E_GSU_NOT_A_NUMBER not a number
E_GSU_SOURCE error in config file
E_GSU_CONFIG bad/missing config file option
+E_GSU_BAD_CONFIG_VAR invalid config variable
+E_GSU_NEED_VALUE value required but not given
+E_GSU_BAD_BOOL bad value for boolian option
+E_GSU_BAD_OPTION_TYPE invalid option type
+E_NO_DEFAULT missing default value
local a b i=0
- result="$( (printf "help\nman\n"; grep "^com_[a-z_]\+()" $0) \
+ result="$( (printf "help\nman\nprefs\n"; grep "^com_[a-z_]\+()" $0) \
| sed -e 's/^com_//' -e 's/()//' \
| sort \
| tr '\n' ' ')"
export -f _gsu_print_available_commands
+export gsu_prefs_txt="
+Print the current preferences.
+Usage: prefs
+Print out a list of all cmt config variables, together with their current value
+and the default value."
+ local i
+ for ((i=0; i < ${#gsu_options[@]}; i++)); do
+ local name= option_type= default_value= required=
+ local description= help_text=
+ eval "${gsu_options[$i]}"
+ eval val='"$'${gsu_name}_$name'"'
+ case "$required" in
+ true|yes)
+ printf "# required"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ printf "# optional"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ printf " $option_type: $description"
+ if [[ "$required" != "yes" && "$required" != "true" ]]; then
+ printf " [$default_value]"
+ fi
+ echo
+ printf "$name=$val"
+ [[ "$val" == "$default_value" ]] && printf " # default"
+ echo
+ done
+export -f com_prefs
export gsu_man_txt="
Print the manual.
# sed is magic, baby
(printf "com_help()\n$gsu_help_txt" | head -n 4; echo "--"
printf "com_man()\n$gsu_man_txt" | head -n 4; echo "--"
+ printf "com_prefs()\n$gsu_prefs_txt" | head -n 4; echo "--"
grep -A 2 "^com_\([a-zA-Z_0-9]\+\)()" $0) \
| grep -v -- '--' \
+ if test "$1" = "prefs"; then
+ echo "$gsu_prefs_txt"
+ return
+ fi
if grep -q "^com_$1()" $0; then
sed -e "1,/com_$1()/d" -e '/^{/,$d' -e 's/^## *//' $0
export -f com_help
+# internal gsu function that syntactically checks the gsu_options array
+# for errors and parses the config file.
- local name val default_val required ty comment
+ local i conf="${gsu_config_file:=$HOME/.$gsu_name.rc}"
- # set default values
- while read name default_val required ty comment; do
- if test -z "$name"; then
- continue
- fi
- eval ${gsu_self}_$name="$default_val"
- done << EOF
- $gsu_config_vars
- result="$HOME/.${gsu_self}rc"
- # overwrite by custom configuration
- if [ -r "$result" ]; then
- ret=-$E_GSU_SOURCE
- if ! . "$result"; then
- gsu_err_msg
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- while read name default_val required ty comment; do
- [ -z "$name" ] && continue
- eval val="\$$name"
- # abort if any required config var remains unset
- ret=-$_E_GSU_CONFIG
- if [ "$val" = "-" -a "$required" = "required" ]; then
+ [[ -r "$conf" ]] && source "$conf"
+ for ((i=0; i < ${#gsu_options[@]}; i++)); do
+ local name= option_type= default_value= required=
+ local description= help_text=
+ local val
+ eval "${gsu_options[$i]}"
+ # Check name. It must be non-empty and consist of [a-zA-Z_0-9]
+ # only. Moreover it must not start with [a-zA-Z].
+ result="$name"
+ # bash's =~ works only for 3.2 and newer, so use grep
+ echo "$name" | grep '^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0123456789]*$' &> /dev/null;
+ [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && return
+ eval val='"'\$$name'"'
+ case "$required" in
+ true|yes)
- gsu_err_msg
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ $ty == "number" ]; then
+ [[ -z "$val" ]] && return
+ ;;
+ false|no)
+ ret=-$E_NO_DEFAULT
+ result="$name"
+ [[ -z "$default_value" ]] && return
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ret=-$E_GSU_BAD_BOOL
+ result="required: $required, name: $name, val: $val"
+ return
+ esac
+ eval ${gsu_name}_$name='"'${val:=$default_value}'"'
+ # Check option type. ATM, only num and string are supported
+ # Other types may be added without breaking compatibility
+ case "$option_type" in
+ string)
+ ;;
+ num)
gsu_is_a_number "$val"
- if [ $ret -lt 0]; then
- gsu_err_msg
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- eval export ${gsu_self}_$name
- done << EOF
- $config_vars
+ [[ $ret -lt 0 ]] && return
+ ;;
+ *)
+ result="$name/$option_type"
+ return
+ esac
+ done
-export -f _gsu_init_config
+export -f _gsu_check_options
_gsu_self="$(basename $0)"
- _gsu_init_config
+ _gsu_check_options
+ if [[ "$ret" -lt 0 ]]; then
+ gsu_err_msg
+ exit 1
+ fi
if test $# -eq 0; then
exit 1
export -f gsu
+# TODO: gsu_strerror: get error string