2014-08-01 Andre Nollparaslash 0.5.3 v0.5.3
2014-07-31 Andre Nollbuild: Do not hardcode gcc in
2014-07-31 Andre Nollbuild: Properly unset CPPFLAGS, LDFLAGS, LIBS.
2014-07-31 Andre Nollbuild: Compilie opus*.c files with ogg_cppflags.
2014-07-31 Andre Nollbuild: Fix --with-gcrypt-headers and --with-vorbis...
2014-07-31 Andre NollMerge branch 'refs/heads/t/play_fix'
2014-07-31 Andre NollMerge branch 't/recv_fix'
2014-07-27 Andre Nollafh_common: Improve documentation of clear_afh().
2014-07-23 Andre NollMerge branch 't/sched_improvements'
2014-07-17 Andre Nollnet.c: Improve documentation of send_cred_buffer()...
2014-07-17 Andre Nollversion.c: Remove bad doxygen \file comment.
2014-07-17 Andre Fix list of command line objects for...
2014-07-15 Andre Nollaudiod: Fix use after free on exit.
2014-07-13 Andre NollMerge branch 't/gui_sched'
2014-07-10 Andre NollMerge branch 't/cpsi_improvement'
2014-07-01 Andre NollNever start playback at an empty chunk.
2014-06-28 Andre Nollmanual: Mention that audio format handlers are part
2014-06-28 Andre Nollerror.h: Remove obsolete RBTREE_ERRORS
2014-06-28 Andre NollFix two typos in comments of attribute.c.
2014-06-26 Andre NollMerge branch 't/bitstream_improvements'
2014-06-19 Andre NollMerge branch 't/audiod_com_version'
2014-06-10 Andre Nollcrypt: Simplify base64_decode().
2014-05-25 Andre Nollsched: Mark global now pointer as const.
2014-05-25 Andre Nollsched: Directly pass context pointer to pre/post_select().
2014-05-25 Andre Nollsched: kill task->dead.
2014-05-25 Andre Nollsched: Do not shadow task_info in struct task.
2014-05-25 Andre Nollsched: Dont use fixed-size buffer for task names.
2014-05-25 Andre Nollsched: Rename task->error to tast->status.
2014-05-25 Andre Nollsched: Rename task->status to task->name.
2014-05-25 Andre Nollsched: Make struct task private to sched.c.
2014-05-25 Andre Nollsched: Introduce task_status().
2014-05-25 Andre Nollsched: Remove ->owned_by_sched.
2014-05-25 Andre Nollsched: Remove register_task().
2014-05-25 Andre Nolltask_register() conversion: grab client task
2014-05-25 Andre Nolltask_register() conversion: audiod status task
2014-05-25 Andre Nolltask_register() conversion: audiod command task
2014-05-25 Andre Nolltask_register() conversion: client task
2014-05-25 Andre Nolltask_register() conversion: client supervisor task
2014-05-25 Andre Nolltask_register() conversion: client exec task
2014-05-25 Andre Nolltask_register() conversion: afs command task
2014-05-25 Andre Nolltask_register() conversion: vss task
2014-05-25 Andre Nolltask_register() conversion: signal task
2014-05-25 Andre Nolltask_register() conversion: server command task
2014-05-25 Andre Nolltask_register() conversion: play task
2014-05-25 Andre Nolltask_register() conversion: writers
2014-05-25 Andre Nolltask_register() conversion: write task
2014-05-25 Andre Nolltask_register() conversion: i9e task
2014-05-25 Andre Nolltask_register() conversion: audioc task
2014-05-25 Andre Nolltask_register() conversion: filter tasks
2014-05-25 Andre Nolltask_register() conversion: stdin task
2014-05-25 Andre Nolltask_register() conversion: receivers
2014-05-25 Andre Nollsched: Introduce alternative task API.
2014-05-25 Andre Nollsched: Mark argument of task_get_notification() as...
2014-05-25 Andre NollSimplify sched: Use only a single task list.
2014-05-25 Andre Nollaudiod: Simplify start_stop_decoders().
2014-05-25 Andre NollDon't set t->error in ->pre_select().
2014-05-25 Andre Nollafh_recv: Don't set t->error unnecessarily.
2014-05-25 Andre NollMerge branch 't/ao_fixes'
2014-05-12 Andre Nollgui: Always initialize theme.
2014-05-11 Andre Nollrecv: Don't segfault on invalid chunk values.
2014-05-11 Andre NollMerge branch 't/test_man'
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Simplify color handling.
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Dont catch SIGWINCH.
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Call waitpid() from exec and status task.
2014-05-04 Andre NollDoxify para_gui.
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Speed up window refresh.
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Rename cmd_task to exec_task.
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Move static variables of cmd_post_select() into...
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Move some variables into struct status_task.
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Switch to the standard paraslash scheduler.
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Use cpp magic to define command handlers.
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Execute stat command in status_post_select().
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Rename COMMAND/EXTERNAL/GETCH mode.
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Get rid of do_select()'s mode parameter and call...
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Reorder functions.
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Move signal handling code out of do_select().
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Move input related code out of do_select().
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Move external command handling out of do_select().
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Introduce status_post_select().
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Improve config reload.
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Unify config file parsing.
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Remove ->cols and ->lines of struct gui_window.
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Move call to print_all_items() into init_wins().
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Improve check_key_map_args().
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Combine exit functions.
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Make curses_log() work also when curses is not...
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Parse command line options only once.
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Clear top window only once on resize.
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Replace global variable curses_active by a function.
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Kill struct gui_window->beg{xy}.
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Remove change_theme().
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Move windows *after* resizing them.
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Rename public gui theme functions.
2014-05-04 Andre NollRemove chop().
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Use whline() for drawing the separator.
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Remove welcome message.
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Simplify print_status_bar().
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Print the status bar only once.
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Remove macro STANDARD_STATUS_BAR.
2014-05-04 Andre Nollgui: Simplify display command execution.