--- /dev/null
+The global subcommand utility
+gsu is a small library of bash functions intended to ease the task of
+writing and documenting large shell scripts with multiple subcommands,
+each providing different functionality. gsu is known to work on Linux,
+FreeBSD, NetBSD and MacOS.
+This document describes how to install and use the gsu library.
+Setting up gsu
+gsu is very easy to install:
+gsu is implemented in bash, and thus gsu depends on bash. Bash version
+3 is required, version 4 is recommended. Besides bash, gsu depends
+only on programs which are usually installed on any Unix system (awk,
+grep, sort, ...). Care has been taken to not rely on GNU specific
+behavior of these programs, so it should work on non GNU systems
+(MacOS, *BSD) as well. The gui module depends on the dialog utility.
+All gsu modules are contained in a git repository. Get a copy with
+ git clone git://git.tuebingen.mpg.de/gsu.git
+There is also a http://ilm.eb.local/gitweb/?p=gsu;a=summary (gitweb) page.
+gsu consists of several independent modules which are all located
+at the top level directory of the git repository. gsu requires no
+installation beyond downloading. In particular it is not necessary
+to make the downloaded files executable. The library modules can
+be sourced directly, simply tell your application where to find
+it. The examples of this document assume that gsu is installed in
+`/usr/local/lib/gsu' but this is not mandatory.`~/.gsu' is another
+reasonable choice.
+Public and private functions and variables
+Although there is no way in bash to annotate symbols (functions
+and variables) as private or public, gsu distinguishes between the
+two. The `gsu_*' name space is reserved for public symbols while all
+private symbols start with `_gsu'.
+Private symbols are meant for internal use only. Applications should
+never use them directly because name and semantics might change
+between gsu versions.
+The public symbols, on the other hand, define the gsu API. This API
+must not change in incompatible ways that would break existing
+$ret and $result
+All public gsu functions set the $ret variable to an integer value to
+indicate success or failure. As a convention, $ret < 0 means failure
+while a non-negative value indicates success.
+The $result variable contains either the result of a function (if any)
+or further information in the error case. A negative value of $ret is
+in fact an error code similar to the errno variable used in C programs.
+It can be turned into a string that describes the error. The public
+gsu_err_msg() function can be used to pretty-print a suitable error
+message provided $ret and $result are set appropriately.
+The subcommand module
+This gsu module provides helper functions to ease the repetitious task
+of writing applications which operate in several related modes, where
+each mode of operation corresponds to a subcommand of the application.
+With gsu, for each subcommand one must only write a _command handler_
+which is simply a function that implements the subcommand. All
+processing is done by the gsu library. Functions starting with the
+string `com_' are automatically recognized as subcommand handlers.
+The startup part of the script has to source the subcommand file of
+gsu and must then call
+ gsu "$@"
+Minimal example:
+ #!/bin/bash
+ com_world()
+ {
+ echo 'hello world'
+ }
+ . /usr/local/lib/gsu/subcommand || exit 1
+ gsu "$@"
+Save this code in a file called `hello' (adjusting the installation
+directory if necessary), make it executable (`chmod +x hello') and try
+ ./hello
+ ./hello world
+ ./hello invalid
+Here, we have created a bash script ("hello") that has a single "mode"
+of operation, specified by the subcommand "world".
+gsu automatically generates several reserved subcommands, which should
+not be specified: `help, man, prefs, complete'.
+Command handler structure
+For the automatically generated help and man subcommands to work
+properly, all subcommand handlers must be documented. In order to be
+recognized as subcommand help text, comments must be prefixed with
+two `#' characters and the subcommand documentation must be located
+between the function "declaration", com_world() in the example above,
+and the opening brace that starts the function body.
+ com_world()
+ ##
+ ##
+ ##
+ {
+ echo 'hello world'
+ }
+The subcommand documentation consists of three parts:
+ - The summary. One line of text,
+ - the usage/synopsis string,
+ - free text section.
+The three parts should be separated by lines consisting of two # characters
+only. Example:
+ com_world()
+ ##
+ ## Print the string "hello world" to stdout.
+ ##
+ ## Usage: world
+ ##
+ ## Any arguments to this function are ignored.
+ ##
+ ## Warning: This subcommand may cause the top most line of your terminal to
+ ## disappear and may cause DATA LOSS in your scrollback buffer. Use with
+ ## caution.
+ {
+ echo 'hello world'
+ }
+Replace 'hello' with the above and try:
+ ./hello help
+ ./hello help world
+ ./hello help invalid
+ ./hello man
+to check the automatically generated help and man subcommands.
+Error codes
+As mentioned above, all public functions of gsu return an error code
+in the $ret variable. A negative value indicates failure, and in this
+case $result contains more information about the error. The same
+convention applies for subcommand handlers: gsu will automatically
+print an error message to stderr if a subcommand handler returns with
+$ret set to a negative value.
+To allow for error codes defined by the application, the $gsu_errors
+variable must be set before calling gsu(). Each non-empty line in this
+variable should contain an identifier and error string. Identifiers
+are written in upper case and start with `E_'. For convenience the
+$GSU_SUCCESS variable is defined to non-negative value. Subcommand
+handlers should set $ret to $GSU_SUCCESS on successful return.
+To illustrate the $gsu_errors variable, assume the task is to
+print all mount points which correspond to an ext3 file system in
+`/etc/fstab'. We'd like to catch two possible errors: (a) the file
+does not exist or is not readable, and (b) it contains no ext3 entry.
+A possible implementation of the ext3 subcommand could look like this
+(documentation omitted):
+ #!/bin/bash
+ gsu_errors='
+ E_NOENT No such file or directory
+ E_NOEXT3 No ext3 file system detected
+ '
+ com_ext3()
+ {
+ local f='/etc/fstab'
+ local ext3_lines
+ if [[ ! -r "$f" ]]; then
+ ret=-$E_NOENT
+ result="$f"
+ return
+ fi
+ ext3_lines=$(awk '{if ($3 == "ext3") print $2}' "$f")
+ if [[ -z "$ext3_lines" ]]; then
+ ret=-$E_NOEXT3
+ result="$f"
+ return
+ fi
+ printf 'ext3 mount points:\n%s\n' "$ext3_lines"
+ }
+Printing diagnostic output
+gsu provides a couple of convenience functions for output. All
+functions write to stderr.
+ - *gsu_msg()*. Writes the name of the application and the given text.
+ - *gsu_short_msg()*. Like gsu_msg(), but does not print the application name.
+ - *gsu_date_msg()*. Writes application name, date, and the given text.
+ - *gsu_err_msg()*. Prints an error message according to $ret and $result.
+Subcommands with options
+Bash's getopts builtin provides a way to define and parse command line
+options, but it is cumbersome to use because one must loop over all
+given arguments and check the OPTIND and OPTARG variables during each
+iteration. The gsu_getopts() function makes this repetitive task easier.
+gsu_getopts() takes a single argument: the optstring which contains
+the option characters to be recognized. As usual, if a character is
+followed by a colon, the option is expected to have an argument. On
+return $result contains bash code that should be eval'ed to parse the
+position parameters $1, $2, ... of the subcommand according to the
+The shell code returned by gsu_getopts() creates a local variable $o_x
+for each defined option `x'. It contains `true/false' for options
+without argument and either the empty string or the given argument for
+options that take an argument.
+To illustrate gsu_getopts(), assume the above com_ext3() subcommand
+handler is to be extended to allow for arbitrary file systems, and
+that it should print either only the mount point as before or the
+full line of `/etc/fstab', depending on whether the verbose switch
+`-v' was given at the command line.
+Hence our new subcommand handler must recognize two options: `-t' for
+the file system type and `-v'. Note that `-t' takes an argument but `-v'
+does not. Hence we shall use the optstring `t:v' as the argument for
+gsu_getopts() as follows:
+ com_fs()
+ {
+ local f='/etc/fstab'
+ local fstype fstab_lines
+ local -i awk_field=2
+ gsu_getopts 't:v'
+ eval "$result"
+ (($ret < 0)) && return
+ [[ -z "$o_t" ]] && o_t='ext3' # default to ext3 if -t is not given
+ [[ "$o_v" == 'true' ]] && awk_field=0 # $0 is the whole line
+ fstab_lines=$(awk -v fstype="$o_t" -v n="$awk_field" \
+ '{if ($3 == fstype) print $n}' "$f")
+ printf '%s entries:\n%s\n' "$o_t" "$fstab_lines"
+ }
+Another repetitive task is to check the number of non-option arguments
+and to report an error if this number turns out to be invalid for
+the subcommand in question. The gsu_check_arg_count() function performs
+this check and sets $ret and $result as appropriate. This function
+takes three arguments: the actual argument count and the minimal and
+maximal number of non-option arguments allowed. The last argument may
+be omitted in which case any number of arguments is considered valid.
+Our com_world() subcommand handler above ignored any given
+arguments. Let's assume we'd like to handle this case and
+print an error message if one or more arguments are given. With
+gsu_check_arg_count() this can be achieved as follows:
+ com_world()
+ {
+ gsu_check_arg_count $# 0 0 # no arguments allowed
+ (($ret < 0)) && return
+ echo 'hello world'
+ }
+Global documentation
+Besides the documentation for subcommands, one might also want to
+include an overall description of the application which provides
+general information that is not related to any particular subcommand.
+If such a description is included at the top of the script, the
+automatically generated man subcommand will print it. gsu recognizes
+the description only if it is enclosed by two lines consisting of at
+least 70 # characters.
+ #/bin/bash
+ #######################################################################
+ # gsu-based hello - a cumbersome way to write a hello world program
+ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # It not only requires one to download and install some totally weird
+ # git repo, it also takes about 50 lines of specially written code
+ # to perform what a simple echo 'hello world' would do equally well.
+ #######################################################################
+HTML output
+The output of the auto-generated man subcommand is a suitable input for the
+grutatxt plain text to html converter. Hence
+ ./hello man | grutatxt > index.html
+is all it takes to produce an html page for your application.
+Interactive completion
+The auto-generated `complete' subcommand provides interactive bash
+completion. To activate completion for the hello program, it is
+enough to put the following into your `~/.bashrc':
+ _hello()
+ {
+ eval $(hello complete 2>/dev/null)
+ }
+ complete -F _hello hello
+This will give you completion for the first argument of the hello
+program: the subcommand.
+In order to get subcommand-sensitive completion you must provide a
+_completer_ in your application for each subcommand that is to support
+completion. Like subcommand handlers, completers are recognized by name:
+If a function xxx_complete() is defined, gsu will call it on the
+attempt to complete the `xxx' subcommand at the subcommand line. gsu
+has a few functions to aid you in writing a completer.
+Let's have a look at the completer for the above `fs' subcommand.
+ complete_fs()
+ {
+ local f='/etc/fstab'
+ local optstring='t:v'
+ gsu_complete_options $optstring "$@"
+ (($ret > 0)) && return
+ gsu_cword_is_option_parameter $optstring "$@"
+ [[ "$result" == 't' ]] && awk '{print $3}' "$f"
+ }
+Completers are always called with $1 set to the index into the array
+of words in the current command line when tab completion was attempted
+(see `COMP_CWORD' in the bash manual). These words are passed to the
+completer as $2, $3,...
+gsu_complete_options() receives the option string as $1, the word
+index as $2 and the individual words as $3, $4,... Hence we may simply
+pass the $optstring and `"$@"'. gsu_complete_options() checks if the
+current word begins with `-', i.e., whether an attempt to complete
+an option was performed. If yes gsu_complete_options() prints all
+possible command line options and sets $ret to a positive value.
+The last two lines of complete_fs() check whether the word preceding
+the current word is an option that takes an argument. If it is,
+that option is returned in $result, otherwise $result is the empty
+string. Hence, if we are completing the argument to `-t', the awk
+command is executed to print all file system types of /etc/fstab as
+the possible completions.
+See the comments to gsu_complete_options(),
+gsu_cword_is_option_parameter() and gsu_get_unnamed_arg_num()
+(which was not covered here) in the `subcommand' file for a more
+detailed description.
+The gui module
+This module can be employed to create interactive dialog boxes from a
+bash script. It depends on the dialog(1) utility which is available on
+all Unix systems. On Debian and Ubuntu Linux it can be installed with
+ apt-get install dialog
+The core of the gui module is the gsu_gui() function which receives
+a _menu tree_ as its single argument. The menu tree defines a tree
+of menus for the user to navigate with the cursor keys. As for a
+file system tree, internal tree nodes represent folders. Leaf nodes,
+on the other hand, correspond to _actions_. Pressing enter activates a
+node. On activation, for internal nodes a new menu with the contents of
+the subfolder is shown. For leaf nodes the associated _action handler_
+is executed.
+Hence the application has to provide a menu tree and an action handler
+for each leaf node defined in the tree. The action handler is simply a
+function which is named according to the node. In most cases the action
+handler will run dialog(1) to show some dialog box on its own. Wrappers
+for some widgets of dialog are provided by the gui module, see below.
+Menu trees
+The concept of a menu tree is best illustrated by an example. Assume
+we'd like to write a system utility for the not-so-commandline-affine
+Linux sysadmin next door. For the implementation we confine ourselves
+with giving some insight in the system by running lean system commands
+like `df' to show the list of file system, or `dmesg' to print the
+contents of the kernel log buffer. Bash code which defines the menu
+tree could look like this:
+ menu_tree='
+ load_average
+ processes
+ hardware/
+ cpu
+ scsi
+ storage/
+ df
+ mdstat
+ log/
+ syslog
+ dmesg
+ '
+In this tree, `hardware/', `block_devices/' and `log/' are the only
+internal nodes. Note that these are written with a trailing slash
+character while the leaf nodes have no slash at the end. All entries
+of the menu tree must be indented by tab characters.
+Action handlers
+Action handlers are best explained via example:
+Our application, let's call it `lsi' for _lean system information_,
+must provide action handlers for all leaf nodes. Here is the action
+handler for the `df' node:
+ lsi_df()
+ {
+ gsu_msgbox "$(df -h)"
+ }
+The function name `lsi_df' is derived from the name of the script
+(`lsi') and the name of the leaf node (`df'). The function simply
+passes the output of the `df(1)' command as the first argument to
+the public gsu function gsu_msgbox() which runs dialog(1) to display
+a message box that shows the given text.
+gsu_msgbox() is suitable for small amounts of output. For essentially
+unbounded output like log files that can be arbitrary large, it is
+better to use gsu_textbox() instead which takes a path to the file
+that contains the text to show.
+To illustrate gsu_input_box() function, assume the action handler
+for the `processes' leaf node should ask for a username, and display
+all processes owned by the given user. This could be implemented
+as follows.
+ lsi_processes()
+ {
+ local username
+ gsu_inputbox 'Enter username' "$LOGNAME"
+ (($ret != 0)) && return
+ username="$result"
+ gsu_msgbox "$(pgrep -lu "$username")"
+ }
+Once all other action handlers have been defined, the only thing left
+to do is to source the gsu gui module and to call gsu_gui():
+ . /usr/local/lib/gsu/gui || exit 1
+ gsu_gui "$menu_tree"
+The complete lsi script below can be used as a starting point
+for your own gsu gui application. If you cut and paste it, be
+sure to not turn tab characters into space characters.
+ #!/bin/bash
+ menu_tree='
+ load_average
+ processes
+ hardware/
+ cpu
+ scsi
+ storage/
+ df
+ mdstat
+ log/
+ syslog
+ dmesg
+ '
+ lsi_load_average()
+ {
+ gsu_msgbox "$(cat /proc/loadavg)"
+ }
+ lsi_processes()
+ {
+ local username
+ gsu_inputbox 'Enter username' "$LOGNAME"
+ (($ret < 0)) && return
+ username="$result"
+ gsu_msgbox "$(pgrep -lu "$username")"
+ }
+ lsi_cpu()
+ {
+ gsu_msgbox "$(lscpu)"
+ }
+ lsi_scsi()
+ {
+ gsu_msgbox "$(lsscsi)"
+ }
+ lsi_df()
+ {
+ gsu_msgbox "$(df -h)"
+ }
+ lsi_mdstat()
+ {
+ gsu_msgbox "$(cat /proc/mdstat)"
+ }
+ lsi_dmesg()
+ {
+ local tmp="$(mktemp)" || exit 1
+ trap "rm -f $tmp" EXIT
+ dmesg > $tmp
+ gsu_textbox "$tmp"
+ }
+ lsi_syslog()
+ {
+ gsu_textbox '/var/log/syslog'
+ }
+ . /usr/local/lib/gsu/gui || exit 1
+ gsu_gui "$menu_tree"
+The config module
+Some applications need config options which are not related to
+any particular subcommand, like the URL of a web service, the path
+to some data directory, or a default value which is to be used by
+several subcommands. Such options do not change frequently and are
+hence better stored in a configuration file rather than passed to
+every subcommand that needs the information.
+The config module of gsu makes it easy to maintain such options and
+performs routine tasks like reading and checking the values given in
+the config file, or printing out the current configuration. It can
+be used stand-alone, or in combination with either the subcommand or
+the gui module.
+Defining config options
+To use the config module, you must define the $gsu_options bash array.
+Each config option is represented by one slot in this array. Here is
+an example which defines two options:
+ gsu_options=(
+ "
+ name=fs_type
+ option_type=string
+ default_value=ext3
+ required=false
+ description='file system type to consider'
+ help_text='
+ This option is used in various contexts. All
+ subcommands which need a file system type
+ use the value specified here as the default.
+ '
+ "
+ "
+ name=limit
+ option_type=num
+ default_value=3
+ required=no
+ description='print at most this many lines of output'
+ "
+ )
+Each config option consists of the following fields:
+ - *name*. This must be a valid bash variable name. Hence no special
+ characters are allowed.
+ - *option_type*. Only `string' and `num' are supported but additional
+ types might be supported in future versions. While string variables
+ may have arbitrary content, only integers are accepted for variables
+ of type `num'.
+ - *default_value*. The value to use if the option was not specified.
+ - *required*. Whether gsu considers it an error if the option was
+ not specified. It does not make sense to set this to `true' and set
+ *default_value* at the same time.
+ - *description*. Short description of the variable. It is printed by
+ the `prefs' subcommand.
+ - *help_text*. Optional long description, also printed by `prefs'.
+To enable the config module you must source the config module of gsu
+after $gsu_options has been defined:
+ . /usr/local/lib/gsu/config || exit 1
+Passing config options to the application
+There are two ways to pass the value of an option to a gsu application:
+environment variable and config file. The default config file is
+~/.$gsu_name.rc where $gsu_name is the basename of the application,
+but this can be changed by setting $gsu_config_file. Thus, the
+following two statements are equivalent
+ fs_type=xfs hello fs
+ echo 'fs_type=xfs' > ~/.hello.rc && hello fs
+If an option is set both in the environment and in the config file,
+the environment takes precedence.
+Checking config options
+The gsu config module defines two public functions for this purpose:
+gsu_check_options() and gsu_check_options_or_die(). The latter function
+exits on errors while the former function only sets $ret and $result
+as appropriate and lets the application deal with the error. The best
+place to call one of these functions is after sourcing the config
+module but before calling gsu() or gsu_gui().
+Using config values
+The name of an option as specified in $gsu_options (`fs_type' in
+the example above) is what users of your application may specify at
+the command line or in the config file. This leads to a mistake that
+is easy to make and difficult to debug: The application might use a
+variable name which is also a config option.
+To reduce the chance for this to happen, gsu_check_options() creates
+a different set of variables for the application where each variable
+is prefixed with ${gsu_name}. For example, if $gsu_options as above
+is part of the hello script, $hello_fs_type and $hello_limit are
+defined after gsu_check_options() returned successfully. Only the
+prefixed variants are guaranteed to contain the proper value, so this
+variable should be used exclusively in the application. The
+prefix may be changed by setting $gsu_config_var_prefix before calling
+For scripts which source both the subcommand and the config module, the
+auto-generated 'prefs' subcommand prints out the current configuration
+and exits. The description and help text of the option as specified
+in the `description' and `help_text' fields of $gsu_options are shown
+as comments in the output. Hence this output can be used as a template
+for the config file.
+List of public variables
+ - *$gsu_dir*. Where gsu is installed. If unset, gsu guesses
+ its installation directory by examining the $BASH_SOURCE array.
+ - *$gsu_name*. The name of the application. Defaults to $0 with
+ all leading directories removed.
+ - *$gsu_banner_txt*. Used by both the subcommand and the gui
+ module. It is printed by the man subcommand, and as the title for
+ dialog windows.
+ - *$gsu_errors*. Identifier/text pairs for custom error reporting.
+ - *$gsu_config_file*. The name of the config file of the application.
+ Defaults to `~/.${gsu_name}.rc'.
+ - *$gsu_options*.
+ - *$gsu_config_var_prefix*. Used by the config module to set up
+ the variables defined in $gsu_options.
+Send beer, pizza, patches, improvements, bug reports, flames,
+(in this order), to Andre Noll `<maan@tuebingen.mpg.de>'.
+ - http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/bash.html (bash)
+ - http://www.invisible-island.net/dialog/dialog.html (dialog)
+ - http://triptico.com/software/grutatxt.html (grutatxt)