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- <td>
- <h3>Paraslash: Play, archive, rate and stream
- large audio sets happily</h3>
- A set of tools for doing just what its name
- suggests.
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td valign="TOP">
- <br><a href="#feature_list">Feature list</a>
- <br><a href="#screenshots">Screenshots</a>
- <br><a href="#download">Download</a>
- <br><a href="#live_demo">Live Demo</a>
- <br><a href="#changes">Changes</a> <br><a
- href="#documentation">Documentation</a>
- <br><a href="#license">License</a> <br><a
- href="#author">Author</a>
- </td>
- <td Valign="TOP">
- <hr>
- <h3>Events</h3>
- <ul>
- <li>2005-12-27: paraslash-0.2.7 "transparent invariance"</li>
- <li>2005-10-29: paraslash-0.2.6 "recursive compensation"</li>
- <li>2005-10-27: <a href="doc/html/index.html">manual pages</a> online</li>
- <li>2005-10-13: paraslash-0.2.5 "aggressive resolution"</li>
- <li>2005-09-21: paraslash-0.2.4 "toxic anticipation"</li>
- <li>2005-09-01: paraslash-0.2.3 "hydrophilic movement"</li>
- <li>2005-08-19: paraslash-0.2.2 "tangential excitation"</li>
- <li>2005-08-15: paraslash-0.2.1 "surreal experience"</li>
- <li>2005-08-06: overview.pdf</li>
- <li>2005-08-06: paraslash-0.2.0 "distributed diffusion"</li>
- <li>2005-08-01: paraslash live stream</li>
- <li>2005-04-18: paraslash-0.1.7 "melting penetration"</li>
- <li>2005-03-05: paraslash-0.1.6 "asymptotic balance"</li>
- <li>2004-12-31: paraslash-0.1.5 "opaque eternity"</li>
- <li>2004-12-19: paraslash-0.1.4 "tunneling transition"</li>
- <li>2004-12-10: paraslash-0.1.3 "vanishing inertia"</li>
- <li>2004-11-28: paraslash-0.1.2 "spherical fluctuation"</li>
- <li>2004-11-05: paraslash-0.1.1 "floating atmosphere"</li>
- <li>2004-10-22: paraslash-0.1.0 "rotating cortex"</li>
- </ul>
- <hr>
- <h3><a name="feature_list">Feature list</a></h3>
- <ul>
- <li>network audio streaming software</li>
- <li>client/server tcp-networking</li>
- <li>command line interface</li>
- <li> <a href="http://www.openssl.org/">openssl</a> user authentication</li>
- <li>several grafical user interfaces</li>
- <li> <a href="http://www.mysql.com">mysql</a>-based audio file selector</li>
- </ul>
- See <a href="FEATURES.html">FEATURES</a> for a more detailed list.
- <hr>
- <h3><a name="screenshots">Screenshots</a></h3>
- Everybody loves screenshots, so
- <a href="screenshots/">here</a>
- we go.
- <hr>
- <h3><a name="download">Download</a></h3>
- <p> Only <a href="versions/">source</a> is available,
- including the <a href="versions/paraslash-cvs.tar.bz2">
- nightly cvs snapshot</a>. All regular releases are
- <a href="PUBLIC_KEY">cryptographically signed</a>.
- Anonymous (read-only) cvs access is also
- available. Checkout a copy with </p>
- <p> cvs -d
- :pserver:anonymous@cvs.systemlinux.org:/var/lib/cvs
- login </p>
- <p>(empty passwd)</p>
- <p> cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.systemlinux.org:/var/lib/cvs co paraslash </p>
- <p> Finally, you can <a href="HTML/index.html">RTFS online</a>.
- <hr>
- <h3><a name="live_demo">Live Demo</a></h3>
- <p> There is a public paraslash stream at www.paraslash.org,
- streaming
- <a href="http://www.digitalvibes.de/">the music of Henri Petterson</a>.
- You can listen to the stream with any mp3 player that supports
- http streaming. Both </p>
- <p>mpg123 http://www.paraslash.org:8009/</p>
- and
- <p>xmms http://www.paraslash.org:8009/</p>
- <p> are known to work.</p>
- <p> Moreover, there is an anonymous paraslash account
- available which you can use to have a look at paraslash
- without configuring and running para_server on your own box.
- Just download and run
- <a href="demo-script">this shell script</a>
- on your Unix system. If you prefer to do things manually,
- simply cut-and-paste the instructions given below verbatim
- to your shell. No root-privileges are required.</p>
- <li>
- Check that both aplay and mpg123 are installed on your system
- </li>
- <li>
- <a href="versions">Download </a>
- a recent paraslash package. You
- you need paraslash-0.2.0 or later
- for the demo, paraslash-0.1.x will not work.
- </li>
- <li>
- Install the neccessary paraslash binaries
- (you can safely ignore any warnings about
- missing software):
- <ul>
- <li>tar xjf paraslash-cvs.tar.bz2</li>
- <li>cd paraslash-cvs</li>
- <li>bin="para_client para_audioc para_audiod para_gui" # all we need
- <li>(./configure --prefix="$HOME" && make $bin) > /dev/null</li>
- <li> mkdir -p $HOME/bin; cp $bin $HOME/bin
- <li> export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
- </ul>
- There should be no errors.
- </li>
- <li>
- Get the key for the anonymous account on
- www.paraslash.org:
- <ul>
- <li> dir="$HOME/.paraslash"; server=www.paraslash.org</li>
- <li> mkdir -p $dir</li>
- <li> wget --directory-prefix=$dir http://$server/key.anonymous</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li>
- Tell para_client that we want to connect to
- www.paraslash.org as user anonymous:
- <ul>
- <li> conf="$dir/client.conf"; socket="$dir/socket"</li>
- <li> echo user \"anonymous\" > $conf</li>
- <li> echo hostname \"$server\" >> $conf</li>
- <li> echo key_file \"$dir/key.anonymous\" >> $conf</li>
- <li> echo socket \"$socket\" >> $dir/audioc.conf</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li>
- Start para_audiod
- <ul> <li>
- para_audiod -d --stream_read_cmd
- "mp3:mpg123 -s http://$server:8009/"
- --stream_write_cmd "mp3:aplay -fcd" -L $dir/audiod.log
- --socket=$socket
- </li> </ul>
- </li><li>
- Start para_gui
- <ul> <li>
- para_gui
- </li> </ul>
- </li>
- </ul> <hr>
- <h3><a name="changes">Changes</a></h3>
- Read the complete
- <a href="ChangeLog.html">ChangeLog</a>
- or the file
- <a href="NEWS.html">NEWS</a>
- containing a brief summary of the changes for each version.
- <hr>
- <h3><a name="documentation">Documentation</a></h3>
- Have a look at this
- <a href="overview.pdf">overview</a>,
- a pdf file containing a sketch which illustrates how the pieces of paraslash work
- together. Read
- <a href="README.html">README</a>
- for general information,
- <a href="INSTALL.html">INSTALL</a>
- for installation notes, and
- <a href="README.mysql.html">README.mysql</a>
- for instructions on how to use the mysql database tool
- shipped with paraslash. There is also an online version
- of paraslash's
- <a href="doc/html/index.html">manual pages</a>.
- <hr>
- <h3><a name="license">License</a></h3>
- Distribution of Paraslash is covered by the GNU GPL. See file
- <a href="COPYING.html">COPYING</a>.
- <hr>
- <h3><a name="author">Author</a></h3>
- André Noll,
- <a href="mailto:maan@systemlinux.org"
- >maan@systemlinux.org</a>
- <p>
- Several people helped by reporting bugs, improving documentation,
- constructive discussions, or, last but not least, by writing
- free software on which this project is based on. See
- <a href="CREDITS.html">CREDITS</a>
- for an incomplete list of people.
- <hr>
- Last modified:
- <!--#flastmod virtual="" -->
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