+ to a suitable <code> freezer.state </code> file in the cgroup-v1 file
+ system. Then unfreeze the cgroup by writing <code> THAWED </code>
+ to the same file. Find out how one can tell whether a given cgroup
+ is frozen. </li>
+ <li> Pick a block device to throttle. Estimate its maximal read
+ bandwidth by running a command like <code> ddrescue /dev/sdX
+ /dev/null</code>. Enforce a read bandwidth rate of 1M/s for the
+ device by writing a string of the form <code> "$MAJOR:$MINOR $((1024 *
+ 1024))" </code> to a file named <code> blkio.throttle.read_bps_device
+ </code> in the cgroup-v1 pseudo file system. Check that the bandwidth
+ was indeed throttled by running the above <code> ddrescue </code>
+ command again. </li>
+ <li> Repeat the previous exercise, but this time use the cgroup-v2
+ interface for the I/O controller. Hint: write a string of the form
+ <code> $MAJOR:MINOR rbps=$((1024 * 1024))" </code> to a file named
+ <code>io.max</code>. </li>
+ <li> In one terminal running <code> bash</code>, start a second <code>
+ bash </code> process and print its PID with <code> echo $$</code>.
+ Guess what happens if you run <code> kill -STOP $PID; kill -CONT
+ $PID</code> from a second terminal, where <code> $PID </code>
+ is the PID that was printed in the first terminal. Try it out,
+ explain the observed behaviour and discuss its impact on the freezer
+ controller. Repeat the experiment but this time use the freezer
+ controller to stop and restart the bash process. </li>
+SECTION(«Linux Containers (LXC)»)
+Containers provide resource management through control groups and
+resource isolation through namespaces. A <em> container platform </em>
+is thus a software layer implemented on top of these features. Given a
+directory containing a Linux root file system, starting the container
+is a simple matter: First <code> clone(2) </code> is called with the
+proper <code> NEW_* </code> flags to create a new process in a suitable
+set of namespaces. The child process then creates a cgroup for the
+container and puts itself into it. The final step is to let the child
+process hand over control to the container's <code> /sbin/init </code>
+by calling <code> exec(2)</code>. When the last process in the newly
+created namespaces exits, the namespaces disappear and the parent
+process removes the cgroup. The details are a bit more complicated,
+but the above covers the essence of what the container startup command
+has to do.
+Many container platforms offer additional features not to be discussed
+here, like downloading and unpacking a file system image from the
+internet, or supplying the root file system for the container by other
+means, for example by creating an LVM snapshot of a master image.
+LXC is a comparably simple container platform which can be used to
+start a single daemon in a container, or to boot a container from
+a root file system as described above. It provides several <code>
+lxc-* </code> commands to start, stop and maintain containers.
+LXC version 1 is much simpler than subsequent versions, and is still
+being maintained, so we only discuss this version of LXC here.
+An LXC container is defined by a configuration file in
+the format described in <code> lxc.conf(5)</code>. A <a
+href="#minimal_lxc_config_file"> minimal configuration </a> which
+defines a network device and requests CPU and memory isolation has
+as few as 10 lines (not counting comments). With the configuration
+file and the root file system in place, the container can be started
+by running <code> lxc-start -n $NAME</code>. One can log in to the
+container on the local pseudo terminal or via ssh (provided the sshd
+package is installed). The container can be stopped by executing
+<code> halt </code> from within the container, or by running <code>
+lxc-stop </code> on the host system. <code> lxc-ls </code> and
+<code> lxc-info</code> print information about containers, and <code>
+lxc-cgroup </code> changes the settings of the cgroup associated with
+a container.
+The exercises ask the reader to install the LXC package from source,
+and to set up a minimal container running Ubuntu-18.04.
+ <li> Clone the LXC git repository from <code>
+ https://github.com/lxc/lxc</code>, check out the <code> stable-1.0
+ </code> tag. Compile the source code with <code> ./autogen.sh </code>
+ and <code> ./configure && make</code>. Install with <code> sudo make
+ install</code>. </li>
+ <li> Download a minimal Ubuntu root file system with a command like
+ <code> debootstrap --download-only --include isc-dhcp-client bionic
+ /media/lxc/buru/ http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu</code>. </li>
+ <li> Set up an ethernet bridge as described in the <a
+ href="./Networking.html#link_layer">Link Layer</a> section of the
+ chapter on networking. </li>
+ <li> Examine the <a href="#minimal_lxc_config_file"> minimal
+ configuration file </a> for the container and copy it to <code>
+ /var/lib/lxc/buru/config</code>. Adjust host name, MAC address and
+ the name of the bridge interface. </li>
+ <li> Start the container with <code> lxc-start -n buru</code>. </li>
+ <li> While the container is running, investigate the control files of the
+ cgroup pseudo file system. Identify the pseudo files which describe the
+ CPU and memory limit. </li>
+ <li> Come up with a suitable <code> lxc-cgroup </code> command
+ to change the cpuset and the memory of the container while it is
+ running. </li>
+ <li> On the host system, create a loop device and a file system on
+ it. Mount the file system on a subdirectory of the root file system
+ of the container. Note that the mount is not visible from within the
+ container. Come up with a way to make it visible without restarting
+ the container. </li>
+HOMEWORK(«Compare the features of LXC versions 1, 2 and 3.»)
+SUBSECTION(«UTS Namespace Example»)
+ <code>
+ #define _GNU_SOURCE
+ #include <sys/utsname.h>
+ #include <sched.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ static void print_hostname_and_exit(const char *pfx)
+ {
+ struct utsname uts;
+ uname(&uts);
+ printf("%s: %s\n", pfx, uts.nodename);
+ }
+ static int child(void *arg)
+ {
+ sethostname("jesus", 5);
+ print_hostname_and_exit("child");
+ }
+ #define STACK_SIZE (64 * 1024)
+ static char child_stack[STACK_SIZE];
+ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ {
+ clone(child, child_stack + STACK_SIZE, CLONE_NEWUTS, NULL);
+ print_hostname_and_exit("parent");
+ }
+ </code>
+SUBSECTION(«PID Namespace Example»)
+ <code>
+ #define _GNU_SOURCE
+ #include <sched.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ static int child(void *arg)
+ {
+ printf("PID: %d, PPID: %d\n", (int)getpid(), (int)getppid());
+ }
+ #define STACK_SIZE (64 * 1024)
+ static char child_stack[STACK_SIZE];
+ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ {
+ pid_t pid = clone(child, child_stack + STACK_SIZE, CLONE_NEWPID, NULL);
+ printf("child PID: %d\n", (int)pid);
+ }
+ </code>
+SUBSECTION(«Minimal LXC Config File»)
+ <code>
+ # Employ cgroups to limit the CPUs and the amount of memory the container is
+ # allowed to use.
+ lxc.cgroup.cpuset.cpus = 0-1
+ lxc.cgroup.memory.limit_in_bytes = 2G
+ # So that the container starts out with a fresh UTS namespace that
+ # has already set its hostname.
+ lxc.utsname = buru
+ # LXC does not play ball if we don't set the type of the network device.
+ # It will always be veth.
+ lxc.network.type = veth
+ # This sets the name of the veth pair which is visible on the host. This
+ # way it is easy to tell which interface belongs to which container.
+ lxc.network.veth.pair = buru
+ # Of course we need to tell LXC where the root file system of the container
+ # is located. LXC will automatically mount a couple of pseudo file systems
+ # for the container, including /proc and /sys.
+ lxc.rootfs = /media/lxc/buru
+ # so that we can assign a fixed address via DHCP
+ lxc.network.hwaddr = ac:de:48:32:35:cf
+ # You must NOT have a link from /dev/kmsg pointing to /dev/console. In the host
+ # it should be a real device. In a container it must NOT exist. When /dev/kmsg
+ # points to /dev/console, systemd-journald reads from /dev/kmsg and then writes
+ # to /dev/console (which it then reads from /dev/kmsg and writes again to
+ # /dev/console ad infinitum). You've inadvertently created a messaging loop
+ # that's causing systemd-journald to go berserk on your CPU.
+ #
+ # Make sure to remove /var/lib/lxc/${container}/rootfs.dev/kmsg
+ lxc.kmsg = 0
+ lxc.network.link = br39
+ # This is needed for lxc-console
+ lxc.tty = 4
+ </code>
+SECTION(«Further Reading»)
+ <li> <a href="https://lwn.net/Articles/782876/">The creation of the
+ io.latency block I/O controller</a>, by Josef Bacik: </li>
--- /dev/null
+ Unix is user-friendly. It's just very selective about who
+ its friends are. -- Unknown
+», __file__)
+SECTION(«History and Philosophy»)
+SUBSECTION(«Early Unix History»)
+<p> Unix was created in 1969 as a successor of Multics, the
+<em>MULTiplexed Information and Computing Service</em>, which had been
+in use since the mid 1960s as the successor of CTSS, the <em>Compatible
+Time-Sharing System</em> of the early 1960s. Multics aimed to get
+CTSS right, but failed in this regard and was eventually discontinued
+because of its complexity. The Unix approach was very different as it
+was brainstormed by only three people and then implemented by Ken
+Thompson at Bell Laboratories in two days. Unlike its predecessors it
+focused on elegance and simplicity. The name was originally spelt
+UNICS (<em>UNiplexed Information and Computing Service</em>) to
+emphasize the contrast to Multics. </p>
+<p> The original Unix implementation was written in assembly
+language for the 18 bit processor of the PDP-7 "minicomputer", a
+device of the size of a wardrobe which was considered small by the
+standards of the day. Like all computers of this era, the PDP-7 was
+not connected to a video screen. Instead, input had to be typed in on
+the <em>console</em>, a device which looked much like an electric
+typewriter. Output from the computer was printed on rolls of paper.
+Since the assembly instructions could not easily be ported to different
+hardware, Dennis Ritchie invented the C programming language in
+1971. By 1973 the complete Unix implementation had been rewritten in C.
+The C language was another corner stone in the history of Unix which
+turned out to be very successful. While other programming languages
+of that time have long been abandoned or play merely a niche role, C
+is still one of the most widely used programming languages today. The
+first Unix application was <code>roff</code>, a typesetting program
+which is still ubiquitous as the manual pages which ship with every
+Unix system are formatted with roff. </p>
+<p> From the beginning, Thompson and his early collaborators encouraged
+close communication between programmers, creating an early form of
+community. Up to the present day, this "hacker culture" has been a
+stimulus for countless improvements. Copies of Unix were distributed
+on tapes, hand-signed with "Love, Ken". Over time many universities
+contributed to Unix. By the end of the 1970s, Unix accumulated a
+whole bunch of utilities that made it a fully flavored operating
+system which was also free of any copyright claims. </p>
+<p> Despite the primitive hardware of the time, the early Unix was
+remarkably similar to modern Linux systems. For example, the task
+scheduler, the hierarchical filesystem tree and the shell already
+existed back then. </p>
+<p> The <em>Advanced Research Projects Agency</em> (ARPA) was a
+military research unit that was part of the USA's department of
+defence. It was established in the early 1960s with the mandate to
+create systems that could survive a nuclear war. The agency created
+the <em>arpanet</em>, the predecessor of today's internet, which was
+designed to stay operational after subordinate network losses. By
+the end of the 1960s and the early 1970s, the fundamental networking
+protocols were established: telnet for remote login was standardized
+in 1969, email (SMTP) in 1971, and the file transfer protocol (FTP)
+in 1973. </p>
+<p> By the end of the 1970s many Unix installations existed in
+all parts of the world. However, the arpanet was mostly powered by
+commercial Multics systems because Unix only had rudimentary network
+support (UUCP, the <em>Unix to Unix copy</em>) which could copy files
+over telephone lines via modems but not much more. This changed in
+1983 when TCP/IP networking was developed by the ARPA to replace the
+arpanet. Unix support for TCP/IP was developed at Berkeley University
+which had become the "Mecca" for Unix development and started already
+in 1977 to release their own Unix system named BSD, the <em>Berkeley
+Software Distribution</em>. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Commercialization, POSIX and GNU»)
+<p> With excellent networking support and no licensing issues, it
+was only a matter of time until companies became interested in Unix
+in order to make money. Several companies started to commercialize
+Unix by adding features to the common code base but keeping their
+improvements closed, effectively stopping the source code from being
+freely distributable. At the same time Microsoft began to sell their
+DOS operating system, targeting small businesses and the home market.
+DOS lacked many features that Unix already had for a decade, like
+multi-tasking and multi-user support, but it did run on the cheap
+Intel 286 processors that were too weak for Unix. </p>
+<p> By 1985 the commercialization of Unix and the success of Microsoft
+had damaged the Unix community badly. But also the various companies
+that sold their particular proprietary Unix brand realized that
+too many incompatible Unix implementations would only hurt their
+business. That's where the Computer Society of the <em>Institute of
+Electrical and Electronics Engineers</em> (IEEE) became involved
+in Unix. The IEEE is an organization which was already founded in
+1946 to advance the theory, practice, and application of computer
+technology. This organization created POSIX, the <em>Portable Operating
+System Interface for Unix</em>, which is a family of specifications
+for maintaining compatibility between operating systems. The first
+version of POSIX was published in 1988. It covered several command
+line utilities including <code>vi(1)</code> and <code>awk(1)</code>,
+the shell scripting language, application programmer interfaces (APIs)
+for I/O (input/output) and networking, and more. Up to the present
+day POSIX is maintained by the IEEE and new revisions of the POSIX
+standard are published regularly. </p>
+<p> In 1983 Richard Stallman launched the GNU project and the Free
+Software Foundation as a reaction to the ongoing commercialization
+of Unix. GNU, which is is a recursive acronym for "GNU's not Unix",
+aimed to keep the Unix source code free, or to replace non-free parts
+by open source equivalents. To this aim the GNU project created
+the <em>GNU General Public License</em> (GPL), which requires not
+only the source code to stay free, but also that all subsequent
+modifications to the code base remain free. By the end of the 80s,
+the GNU toolset had become a full developer software stack licensed
+under the GPL. This set of software packages was complemented by
+the <em>X window system</em>, which was also released under a free
+license and enabled programmers to build graphical applications for
+desktop systems. Moreover, the first open source scripting language,
+<em>perl</em>, was released in 1987. </p>
+<p> In 1985 Intel announced the 386 processor which, unlike its 286
+predecessor, was powerful enough to run Unix. There were efforts to
+port the Unix operating system kernel to this hardware, but these
+efforts were impaired by pending lawsuits about who owns the copyright
+on the BSD source code. Due to the unclear legal situation of the BSD
+code, the major missing piece in the GNU toolset was a free operating
+system kernel. This hole was filled in 1991 when Linus Torvalds,
+a student from Helsinki in Finland, announced the first version of
+his <em>Linux</em> kernel. </p>
+<p> Linux did not repeat the licensing problems of the original Unix
+because the Linux source code was written from scratch and licensed
+under the GPL. Due to this difference many developers moved from
+Unix to Linux, so Linux grew quickly and started soon to outperform
+the commercial Unix kernels in almost every benchmark. The cheap 386
+hardware, the Linux kernel, the GNU toolset and the graphical user
+interface based on the X window system facilitated cheap workstations
+which ran a complete open source software stack. </p>
+<p> The success of Linux, or <em>GNU/Linux</em> as some prefer to
+call it for reasons that should now be clear, has only increased
+over time, to the point where commercial Unix systems are mostly
+irrelevant. Today Linux runs on a wide variety of machines ranging
+from supercomputers to workstations, smart phones and IOT (internet
+of things) devices with very limited resources.
+<p> The same companies which almost killed Unix by commercializing it
+in order to maximize their profit make money with Linux today. However,
+they had to adjust their business model in order to comply with the
+GPL. Rather than selling proprietary software, they bundle open source
+software and sell support to paying customers. Some companies also
+sell hardware with Linux pre-installed. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Linux Distributions»)
+<p> A <em>Linux Distribution</em> is a conglomeration of free software,
+including the Linux kernel, the GNU toolset and the X window system,
+plus possibly other, proprietary software on top of that. Usually a
+distribution also includes an installer and a package manager to
+make it easy to install and update packages according to the users'
+needs. </p>
+<p> There are hundreds of Linux distributions, and new distributions
+are created all the time while others are discontinued. Many
+distributions are backed by companies which target specific
+classes of users or hardware, but there are also non-commercial
+Linux distributions which are solely driven by a community of
+volunteers. </p>
+<p> One of the most popular company-backed Linux distributions is
+<em>Ubuntu</em>, which is led since 2004 by the UK-based Canonical Ltd.
+It targets unskilled desktop users which would like to switch away
+from Microsoft Windows. One reason for the popularity of Ubuntu
+is that it is very easy to install on standard desktop and laptop
+hardware. A distinguishing feature of Ubuntu is its strict release
+cycles: New versions are released in April and October of each year,
+and every fourth release is a <em>long-term support</em> (LTS) release
+which will be supported for at least five years. Ubuntu also features
+a variant for server hardware which contains a different Linux kernel
+and ships with most desktop packages excluded. </p>
+<p> The main community-driven Linux distribution is
+<em>Debian</em>. The Debian project was founded in 1993 and the first
+stable version was released in 1996. Debian is used as the basis for
+many other distributions. In fact, Ubuntu is based on Debian. The
+development of Debian closely follows the Unix culture in that it
+is developed openly and distributed freely. A team of about 1000
+core developers work together with countless package maintainers
+according to the Debian Social Contract, the Debian Constitution,
+and the Debian Free Software Guidelines. </p>
+ <li> Run <code>uname -a</code> on various Unix machines to see the
+ OS type and the kernel version. </li>
+ <li> Nice read on the
+ <a href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/taoup/html/ch02s01.html">Origins and
+ History of Unix</a>, 1969-1995. </li>
+ <li> Explore the <a
+ href="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/77/Unix_history-simple.svg">Unix
+ time line</a>. </li>
+ <li> Try out the <a
+ href="http://www.gnu.org/cgi-bin/license-quiz.cgi">Free Software
+ licensing quiz</a>. </li>
+ <li> Read the <a
+ href="https://www.newyorker.com/business/currency/the-gnu-manifesto-turns-thirty">
+ notes on the 30th anniversary</a> of the GNU Manifesto. </li>
+ <li> Read the <a
+ href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/unix-koans/end-user.html">
+ Koan of Master Foo and the End User</a>. </li>
+ <li> On a Debian or Ubuntu system, run <code>aptitude search
+ python</code> to list all python-related Ubuntu packages. Run
+ <code>aptitude show python-biopython</code> to see the description
+ of the biopython package. Repeat with different search patterns and
+ packages. </li>
+ <li> The Debian Social Contract (DSC) describes the agenda of Debian.
+ Find the DSC online, read it and form your own opinion about the key
+ points stated in this document. </li>
+SECTION(«Characteristics of a Unix system»)
+<p> After having briefly reviewed the history of Unix, we now look
+closer at the various components which comprise a Unix system and
+which distinguish Unix from other operating systems. We focus on
+general design patterns that have existed since the early Unix days
+and are still present on recent Linux systems. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Single Hierarchy of Files»)
+<p> The most striking difference between Unix and Windows is perhaps
+that on Unix the files of all devices are combined to form a single
+hierarchy with no concept of drive letters. When the system boots,
+there is only one device, the <em>root device</em>, which contains the
+<em>root directory</em>. To make the files of other devices visible,
+the <em>mount</em> operation must be employed. This operation attaches
+the file hierarchy of the given device to the existing hierarchy
+at a given location which is then called the <em>mountpoint</em>
+of the device. Mountpoints are thus the locations in the hierarchy
+where the underlying storage device changes. </p>
+<p> The root directory contains a couple of well-known subdirectories,
+each of which is supposed to contain files of a certain type or for
+a certain purpose. The following table lists a subset:
+ <li> <code>/bin</code>: Essential commands for all users </li>
+ <li> <code>/sbin</code>: Essential system binaries </li>
+ <li> <code>/lib</code>: Essential libraries </li>
+ <li> <code>/usr</code>: Non-essential read-only user data </li>
+ <li> <code>/etc</code>: Static configuration files </li>
+ <li> <code>/home</code>: Home directories </li>
+ <li> <code>/tmp</code>: Temporary files </li>
+ <li> <code>/run</code>: Files which describe the state of running programs </li>
+ <li> <code>/var</code>: Log and spool files </li>
+<p> The <em>Filesystem Hierarchy Standard</em> describes the various
+subdirectories in more detail. The exercises ask the reader to become
+acquainted with this directory structure. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«POSIX Commands and Shell»)
+<p> The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard lists <code>/bin</code>
+and <code>/sbin</code> and several other directories for executable
+files. The POSIX standard defines which executables must exist in one
+of these directories for the system to be POSIX-compliant. Well over
+100 <em>POSIX commands</em> are listed in the XCU volume of this
+standard. Besides the names of the commands, the general behaviour
+of each and the set of command line options and their semantics are
+described. POSIX versions are designed with backwards compatibility
+in mind. For example, a new POSIX version might require a command
+to support additional command line options, but existing options are
+never dropped and never change semantics in incompatible ways. The
+target audience of the POSIX document are programmers who implement
+and maintain the POSIX commands and users which want to keep their
+software portable across different Unix flavors. </p>
+<p> One of the POSIX commands is the <em>shell</em>,
+<code>/bin/sh</code>, an interpreter that reads input expressed in
+the <em>shell command language</em>, which is also part of POSIX.
+The shell transforms the input in various ways to produce commands
+and then executes these commands. The user may enter shell code
+(i.e., code written in the shell command language) interactively at
+the <em>command prompt</em>, or supply the input for the shell as a
+<em>shell script</em>, a text file which contains shell code. Shell
+scripts which only contain POSIX commands and use only POSIX options
+are portable between different shell implementations and between
+different Unix flavors. They should therefore never cease to work after
+an upgrade. Among the many available POSIX shell implementations,
+<em>GNU bash</em> is one of the more popular choices. Bash is fully
+POSIX compatible and offers many more features on top of what is
+required by POSIX. </p>
+<p> Several implementations of the POSIX commands exist. On Linux
+the GNU implementation is typically installed while FreeBSD, NetBSD
+and MacOS contain the BSD versions. Although all implementations
+are POSIX-compliant, they differ considerably because different
+implementations support different sets of additional features and
+options which are not required by POSIX. These extensions are not
+portable, and should thus be avoided in shell scripts that must work
+on different Unix flavors. </p>
+<p> In addition to the POSIX commands, a typical Unix system might well
+contain thousands of other commands. This illustrates another aspect
+that is characteristic for Unix: Tools should do only one specific
+task, and do it well. The operating system provides mechanisms
+to combine the simple commands in order to form more powerful
+programs. For example, commands can be <em>chained</em> together so
+that the output of one command becomes the input for the next command
+in the chain. This is the idea behind <em>pipes</em>, a Unix concept
+which dates back to 1973 and which is also covered by POSIX. We shall
+come back to pipes and related concepts in a later section. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Multi-User, Multi-Tasking, Isolation»)
+<p> From the very beginning Unix was designed to be a multi-user
+and a multi-tasking operating system. That is, it could run multiple
+programs on behalf of different users independently of each other and
+isolated from each other. This design was chosen to improve hardware
+utilization and robustness. In contrast, DOS and early versions
+of Windows were designed for <em>personal computing</em> (PC) and
+had no notion of user accounts, access permissions or isolation.
+This resulted in an unstable system because a single misbehaving
+program was enough to take down the whole system. Therefore these
+features had to be retrofitted later. </p>
+<p> While multi-tasking makes all tasks appear to run simultaneously
+even if there are more tasks than CPUs, isolation refers to
+<em>memory protection</em>, a mechanism which prevents applications
+from interfering with each other and with the internals of the
+operating system. A running Unix system maintains two sets of
+running tasks: besides the <em>application tasks</em> there is
+also a set of <em>kernel tasks</em>. Unlike the application tasks,
+the kernel tasks are privileged in that they can access the memory
+of the application tasks while applications tasks can only access
+their own memory. Isolation is achieved by a hardware concept called
+<em>protection domains</em>, which existed already in Multics and thus
+predates Unix. In the simplest case, there are only two protection
+domains: a privileged domain called <em>ring 0</em> for the kernel
+tasks, and an unprivileged domain for application tasks, also called
+<em>user processes</em> in this context. The CPU is always aware
+of the current protection domain as this information is stored in a
+special CPU register.
+SUBSECTION(«System Calls and the C POSIX Library»)
+<p> Only when the CPU is running in the privileged ring 0 domain
+(also known as <em>kernel mode</em>, as opposed to <em>user mode</em>
+for application tasks), it can interact directly with hardware and
+memory. If an application wants to access hardware, for example read a
+data block from a storage device, it can not do so by itself. Instead,
+it has to ask the operating system to perform the read operation
+on behalf of the application. This is done by issuing a <em>system
+call</em>. Like function calls, system calls interrupt the current
+program, continue execution at a different address and eventually
+return to the instruction right after the call. However, in addition
+to this, they also cause the CPU to enter kernel mode so that it can
+perform the privileged operation. When the system call has done its
+work and is about to return to the application, the protection domain
+is changed again to let the CPU re-enter user mode. </p>
+<p> The system calls thus define the interface between applications
+and the operating system. For backwards compatibility it is of utmost
+importance that system calls never change semantics in an incompatible
+way. Moreover, system calls must never be removed because this would
+again break existing applications. The syntax and the semantics
+of many system calls are specified in POSIX, although POSIX does
+not distinguish between functions and system calls and refers to
+both as <em>system functions</em>. This is because system calls are
+typically not performed by the application directly. Instead, if an
+application calls, for example, <code>read()</code>, it actually calls
+the compatibility wrapper for the <code>read</code> system call which
+is implemented as a function in the <em>C POSIX Library</em> (libc),
+which ships with every Unix system. It is this library which does the
+hard work, like figuring out which system calls are supported on the
+currently running kernel, and how kernel mode must be entered on this
+CPU type. Like the POSIX commands, the system functions described in
+POSIX never change in incompatible ways, so programs which exclusively
+use POSIX system functions are portable between different Unix flavors
+and stay operational after an upgrade. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Multi-Layer Configuration Through Text Files»)
+<p> On a multi-user system it becomes necessary to configure programs
+according to each user's personal preferences. The Unix way to
+achieve this is to provide four levels of configuration options
+for each program. First, there are the built-in defaults which are
+provided by the author of the program. Next, there is the system-wide
+configuration that is controlled by the administrator. Third,
+there is the user-defined configuration, and finally there are the
+command line options. Each time the program is executed, the four
+sets of configuration options are applied one after another so
+that the later sets of options override the earlier settings. The
+system-wide configuration is stored in <code>/etc</code> while the
+user-defined configuration is stored in that user's home directory.
+Both are are simple text files that can be examined and modified with
+any text editor. This makes it easy to compare two configurations
+and to transfer the configuration across different machines or user
+accounts. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Everything is a File»)
+<p> Another mantra which is often heard in connection with Unix is
+<em>everything is a file</em>. This phrase, while certainly catchy,
+is slightly incorrect. A more precise version would be <em>everything
+is controlled by a file descriptor</em>, or, as Ritchie and Thompson
+stated it, Unix has <em>compatible file, device, and inter-process
+I/O</em>. Modern Unix systems have pushed this idea further and employ
+file descriptors also for networking, process management, system
+configuration, and for certain types of events. The file descriptor
+concept is thus an abstraction which hides the differences between the
+objects the file descriptors refer to. It provides a uniform interface
+for the application programmer who does not need to care about whether
+a file descriptor refers to a file, a network connection, a peripheral
+device or something else because the basic I/O operations like open,
+read, write are the same. </p>
+<p> File descriptors are ubiquitous since every Unix program uses
+them, albeit perhaps implicitly via higher-level interfaces provided
+by a scripting language. We shall return to this topic when we discuss
+processes. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Manual Pages»)
+<p> All POSIX commands and most other programs are installed along
+with one or more <em>man pages</em> (short for <em>manual pages</em>),
+which are plain text files that can be formatted and displayed in
+various ways. This concept was introduced in 1971 as part of the
+<em>Unix Programmer's Manual</em>. The characteristic page layout
+and the typical sections (NAME, SYNOPSIS, DESCRIPTION, EXAMPLES,
+SEE ALSO) of a man page have not changed since then. The POSIX
+<code>man</code> command is used to view man pages in a terminal. For
+example, the command <code>man ls</code> opens the man page of the
+<code>ls</code> command, and <code>man man</code> shows the man page
+of the <code>man</code> command itself. Most implementations also
+maintain a database of the existing man pages and provide additional
+commands to query this database. For example, the <code>whatis</code>
+command prints the one-line description of all man pages which match
+a pattern while the <code>apropos</code> command searches the manual
+page names and descriptions. </p>
+<p> In addition to the man pages for commands, there are man pages for
+system calls, library functions, configuration files and more. Each
+man page belongs to one of several <em>man sections</em>. For example,
+the aforementioned man pages for <code>ls</code> and <code>man</code>
+are part of section 1 (user commands) while section 2 is reserved for
+system calls and section 8 for administration commands that can only be
+executed by privileged users. By convention, to indicate which section
+a command or a function belongs to, the man section is appended in
+parenthesis as in <code>mount(8)</code>. Most Unix systems also offer
+translated man pages for many languages as an optional package. Note
+that the same name may refer to more than one man page. For example
+there is <code>kill(1)</code> for the user command that kills processes
+and also <code>kill(2)</code> which describes the corresponding system
+call. To open the man page of a specific section, one may use a command
+like <code>man 2 kill</code>. The <code>MANSECT</code> environment
+variable can be set to a colon-delimited list of man sections to
+change the order in which the man sections are searched. </p>
+<p> Consulting the local man pages rather than searching the web has
+some advantages. Most importantly, the local pages will always give
+correct answers since they always match the installed software while
+there is no such relationship between a particular web documentation
+page and the version of the software package that is installed on the
+local computer. Working with man pages is also faster, works offline
+and helps the user to stay focused on the topic at hand. </p>
+ <li> Run <code>df</code> on as many systems as possible to see the
+ mount points of each filesystem. Then discuss the pros and cons of
+ a single file hierarchy as opposed to one hierarchy per device. </li>
+ <li> Run <code>ls /</code> to list all top-level subdirectories of
+ the root file system and discuss the purpose of each. Consult the
+ Filesystem Hierarchy Standard if in doubt. </li>
+ <li> Execute <code>cd / && mc</code> and start surfing at the root
+ directory. </li>
+ <li> Compare the list of top-level directories that exist on different
+ Unix systems, for example Linux and MacOS. </li>
+ <li> Find out which type of files are supposed to be stored in
+ <code>/usr/local/bin</code>. Run <code>ls /usr/local/bin</code>
+ to list this directory. </li>
+ <li> Find out what the term <em>bashism</em> means and learn how to
+ avoid bashishms. </li>
+ <li> Find the POSIX specification of the <code>cp(1)</code> command
+ online and compare the set of options with the options supported by
+ the GNU version of that command, as obtained with <code>man cp</code>
+ on a Linux system. </li>
+ <li>
+ <ul>
+ <li> Run <code>time ls /</code> and discuss the meaning of
+ the three time values shown at the end of the output (see
+ <code>bash(1)</code>). </li>
+ <li> Guess the user/real and the sys/real ratios for the following
+ commands. Answer, before you run the commands.
+ <ul>
+ <li> <code>time head -c 100000000 /dev/urandom > /dev/null</code> </li>
+ <li> <code>i=0; time while ((i++ < 1000000)); do :; done</code>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li> Run the above two commands again, this time run
+ <code>htop(1)</code> in parallel on another terminal and observe the
+ difference. </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li> On a Linux system, check the list of all system calls in
+ <code>syscalls(8)</code>. </li>
+ <li> The <code>strace(1)</code> command prints the system calls that
+ the given command performs. Guess how many system calls the command
+ <code>ls -l</code> will make. Run <code>strace -c ls -l</code> for
+ the answer. Read the <code>strace(1)</code> man page to find suitable
+ command line options to only see the system calls which try to open
+ a file. </li>
+ <li> Guess how many man pages a given system has. Run <code>whatis -w
+ '*' | wc -l</code> to see how close your guess was. </li>
+ <li> Search the web for "cp(1) manual page" and count how many
+ <em>different</em> manual pages are shown in the first 20 hits. </li>
+Think about printers, sound cards, or displays as a file. Specifically,
+describe what <code>open, read</code>, and <code>write</code> should
+mean for these devices.
+», «
+Opening would establish a (probably exclusive) connection
+to the device. Reading from the file descriptor returned by
+<code>open(2)</code> could return all kinds of status information,
+like the type, model and capabilities of the device. For example,
+printers could return the number of paper trays, the amount of toner
+left etc. Writing to the file descriptor would cause output on the
+device. This would mean to print the text that is written, play the
+audio samples, or show the given text on the display. The point to
+take away is that the <code>open, read, write</code> interface is a
+generic concept that works for different kinds of devices, not only
+for storing data in a file on a hard disk.
+SECTION(«Paths, Files and Directories»)
+In this section we look in some detail at paths, at a matching
+language for paths, and at the connection between paths and files. We
+then describe the seven Unix file types and how file metadata are
+stored. We conclude with the characteristics of soft and hard links.
+<p> The path concept was introduced in the 1960s with the Multics
+operating system. Paths will be familiar to the reader because
+they are often specified as arguments to commands. Also many
+system calls receive a path argument. A path is a non-empty
+string of <em>path components</em> which are separated by slash
+characters. An <em>absolute path</em> is a path that starts with a
+slash, all other paths are called <em>relative</em>. A relative path
+has to be interpreted within a context that implies the leading
+part of the path. For example, if the implied leading part is
+<code>/foo/bar</code>, the relative path <code>baz/qux</code> is
+equivalent to the absolute path <code>/foo/bar/baz/qux</code>. </p>
+<p> Given a path, there may or may not exist a file or a
+directory that corresponds to the path. <em>Path lookup</em> is the
+operation which determines the answer to this question, taking the
+implied leading part into account in case of relative paths. This
+operation is always performed within the kernel and turns out to
+be surprisingly complex due to concurrency and performance issues.
+Consult <code>path_resolution(7)</code> on a Linux system to learn
+more about how pathnames are resolved to files. </p>
+<p> If a path was successfully looked up, each path component up to the
+second-last refers to an existing directory while the last component
+refers to either a file or a directory. In both cases the directory
+identified by the second-last component contains an entry named by the
+last component. We call those paths <em>valid</em>. The valid paths
+give rise to a rooted tree whose interior nodes are directories and
+whose leaf nodes are files or directories. Note that the validity of a
+path depends on the set of existing files, not just on the path itself,
+and that a valid path may become invalid at any time, for example if
+a file is deleted or renamed. Many system calls which receive a path
+argument perform path lookup and fail with the <code>No such file or
+directory</code> error if the lookup operation fails. </p>
+<p> It depends on the underlying filesystem whether the path components
+are <em>case-sensitive</em> or <em>case-insensitive</em>. That is,
+whether paths which differ only in capitalization (for example
+<code>foo</code> and <code>Foo</code>) refer to the same file.
+Since the hierarchy of files may be comprised of several filesystems,
+some components of the path may be case-sensitive while others are
+case-insensitive. As a rule of thumb, Unix filesystems are case
+sensitive while Microsoft filesystems are case-insensitive even when
+mounted on a Unix system. </p>
+<p> Path components may contain every character except the Null
+character and the slash. In particular, space and newline characters
+are allowed. However, while dots are allowed in path components if
+they are used together with other characters, the path components
+<code>.</code> and <code>..</code> have a special meaning: every
+directory contains two subdirectories named <code>.</code> and
+<code>..</code> which refer to the directory itself and its parent
+directory, respectively. </p>
+<p> Globbing, also known as <em>pathname expansion</em>, is a pattern
+matching language for paths which was already present in the earliest
+Unix versions. The glob operation generates a set of valid paths from
+a <em>glob pattern</em> by replacing the pattern by all <em>matching
+paths</em>. </p>
+<p> Glob patterns may contain special characters called
+<em>wildcards</em>. The wildcard characters are: </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li> <code>*</code>: match any string, </li>
+ <li> <code>?</code>: match any simple character, </li>
+ <li> <code>[...]</code>: match any of the enclosed characters. </li>
+ </ul>
+<p> The complete syntax rules for glob patterns and the exact
+semantics for pattern matching are described in POSIX and in
+<code>glob(7)</code>. Any POSIX-compliant shell performs globbing
+to construct the command to be executed from the line entered at
+the prompt. However, POSIX also demands system functions which make
+globbing available to other applications. These are implemented as
+part of libc. </p>
+<p> There are a few quirks related to globbing which are worth to
+point out. First, if no valid path matches the given pattern, the
+expansion of the pattern is, by definition according to POSIX, the
+pattern itself. This can lead to unexpected results. Second, files
+which start with a dot (so-called <em>hidden</em> files) must be
+matched explicitly. For example, <code>rm *</code> does <em>not</em>
+remove these files. Third, the tilde character is <em>no</em> wildcard,
+although it is also expanded by the shell. See the exercises for more
+examples. </p>
+<p> POSIX globbing has some limitations. For example, there is no
+glob pattern which matches exactly those files that start with an
+arbitrary number of <code>a</code> characters. To overcome these
+limitations, some shells extend the matching language by implementing
+<em>extended glob patterns</em> which are not covered by POSIX. For
+example, if extended globbing feature of <code>bash(1)</code> is
+activated via the <code>extglob</code> option, the extended glob
+pattern <code>+(a)</code> matches the above set of files. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«File Types»)
+We have seen that all but the last component of a valid path refer
+to directories while the last component may refer to either a file
+or a directory. The first character in the output of <code>ls
+-l</code> indicates the type of the last path component: for
+directories a <code>d</code> character is shown while files (also
+called <em>regular</em> files in this context) get a hyphen character
+(<code>-</code>). Besides directories and regular files, the following
+special file types exist:
+ <dt> Soft link (<code>l</code>) </dt>
+ <dd> A file which acts as a pointer to another file. We shall cover
+ links in a dedicated subsection below. </dd>
+ <dt> Device node (<code>c</code> and <code>b</code>) </dt>
+ <dd> Also called <em>device special</em>. These files refer to devices
+ on the local system. Device nodes come in two flavors: character
+ devices (<code>c</code>) and block devices (<code>b</code>). Regardless
+ of the flavor, each device node has a major and a minor number
+ associated with it. The major number indicates the type of the
+ device (e.g. a hard drive, a serial connector, etc.) while the
+ minor number enumerates devices of the same type. On most systems
+ the device nodes are created and deleted on the fly as the set of
+ connected devices changes, for example due to a USB device being
+ added or removed. However, device nodes can also be created manually
+ with the <code>mknod(1)</code> command or the <code>mknod(2)</code>
+ system call. Device nodes do not necessarily correspond to physical
+ devices. In fact, POSIX demands the existence of a couple of
+ <em>virtual devices</em> with certain properties. We look at some of
+ these in the exercises. The access to device nodes which do correspond
+ to physical devices is usually restricted to privileged users. </dd>
+ <dt> Socket (<code>s</code>) </dt>
+ <dd> Sockets provide an interface between a running program and the
+ network stack of the kernel. They are subdivided into <em>address
+ families</em> which correspond to the various network protocols. For
+ example, the <code>AF_INET</code> and <code>AF_INET6</code> address
+ families are for internet protocols (IP) while <code>AF_LOCAL</code>
+ (also known as <code>AF_UNIX</code>) is used for communication between
+ processes on the same machine. These local sockets are also called
+ <em>Unix domain sockets</em>. They can be bound to a path which
+ refers to a file of type socket. Regardless of the address family,
+ processes can exchange data via sockets in both directions, but
+ the local sockets support additional features, like passing process
+ credentials to other processes. </dd>
+ <dt> Fifo (<code>p</code>) </dt>
+ <dd> Files of type <em>fifo</em> are also known as <em>named
+ pipes</em>. They associate a path with a kernel object that provides a
+ <em>First In, First Out</em> data channel for user space programs. Data
+ written to the fifo by one program can be read back by another program
+ in the same order. Fifos are created with the <code>mkfifo(1)</code>
+ command or the <code>mkfifo(3)</code> library function. </dd>
+<p> Note that the type of a file is never inferred from the path.
+In particular the suffix of the path (everything after the last
+dot) is just a convention and has no strict connection to the file
+type. Also there is no difference between text and binary files. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Metadata and Inodes»)
+<p> The <code>stat(2)</code> system call returns the metadata
+of the file or directory that corresponds to the given path. The
+<code>stat(1)</code> command is a simple program which executes this
+system call and prints the thusly obtained metadata in human-readable
+form, including the file type. This is done without looking at the
+contents of the file because metadata are stored in a special area
+called the <em>inode</em>. All types of files (including directories)
+have an associated inode. Besides the file type, the inode stores
+several other properties prescribed by POSIX. For example the file
+size, the owner and group IDs, and the access permissions are all
+stored in the inode. Moreover, POSIX requires to maintain three
+timestamps in each inode: </p>
+ <li> modification time (mtime): time of last content change. </li>
+ <li> access time (atime): time of last access. </li>
+ <li> status change time (ctime): time of last modification to the
+ inode. </li>
+<p> To illustrate the difference between the mtime and the ctime,
+consider the <code>chgrp(1)</code> command which changes the group
+ID of the file or directory identified by its path argument. This
+command sets the ctime to the current time while the mtime is left
+unmodified. On the other hand, commands which modify the contents of
+a file, such as <code>echo foo >> bar</code>, change both the mtime
+and the ctime. </p>
+<p> The inode of each file or directory contains twelve <em>mode
+bits</em>, nine of which are the <em>permission bits</em> which
+control who is allowed to access the file or directory, and how. The
+permission bits are broken up into three classes called <em>user</em>
+(<code>u</code>), <em>group</em> (<code>g</code>) and <em>others</em>
+(<code>o</code>). Some texts refer to the first and last class as
+"owner" and "world" instead, but we won't use this naming to avoid
+confusion. Each class contains three bits. The bits of the "user"
+class apply to the file owner, that is, the user whose ID is stored in
+the inode. The "group" category applies to all non-owners who belong
+to the group whose ID is stored in the inode. The third category
+applies to all remaining users. The three bits of each class refer to
+read/write/execute permission. They are therefore named <code>r</code>,
+<code>w</code> and <code>x</code>, respectively. The permission
+bits mean different things for directories and non-directories,
+as described below. </p>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td> <em>Directories</em> </td>
+ <td> <em>Non-directories</em> </td>
+ </tr> <tr>
+ <td> <code> r </code> </td>
+ <td> The permission to list the directory contents. More precisely,
+ this bit grants the permission to call <code>opendir(3)</code>
+ to obtain a handle to the directory which can then be passed to
+ <code>readdir(3)</code> to obtain the directory contents. </td>
+ <td> If read permission is granted, the <code>open(2)</code> system
+ call does not fail with the <code>permission denied</code> error,
+ provided the file is opened in read-only mode. The system call may
+ fail for other reasons, though.
+ </tr> <tr>
+ <td> <code> w </code> </td>
+ <td> The permission to add or remove directory entries. That is,
+ to create new files or to remove existing files. Note that write
+ permission is not required for the file that is being removed. </td>
+ <td> Permission to open the file in write-only mode in order
+ to perform subsequent operations like <code>write(2)</code>
+ and <code>truncate(2)</code> which change the contents of the
+ file. Non-directories are often opened with the intention to both
+ read and write. Naturally, such opens require both read and write
+ permissions. </td>
+ </tr> <tr>
+ <td> <code> x </code> </td>
+ <td> The permission to <em>search</em> the directory. Searching
+ a directory means to access its entries, either by retrieving
+ inode information with <code>stat(2)</code> or by calling
+ <code>open(2)</code> on a directory entry. </td>
+ <td> Run the file. This applies to <em>binary executables</em> as well
+ as to text files which start with a <em>shebang</em>, <code>#!</code>,
+ followed by the path to an interpreter. We shall cover file execution
+ in more detail below. </td>
+ </tr>
+<p> To run the regular file <code>/foo/bar/baz</code>, search
+permission is needed for both <code>foo</code> and <code>bar</code>,
+and execute permission is needed for <code>baz</code>. Similarly, to
+open the regular file <code>foo/bar</code> for reading, we need execute
+permissions on the current working directory and on <code>foo</code>,
+and read permissions on <code>bar</code>. </p>
+<p> A <em>numeric permission mode</em> is a three octal digit (0-7)
+number, where the digits correspond to the user, group, other classes
+described above, in that order. The value of each digit is derived by
+adding up the bits with values 4 (read), 2 (write), and 1 (execute).
+The following table lists all eight possibilities for each of the
+three digits. </p>
+ <tr>
+ <td> octal value </td>
+ <td> symbolic representation </td>
+ <td> meaning </td>
+ </tr> <tr>
+ <td> 0 </td>
+ <td> <code>---</code> </td>
+ <td> no permissions at all </td>
+ </tr> <tr>
+ <td> 1 </td>
+ <td> <code>--x</code> </td>
+ <td> only execute permission </td>
+ </tr> <tr>
+ <td> 2 </td>
+ <td> <code>-w-</code> </td>
+ <td> only write permission </td>
+ </tr> <tr>
+ <td> 3 </td>
+ <td> <code>-wx</code> </td>
+ <td> write and execute permission </td>
+ </tr> <tr>
+ <td> 4 </td>
+ <td> <code>r--</code> </td>
+ <td> only read permission </td>
+ </tr> <tr>
+ <td> 5 </td>
+ <td> <code>r-x</code> </td>
+ <td> read and execute permission </td>
+ </tr> <tr>
+ <td> 6 </td>
+ <td> <code>rw-</code> </td>
+ <td> read and write permission </td>
+ </tr> <tr>
+ <td> 7 </td>
+ <td> <code>rwx</code> </td>
+ <td> read, write and execute permission </td>
+ </tr>
+<p> The <code>chmod(1)</code> command changes the permission
+bits of the file identified by the path argument. For example,
+<code>chmod 600 foo</code> sets the permissions of <code>foo</code> to
+<code>rw-------</code>. Besides the octal values, <code>chmod(1)</code>
+supports symbolic notation to address the three classes described
+above: <code>u</code> selects the user class, <code>g</code> the
+group class, <code>o</code> the class of other users. The symbolic
+value <code>a</code> selects all three classes. Moreover, the letters
+<code>r</code>, <code>w</code> and <code>x</code> are used to set or
+unset the read, write and execute permission, respectively. The above
+command is equivalent to <code>chmod u=rw,g=---,o=--- foo</code>. The
+<code>+</code> and <code>-</code> characters can be specified instead
+of <code>=</code> to set or unset specific permission bits while
+leaving the remaining bits unchanged. For example <code>chmod go-rw
+foo</code> turns off read and write permissions for non-owners. </p>
+<p> Unprivileged users can only change the mode bits of their own
+files or directories while there is no such restriction for the
+superuser. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Hard and Soft Links»)
+<p> Links make it possible to refer to identical files through
+different paths. They come in two flavors: hard and soft. Both
+types of links have advantages and disadvantages, and different
+limitations. We start with hard links because these existed already
+in the earliest Unix versions. </p>
+<p> A file can have more than one directory entry that points to its
+inode. If two directory entries point to the same inode, they are
+said to be <em> hard links</em> of each other. The two entries are
+equivalent in that they refer to the same file. It is impossible
+to tell which of the two is the "origin" from which the "link"
+was created. Hard links are created with the <code>link(2)</code>
+system call or the <code>ln(1)</code> command. Both take two path
+arguments, one for the existing file and one for the directory entry
+to be created. The filesystem maintains in each inode a link counter
+which keeps track of the number of directory entries which point to the
+inode. The <code>link(2)</code> system call increases the link count
+while <code>unlink(2)</code> decrements the link count and removes
+the directory entry. If the decremented counter remains positive,
+there is still at least one other directory entry which points to
+the inode. Hence the file is still accessible through this other
+directory entry and the file contents must not be released. Otherwise,
+when the link counter reached zero, the inode and the file contents
+may be deleted (assuming the file is not in use). </p>
+<p> There are several issues with hard links. For one, hard links
+can not span filesystems. That is, the two path arguments for
+<code>link(2)</code> have to refer to files which reside on the
+same filesystem. Second, it is problematic to create hard links to
+directories. Early Unix systems allowed this for the superuser,
+but on Linux the attempt to hard-link a directory always fails.
+To address the limitations of hard links, <em>soft links</em>, also
+called <em>symbolic links</em> (or <em>symlinks</em> for short),
+were introduced. A soft link can be imagined as a special text file
+containing a single absolute or relative path, the <em>target</em> of
+the link. For relative paths the implied leading part is the directory
+that contains the link. A soft link is thus a named reference in
+the global hierarchy of files. Unlike hard links, the soft link
+and its target do not need to reside on the same filesystem, and
+there is a clear distinction between the link and its target. Soft
+links are created with <code>symlink(2)</code> or by specifying the
+<code>-s</code> option to the <code>ln(1)</code> command. </p>
+<p> A soft link and its target usually point to different inodes. This
+raises the following question: Should system calls which receive a
+path argument that happens to be a soft link operate on the link
+itself, or should they <em>follow</em> (or <em>dereference</em>)
+the link and perform the operation on the target? Most system calls
+follow soft links, but some don't. For example, if the path argument
+to <code>chdir(2)</code> happens to be a soft link, the link is
+dereferenced and the working directory is changed to the target of
+the link instead. The <code>rename(2)</code> system call, however,
+does not follow soft links and renames the link rather than its
+target. Other system calls, including <code>open(2)</code>, allow
+the caller to specify the desired behaviour by passing a flag to the
+system call. For yet others there is a second version of the system
+call to control the behaviour. For example, <code>lstat(2)</code> is
+identical to <code>stat(2)</code>, but does not follow soft links. </p>
+<p> It is possible for a soft link to refer to an invalid path. In
+fact, <code>ln(1)</code> and <code>symlink(2)</code> do not consider
+it an error if the target does not exist, and happily create a soft
+link which points to an invalid path. Such soft links are called
+<em>dangling</em> or <em>broken</em>. Dangling soft links also occur
+when the target file is removed or renamed, or after a mount point
+change. </p>
+<p> Soft links may refer to other soft links. System calls which
+follow soft links must therefore be prepared to resolve chains of
+soft links to determine the file to operate on. However, this is not
+always possible because soft links can easily introduce loops into the
+hierarchy of files. For example, the commands <code>ln -s foo bar;
+ln -s bar foo</code> create such a loop. System calls detect this
+and fail with the <code>Too many levels of symbolic links</code>
+error when they encounter a loop. </p>
+<p> Another issue with both soft and hard links is that there is no
+simple way to find all directory entries which point to the same path
+(soft links) or inode (hard links). The only way to achieve this is
+to traverse the whole hierarchy of files. This may be prohibitive
+for large filesystems, and the result is unreliable anyway unless
+the filesystems are mounted read-only. </p>
+ <li> A path can lack both slashes and components. Give an example
+ of a path that lacks a slash and another example of a path that has
+ no components. </li>
+ <li> Assume <code>foo</code> is an existing directory. Guess what the
+ command <code>mv foo bar</code> will do in each of the following cases:
+ (a) <code>bar</code> does not exist, (b) <code>bar</code> exists and
+ is a regular file, (c) <code>bar</code> exists and is a directory.
+ Verify your guess by running the command. </li>
+ <li> Many programs check if a path is valid and act differently
+ according to the result. For example, a shell script might
+ check for the existence of a file with code like <code>if test
+ -e "$file"; do something_with "$file"; fi</code>. Explain
+ why this approach is not bullet-proof. How could this be
+ fixed? </li>
+ <li> Run <code>touch file-{1..100}</code> to create 100 files. Guess
+ what the following commands will print. Run each command to confirm.
+ <ul>
+ <li> <code>ls file-</code> </li>
+ <li> <code>ls file-*</code> </li>
+ <li> <code>ls file-?</code> </li>
+ <li> <code>ls file-[1-4]</code> </li>
+ <li> <code>ls file-[1,3,5,7,9]*</code> </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li> Find an extended glob pattern for <code>bash(1)</code>
+ that matches all valid paths whose last component starts with
+ <code>file-</code>, followed by any number of odd digits (1, 3, 5,
+ 7, or 9). </li>
+ <li> Point out the flaw in the following shell code: <code>for
+ f in file-*; do something_with "$f"; done</code>. Hint: Search
+ <code>bash(1)</code> for "nullglob".
+ <li> Create a file named <code>-r</code> with <code>echo >
+ -r</code>. Try to remove the file with <code>rm -r</code> and
+ discuss why this doesn't work as expected. Find a way to get rid
+ of the file. Discuss what happens if you run <code>rm *</code> in a
+ directory which contains a file named <code>-r</code>. </li>
+ <li> The content of the <code>PATH</code> variable is a
+ colon-separated list of directories in which the shell looks for
+ commands to execute. Discuss the dangers of including the current
+ working directory in this list. </li>
+ <li> Run <code>id</code> to determine a group <code>G</code> you
+ belong to but is not your primary group. Consider the following
+ commands <code>mkdir foo; chgrp $G foo; touch foo/bar</code>. What
+ is the group ID of <code>foo/bar</code>? Run the same commands, but
+ insert <code>chmod g+s foo</code> as the second-to-last command. </li>
+ <li> Run <code>man null</code> and <code>man zero</code> to learn
+ about the properties of these two character devices. </li>
+ <li> Assume the modification time stored in the inode of some file
+ suggests that the file was last modified two years ago. How sure
+ can you be that the file was never changed since then? Hint: See the
+ <code>-d</code> option of <code>touch(1)</code>. </li>
+ <li> Run the following commands <code>echo hello > foo</code>,
+ <code>cat foo</code>, <code>chmod 600 foo</code>, <code>echo world >>
+ foo</code>. Check the three timestamps with <code>stat foo</code>
+ after each command. </li>
+ <li> Determine the state of the permission bits of your own
+ home directory by running <code>ls -ld ~</code>. Who can
+ access its contents? Also look at the permission bits of
+ other people's home directory. </li>
+ <li> A file or directory is called <em>world-writeable</em>
+ if the <code>w</code> bit is set in the <code>others</code>
+ class of the permission bits. Create a world-writable
+ directory with <code>mkdir foo; chmod 777 foo</code>
+ and create a file in the new directory: <code>echo hello
+ > foo/bar</code>. Is a different user allowed to create
+ another file there (<code>echo world > foo/baz</code>)? Can
+ he remove it again (<code>rm foo/baz</code>)? Will he succeed
+ in removing <code>foo/bar</code> although it is owned by you
+ and <em>not</em> writable to him? Try the same with the sticky
+ bit turned on (<code>chmod 1777 foo</code>). </li>
+ <li> Translate <code>rw-r--r--</code> into octal, and 755 into
+ <code>rwx</code>-notation. </li>
+ <li> Create a <a href="#hello_world">hello world script</a>, make it
+ executable and run it. Create a subdirectory of your home directory
+ and move the script into this directory. Set the permissions of the
+ directory to <code>r--------</code>, check whether you still can
+ list/execute it. Do the same with <code>--x------</code>. </li>
+ <li> Create a file with <code>echo hello > foo</code>,
+ create soft and hard links with <code>ln -s foo soft</code>
+ and <code>ln foo hard</code>. Examine the inode numbers
+ and link counts using the command <code>stat foo soft
+ hard</code>. Remove <code>foo</code> and repeat. Try to
+ access the file content through both links. Guess what
+ <code>realpath foo soft hard</code> will print. Run the
+ command to confirm. </li>
+ <li> Create a dangling symlink with <code>ln -s /nope foo</code>. Would
+ you expect the commands <code>ls -l foo</code> and <code>cat foo</code>
+ succeed? Run these commands to verify your guess. </li>
+ <li> One of the seven Unix file types is symlink. Why is there no
+ file type for hard links? </li>
+How many paths are there that refer to the same file?
+», «
+Given the path <code>/foo/bar</code>, one may construct different paths
+which refer to the same file by inserting any number of <code>/.</code>
+or <code>../foo</code> after the first component. For example,
+<code>/foo/./bar</code> and <code>/foo/../foo/bar</code> both refer
+to the same file. If relative paths have to be taken into account as
+well, even more paths can be constructed easily. Hence the answer is:
+arbitrary many.
+This illustrates the fundamental difference between a path and a
+file. Paths can be mapped to files, but not the other way around. In
+particular, there is no such thing like "the list of paths which have
+changed since yesterday".
+The concept of hard- and soft links complicates
+the situation further. This topic is discussed in a <a
+href="#soft_and_hard_links">subsequent section</a>. See the exercises
+therein for more information.
+Given two paths, how can one tell if they refer to the same file?
+», «
+Among other information, the metadata record of each file contains the
+so-called <em>inode number</em>, which uniquely identifies the file
+within the file system that contains the file. Therefore, if both
+paths are known to refer to files stored on the same file system,
+a comparison of the two inode numbers is sufficient to tell whether
+the two paths refer to the same file. The inode number can be obtained
+with the command <code>ls -i</code>.
+In the general case one additionally has to check that the
+two <code>device IDs</code> which identify the underlying file
+systems are also identical. Like the inode number, the device ID
+is part of the metadata of the file. It can be obtained by running
+Device nodes come in two flavors: Character and block devices. Explain
+the difference between the two device flavors.
+ <li> Nine of the 12 mode bits of each file are the permission
+ bits. The remaining three are the <em>sticky</em>, <em>setuid</em>
+ and <em>setgid</em> bits. Explain the purpose of each. </li>
+ <li> Run <code>find /usr/bin/ -perm -2000 -ls</code> to see all SUID
+ executables in <code>/usr/bin</code>. Discuss why those programs have
+ the SUID bit set. </li>
+How many possible permission modes exist for a file or directory on
+a Unix System?
+», «
+There are nine permission bits that can be turned on and off
+independently. Hence we have 2^9=512 possibilities. When taking into
+account the three special bits (sticky, setuid, setgid), the number
+increases to 2^12=4096.
+Explain each command of the <a href="«#»symlink_madness">script</a>
+below. Show the arrangement of all files and links in a figure,
+drawing a directory as a circle and a file as a square. How many
+different paths exist for the file <code> a</code>? Discuss whether
+the question "What's the path of a given file?" makes sense.
+», «
+ width="150" height="125"
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+ xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
+ <marker
+ id="slm_arrow"
+ viewBox="0 0 10 10" refX="5" refY="5"
+ markerWidth="4" markerHeight="4"
+ orient="auto-start-reverse">
+ <path d="M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z" />
+ </marker>
+ <circle
+ fill="#ccc"
+ stroke-width="1"
+ stroke="black"
+ r=20
+ cx=51
+ cy=21
+ />
+ <text
+ x="51"
+ y="21"
+ stroke="black"
+ text-anchor="middle"
+ dy="0.3em"
+ >foo</text>
+ <rect
+ fill="#ccc"
+ stroke-width="1"
+ stroke="black"
+ x=1
+ y=81
+ width="40"
+ height="40"
+ rx="5"
+ />
+ <text
+ x="21"
+ y="101"
+ stroke="black"
+ text-anchor="middle"
+ dy="0.3em"
+ >a</text>
+ <ellipse
+ cx=81
+ cy=101
+ rx=30
+ ry=20
+ fill="#ccc"
+ stroke-width="1"
+ stroke="black"
+ />
+ <text
+ x="81"
+ y="101"
+ stroke="black"
+ text-anchor="middle"
+ dy="0.3em"
+ >testdir</text>
+ <line
+ stroke="black"
+ stroke-width="1"
+ x1="41"
+ y1="45"
+ x2="24"
+ y2="75"
+ />
+ <line
+ stroke="black"
+ stroke-width="1"
+ x1="61"
+ y1="45"
+ x2="77"
+ y2="75"
+ />
+ <path
+ d="
+ M 118,101
+ C 150,90 150,30 80,20
+ "
+ stroke-width="2"
+ stroke="black"
+ fill="none"
+ marker-end="url(#slm_arrow)"
+ />
+Since <code> foo/a</code>, <code> foo/testdir/a</code>, <code>
+foo/testdir/testdir/a </code> etc. all refer to the same file, there
+are infinitely many paths for the file <code> a</code>. Hence the
+question makes no sense: There is no such thing as <em> the </em>
+path to a file.
+Recall that the path component <code>..</code> refers to the
+parent directory. Give an example of a path to a directory where
+"parent directory" and "directory identified by the path obtained by
+removing the last path component" are different. Which of the two
+interpretations of <code>..</code> does bash apply when you type
+<code>cd ..</code> at the bash prompt?
+Is it possible to choose among all possible paths which refer to the
+same file a <em>canonical</em> path? That is, a shortest (counting
+characters) absolute path which does not contain any soft links?
+», «
+<p> The POSIX standard requires each Unix system library to provide
+the <code>realpath()</code> function which performs the following
+substitutions on the given path: First, the path to the current
+working directory is prepended if the given path is relative
+(does not begin with a slash). Second, symbolic links are replaced
+by their targets. Third, any occurrences of <code>/.</code> and
+<code>foo/..</code> are removed. The thusly transformed path is
+returned by the function as the canonical path. </p>
+<p> Although each path can be canonicalized in this way, not all paths
+which refer to the same file give rise to the same canonical path. For
+example, <code>/tmp/foo</code> and <code>/tmp/bar</code> could refer
+to regular files which are hard links of each other. In this case the
+paths refer to the same file, yet the paths are different and already
+canonicalized. The same can happen when a file system (or a subtree
+of it) is <em>bind mounted</em>. That is, the file system tree is
+visible at two or more locations in the global directory tree. </p>
+The message of this exercise is to convince the reader that it is
+incorrect to assume that two files are different because their paths
+are different.
+<p> A <em>program</em> consists of instructions and data stored in
+a regular file. A <em> user process</em> is an instance of a running
+program. This is in contrast to <em>kernel processes</em> which are
+created directly by the kernel and have no relationship to executable
+files. Since we shall only be concerned with user processes, we will
+refer to these as "processes" from now on. In this section we'll see
+how processes are created and removed. We will then take a closer look
+at the enviroment of a process and discuss how processes communicate
+with each other. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Process Tree, Zombies and Orphans»)
+<p> When the system boots, there is only one process, the
+<em>init</em> process, which is created by the kernel at the end
+of the boot sequence by executing <code>/sbin/init</code>. All
+other processess are created from existing processes by means of
+the <code>fork(2)</code> system call. The process which called
+<code>fork(2)</code> is said to be the <em>parent</em> of the newly
+created <em>child</em>. After <code>fork(2)</code> returns, both
+parent and child are executing independently of each other. Both
+processes may call <code>fork(2)</code> again to create further
+processes. This gives rise to a tree structure where the processes
+are the nodes of the tree with init being the root node. The edges
+of the tree describe the parent-child relationships. </p>
+<p> If there are more processes than CPUs, not all processes can
+run simultaneously. It is the mission of the kernel's <em>task
+scheduler</em> to assign processes to CPUs and to perform <em>context
+switches</em>. That is, to take away the CPU from a running process
+in order to give another process the chance to run. The scheduler
+has to choose the duration of each process' time slice and it must
+pick the process to switch to when the time slice of the current
+process has expired or the process gives up the CPU voluntarily, for
+example because it is waiting for an I/O operation to complete. This
+is a non-trivial task at least for modern multi-CPU systems with
+<em>non-uniform memory access</em> (NUMA) where the memory access times
+depend on the memory location and the processor core. Things don't
+get easier if the CPU clock speed can vary and/or scheduling must be
+power-aware to optimize battery time. To make good decisions, some
+information has to be provided by the processes or by a system-wide
+policy. One elementary way to prioritize certain processes over others
+is via <em>nice levels</em> which we shall discuss below. </p>
+<p> The normal way for a process to terminate is to call
+<code>exit(3)</code> after it has done its work. This function
+transfers an integer value, the <em>exit status</em>, to the
+kernel. The exit status can only be retrieved by the parent of
+the terminating process. To illustrate this concept, imagine an
+interactive shell which creates one child each time the user enters
+a command. The children are short living while the parent, the shell,
+stays around for much longer. During command execution the parent needs
+to wait for its child to terminate. It may then want to tell whether
+the child has terminated successfully. To achieve this, the parent
+calls one of the <em>wait</em> system calls (<code>wait(2)</code>,
+<code>waitpid(2)</code>, <code>waitid(2)</code>) which block until the
+child has terminated, then return the child's exit status. After the
+child called <code>exit(3)</code> but before the parent has called
+one of the wait functions, the kernel needs to keep at least the
+exit status (and possibly further information) about the terminated
+child. During this time window the child has already terminated but
+a part of it still exists in kernel memory. Processes in this state
+are aptly called <em>zombies</em>. </p>
+<p> Unlike in the shell scenario outlined above, a process might well
+have any number of children at the time it terminates. Its children
+then become <em>orphans</em> as they lose their parent. The kernel
+cannot simply remove the terminated process from the process tree
+because this would disconnect its orphaned children from the other
+processes in the tree, destroying the tree structure. To avoid this,
+orphans are <em>reparented to init</em>, that is, made children
+of the init process. This works because the init process never
+terminates. </p>
+<p> There are several programs which show information about
+processes. The POSIX <code>ps(1)</code> command prints a list of
+processes. It has many options that control which processes are
+shown and how the output is formatted. Similar programs which are not
+covered by POSIX are <code>pstree(1)</code>, <code>top(1)</code> and
+<code>htop(1)</code>. The former shows the tree structure while the
+latter two provide a dynamic real-time view of the process tree. The
+exercises of this section invite the reader to become familiar with
+these essential programs. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«File Execution»)
+<p> When a process calls <code>fork(2)</code>, the newly created
+child process starts out as a copy of the calling process. However,
+the reason to create a new process is usually to let the child do
+something different than the parent. Therefore, <code>fork(2)</code>
+is often followed by a second system call which replaces the child
+process with a different program. There are several similar system
+calls which do this, with slight semantic differences. We refer to
+this family of system calls as the <em>exec system calls</em>. </p>
+<p> All exec system calls receive a path argument from which they
+determine an executable file that contains the program to run. Linux
+and BSD store executables in <em>Executable and Linkable Format</em>
+(ELF). Executables are typically linked <em>dynamically</em>.
+That is, the dependent libraries (at least libc, but possibly many
+more) are loaded at runtime from separate files. This is in contrast
+to <em>static linking</em> which includes all dependencies in the
+executable, making the executable self-contained but also larger
+and harder to maintain. Regardless of the type of linking, when the
+program is loaded, it completely replaces the previously running
+program. Note that there can be more than one process at the same
+time which executes the same program. </p>
+<p> Files in ELF format are called <em>native</em> executables because
+they contain machine instructions which can be executed directly
+by the CPU. Another type of executables are <em>scripts</em>,
+also known as <em>interpreter files</em>. Scripts are text files
+which start with the <em>shebang</em> (<code>#!</code>). They can
+not run directly but have to be <em>interpreted</em> at runtime
+by another program, the <em>interpreter</em>. Nevertheless, it is
+possible to execute a script as if it were a native executable:
+by passing the path to one of the exec system calls or by typing
+the path at the shell prompt. The exec system call recognizes that
+the given file is a script by investigating the first line, which
+contains the path to the interpreter after the shebang, optionally
+followed by options to the interpreter. The kernel then executes the
+interpreter rather than the script, passing the path to the script as
+an argument. For example, if <code>/foo/bar</code> is being executed,
+and the first line of this file is <code>#!/bin/sh</code>, the kernel
+executes <code>/bin/sh /foo/bar</code> instead. Popular interpreters
+besides <code>/bin/sh</code> include <code>/bin/bash</code>,
+<code>/usr/bin/perl</code>, <code>/usr/bin/python</code> and
+<code>/usr/bin/awk</code>. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«File Descriptions and File Descriptors»)
+<p> The kernel must always be aware of the set of all objects which are
+currently in use. This set is often called the <em>system-wide table
+of open files</em> although not all entries refer to files. In fact, an
+entry may refer to any object that supports I/O operations, for example
+a network socket. Each entry is called a <em>file description</em>,
+which is a somewhat unfortunate term that was coined by POSIX. A
+file description records information about the object itself as well
+as the current state of the reference, including the file offset,
+if applicable, and the <em>status flags</em> which affect how future
+I/O operations are going to be performed through this reference. </p>
+<p> The kernel maintains for each process an array of pointers to file
+descriptions. Each such pointer is a <em>file descriptor</em>. Unlike
+files and file descriptions, a file descriptor always corresponds
+to a process and is identified by a non-negative number, the index
+into the pointer array of that process. This index is returned by
+system calls like <code>open(2)</code> or <code>socket(2)</code>.
+As far as user space programs are concerned, a file descriptor is
+synonymous with this integer. It can be regarded as an abstract
+<em>handle</em> that must be supplied to subsequent I/O operations
+like <code>read(2)</code> or <code>write(2)</code> to tell the system
+call the target object of the operation. </p>
+<p> The shell automatically creates three file descriptors for each
+process which are identified by the integers 0, 1 and 2. They are
+called <em>stdin</em>, <em>stdout</em>, and <em>stderr</em>, which is
+short for <em>standard input/output/error</em>. It is possible, and in
+fact common, that all three file descriptors point to the same file
+description: the terminal device. Many command line tools read their
+input from stdin, write normal output to stdout, and error messages
+to stderr. For example, when the POSIX command <code>cat(1)</code>
+is invoked with no arguments, it reads data from stdin and writes
+the same data to stdout. </p>
+<p> Signals are another ancient Unix concept that dates back to the
+early 1970s and was standardized in POSIX long ago. This concept
+facilitates a rudimentary form of <em>inter process communication</em>
+(IPC) between unrelated processes. Signals can be regarded as software
+interrupts that transmit a notification event from the sending process
+to the target process. The event is sent <em>asynchronously</em>,
+meaning that the interruption can happen at any location of the code
+flow. </p>
+<p> It is fair to say that most non-trivial programs, including
+scripts, have to deal with signals. All major scripting languages
+(bash, python, perl, ruby, etc.) provide an API for signal
+handling. The interpreter of the scripting language ends up calling
+the POSIX system functions, so we will only look at these. </p>
+<p> Signals are identified by name or by a numerical ID. For example,
+<code>SIGINT</code> (interrupt from keyboard) is the name for signal
+number 2. POSIX defines 31 <em>standard signals</em> plus at least
+eight <em>real-time signals</em>. The standard signals can be
+subdivided according to the origin of the signal as follows. </p>
+ <dt> hardware related signals </dt>
+ <dd> These signals originate from <em>hardware traps</em> that force
+ the CPU back into kernel mode. The kernel responds to the trap by
+ generating a signal for the process that caused the trap. For example,
+ a division by zero in a user space program triggers a hardware trap
+ in the <em>floating point unit</em> (FPU) of the CPU. The kernel
+ then generates the <code>SIGFPE</code> (floating-point exception)
+ signal for the process. Another example for a signal that originates
+ from a hardware trap is <code>SIGSEGV</code> (segmentation fault)
+ which occurs when a process attempts to reference a memory address
+ that has not been mapped (i.e., marked as valid) by the <em>memory
+ management unit</em> (MMU) of the CPU. </dd>
+ <dt> kernel generated signals </dt>
+ <dd> Signals which originate from the kernel rather than from
+ hardware. One example is <code>SIGCHLD</code> (child terminated),
+ which is sent to the parent process when one of its child processes
+ terminates. Another example is <code>SIGWINCH</code> (window resize),
+ which is generated when the geometry of the controlling terminal of
+ a process changes. </dd>
+ <dt> user-space generated signals </dt>
+ <dd> These signals can only originate from user space when a process,
+ for example <code>kill(1)</code>, calls <code>raise(2)</code>
+ or <code>kill(2)</code> to instruct the kernel to generate a
+ signal. Examples are <code>SIGTERM</code>, which issues a termination
+ request, and <code>SIGUSR1</code> and <code>SIGUSR2</code> which are
+ reserved for use by application programs. </dd>
+The following signals are used frequently and deserve to the described
+explicitly. We refer to <code>signal(7)</code> for the full list of
+signals and their semantics.
+ <dt> <code>SIGINT, SIGTERM</code> and <code>SIGKILL</code> </dt>
+ <dd> All three signals terminate the process by default.
+ <code>SIGINT</code> is generated for the <em>foreground processes</em>
+ when the <em>interrupt character</em> (CTRL+C) is pressed in a
+ terminal. For example, if CTRL+C is pressed while the shell pipeline
+ <code>find | wc </code> is executing, <code>SIGINT</code> is sent
+ to both processes of the pipeline. <code>SIGTERM</code> is the
+ default signal for the <code>kill(1)</code> command. It requests
+ the target process to run its shutdown procedure, if any, then
+ terminate. <code>SIGKILL</code> instructs the kernel to terminate the
+ target process immediately, without giving the process the chance to
+ clean up. This signal can originate from a process or from the kernel
+ in response to running out of memory. To keep the system working, the
+ kernel invokes the infamous <em>out of memory killer</em> (OOM killer)
+ which terminates one memory-hungry process to free some memory. </dd>
+ <dt> <code>SIGSTOP</code>, <code>SIGTSTP</code> and <code>SIGCONT</code> </dt>
+ <dd> <code>SIGSTOP</code> instructs the task scheduler of the kernel to
+ no longer assign any CPU time to the target process until the process
+ is woken up by a subsequent <code>SIGCONT</code>. <code>SIGTSTP</code>
+ (stop typed at terminal) stops all foreground processes of a terminal
+ session. It is generated when the <em>stop character</em> (CTRL+Z)
+ is pressed in a terminal. </dd>
+<p> Processes may set the <em>signal disposition</em> of most signals
+to control what happens when the signal arrives. When no disposition
+has been set, the signal is left at its <em>default disposition</em> so
+that the <em>default action</em> is performed to deliver the signal.
+For most signals the default action is to terminate the process,
+but for others the default action is to <em>ignore</em> the signal.
+If the signal is neither ignored nor left at its default disposition,
+it is said to be <em>caught</em> by the process. To catch a signal the
+process must tell the kernel the address of a function, the <em>signal
+handler</em>, to call in order to deliver the signal. The set of
+signal dispositions of a process can thus be imagined as an array
+of function pointers with one pointer per possible signal. If the
+process catches the signal, the pointer points to the corresponding
+signal handler. A NULL pointer represents a signal that was left at
+its default disposition while the special value <code>SIG_IGN</code>
+indicates that the process explicitly asked to ignore this signal. </p>
+<p> Signals can also be <em>blocked</em> and <em>unblocked</em>. When
+a signal is generated for a process that has it blocked, it remains
+<em>pending</em>. Pending signals cause no action as long as the
+signal remains blocked but the action will be performed once the
+signal gets unblocked. <code>SIGKILL</code> and <code>SIGSTOP</code>
+can not be caught, blocked, or ignored. </p>
+<p> Real-time signals are similar to <code>SIGUSR1</code> and
+<code>SIGUSR2</code> in that they have no predefined meaning but
+can be used for any purpose. However, they have different semantics
+than the standard signals and support additional features. Most
+importantly, real-time signals are <em>queued</em>, meaning that in
+contrast to standard signals the same real-time signal can be pending
+multiple times. Also, the sending process may pass an <em>accompanying
+value</em> along with the signal. The target process can obtain this
+value from its signal handler along with additional information like
+the PID and the UID of the process that sent the signal. </p>
+<p> Some system calls including <code>read(2)</code> and
+<code>write(2)</code> may block for an indefinite time. For
+example, reading from a network socket blocks until there is data
+available. What should happen when a signal arrives while the process
+is blocked in a system call? There are two reasonable answers: Either
+the system call is <em>restarted</em>, or the call fails with the
+<code>Interrupted system call</code> error. Unfortunately, different
+flavors of Unix handle this case differently by default. However,
+applications may request either behaviour by setting or clearing the
+<code>SA_RESTART</code> flag on a per-signal basis. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Environment of a Process»)
+<p> Now that we have a rough understanding of processes we look
+closer at the information the kernel maintains for each process. We
+already discussed the array of file descriptors and the array of
+signal dispositions. Clearly both are process specific properties.
+As we shall see, there is much more what constitutes the environment
+of a process. </p>
+<p> Each process is identified by a unique <em>process ID</em>
+(PID), which is a positive integer. The <code>init</code> process is
+identified by PID 1. PIDs are assigned in ascending order, but are
+usually restricted to the range 1..32767. After this many processes
+have been created, PIDs wrap and unused PIDs are recycled for new
+processes. Thus, on a busy system on which processes are created and
+terminated frequently, the same PID is assigned to multiple processes
+over time. </p>
+<p> Not all processes call <code>fork(2)</code> to create a child
+process, but each process except the init process has a unique
+parent. As described before, this is either the "real" parent (the
+process which created the process earlier) or the init process that
+"adopted" the orphaned process in case the real parent terminated
+before the child. The process ID of the parent (PPID) is thus
+well-defined. A process can obtain its PID and PPID with the
+<code>getpid(2)</code> and <code>getppid(2)</code> system calls. </p>
+<p> Each process runs on behalf of a user (possibly the superuser)
+which is identified by its <em>user ID</em> (UID) and belongs to
+one or more groups, identified by one or more <em>group IDs</em>
+(GIDs). The superuser is identified by UID zero. When we talked
+about the permission bits of files and directories, we said that
+suitable permissions are needed for system calls which operate on
+files (<code>open(2)</code>, <code>stat(2)</code>, etc.). A more
+precise statement is that the <em>process</em> which calls, say,
+<code>open(2)</code> needs to have these permissions. To decide this,
+the kernel needs to take into account the UID and GIDs of the process
+that called <code>open(2)</code>, the UID and the GID stored in the
+inode of the file that is being opened, and the permission bits of
+this file. The UID is also taken into account for <code>kill(2)</code>
+because unprivileged processes (non-zero UID) can only send signals
+to processes which run on behalf of the same user while the superuser
+may target any process. </p>
+<p> Each process has a <em>current working directory</em> (CWD)
+associated with it. When the user logs in, the CWD of the login shell
+process is set to his <em>home directory</em>, which should always
+exist and have the read, write and execute permission bits set for
+the user. The CWD can later be changed with <code>chdir(2)</code>
+and be retrieved with <code>getcwd(3)</code>. The CWD is used as the
+starting point for path searches for relative paths. It affects most
+system calls which receive a path argument. For example, if the CWD
+is <code>/foo/bar</code> and the relative path <code>baz/qux</code>
+is passed to <code>open(2)</code>, the kernel will attempt to open
+the file which is identified by <code>/foo/bar/baz/qux</code>. </p>
+<p> Many programs accept arguments to control their behavior.
+In addition to the path to the program that is to be executed,
+all variants of the exec system calls receive an array of arguments
+called the <em>argument vector</em>. For example, when the command
+<code>ls -l foo</code> is executed, the argument vector contains
+the two strings <code>"-l"</code> and <code>"foo"</code>. Note that
+the argument vector is not part of the program but is tied to the
+process. It is passed to the main function at startup so that the
+program may evaluate it and act accordingly. </p>
+<p> Another way to pass information to a program is via <em>environment
+variables</em>. Environment variables are strings of the form
+<code>name=value</code>. POSIX describes the API to maintain the
+environment variables of a process. Environment variables are set
+with <code>setenv(3)</code> or <code>putenv(3)</code>, the value of a
+variable can be retrieved with <code>getenv(3)</code>, and a variable
+and its value can be deleted with <code>unsetenv(3)</code>. The set of
+environment variables is sometimes called the <em>environment</em>
+of the process, although we use this term in a broader sense to
+describe the entirety of all metadata maintained by the kernel about
+the process, including but not limited to environment variables. </p>
+<p> Each process also has about a dozen <em>resource limits</em>
+that can be set and queried with the POSIX <code>setrlimit(2)</code>
+and <code>getrlimit(2)</code> functions. Each limit controls a
+different aspect. For example, <code>RLIMIT_CPU</code> limits the
+CPU time the process is allowed to use and <code>RLIMIT_NOFILE</code>
+controls how many open files it may have at a time. For each resource
+there is a <em>soft</em> and a <em>hard</em> limit. The kernel
+enforces the value stored as the soft limit. This value may be set
+by an unprivileged process to any value between zero and the hard
+limit. Unprivileged processes may also reduce (but not increase) their
+hard limits. Once a hard limit is reduced, it can not be increased
+any more. For <code>RLIMIT_CPU</code> a special convention applies:
+If the soft limit is reached, the kernel sends <code>SIGXCPU</code>
+(CPU time limit exceeded) to notify the process about this fact so
+that it can terminate orderly (e.g., remove temporary files). When
+the hard limit is reached, the kernel terminates the process as if
+it received <code>SIGKILL</code>. </p>
+<p> The <em>nice level</em> of a process provides a hint for
+the task scheduler to give the process a lower or higher priority
+relative to other processes. Nice levels range between -20 and 19. A
+high nice level means that the process wants to be nice to other
+processes, that is, should run with reduced priority. Low nice levels
+indicate important processes that should be prioritized over other
+processes. The default nice level is zero. Unprivileged users may
+set the nice level of new processes with the <code>nice(1)</code>
+command to any non-negative value. They can also increase the nice
+level of their existing processes with <code>renice(1)</code>, but
+never decrease it. The superuser, however, may set the nice level
+of any process to an arbitrary value in the valid range. </p>
+<p> The bulk of the properties discussed so far are inherited by the
+child after a <code>fork(2)</code>. Specifically, the child gets the
+same array of file descriptors and signal dispositions as its parent,
+runs on behalf of the same user, has the same working directory,
+the same resource limits and nice level, and also the same set
+of environment variables with identical values. The PID and PPID,
+however, are different of course. </p>
+<p> After a process has called an exec function to replace itself with
+a new program, its signal handlers no longer exist because they were
+part of the program code which has been replaced. Therefore the exec
+system calls reset the disposition of all signals that were caught to
+the default disposition. Signals that were being ignored keep being
+ignored, however. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«The Process Filesystem»)
+<p> Although not covered by POSIX, at least Linux, NetBSD and FreeBSD
+provide information about processes via the <em>process filesystem</em>
+(procfs), which is usually mounted on <code>/proc</code>. The process
+filesystem is a <em>pseudo-filesystem</em>, i.e., it has no underlying
+storage device. Files and directories are faked by the kernel as they
+are accessed. Each process is represented by a numerical subdirectory
+of <code>/proc</code> which is named by the PID. For example,
+<code>/proc/1</code> represents the init process. The aforementioned
+process utilities (<code>ps(1)</code>, <code>top(1)</code>, etc.) read
+the contents of the process filesystem in order to do their job. <p>
+<p> Each <code>/proc/[pid]</code> directory contains the same set
+of files although this set is different between Unixes. These files
+expose much of the environment of the process to user space. The Linux
+procfs implementation provides text files named <code>environ</code>
+and <code>limits</code> which contain the current environment and
+the resource limits of the process, respectively. Moreover, the
+file descriptor array of each process is exposed in the files of
+the <code>/proc/[pid]/fd</code> directory. Linux and NetBSD (but not
+FreeBSD) also provide a <code>cwd</code> soft link which points to
+the current working directory of the process. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«Pipes and Redirections»)
+<p> The <code>pipe(2)</code> system call takes no arguments and
+creates two file descriptors for the calling process which are tied
+together as a unidirectional first in, first out data channel that
+works just like a fifo, but without any files being involved. One
+file descriptor is the <em>read end</em> of the pipe, the other is
+the <em>write end</em>. Data written to the write end is buffered by
+the kernel and can be obtained by reading from the read end. </p>
+<p> One application of pipes is communication between
+related processes. A process first creates a pipe, then calls
+<code>fork(2)</code> to create a child process. The child inherits
+a copy of both pipe file descriptors. Hence the parent process can
+communicate with the child by writing a message to the write end of
+the pipe for the child to read. </p>
+<p> The POSIX <code>dup(2)</code> and <code>dup2(2)</code> system
+calls allow a process to manipulate the entries of its file descriptor
+array. In particular the standard file descriptors 0, 1, and 2 can be
+replaced. By doing so before performing an exec system call, it can
+be arranged that the replacement program starts with, say, its stdout
+file descriptor be redirected to the write end of a pipe. Note that
+the replacement program does not need any modifications for this to
+work, and might not even be aware of the fact that it is not writing
+its output to the terminal as usual. </p>
+<p> Shells employ this technique to implement the <code>|</code>
+operator which "pipes" the output of one command "into" another
+command. For example, the pipeline <code>ls | wc</code> works
+as follows: First the shell creates a pipe, then it calls
+<code>fork(2)</code> twice to create two processes which both
+get a copy of the two pipe file descriptors. The first process
+replaces its stdout file descriptor with the write end of the
+pipe and performs an exec system call to replace itself with the
+<code>ls(1)</code> program. The second process replaces its stdin
+file descriptor with the read end of the pipe and replaces itself
+with <code>wc(1)</code>. Since <code>ls(1)</code> writes to stdout
+and <code>wc(1)</code> reads from stdin, <code>wc(1)</code> processes
+the output of <code>ls(1)</code>. </p>
+<p> Note that this trick does not work to establish a connection
+between two <em>existing</em> processes because it depends on file
+descriptor inheritance across <code>fork(2)</code>. In the general
+case one has to fall back to sockets or fifos to create the data
+channel. </p>
+<p> The POSIX standard requires a compliant Unix system to provide
+a collection of functions that let applications perform input and
+output by means of operations on <em>streams</em>. This programming
+interface, known as <em>stdio</em> for <em>standard input/output</em>,
+is part of every Unix system since 1979. Every program which contains
+a <code>printf(3)</code> statement relies on stdio. </p>
+<p> The stdio functions are implemented as part of libc on top of the
+<code>open(2)</code>, <code>read(2)</code> and <code>write(2)</code>
+system calls which are implemented in the kernel. Roughly speaking,
+stdio replaces the file descriptor API by a more abstract API
+which centers around streams. A stream is an opaque data structure
+which comprises a file descriptor and an associated data buffer for
+I/O. Each program has three predefined streams which correspond to
+the three standard file descriptors (stdin, stdout and stderr). The
+stdio API contains well over 50 functions to create and maintain
+streams and to perform I/O on streams. These functions take care of
+the characteristics of the underlying file description. For example,
+they automatically try to select the optimal I/O buffer size. </p>
+<p> Many applications rely on stdio because of convenience. For
+one, the buffers for <code>read(2)</code> and <code>write(2)</code>
+must be allocated and freed explicitly by the application, and care
+must be taken to not overflow these buffers. With stdio, this task
+is done by the stdio library. Second, <em>formatted</em> I/O is
+much easier to do with the stdio functions because the programmer
+only has to provide a suitable <em>format string</em> to convert
+between the machine representation and the textual representation of
+numbers. For example, by passing the format string <code>"%f"</code>
+to <code>scanf(3)</code>, the programmer tells the stdio library to
+read a floating point number stored in textual representation from the
+specified stream, convert it to machine representation and store it
+in the given variable. The <code>fprintf(3)</code> function works the
+other way round: the value is converted from machine representation
+to text, and this text is written to the stream. Both functions can
+deal with various formats, like scientific notation for floating
+point numbers (e.g., 0.42E-23). With stdio it is easy to customize
+the formatted output, for example add leading zeros or select the
+number of decimal digits in the textual representation of a floating
+point number. </p>
+<p> Another reason why many programs rely on stdio is that it performs
+<em>buffered</em> I/O. With buffered I/O not each read/write operation
+results in a system call. Instead, data read from or written to the
+stream is first stored in the user space buffer that is associated
+with the stream. This is a performance improvement for applications
+which perform many small I/O operations because every system call
+incurs some overhead. Buffers may be <em>flushed</em> explicitly by
+calling <code>fflush(3)</code>, or implicitly by the stdio library. The
+criteria which cause an implicit flush depend on the <em>buffering
+type</em> of the stream. Three buffering types exist. </p>
+ <dt> unbuffered </dt>
+ <dd> The stdio library does not buffer any reads or writes. Instead,
+ each I/O operation results in a <code>read(2)</code> or
+ <code>write(2)</code> system call. By default the stderr stream is
+ unbuffered to display error messages as quickly as possible. </dd>
+ <dt> line buffered </dt>
+ <dd> System calls are performed when a newline character is
+ encountered. This buffering type applies by default to interactive
+ sessions where the file descriptor of the stream refers to a terminal
+ device (as determined by <code>isatty(3)</code>). </dd>
+ <dt> fully buffered </dt>
+ <dd> I/O takes place only if the buffer of the stream is empty/full. By
+ default, if the file descriptor refers to a regular file, the
+ stream is fully buffered. POSIX requires that stderr is never fully
+ buffered. </dd>
+<p> The exercises on stdio focus on the three different buffering
+types because this is a common source of confusion. </p>
+SUBSECTION(«The Virtual Address Space of a Process»)
+<p> Isolation refers to the concept that each process gets its own
+<em>virtual address space</em>. A rough understanding of the memory
+management system and the layout of the virtual address space of
+a process helps to locate the source of common problems like the
+infamous <code>segmentation fault</code> error, and to realize that
+putatively simple questions such as "how much memory is my process
+currently using?" are in fact not simple at all, and need to be made
+more precise before they can be answered. </p>
+define(«vas_width», «200»)
+define(«vas_height», «300»)
+define(«vas_vmem_left_margin», «5»)
+define(«vas_vmem_top_margin», «5»)
+define(«vas_mem_width», «20»)
+define(«vas_gap_width», «30»)
+define(«vas_vmem_height», «140»)
+define(«vas_vmem_color», «#34b»)
+define(«vas_pmem_height», «100»)
+define(«vas_pmem_color», «#7e5»)
+define(«vas_vmem_unmapped_color», «#a22»)
+define(«vas_vmem_swapped_color», «yellow»)
+define(«vas_pmem_unavail_color», «orange»)
+define(«vas_disk_gap», «15»)
+define(«vas_disk_height», «20»)
+define(«vas_disk_color», «grey»)
+define(«vas_x1», «vas_vmem_left_margin()»)
+define(«vas_x2», «eval(vas_x1() + vas_mem_width())»)
+define(«vas_x3», «eval(vas_x2() + vas_gap_width())»)
+define(«vas_x4», «eval(vas_x3() + vas_mem_width())»)
+define(«vas_membox», «
+ <rect
+ fill="$1" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"
+ x="eval(vas_vmem_left_margin() + $3)"
+ y="vas_vmem_top_margin()"
+ width="vas_mem_width()" height="$2"
+ />
+define(«vas_vmem_unmapped_box», «
+ <rect
+ fill="vas_vmem_unmapped_color()" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"
+ x="eval(vas_vmem_left_margin())"
+ y="eval(vas_vmem_top_margin() + $1)"
+ width="vas_mem_width()"
+ height="eval($2)"
+ />
+define(«vas_vmem_swapped_box», «
+ <rect
+ fill="vas_vmem_swapped_color()" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"
+ x="eval(vas_vmem_left_margin())"
+ y="eval(vas_vmem_top_margin() + $1)"
+ width="vas_mem_width()"
+ height="eval($2)"
+ />
+define(«vas_pmem_unavail_box», «
+ <rect
+ fill="vas_pmem_unavail_color()" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"
+ x="eval(vas_vmem_left_margin() + vas_mem_width() + vas_gap_width())"
+ y="eval(vas_vmem_top_margin() + $1)"
+ width="vas_mem_width()"
+ height="$2"
+ />
+define(«vas_vmem_hline», «
+ <line
+ x1="vas_vmem_left_margin()"
+ y1="eval(vas_vmem_top_margin() + $1)"
+ x2="eval(vas_vmem_left_margin() + vas_mem_width())"
+ y2="eval(vas_vmem_top_margin() + $1)"
+ stroke-width="1"
+ stroke="black"
+ />
+define(«vas_pmem_hline», «
+ «<!-- pmem hline -->»
+ <line
+ x1="eval(vas_vmem_left_margin() + vas_mem_width() + vas_gap_width())"
+ y1="eval(vas_vmem_top_margin() + $1)"
+ x2="eval(vas_vmem_left_margin() + 2 * vas_mem_width() + vas_gap_width())"
+ y2="eval(vas_vmem_top_margin() + $1)"
+ stroke-width="1"
+ stroke="black"
+ />
+define(«vas_arrow», «
+ <line
+ x1="eval(vas_vmem_left_margin() + vas_mem_width())"
+ y1="eval(vas_vmem_top_margin() + $1)"
+ x2="eval(vas_vmem_left_margin() + vas_mem_width() + vas_gap_width() - 2)"
+ y2="eval(vas_vmem_top_margin() + $2)"
+ stroke-width="1"
+ stroke="black"
+ marker-end="url(#arrow)"
+ />
+define(«vas_disk», «
+ <rect
+ fill="vas_disk_color()" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"
+ x="vas_x3()"
+ y="eval(vas_vmem_top_margin() + vas_pmem_height()
+ + vas_disk_gap())"
+ width="eval(vas_x4() - vas_x3())"
+ height="eval(vas_disk_height())"
+ />
+ <ellipse
+ cx="eval(vas_x3() + vas_mem_width() / 2)"
+ cy="eval(vas_vmem_top_margin() + vas_pmem_height() + vas_disk_gap())"
+ rx="eval(vas_mem_width() / 2)"
+ ry="eval(vas_mem_width() / 4)"
+ fill="vas_disk_color()" stroke="black"
+ />
+ <ellipse
+ cx="eval(vas_x3() + vas_mem_width() / 2)"
+ cy="eval(vas_vmem_top_margin() + vas_pmem_height()
+ + vas_disk_gap() + vas_disk_height())"
+ rx="eval(vas_mem_width() / 2)"
+ ry="eval(vas_mem_width() / 4)"
+ fill="vas_disk_color()" stroke="black"
+ />
+ width="vas_width()" height="vas_height()"
+ viewBox="0 0 100 eval(100 * vas_height() / vas_width())"
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+ xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
+ <marker
+ id="arrow"
+ viewBox="0 0 10 10" refX="5" refY="5"
+ markerWidth="4" markerHeight="4"
+ orient="auto-start-reverse">
+ <path d="M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z" />
+ </marker>
+ vas_membox(«vas_vmem_color()», «vas_vmem_height()», «0»)
+ vas_membox(«vas_pmem_color()», «vas_pmem_height()»,
+ «eval(vas_gap_width() + vas_mem_width())»)
+ vas_vmem_hline(«10»)
+ vas_vmem_hline(«40»)
+ vas_vmem_unmapped_box(«40», «20»)
+ vas_vmem_swapped_box(«60», «60»)
+ vas_pmem_unavail_box(«0», «10»)
+ vas_pmem_hline(«20»)
+ vas_pmem_unavail_box(«20», «30»)
+ vas_pmem_hline(«80»)
+ vas_arrow(«5», «15»)
+ vas_arrow(«25», «65»)
+ vas_arrow(«130», «90»)
+ vas_disk()
+ vas_arrow(«90», «eval(vas_pmem_height() + vas_disk_gap()
+ + vas_disk_height() / 2)»)
+<p> Virtual memory is an abstraction of the available memory resources.
+When a process reads from or writes to a memory location, it refers
+to <em>virtual addresses</em> (illustrated as the left box of the
+diagram). Virtual addresses are mapped by the MMU to <em>physical
+addresses</em> which refer to physical memory locations (right
+box). The <em>mapped</em> virtual address space of a process is a
+collection of ranges of virtual addresses which correspond to physical
+memory addresses (blue areas). By storing less frequently-accessed
+chunks of virtual memory (yellow) on the swap area (grey), applications
+can use more memory than is physically available. In this case the
+size of the valid virtual addresses (blue and yellow areas together)
+exceeds the amount of physical memory (orange and green areas). Any
+attempt to access an unmapped memory location (red and yellow areas)
+results in a <em>page fault</em>, a hardware trap which forces the CPU
+back into kernel mode. The kernel then checks whether the address is
+valid (yellow) or invalid (red). If it is invalid, the kernel sends
+<code>SIGSEGV</code>, which usually terminates the process with
+the <code>segmentation fault</code> error. Otherwise it allocates
+a chunk of unused physical memory, copies the chunk from the swap
+area to the newly allocated memory and adjusts the mapping (i.e.,
+a yellow part becomes blue). The virtual memory concept increases
+stability and security because no process can access physical memory
+which belongs to the kernel or to other processes (orange areas). </p>
+<p> We've already seen that the <code> fork(2) </code> system call
+creates a new process as a duplicate of the calling process. Since
+the virtual address space of the calling process (a) might be large
+and (b) is likely to be replaced in the child by a subsequent call
+to an exec function, it would be both wasteful and pointless to
+copy the full address space of the parent process to the child. To
+implement <code> fork(2) </code> efficiently, operating systems
+employ an optimization strategy known as <em> Copy on Write </em>
+(CoW). The idea of CoW is that if multiple callers ask for resources
+which are initially indistinguishable, you can give them pointers to
+the same resource. This function can be maintained until a caller
+tries to modify its copy of the resource, at which point a true
+private copy is created to prevent the changes becoming visible to
+everyone else. The primary advantage is that if a caller never makes
+any modifications, no private copy needs ever be created. The <code>
+fork(2) </code> system call marks the pages of the virtual address
+space of both the parent and the child process as CoW by setting a
+special bit in the <em> page table entry </em> which describes the
+mapping between virtual and physical addresses of the MMU. As for
+invalid memory accesses, the attempt to write to a CoW page results
+in a page fault that puts the CPU back into kernel mode. The kernel
+then allocates a new memory page on behalf of the process, copies
+the contents of the page which caused the fault, changes the page
+table mappings for the process accordingly and returns to user space.
+This all happens transparently to the process. </p>
+define(«asl_width», «300»)
+define(«asl_height», «400»)
+define(«asl_top_margin», «10»)
+define(«asl_text_width», «35»)
+define(«asl_mem_width», «25»)
+define(«asl_mem_color_env», «#fc8»)
+define(«asl_mem_color_stack», «#8fc»)
+define(«asl_mem_color_empty», «#ccc»)
+define(«asl_mem_color_heap», «#c8f»)
+define(«asl_mem_color_bss», «#8cf»)
+define(«asl_mem_color_data», «#cf8»)
+define(«asl_mem_color_text», «#f8c»)
+define(«asl_font_size», «5»)
+define(«asl_arrow», «
+ <line
+ x1="0"
+ y1="$1"
+ x2="eval(asl_text_width() - 2)"
+ y2="$1"
+ stroke-width="1"
+ stroke="black"
+ marker-end="url(#arrow)"
+ />
+define(«asl_arrow_text», «
+ <text
+ x="0"
+ y="$1"
+ font-size="asl_font_size()"
+ >
+ $2
+ </text>
+dnl $1: y0, $2; height, $3: color, $4: high arrow text
+dnl $5: low arrow text, $6: desc
+define(«asl_box», «
+ <rect
+ stroke="black"
+ stroke-width="1"
+ x="asl_text_width()"
+ y="eval($1 + asl_top_margin())"
+ height="$2"
+ fill="$3"
+ width="asl_mem_width()"
+ />
+ ifelse(«$4», «», «», «
+ asl_arrow(«eval($1 + asl_top_margin())»)
+ asl_arrow_text(«eval($1 + asl_top_margin() - 2)», «$4»)
+ »)
+ ifelse(«$5», «», «», «
+ asl_arrow(«eval($1 + $2 + asl_top_margin())»)
+ asl_arrow_text(«eval(asl_top_margin()
+ + $1 + $2 - 2)», «$5»)
+ »)
+ <text
+ x="eval(asl_text_width() + asl_mem_width() + 2)"
+ y="eval($1 + $2 / 2 + asl_top_margin())"
+ dy="0.3em"
+ font-size="asl_font_size()"
+ >
+ $6
+ </text>
+ width="asl_width()" height="asl_height()"
+ viewBox="0 0 100 eval(100 * asl_height() / asl_width())"
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+ xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
+ asl_box(«0», «10», «asl_mem_color_env», «2^64 - 1», «»,
+ «Environment»)
+ asl_box(«10», «15», «asl_mem_color_stack», «», «base pointer»,
+ «Stack»)
+ asl_box(«25», «30», «asl_mem_color_empty», «», «break point»,
+ «Empty»)
+ asl_box(«55», «35», «asl_mem_color_heap», «», «», «Heap»)
+ asl_box(«90», «10», «asl_mem_color_bss», «», «», «BSS»)
+ asl_box(«100», «10», «asl_mem_color_data», «», «», «Data»)
+ asl_box(«110», «10», «asl_mem_color_text», «», «0», «Text»)
+<p> The diagram on the left illustrates the layout of the virtual
+address space of a process. At the top of the address space are the
+argument vector and the environment variables. The <em>stack</em>
+stores the local variables of the functions which are currently
+being called, plus house-keeping data like the return addresses
+of these functions. As more functions are called, the stack grows
+downwards towards the lower addresses. Its current lower end is
+called the <em> base pointer</em>. The other variable area of the
+address space is the <em>heap</em>, which contains the memory that
+has been allocated on behalf of the process, for example with <code>
+malloc(3)</code>. As the process allocates more memory, the heap grows
+upwards, towards the stack. The current end of the heap is called the
+<em> break point</em>. The lower part of the address space contains
+three segments of fixed size. The <em>text</em> segment contains the
+compiled machine instructions of the executable, the <em>data</em>
+segment contains the initialized variables which are already known
+at compile time. Finally, the <em>BSS</em> segment is allocated and
+zeroed at execution time. This segment contains variables which should
+initialized to zero at startup. Unlike the data segment it is not
+stored in the executable. BSS stands for "Block Started by Symbol",
+which is a historic name coined in the 1950s. It has no relation to
+the real meaning of the segment. </p>
+The exercises of this section invite the reader to look at the virtual
+address space of running processes to learn what happens when a
+dynamically-linked executable is being executed and how the resulting
+memory maps affect the virtual address space of the newly created
+ <li> Examine your own processes with <code>htop</code>, <code>ps
+ ux</code> and <code>pstree -panuch $LOGNAME</code>. </li>
+ <li> Run <code>ls -l /proc/$$</code> and examine the environment of
+ your shell process. </li>
+ <li> Run <code>kill -l</code> and discuss the meaning of signals
+ 1-15. Use <code>signal(7)</code> as a reference. </li>
+ <li> Create a zombie process: run <code>sleep 100&</code>. From
+ another terminal, send <code>SIGSTOP</code> to the parent process
+ of the sleep process (the shell), then send <code>SIGKILL</code>
+ to the sleep process. Run <code>cat /proc/$PID/status</code> where
+ <code>$PID</code> is the process ID of the sleep process. </li>
+ <li> Run <code>echo $$</code> to obtain the PID of an interactive
+ shell that is running in a terminal. Send the <code>SIGSTOP</code>
+ and <code>SIGCONT</code> signals to this PID from another terminal
+ and see what happens when you type in the terminal that contains the
+ stopped shell process. </li>
+ <li> The <code>ping(8)</code> utility catches <code>SIGQUIT</code>.
+ In one terminal execute <code>ping localhost</code>. While this
+ command runs in an endless loop, send <code>SIGQUIT</code> to the
+ ping process from another terminal and see what happens. </li>
+ <li> Read <code>kill(2)</code> to learn what <code>kill -9 -1</code>
+ does. Run this command if you are brave. </li>
+ <li> Why doesn't the <a href="«#»cd_script">cd script</a> work as
+ expected? </li>
+ <li> Explain the difference between the two commands <code>X=foo
+ bar</code> and <code>X=foo; bar</code>. </li>
+ <li> Run <code>set</code> and examine the environment variables of
+ an interactive shell session. </li>
+ <li> Check this <a
+ href="https://public-inbox.org/git/Pine.LNX.4.64.0609141023130.4388@g5.osdl.org/">email</a>
+ from Linus Torvalds about why stdio is not that simple at all. </li>
+ <li> Run the command <code>ls / /does-not-exist</code>, redirect
+ stdout and stderr to different files. </li>
+ <li> Consider the following shell code which uses stdio to first write
+ to stdout, then to stderr. <code>echo foo; echo bar 1>&2</code>. Which
+ circumstances guarantee that the "foo" line appears before the "bar"
+ line in the output? </li>
+ <li> In the pipeline <code> foo | bar</code>, what is the
+ buffering type of the file descriptor which corresponds to
+ the <code> stdin </code> stream of the <code> bar </code>
+ process? </li>
+ <li> Assume <code>foo</code> is a log file which increases due to
+ some process appending data to it. Explain why the command <code>
+ tail -f foo | while read; do echo new data; done </code> does not
+ work as expected. Fix the flaw by changing the buffering type with
+ <code>stdbuf(1)</code>. </li>
+ <li> Run <code>sleep 100 > /dev/null &</code>, examine open
+ files of the sleep process by looking at suitable files in
+ <code>/proc</code>. Do the same with <code>sleep 100 | head
+ &</code>. </li>
+ <li> Run <code>ldd /bin/sh</code> and explain what happens when a
+ shell is executed. </li>
+ <li> On a Linux system, run <code>cat /proc/$$/maps</code> or
+ <code>pmap -x $$</code> to see the address space layout of your
+ shell. Check <code>Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt</code>
+ in the linux kernel source tree for the format of
+ <code>/proc/$$/maps</code>. </li>
+ <li> Run <code>cat /proc/$$/smaps</code> and examine the values of
+ the heap section. </li>
+ <li> Assume some program allocates a lot of memory so that the size of
+ the valid virtual addresses is 1T large. Assume further that a software
+ bug causes the content of a pointer variable to be overwritten with
+ random garbage. Determine the probability that this pointer variable
+ contains a valid address (assuming a 64 bit system). </li>
+Explain how <code>PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER</code> works and possible
+use-cases for this (Linux) feature.
+Explain in one paragraph of text the purpose of the <em>file
+creation mask</em> (also known as <em>umask</em>) of a process.
+When we said that each process runs on behalf of a user and that the
+ID of this user is part of the process metadata, we were simplifying
+matters. There are actually three different UIDs and three different
+GIDs: the <em>real UID</em>, the <em>effective UID</em>, and the
+<em>saved set-user ID</em>, and analogous for the group IDs. Explain
+the purpose of the three UIDs.
+On a multi-CPU system the performance of a program can be
+enhanced by allowing for multiple flows of control. This is the
+idea behind <em>threads</em>, which are also called <em>lightweight
+processes</em>. Give an overview of threads, summarize the POSIX thread
+API (see <code>pthreads(7)</code>) and explain how the Linux-specific
+<code>clone(2)</code> system call can used to implement threads.
+Explain what the command <code>find /etc > /dev/null</code> does,
+and why you get some error messages. Assume you'd like to extract
+only those error messages which contain the string "lvm". Explain
+why <code>find /etc > /dev/null | grep lvm</code> does not work as
+expected. Come up with a similiar command that works.
+», «
+The command traverses the <code>/etc</code> directory recursively and
+prints all files and directories it encounters during the traversal to
+stdout. Since stdout is redirected to the NULL device by the <code>>
+/dev/null</code> construct, only the stderr stream containing the error
+messages makes it to the terminal. This includes all subdirectories
+of <code>/etc</code> which cannot be traversed due to insufficient
+permissions (no "r" bit set). The proposed <code>find | grep</code>
+command does not work since the <code>|</code> operator is evaluated
+<em>before</em> any redirections specified by the find command
+take place. More precisely, stdout of the find process is redirected
+<em>twice</em>: First to one end of the pipe due to the <code>|</code>,
+then to the NULL device due to the <code>> /dev/null</code>. The
+last redirection "wins", so the <code>grep</code> process does not
+see any input. The command <code>find /etc 2>&1 > /dev/null | grep
+lvm</code> works. The following four redirections take place: First
+stdout of the <code>find</code> process and stdin of <code>grep</code>
+process are redirected to the two ends of the pipe. Next, due to
+the <code>2>&1</code> the stderr stream of the <code>find</code>
+process is redirected to the current destination of stdout, i.e.,
+to the pipe. Finally the <code>> /dev/null</code> redirects stdout
+of the find process to the NULL device. Hence error messages go to
+the pipe and are processed by <code>grep</code> as desired.
+Run <code>ulimit -n</code> to see the maximal number of file descriptors you
+are allowed to create. Explain what this limit means with respect
+to multiple processes, multiple logins, and the <code>fork(2</code>) system
+call. Write a program in your language of choice which creates file
+descriptors in a loop until it fails due to the file descriptor
+limit. Then print the number of file descriptors the program was able
+to create.
+», «
+On our systems the limit is set to 1024. This means a single process
+can only have this many files open at any given time. Independent
+processes (like those coming from different login sessions) have no
+common file descriptors, even though they may open the same files. In
+this sense the file descriptor limit is a per-process limit. However,
+when a process calls <code>«fork(</code>») to create a new process, the new
+process inherits all open file descriptors from the parent. This can
+lead to the situation where a newly created process is unable to open
+<em>any</em> files. This property was actually used to break computer
+security. The <code>«O_CLOEXEC»</code> flag was introduced not too long
+ago to deal with this problem. See <code>open(2</code>) for details.
+C program that opens the maximal possible number of file descriptors:
+ int main(void)
+ {
+ int i;
+ for (i == 0; open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY) >= 0; i++)
+ ;
+ printf("opened %d file descriptors\n", i);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+Search the web for the document called
+<code>vm/overcommit-accounting</code>. Discuss the pros and cons of
+the three possible overcommit handling modes.
+Read this
+posting</a> on the virtual memory overcommit issue. Explain the
+catch-22 situation described there in no more than two sentences.
+Describe, in a single paragraph of text, what a virtual dynamic
+shared object (VDSO) is and which type of applications benefit most
+from it.
+Describe the concept of <em> huge pages </em> and the Linux-specific
+implementation of <em> transparent </em> huge pages. Discuss the pros
+and cons of huge tables and explain the workloads which would benefit
+from a setup with huge pages enabled.
+ <li> Explain the concept of <em>address space layout randomization</em>
+ (ASLR). </li>
+ <li> Run <code>bash -c</code> '<code>cat /proc/$$/maps</code>'
+ repeatedly to see address space layout randomization in action. Discuss
+ the pros and cons of ASLR. </li>
+ #!/bin/sh
+ echo "changing CWD to $1"
+ cd "$1"
+ #!/bin/sh
+ echo "hello world"
+ #!/bin/sh
+ mkdir foo
+ touch foo/a
+ ln -s ../foo foo/testdir
+ ls -l foo/a foo/testdir/a foo/testdir/testdir/a
+SECTION(«Further Reading»)
+ <li> <a href="https://lwn.net/Articles/411845/">Ghosts of Unix Past:
+ a historical search for design patterns</a>, by Neil Brown. </li>
+ <li> W. Richard Stevens: Advanced Programming in the Unix
+ Environment. Addison Wesley. </li>
--- /dev/null
+body {
+ background-color: #aacccc;
+ text-align: justify;
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+h1 {
+ font-size: 150%;
+.logo {
+ border: 0px;
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+ margin-left: 0px;
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+table {
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: auto;
+ border: none;
+td {
+ border: 2px #9bb solid;
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+svg {
+ float: left;
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+ transition: 0.5s;
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+ top: 0em;
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+ padding: 0em 15px 0em 15px;
+ background: #aaa;
+ overflow: auto;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ border: 0px;
+#overview_heading {
+ text-align: center;
+ font-weight: bold;
+#overview_text {
+ margin: 1% 5% 1% 5%;
+ font-size: 95%;
+div.solution {
+ margin: 0% 3% 0% 3%;
+ font-size: 95%;
+div.diffctx {
+ font-family: monospace;
+ color: #000;
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+ font-family: monospace;
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+ font-family: monospace;
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+dt {
+ text-decoration: underline;
+#chapter_list {
+ font-size: 120%;
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
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+ <path
+ d="
+ M 50,25
+ c -14,0 -24,10 -24,24
+ c 0,18 14,22 14,30
+ c 0,6 6,8 10,8
+ z
+ M 50,25
+ c 14,0 24,10 24,24
+ c 0,18 -14,22 -14,30
+ c 0,6 -6,8 -10,8
+ z
+ "
+ fill="#aaaaaa"
+ />
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--- /dev/null
+changequote(`«', `»')dnl
+dnl Discard output by diverting to a negative diversion to suppress
+dnl unwanted trailing newlines after macro definitions.
+define(«LOCAL_LINK_NAME», «translit(«$1», «A-Z
+», «a-z__»)»)
+define(«REMOVE_NEWLINE», «translit(«$1»,«
+», « »)»)
+define(«REFERENCE», [«REMOVE_NEWLINE(«$2»)»](««#»»«LOCAL_LINK_NAME(«$1»)»))
+define(«XREFERENCE», «[$2]»«($1)»)
+define(«EMPH», ««_»REMOVE_NEWLINE(«$1»)«_»»)
+define(«CMD», «`REMOVE_NEWLINE(«$1»)`»)
+define(«SECTION», «
+<li> <a href='«#»LOCAL_LINK_NAME(«$1»)'>$1</a> </li>
+<h2 id="LOCAL_LINK_NAME(«$1»)">$1</h2>
+define(«SUBSECTION», «<h3 id="LOCAL_LINK_NAME(«$1»)">$1</h3>
+define(«OVERVIEW», «
+<div id="overview_heading">
+ifelse(«$2», «», «Overview», «$2»)
+<div id="overview_text">
+define(«EXERCISES», «<h3> Exercises </h3>»)
+define(«HOMEWORK», «
+<h3> Homework </h3>
+ifelse(«$2», «», «$1», «dnl
+<details> <summary>
+</summary> <h4> Solution </h4>
+<div class="solution">$2</div> </details>»)
+define(«SUPPLEMENTS», «SECTION(«Supplements»)»)
+define(«TOC_ENTRY», «
+ ifelse(«$1.m4», «$2», «», «<a href="$1.html">»)
+ translit(«$1», «_», « »)
+ ifelse(«$1.m4», «$2», «», «</a>»)
+ <br>
+define(«LOGO», «<img src="aple.svg" alt="logo">»)
+define(«HEADER», «
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>
+ <title>Unix course</title>
+ <link href="aple.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
+ <link rel="shortcut icon" href="aple.ico">
+<table class="logo"> <tr>
+ <td class="logo">LOGO()</td>
+ <td id="title"> <h1>
+ ifelse(«$3», «», «
+ substr(translit(«$2», «_», « »), 0, index(«$2», .m4))
+ », «
+ $3
+ »)
+ </h1> <p> <small> $1 </small> </p>
+ </td>
+</tr> </table>
+define(«TITLE», «
+HEADER(«$1», «$2», «$3»)
+<div id="menu">
+ <h3> Chapter </h3>
+ <ul id="chapter_list">
+ <li> TOC_ENTRY(«Introduction», «$2») </li>
+ <li> TOC_ENTRY(«Unix_Concepts», «$2») </li>
+ ifelse(PUBLIC(), «false», «
+ <li> TOC_ENTRY(Command_Line_Utilities, «$2») </li>
+ »)
+ <li> TOC_ENTRY(Networking, «$2») </li>
+ <li> TOC_ENTRY(LVM, «$2») </li>
+ <li> TOC_ENTRY(«Filesystems», «$2») </li>
+ <li> TOC_ENTRY(OS-Level_Virtualization, «$2») </li>
+ ifelse(PUBLIC(), «false», «
+ <li> TOC_ENTRY(Gridengine, «$2») </li>
+ <li> TOC_ENTRY(Git, «$2») </li>
+ <li> TOC_ENTRY(Bash, «$2») </li>
+ <li> TOC_ENTRY(Debugging, «$2») </li>
+ »)
+ </ul>
+ <h4> Section </h4>
+ <ul>